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Friday, February 28, 2014

Adhoc promotion to PS Group-B Cadre and Posting thereof

The following Officers are promoted to the cadre of PS Gr-B purely on temporary and ad hoc basis from the date of assumption of charge, allotted  to HQ Region and posted against the posts mentioned against each vide C.O. Memo No.ST/2-4(3)/2014 dated 28-02-2014.

Sl No
Name of the Officer
Present place of Posting
Posted on ad hoc promotion to
Sh. G C Sahoo
ASP(OD), Cuttack North Division  at Bhubaneswar
Senior Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO against vacant post
Sh. Isidore Ekka
ASP I/c, Rourkela(E) Sub Divn
Dy. Manager, Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneswar against vacant post

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