Shri Brajendra Hembram, IP,
Jaleswar East Sub Division who was promoted to ASP Cadre on regular basis vide
C.O. Memo No. ST/24-15(1)/2016 dated 26-07-2016 and allotted to Sambalpur Region,
is now reallotted to Bhubaneswar HQ Region and posted as ASP(I/C), Kendrapara
Sub-Division, under Cuttack North Division vide C.O Memo No.ST/24-15(1)/2016
DATED 25/08/2016.
This blog is meant for use by members of the Association for news and views. Send comments / suggestions / views to e-mail Id:
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Retirement on Superannuation
Shri Girish Ch Sahoo, Superintendent, PSD, Bhubaneswar is retiring today the 31st August, 2016(A/N) on superannuation.
On the occasion of his retirement from Govt. Service, All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents of Posts , Odisha Circle Branch bids him a respectful farewell and wishes him a good-health and peaceful life in his post-retirement days.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
UPU News:- UPU Congress to go ahead in Istanbul
The 26th Universal Postal Congress will still be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 20 September – 7 October, following a decision by acclamation by the Union’s Council of Administration (CA).
UPU Director General Bishar Hussein congratulates Turkish Permanent Representative to UN Organizations in Geneva Mehmet Ferden Carikci (right) and Turkish Post, PTT, Chairman Kenan Bozgeyik (left) after the CA's extraordinary session upheld Turkey as host for the 26th UPU Congress.
CA members attending an extraordinary Council meeting made the decision after taking into consideration Turkey’s own report on the security situation in its country and the United Nations Department of Safety and Security’s comprehensive risk analysis. The UNDSS report was presented by Under-Secretary-General Peter Drennan via video link from New York.
Addressing the delegates earlier, UPU Director General Bishar A. Hussein had said: “The Turkish authorities have so far done a commendable job to ensure Congress is secure, going by the information they have shared with the UPU.”
‘Perfectly safe’
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Turkey to United Nations Organizations in Geneva Mehmet Ferden Carikci told the meeting that his nation was not the only one to be affected by “scourge of terrorism”.
“Turkey remains perfectly safe,” he said.
For his part, CA Chairman Faleh Al-Naemi underlined that it had been necessary to hold this extraordinary session as it was the responsibility of all concerned to ensure that the UPU Congress is held in a secure environment, where all delegates and participants feel safe.
“The CA takes note of the additional security measures that Turkey commits to undertake to fully secure Congress in compliance with the requirements pointed out by UNDSS,” he said.
Turkey won the bid to host the 26th UPU Congress during the last event held in Doha, Qatar in 2012, but the mandate had been under review in recent months, following a series of terrorist attacks in Istanbul and the recent failed military coup.
Looking ahead
Some 2,000 decision-makers from UPU member countries are expected to attend Congress, the supreme decision-making organ of the Union.
Director General Hussein underlined that the preparation work for the 2016 Congress was progressing well to date.
“Both the Turkish and UPU secretariats have worked efficiently to deliver good results,” he said. “Furthermore, Turkey has deployed substantial resources to ensure provision of modern facilities for the Congress,” he added.
Plenipotentiaries wishing to attend Congress are advised to make arrangements as soon as possible.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Debate on paternity leave: Making haste slowly?
The paternity leave debate sparked off by Maneka Gandhi’s statement that for most men that it would be a ‘holiday’ raises complex questions. The commentary that Gandhi’s statement has attracted has been largely negative, and she herself has subsequently softened her position, underlining the need for a more ‘sophisticated’ bill.
Gandhi’s views on the question of paternity leave have variously been called ‘cynical’, ‘flippant’ and ‘appalling’ just to name a few descriptors. Many different kinds of reasons have been cited for these characterisations. A position like Gandhi’s is seen to potentially reinforce gender stereotypes (it is the woman’s job to look after the children, men should focus on ‘work’). It does not recognize that some change is already underway and that not all men conform to an archetype of an earlier time. It accentuates the difference between men and women in the workplace and further disincentivises employers from hiring women, particularly when read along with the new Maternity Bill, which increases maternity leave from 12 to 26 weeks. Conceptually, it shies away from using legislation to bring about desired social change; if such an argument were to be accepted, no discontinuous legislation whether to do racial equality, inheritance laws, or caste discrimination would have passed muster.
And yet, one would be deluding oneself if one failed to recognize that the minister is painting a largely realistic picture of the situation as it stands in the country today. While it is certainly true that more men today are willing to share the responsibility of bringing up children, the larger picture is that in aggregate terms, this sharing tends to be both very limited in quantity and quite patchy in quality. If that were not the case, the overall gender picture in India would have been much healthier. As the minister argues, if indeed men feel the need to participate more actively in the task of child rearing, there should be some evidence of such a need.
That paternity leave would turn into a holiday for men is an argument that could have been overlooked, given the larger statement such an action would make about shared responsibility, but for the reality is that in many cases, having the husband at home could actually increase the woman’s burden. Even in instances where the men intend to be of help, the larger cultural ecosystem has created a pattern of expectations whereby the woman could still end up looking after her husband in addition to the newborn.
There are questions that need to be answered. Can an action that is progressive but distant in terms of current behavior be used to modify behavior or does it become mere tokenism or worse, further deepen the problem it is trying to solve? Should legislation be a kind of ‘statement’ of an idealized intent and define how things should be or is it the setting of enforceable boundaries within which cultures must find their own answers?
The relationship between existing social norms and the forces of change has always been a tense one. A vital element that is missing from the mix today is the internal impulse within traditional systems for reform. Over the ages, societies have found ways of changing, by harnessing radical elements from within that challenge the dominance of the status quo. Today, what we see is a more marked – change is almost always being pushed for by the institutions that are exclusively invested in change, and the role of traditional cultural institutions have become largely that of resisting this change reflexively. This has resulted in greater polarization between the two forces, and often this means that the eventual beneficiaries of the process of change are excluded from this conversation by people on both sides who presume to speak for them.
In this case, however, the fact is that mainstream social and workplace norms have simply not kept pace with the times. Women are now a critical part of the organized workforce, and the support of large families that shared the responsibilities of bringing up children is increasingly a thing of the past. And while the attitude of men has been slow to change, it is important to find ways to accelerate this process. Unless new norms are put in place, we are in danger of creating an untenable system where children end up paying the price and women feel increasingly torn between the multiple roles that they need to play. Society has to find ways to make child rearing viable, and if it cannot do so on its own, then it needs to be helped along.
What adds to the problem is that most employers have done little to acknowledge the new reality and help find new solutions. Notable exceptions aside, they have tended to follow the law and do only as much as they are compelled to. It is striking that in the US, the engine for management practices worldwide, maternity benefits are paltry, with the federal law not granting even a day’s paid leave for the mother-to-be. The picture in Europe is significantly better, aided again by more progressive legislation.
In this case, it is clear that change is necessary and that legislation must lead it. Neither the traditional social organizations nor employers in the workplace are likely to take the lead; the law will have to step in. But the reason for this legislation cannot just be that it makes the right statement about gender equality; it must improve the lives of the people it is meant for. Which is why discussion and debate are important, for only when this conversation moves beyond a limited few that grounds can be laid for the more sustainable change. This is not procrastination, but a necessary period of adjustment and calibration. Without acknowledging the reality that new ideas must work through, there is a real danger of pushing through change that stays on paper. Or worse, damages the cause of the very people that it is trying to help.
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.
Source:-The Times of India
RBI employees to join Sep 2 industrial strike
Kolkata, Aug 29 (PTI) Reserve Bank of India workers and employees have decided to join the September 2 nationwide day-long strike called by central trade unions.
All India Reserve Bank Employees' Association (AIRBEA) and All India Reserve Bank Workers' Federation in a joint statement said: "Reserve Bank employees all over the country will participate in September 2 industrial strike in support of the demands of the country's working class."
On March 30, central trade unions including INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, among others, had given a call for a day-long nationwide strike on September 2 to protest against the Modi government's "unilateral labour reforms and anti-worker policies".
Nearly 5 lakh other bank union workers and officers are set to join the strike.
AIRBEA general secretary Samir Ghosh said the strike will be a total success as RBI officers are in moral support for the cause and are likely to abstain from work.
Ghosh also highlighted several demands and concerns of RBI as a reason for joining the strike.
"Many important works of RBI have been outsourced or eliminated like public debt management. RBI's powers to decide country's monetary policy, which was its exclusive preserve since inception is being abrogated by the mechanism of a Monetary Policy Committee where government will hold sway," he said.
In the name of recapitalisation of banks suffering from huge bad debt to corporates, government plans to drain out RBI Reserve Fund of Rs 2 lakh crore overriding RBI objections and crippling RBI financially, he claimed.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Shri Anil Ku. Singh (IPoS-1989) posted as PMG, North Region, Muzaffarpur on promotion
Shri Anil Ku. Singh (IPoS-1989) posted as PMG, North Region, Muzaffarpur on his promotion vide Directorate Order No.1-4/2016-SPG dated 26-08-2016.
To view the complete order please Click Here.
To view the complete order please Click Here.
All India Association of Inspectors and Asst. Supdts of Posts, Odisha Circle Branch congratulates him and wishes him the best for his future endeavor.
Dr. Santosh Ku. Kamila (IPoS-1986) posted as Chief PMG, Odisha Circle
Dr. Santosh Ku. Kamila (IPoS-1986) posted as Chief PMG, Odisha Circle vide Directorate Order No.1-3/2016-SPG dated 26-08-2016.
To view the complete Memo please Click Here.
To view the complete Memo please Click Here.
All India Association of Inspectors and Asst. Superintendents of Posts, Odisha Circle Branch welcomes him to Odisha Circle.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Silk postal cover to honour Mother Teresa
To make Mother Teresa's canonization special,India Post will release a silk postal cover - a first of its kind - on September 1, just three days ahead of the big event.
"As far as I know, such a silk postal cover has never been released in India. When we received the proposal, we thought it was a nice way to commemorate the historic occasion," said Polly Sarkar, deputy assistant director, philately, General Post Office(GPO).
Initially, the plan was the release the cover from the Entally post office. However, the decision might change, said Sarkar. "We are expecting a huge crowd. Hence, it might be prudent to host the event at the GPO, which is also a heritage building," she added. The cover will be released by the chief post master general.
Well-known philatelist Alok K Goyal, who is also the designer of the postal cover, has already procured the silk paper from germany. "The cover will have a motif of Mother and a child. Along with that, it will also have Kolkata's skyline. Other guests of honour will include principal of Loreto College Christine Coutinho," Goyal said. A maximum of 1,200 postal covers are being designed for the occasion, each of which will be priced at Rs 250.
Incidentally, eBay also sells silk first day covers of Mother Teresa. On September 5, 2010, a stamp was issued in honour of Mother from Washington DC. That First Day Cover has an envelope with the new stamp. The full-colour cachet (artwork on the envelope) features a photo portrait of Mother Teresa and the caption 'Peace begins with a smile - Mother Teresa'. The picture is printed on silk, the lustre lending an almost three-dimensional quality to the artwork. It is surrounded by an embossed gold border. Each of this first day cover is priced at US$21.95.
However, the India Post cover will be something different. "While the eBay cover has printed just the portrait on silk, our entire cover is made of silk. In 2010, the Indian government had issued a commemorative coin to mark the centenary of Mother Teresa. We will insert that Rs 5 coin of Mother Teresa on the cover as well. Usually, such silk covers are common in China. This is the first time we are attempting such a thing in India," Goyal concluded.
Source:-The Times of India
CHQ News:- Filing of Contempt i/c/w Grade Pay of Inspector Posts w.e.f 01.01.2006 in OA No. 289/2013
As everyone knows that Ministry of Finance has not taken any action so far for up-gradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/- w.e.f 01.01.2006, even after the specific order by Hon’ble CAT Ernakulum Bench in OA No. 289/2013 vide judgment dated 16.10.2015.
Now, we have no other option but to file contempt case against the inaction by Ministry of Finance. The matter has already been discussed with our counsel for filing of contempt in the first week of September 2016. CHQ will bear all the expenses of contempt case. Draft of contempt case is at final stage of finalization.
Therefore, CHQ is expecting donations voluntarily from members and track-in-viewers to make the CHQ fund position healthy for its proper utilization as Court/CAT cases.
of Odisha Circle:-
At the time
of filing of OA No.289/2013, most of the Circles had contributed financially
towards the expenditure borne by the CHQ. Odisha Circle had also contributed
Rs.10,000/- for the same. For filing the contempt, Circle branches can now also
assist the CHQ financially. There is no disagreement that the fund position of
the CHQ should be healthy to meet the unforeseen expenditures as and when
required. But
the Circle branches of the Association should not be free from the accountability
of contributing to the CHQ.
Odisha Circle
Branch Association is always contributing the due CHQ Quota of the subscription
collected from the members regularly and, therefore, it is not encouraging its
members for direct contribution to CHQ. There is also a growing demand from the
members to conduct All India Conference in Odisha as the last All India
conference was held at Bhubaneswar during the year-2002. A decision will be
taken in the CWC at Puri scheduled to be held on 04-09-2016 to raise funds of
the Association by way of special donation from its members.
CHQ News..... GS visited Directorate on 22/08/2016
Vilas Ingale, General Secretary visited Postal Directorate on 22/8/2016. He was accompanied by Shri Yadagiri G. Nyalapelli CHQ Treasurer, Shri Roop Chand President Delhi Circle Branch, Shri P. Ajit Kumar AGS-I and Shri Permanand ASP (PG) Postal Directorate. Team met with Director General, Member (P) and other senior officers in the Postal Directorate and discussed the following issues. It was assured and told by all officers that Directorate is looking into these issues and few of them are at final stage of settlement. Letters on pending issues handed over personally to DG and Member (P).
Issue of combined seniority list of Inspector Posts cadre since 2003 onwards.
Holding of DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for the year 2016-17.
Issue of revised Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Manager in MMS.
Holding of PS Gr. B Examination for the year 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Inter Circle Rule 38 transfer cases of Inspector Posts cadre.
Holding of periodical meeting with Hon’ble Secretary (Posts).
Completion of appointment formalities of candidates nominated by Staff Selection Commission for appointment as Inspector Posts 2014.
Vigilance enquiry in the death case of Ms Mohini Gupta Ex-ASP Ajmer (Rajasthan).
A) PS Gr. B examination will be held before 31st December 2016. Directorate is yet not finalised vendor to conduct examination ‘ON LINE’. So examination is expected like previous one only and our circle / regional departmental officers will conduct. There will be (expected) only one examination for the entire vacancies of 2013 to 2016. Eligibility criteria for appearing in each year’s examination will be different and result will be declared year wise vacancies. Inspector Post Examination will there and that will be before PS Gr. B examination. Notification is expected soon.
B) Revised recruitment rules of Assistant Manager MMS is said to be sent to Nodal Ministry for approval.
C) For holding of DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for the year 2016-17, Directorate has already directed all Circles to keep the information ready. Only Tamil Nadu and Chhattisgarh circle has reported that their information is ready and waiting for the allotment of slot for submission of information by hand.As there was no response from remaining circles to Directorates letter dated 5/7/2016,reminder was issued on 22/8/2016 with a request to send required information by return of email. The information of 5 officers (who selected in regular DPC for the year 2015-16 vide memo No. 9-02/2015-SPG dated 10/11/2015) about their date of joining B cadre is not reported by concerned circle to Postal Directorate despite series of reminders through email. Similarly, date of joining of 4 officers selected in supplementary DPC under Memo No. 9-02/2015(I)-SPG dated 9-6-2016 is also required at Directorate for updation of record and calculation of vacancies for ensuring DPC. GS has posted the details of these officers posted on this blog on 23/8/2016 with a request to ensure submission of information at once.
D) Cadre restructuring issue also discussed and some inputs gathered which will help the Association at the time of finalisation of proposal at ensuing CWC.
E) Directorate is working on representations received from IPs in connection with objection on gradation list of Inspector Posts 2001 and 2002. After finalization of these two years gradation list, remaining years gradation lists will be circulated.
F) JTS DPC file for the year 2016-17 is still at Directorate. After implementation of revised RRs of IPoS Gr.A cadre (which was circulated under memo No.4-10/2013-SPG dated 11th December 2014), some technical problems arised in calculation of correct vacancies. As on date 156 JTS Gr. A offices are available (working) against the sanction strength 151. To resolve this issue, the result of DPC of STS Gr. A cadre is expected by the end of this week. Nearly 20 to 22 officers are likely to be promoted to STS and technical resignation of 3 STS Officers is under process of acceptance and thereafter JTS DPC file with correct vacancy position is said to be submitted to UPSC.
Full support and co-operation was found extended by the officers of Directorate to CHQ team. CHQ thanks to all.
CHQ News:- Circle Conference : Bihar Circle
39th Biennial Circle Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts, Bihar Circle Branch and 23rd Biennial Circle Conference of Postal Officers' Association (India) Bihar Circle Branch were held on 21/8/2016 at Patna. Combined 'Open Session' of both Associations held under one roof. Shri Rajiv Kumar made hat-trick for the post of Circle Secretary. GS and CHQ Treasurer attend the conference.
Following office bearers are elected for next two years.
President : Shri Nirmal Kumar Srivastava, ASP, Kishanganj, Purnia.
Circle Secretary : Shri Rajiv Kumar, ASP East Sub Division, Hajipur (Mobile No. 09431239170).
Treasurer : Shri Praveen Prasoon, IP North Sub Division, Muzaffarpur (Mobile No. 09472874007)
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
CHQ News:- Circle Conference : Punjab Circle
39th Biennial Circle Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent Posts, Punjab Circle was held on 24.07.2016 at Chandigarh GPO Building and following office bearers of the association were elected:
President : Sh Narinder Singh, ASP Faridkot Sub Division, Faridkot.
President : Sh Narinder Singh, ASP Faridkot Sub Division, Faridkot.
Circle Secretary : Shri Balbir Singh, Manager, NSH Chandigarh.
Treasurer : Shri Gaurav Nagi, IP (MOD), o/o CPMG, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Government wants Railways, banks to cut transaction cost on cards
After Air India, the government now wants the Railways to lower transaction charge for online reservations and is also urging banks to cut charges as it seeks to reduce the usage of cash and promote use of plastic money.
Reducing the use of cash has been identified as a key priority of the government as it seeks to put curbs on black money. Several steps have already been initiated, which were expected to be in place during the coming weeks.
Recent steps taken by a Prime Minister-appointed Task Force on promotion of payments through cards and digital means have already prompted government departments to bear the transaction cost, commonly known as merchant discount rate (MDR). As part of the plan, Air India has decided to scrap the transaction cost on tickets booked through its websites using cards. Others such as state-run telecom company BSNL have also followed.
In the months ahead, the National Highways Authority of India will offer some a cash back facility for those using a Tag that will help them drive through toll plazas smoothly and help reduce congestion.
The Railways is resisting the change as the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) rakes in nearly Rs 600 crore from card transactions. Sources told TOI that the finance ministry is in talks with the Railways and has ur ged it to reduce the cost for rail travellers, especially when the online channel brings down the cost of operation and the pressure at reservation counters."The establishment cost comes down significantly as people use cards," said an official, who did not wish to be identified. Nearly 14 lakh tickets are booked daily on the IRCTC website.
Even petrol pumps pass on the MDR on several credit and debit card-based transactions. The government is also keeping an eye on this practice.
Sources said, banks are being asked to do away with charges levied on electronic transfer of funds at least for a few transactions every month. The government is arguing that three free withdrawals must be allowed from ATMs every month and a similar number of free transactions should be allowed for those using the National Electronic Funds Transfer.
Reducing the use of cash has been identified as a key priority of the government as it seeks to put curbs on black money. Several steps have already been initiated, which were expected to be in place during the coming weeks.
Recent steps taken by a Prime Minister-appointed Task Force on promotion of payments through cards and digital means have already prompted government departments to bear the transaction cost, commonly known as merchant discount rate (MDR). As part of the plan, Air India has decided to scrap the transaction cost on tickets booked through its websites using cards. Others such as state-run telecom company BSNL have also followed.
In the months ahead, the National Highways Authority of India will offer some a cash back facility for those using a Tag that will help them drive through toll plazas smoothly and help reduce congestion.
The Railways is resisting the change as the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) rakes in nearly Rs 600 crore from card transactions. Sources told TOI that the finance ministry is in talks with the Railways and has ur ged it to reduce the cost for rail travellers, especially when the online channel brings down the cost of operation and the pressure at reservation counters."The establishment cost comes down significantly as people use cards," said an official, who did not wish to be identified. Nearly 14 lakh tickets are booked daily on the IRCTC website.
Even petrol pumps pass on the MDR on several credit and debit card-based transactions. The government is also keeping an eye on this practice.
Sources said, banks are being asked to do away with charges levied on electronic transfer of funds at least for a few transactions every month. The government is arguing that three free withdrawals must be allowed from ATMs every month and a similar number of free transactions should be allowed for those using the National Electronic Funds Transfer.
Source:-The Economic Times
Still confused about getting Aadhaar? It's time to get into the act
Are you still wondering whether you can make do without Aadhaar? You may soon need the 12-digit individual identification number for many more services, the unceasing debate over making it compulsory notwithstanding.
Directors of companies, small businesses and non-governmental organisations seekingregistration and even individuals wishing to open demat accounts for market trading, or a simple bank account for that matter, may be asked to furnish Aadhaar, officials said. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which issues Aadhaar, recently identified 20 additional areas where the number can be mandated in the future, they said.
As per the Supreme Court's directions last year, only six schemes are covered by Aadhaar at present. However, with Parliament passing the Aadhaar Act earlier this year, the UIDAI has identified more areas where the identification number can be mandated as per the law.
The government will have to take a considered call on this, given that as many as 15 petitions against making Aadhaar compulsory are pending in the apex court, officials said.
"No service will be denied for lack of Aadhaar," a senior government official said on condition of anonymity.
"Any person left out will be immediately enrolled. Aadhaar saturation levels among adults will hit 100% by next month," the official said. About 98% of India's adults have already been issued unique identification numbers.
UIDAI's move comes after the Prime Minister's Office fixed a target of September 2016 for all adults in the country to be given Aadhaar and of March 2017 for covering all 128 crore Indians.
ET reported on August 21 that the PMO has already directed that five child-specific schemes including Mid-Day Meal, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Integrated Child Development Services be now linked with Aadhaar.
Individuals seeking a SIM card or a landline connection may soon be asked to provide Aadhaar, under the areas identified by the UIDAI, which could also propose that property registration, vehicle registration, voter registration and land records be linked with the unique identification number.
The list goes on to include student enrolment in schools and colleges, and examinations conducted by the UPSC and Staff Selection Commission, where candidates may be asked to furnish Aadhaar for registration.
Aadhaar may be required for applying for a passport or for opening an account with the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation, as for subscribing to life, health and accidental insurance schemes, filing of income tax returns or applying for a Permanent Account Number.
The government may link crop insurance scheme with Aadhaar, besides making the number mandatory for persons seeking to enrol as a Bank Mitra for disbursing Direct Benefit Transfer benefits to people and registration of small businesses under the Udyog Aadhaar project.
ET had earlier reported that the Centre had transferred all states except Assam and Meghalaya to UIDAI from the Registrar General of India for Aadhaar enrolment. As part of a new strategy, the UIDAI is running an 'Aadhaar Challenge' scheme in states, seeking out adults who do not have Aadhaar and offering to enrol them immediately.
Only 1.9 crore adults remain outside the enrolment net, as per the UIDAI. However, nearly 21.5 crore children below 18 years of age are still to get Aadhaar, prompting the PMO to order that enrolment be made part of five child-specific schemes and children be enrolled in schools and anganwadis twice in 2016-17 - in October this year and in March next year - and in the hospitals soon after birth.
Officials said the PMO has asked the departments overseeing the schemes to "own the enrolment work" of children and "get on-boarded as registrars" for the UIDAI, along with their state counterparts, to carry out the enrolment work of children at a fast pace.
The women and child development ministry implements Integrated Child Development Services and Integrated Child Protection Schemes while the Department of School Education of the human resource development ministry oversees Mid-Day Meal scheme and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
Among the existing schemes allowed to be disbursed using Aadhaar, 78% of all LPG connections, 61% of ration cards and 69% of MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) cards are now linked with unique identification numbers of the subscribers, as per the UIDAI. Besides, 30 crore people have linked their personal bank accounts with Aadhaar.
Directors of companies, small businesses and non-governmental organisations seekingregistration and even individuals wishing to open demat accounts for market trading, or a simple bank account for that matter, may be asked to furnish Aadhaar, officials said. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which issues Aadhaar, recently identified 20 additional areas where the number can be mandated in the future, they said.
As per the Supreme Court's directions last year, only six schemes are covered by Aadhaar at present. However, with Parliament passing the Aadhaar Act earlier this year, the UIDAI has identified more areas where the identification number can be mandated as per the law.
The government will have to take a considered call on this, given that as many as 15 petitions against making Aadhaar compulsory are pending in the apex court, officials said.
"No service will be denied for lack of Aadhaar," a senior government official said on condition of anonymity.
"Any person left out will be immediately enrolled. Aadhaar saturation levels among adults will hit 100% by next month," the official said. About 98% of India's adults have already been issued unique identification numbers.
UIDAI's move comes after the Prime Minister's Office fixed a target of September 2016 for all adults in the country to be given Aadhaar and of March 2017 for covering all 128 crore Indians.
ET reported on August 21 that the PMO has already directed that five child-specific schemes including Mid-Day Meal, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Integrated Child Development Services be now linked with Aadhaar.
Individuals seeking a SIM card or a landline connection may soon be asked to provide Aadhaar, under the areas identified by the UIDAI, which could also propose that property registration, vehicle registration, voter registration and land records be linked with the unique identification number.
The list goes on to include student enrolment in schools and colleges, and examinations conducted by the UPSC and Staff Selection Commission, where candidates may be asked to furnish Aadhaar for registration.
Aadhaar may be required for applying for a passport or for opening an account with the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation, as for subscribing to life, health and accidental insurance schemes, filing of income tax returns or applying for a Permanent Account Number.
The government may link crop insurance scheme with Aadhaar, besides making the number mandatory for persons seeking to enrol as a Bank Mitra for disbursing Direct Benefit Transfer benefits to people and registration of small businesses under the Udyog Aadhaar project.
ET had earlier reported that the Centre had transferred all states except Assam and Meghalaya to UIDAI from the Registrar General of India for Aadhaar enrolment. As part of a new strategy, the UIDAI is running an 'Aadhaar Challenge' scheme in states, seeking out adults who do not have Aadhaar and offering to enrol them immediately.
Only 1.9 crore adults remain outside the enrolment net, as per the UIDAI. However, nearly 21.5 crore children below 18 years of age are still to get Aadhaar, prompting the PMO to order that enrolment be made part of five child-specific schemes and children be enrolled in schools and anganwadis twice in 2016-17 - in October this year and in March next year - and in the hospitals soon after birth.
Officials said the PMO has asked the departments overseeing the schemes to "own the enrolment work" of children and "get on-boarded as registrars" for the UIDAI, along with their state counterparts, to carry out the enrolment work of children at a fast pace.
The women and child development ministry implements Integrated Child Development Services and Integrated Child Protection Schemes while the Department of School Education of the human resource development ministry oversees Mid-Day Meal scheme and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
Among the existing schemes allowed to be disbursed using Aadhaar, 78% of all LPG connections, 61% of ration cards and 69% of MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) cards are now linked with unique identification numbers of the subscribers, as per the UIDAI. Besides, 30 crore people have linked their personal bank accounts with Aadhaar.
Source:-The Economic Times
Bribe-givers may get 7 days to come clean
If a bribe-giver informs the police or a law enforcement agency within seven days of his action, he may receive immunity from criminal prosecution.
A proposed bill before Parliament, that seeks to amend the 1988 Prevention of Corruption Act, states only those who inform an agency before paying bribe and help catch the bribe-receiver redhanded should be spared. But a select committee of Parliament, which has studied the bill, in its report said there was no protection to the "coercive bribe-giver" who may have been "compelled" to do so.
"The committee recommends that if the bribe-giver within seven days of giving or paying bribe to a public servant reports the matter to police or law enforcing agency, he may be given immunity from criminal prosecution," the committee said. It has suggested the bill be modified to say the provisions of the same would not apply where a person is compelled to give an undue advantage to an official and the person so compelled reports the matter to police within seven days of giving the said bribe.
In its presentation before the committee, the government said only judiciary can analyse evidence and define parameters to ascertain if the bribe-giver was a willing partner or was forced to commit such crime involuntarily.
"There is every likelihood that most of the bribegivers, though acting in collusion, may claim that bribe was paid under compulsion to evade and escape punishment. In view of the government's policy of zero tolerance to corruption, no distinction in bribegiving, except giving protection to bribe-giver who informs police/probe agencies prior to payment of bribe to public servant, is justified," the DoPT told the select committee.
However, civil society members told the panel that coercive bribegivers are "the victim of the crime of bribery" and should not be treated on a par with collusive bribe-givers. The panel tended to agree with the civil society more than the government.
A proposed bill before Parliament, that seeks to amend the 1988 Prevention of Corruption Act, states only those who inform an agency before paying bribe and help catch the bribe-receiver redhanded should be spared. But a select committee of Parliament, which has studied the bill, in its report said there was no protection to the "coercive bribe-giver" who may have been "compelled" to do so.
"The committee recommends that if the bribe-giver within seven days of giving or paying bribe to a public servant reports the matter to police or law enforcing agency, he may be given immunity from criminal prosecution," the committee said. It has suggested the bill be modified to say the provisions of the same would not apply where a person is compelled to give an undue advantage to an official and the person so compelled reports the matter to police within seven days of giving the said bribe.
In its presentation before the committee, the government said only judiciary can analyse evidence and define parameters to ascertain if the bribe-giver was a willing partner or was forced to commit such crime involuntarily.
"There is every likelihood that most of the bribegivers, though acting in collusion, may claim that bribe was paid under compulsion to evade and escape punishment. In view of the government's policy of zero tolerance to corruption, no distinction in bribegiving, except giving protection to bribe-giver who informs police/probe agencies prior to payment of bribe to public servant, is justified," the DoPT told the select committee.
However, civil society members told the panel that coercive bribegivers are "the victim of the crime of bribery" and should not be treated on a par with collusive bribe-givers. The panel tended to agree with the civil society more than the government.
Source:-The Economic Times
Clarification on admissibility of Transport Allowance in the cases where the officers are drawing Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/- in PB-4, Dated 19th August, 2016(59 KB)PDF File Opens in a new window[Clarification on admissibility of Transport Allowance in the cases where the officers are drawing Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/- in PB-4, 19th August, 2016Hindi(57 KB)PDF File Opens in a new window (Dated 19th August, 2015)
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Monday, August 22, 2016
Government's e-market place to allow transparent procurement: Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa
The government's e-marketplace will enable its departments to use new technologies to procure goods and services in a more transparent and efficient manner and with the same ease as offered by e-commerce sites, a top official said today.
Speaking at the one-day hands-on training programme about government's e-market place,Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa stated that the government e-marketplace (GeM) has been developed within a short span of five months.
"Lavasa stated that GeM will enable government buyers to make use of new technologies to procure goods and services in a more transparent, accountable and efficient manner and with the same ease and efficiency that is presently offered by e-commerce sites," the commerce ministry said in a statement.
The Finance Secretary was of the view that such training programmes should be taken seriously and more and more officers should be trained including the state governments, it said.
The (Finance) Secretary requested the GeM team to make efforts to continuously improve the portal and ensure that it remains free from manipulation and any unethical practices.
Lavasa said that although it has been made mandatory on GeM to make payment to the vendors within 10 days of receipt of goods/services, efforts should be made to further reduce this time span as time is money and ultimately the cost of delayed payment is born by the government.
The training programme has been jointly organised by DGS&D (Directorate General of Supplies & Disposal), National Institute of Financial Management (NIFM) and National e-Governance Division (NeGD).
It was attended by more than 60 procurement officers from about 20 central government organisations. It will be followed by similar pan-India training sessions for all the central government procurement officers.
Binoy Kumar, DG(S&D), said that the GeM is a completely online and end-to-end integrated e-procurement portal for products and services that has been developed by DGS&D with technical support from NeGD.
He stated that more training sessions are planned for both government buyers as well as sellers in the coming days.
Speaking at the one-day hands-on training programme about government's e-market place,Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa stated that the government e-marketplace (GeM) has been developed within a short span of five months.
"Lavasa stated that GeM will enable government buyers to make use of new technologies to procure goods and services in a more transparent, accountable and efficient manner and with the same ease and efficiency that is presently offered by e-commerce sites," the commerce ministry said in a statement.
The Finance Secretary was of the view that such training programmes should be taken seriously and more and more officers should be trained including the state governments, it said.
The (Finance) Secretary requested the GeM team to make efforts to continuously improve the portal and ensure that it remains free from manipulation and any unethical practices.
Lavasa said that although it has been made mandatory on GeM to make payment to the vendors within 10 days of receipt of goods/services, efforts should be made to further reduce this time span as time is money and ultimately the cost of delayed payment is born by the government.
The training programme has been jointly organised by DGS&D (Directorate General of Supplies & Disposal), National Institute of Financial Management (NIFM) and National e-Governance Division (NeGD).
It was attended by more than 60 procurement officers from about 20 central government organisations. It will be followed by similar pan-India training sessions for all the central government procurement officers.
Binoy Kumar, DG(S&D), said that the GeM is a completely online and end-to-end integrated e-procurement portal for products and services that has been developed by DGS&D with technical support from NeGD.
He stated that more training sessions are planned for both government buyers as well as sellers in the coming days.
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