This blog is meant for use by members of the Association for news and views. Send comments / suggestions / views to e-mail Id:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

CS writes to CPMG regarding anomalies in orders of ACP

Regarding some anomalies pointed out by our members in the orders issued for ACP, the CS has writen to CO as follows. The AD(ST) has assured to take suitable corrective measures soon.
Dated 23.10.2008
The Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001

Sub: ACP to IPs

Orders have been issued by CO granting ACP to 22 IPs. The date of effect of the ACP in all the cases falls after 01.01.2006. Since the revised pay structure has been implemented as per 6 CPC Report in September 2008 with retrospective effect from 01.01.2006, the orders for ACP were required to be issued mentioning the revised pay structure. As per the orders issued for implementation of recommendation of 6 CPC the scale of pay of ASPs has been upgraded to Rs.7450-11500 (in pre-revised scale) w.e.f 1.01.2006. The revised scale of pay of IPs has become Rs.6500-10500(pre-revised) w.e.f 01.01.2006 consequent upon merger of three scales into one Pay Band with one Grade Pay i.e.Rs.4200/-

In the orders for ACP issued by CO on 16.10.2008, the scale of pay of IPs has been mentioned incorrectly which has created a lot of confusion for DDOs. In absence of the mention of higher grade pay (i.e. Rs. 4600/-) admissible to them which the IPs have become entitled by virtue of their financial upgradation under ACP, some DDOs have started interpreting that the orders issued by CO on 16.10.2008 for ACP will yield no financial benefit.

In view of the above, it is requested kindly to issue suitable instruction/clarification to clear the confusion.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
B B Mohanty
Circle secretary

CS writes to CPMG thanking for issue of orders of ACP

The CS writes to CPMG as follows:
Dated 22.10.2008

Sri K V Sundar Rajan
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001

Sub: Problems of IP/ASP Cadre

Respected Sir,

On behalf of this Association I write to convey our deep sense of gratitude to your goodself for issuing orders dated 16.10.08 (released on 22.10.08) granting ACP to Inspectorial Staff of this Circle, bringing an end to the wait that lasted nearly three long years.
The Association also expresses its sincere thanks to your goodself for releasing orders granting reimbursement of residential/mobile telephone charges to all IPs and ASPs which was unreasonably held up for last three months despite decision taken in the last CMC meeting in July 2008.
These two steps will now help improve the otherwise sagging morale of the IPs and ASPs some extent.
As regards reimbursement of residential and/or mobile telephone charges, functional and operational justification is said to be rationale for granting it. In that case, the IPs & ASPs have greater functional and operational justification than AAOs for residential / mobile phones. But the monthly limit for IPs & ASPs is now fixed at Rs.500/- whereas AAOs are enjoying the facility upto Rs.848/- per month. In some Circles like Tamilnadu and West Bengal, the reimbursement limit for IPs/ASPs and AAOs is same i.e. Rs.750/- per month (as per the copies of orders issued by these Circles supplied earlier). But Orissa Circle is extra generous to AAOs by allowing them the limit of residential telephone expenses upto Rs.848/- per month while the IPs/ASPs could now be able get only Rs.500/- per month after a protracted struggle. This is too little and too late. The Association therefore, sincerely hopes that your goodself will do justice to IPs/ASPs by raising the limit on par with AAOs in this respect.
The Association also requests your goodself to kindly consider the representations of IPs/ASPs submitted for inter-region transfers.
Thanking you once again & with regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary

Monday, October 20, 2008

Orders issued for ACP & Residential Telephone Charges

CO has released orders on 16.10.2008 granting ACP to 22 (Twenty two) IPs

CO has also released orders on 06.10.2008 allowing Rs.500/- per month towards reimbursement of residential /mobile telephone charges to all IPs and ASPs in the Circle. For details please refer to the CO letters issued in this respect.

Friday, October 10, 2008

CS writes to CPMG for observation of Black Day and for sitting in on Dharana and drops these proposal later after discussion with CPMG

The CS wrote to CPMG on 06.10.2008 for observing Black Day on 14.10.2008 and for Dharna programme on 21.10.2008 as the administration is not looking into the problems of the cadre including ACP and reimbursement of residential telephone charges.
On receipt of the letter from the CS, the CPMG called him for discussion on 06.10.2008 and persuaded him not to resort to agitational programme. The CPMG assued him that two main issues- ACP and fixing the limit of telephone expenses of IPs& ASPs would be settled in the coming week. There was also elaberate discussion on other points.
In view of such discussion, the CS wrote to CPMG on 10.10.2008 dropping the agitational programme on 14.10.2008 and 21.10.2008.
The copies of the letters addessed to CPMG on 6.10.2008 intimating him about the proposed agitational programme and on 10.10.2008 dropping the agitational programme are furnished below for information of members. The CS would like to invite the comments from the members on this.
Copy of the letter No.AIAIPASP/Corr-2/10-2008 Dated 10.10.2008

Sri K V Sundar Rajan
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001

Sub: Grievances of IP/ASP Cadre

Ref: This Association’s letter No. AIAIPASP/Corr-1/10-2008 dated 06.10.2008

Respected Sir,

In view of the discussions made with you on 06.10.2008, the Association decides to drop the proposals of observing Black Day on 14.10.2008 and Dharna programme on 21.10.2008.

The Association sincerely hopes that the problems mentioned in its letter dated 06.10.2008 including orders for ACP and fixation of limit reimbursement of expenses on residential and /or mobile phone on par with AAOs ( i.e.Rs.848/- per month and not Rs.500/-) will be solved soon. The Association also expects that your goodself will consider sympathetically the representations submitted by the concerned IPs & ASPs for inter-region transfers and other transfers and postings.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Copy for kind information to:
Sri S K Kamila, Postmaster General, Berhampur Region, Berhampur 760 001
Sri Lalitendu Pradhan, Director Postal Services, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur 768001
Sri S Samuel, General Secretary, All India Assn. of Inspectors & ASPs, CHQ, New Delhi
Copy of letter No.AIAIPASP/Corr-1/10-2008 dated 06.10.2008

Sri K V Sundar Rajan
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001

Sub: Grievances of IP/ASP Cadre- Observance of Black Day on 14.10.2008- Dharna programme on 21.10.2008.

Ref: Letters of the Association addressed to you on 01.08.2008, 12.09.2008 & 15.09.2008.

Respected Sir,
Your kind attention is invited to the letters of this Association referred to above, copies of which are enclosed.

2. This is again to bring to your kind notice the fact that the grievances of the cadre continue to remain unsolved despite the same being brought to your kind notice since last two months.

3. The orders for ACP to eligible IPs are still not issued. The simple process of allowing financial upgradation to IPs on completion of 12 years in the grade has taken so much time that the concerned IPs have waited with bated breath for nearly three years now but with no result. What is more painful is the fact that the communications of the Association in this regard have evoked no response. Contacts made at the level of successive Asst. Directors (Staff) of Circle office on several occasions met with false assurances. This is in addition to the approach made to successive CPMsG. Now, immediate release of orders for ACP with provision of payment of interest on the cases delayed exceeding one year will bring some justice.

4. The issue of fixing the limit of reimbursement of monthly expenses on residential and/or mobile telephones used by the IPs/ASPs has remained unsolved for long time now. The request of the Association to allow the reimbursement on par with AAOs (as done in TN and WB Circles- to name a few) is yet to get a consideration. Even the decision taken in the apex decision making body of the Circle i.e CMC meeting in July 2008 to allow re-imbursement of telephone expenses of IPs/ASPs upto Rs.500 per month has not been formally communicated for last three months to lower units for implementation with the result that the IPs & ASPs continue to incur expenditure from their own pocket. Justice will not be done till the reimbursement limit is not fixed on par with AAOs.

5. The requests of the IPs/ASPs (like cases of Sri Antaryami Behera, D P Satpathy, Niranjan Mohanty, Trinath Sahoo) for inter-region transfer are still pending for consideration. The case of Sri P K Sahoo, ASP of Berhampur Region which was fortunately considered for transfer to HQ region in July 2008 (by your predecessor after a repeated requests) has not been implemented yet as his relief has not been arranged since last 3 months.

6. The request of some ASPs ( like cases of Sri S K Mishra, Banamali Patra, P K Behera) to reconsider their transfer and posting has not been decided favourably though opportunities are still there to accommodate their requests. The concerned (two) ASPs are made to suffer by exhausting the stock of leave they have.

7. No provision of standard accommodation for functioning of Sub-divisional offices in a good number of cases ( like Nuapada in Kalahandi Division, Malkangiri in Koraput Division, Keonjhar East and West Sub-Divisions) has been made despite requests of the Association through agenda in periodical meetings.

8. The IPs/ASPs are working very hard day in and day out to implement plan and policies of the Department and to meet the various financial and physical targets besides helping in running the day-to-day postal administration. But their grievances have not been taken due care. Repeated prayers and petitions submitted by the concerned individual members and also by this Association have been ignored altogether.

9. For all the aforesaid reasons, the IPs and ASPs in the Circle feel let down and aggrieved. The CWC of the Association met on 21.09.2008 and discussed the aforesaid points. The CWC unanimously passed a resolution deploring the attitude of the administration as no sincerity has been shown to address the genuine problems of the cadre of IPs/ASPs. The Association has observed with great concern that the administration is interested only to extract work from its members anyhow and has little care and concern for their problems. The continued apathy and neglect of the cadre of IPs & ASPs has started showing an impact on their morale which is likely to affect their performance and outturn. If the problems are not taken care immediately, the situation may deteriorate further.

10. As per the decision taken in the CWC, the members of this Association will sit in Dharna in front of the Circle Office Bhubaneswar on 21.10.2008 (Tuesday) to draw attention of all concerned to the plights of IPs & ASPs cadre. Before that, the members of the cadre of IPs & ASPs will observe Black Day on 14.10.2008 (during Postal Week) by wearing Black Badges/Ribbons as an expression of their frustration and resentment. The Association had to arrive at such an unpleasant and unfortunate decision as the channel of expressing the frustration of its members through correspondences and personal approaches has been exhausted with no worthwhile result.
This is for your kind information.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
Circle Secretary
Encl : As above

Copy for kind information to:
Sri S K Kamila, Postmaster General, Berhampur Region, Berhampur 760 001
Sri Lalitendu Pradhan, Director Postal Services, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur 768001
Sri S Samuel, General Secretary, All India Assn. of Inspectors & ASPs, CHQ, New Delhi
The DG(Posts), New Delhi through General Secretary of the Association at CHQ

Leave of the Circle Secretary

The Circle Secretary Sri Mohanty remained on leave for 3 weeks from 20.09.08 for undergoing surgery for removal of his gall-bladder stone. He is to join back duty on 13.10.2008. During these days there has been no postings on the blog. The CS hoped that the members beared with him. Regular posting on the blog will resume soon.

The CS expresses his deep sense of gratitude to everybody who called on him in the hospital and enquired about his health personally and over phone.