This blog is meant for use by members of the Association for news and views. Send comments / suggestions / views to e-mail Id: aiaipasp.ors@gmail.com
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
List of officers nominated for regular promotion to PS Gr.B
Nomination for regular promotion to PS Gr.B
Thursday, December 25, 2008
New Year Gift from Circle Administration- Reimbursement limit of Telephone charges enhanced to Rs.750/- p.m.
Change of Name (URL) of Blog of Orissa Circle
The URL of the blog of Orissa Circle Branch of our Association has been changed to http://ipasporissa.blogspot.com from the old one- www.aiaiasporissa.blogspot.com
Please note the change.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
RH list for 2009
New Year’s Day- 01.01.09 ( Thursday)
Guru Govind Singh’s Birthday-05.01.09 (Monday)
Makar Sankranti (North India)- 13.01.09 (Tuesday)
Makar Sankranti (Bengal)- 14.01.09 (Wednesday)
Pongal- 14.01.09 (Wednesday)
Basant Panchami- 31.01.09 (Saturday)
Guru Ravi Das Birthday- 09.02.09 (Monday)
Sivaji Jayanti- 19.02.09 (Thursday)
Swami Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti- 19.02.09 (Thursday)
Holika Dahan- 10.03.09 (Tuesday)
Chaitra/Gudi Parva/Ugadi- 27.03.09 (Friday)
Ram Navami- 03.04.09 (Friday)
Easter- 12.04.09 (Sunday)
Vaisakhi- 13.04.2009 (Monday)
Vishu- 13.04.09 (Monday)
Mesadi- 14.04.09 (Tuesday)
Vaisakhadi- 15.04.09 (Wednesday)
Birthday of Rabindranath- 09.05.09 (Saturday)
Hazrat Ali’s Birthday- 07.07.09 (Tuesday)
Raksha Bandhan- 05.08.09 (Wednesday)
Janmastami- 14.08.09 (Friday)
Parsi New Year- 19.08.09 (Wednesday)
Ganesh Chaturthi- 23.08.09 (Sunday)
Onam- 02.09.09 (Wednesday)
Jamat-Ul-Vida- 18.09.09 (Friday)
Addl day for Dussera(Maha Saptami)- 25.09.09 (Friday)
Addl day for Dussera(Maha Astami)- 26.09.09 (Saturday)
Addl day for Dussera(Maha Navami)- 27.09.09 (Sunday)
Maharshi Valmiki’s Birthday- 04.10.09 (Sunday)
Deepavali (south India)- 17.10.09 (Saturday)
Naraka Chaturdasi- 17.10.09 (Saturday)
Gobardhan Puja- 18.10.09 (Sunday)
Bhai Duj- 19.10.09 (Monday)
Guru Teg Bahadur’s Martyrdom Day- 24.11.09 (Tuesday)
Christmas Eve- 24.12.09 (Thursday)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Closed Holiday List for 2009
Muharram- Thursday, 08.01.09
Republic Day- Monday, 26.01.09
Maha Shivaratri- Moday, 23.02.09
Id-E-Milad- Tuesday, 10.03.09
Holi- Wednesday, 11.03.09
Mahavir Jayanti- Tuesday, 07.04.09
Good Friday- Friday, 10.04.09
Budha Purnima- Saturday, 09.05.09
Rath Yatra-Wednesday, 08.06.09
Independence Day-Saturday, 15.08.09
Id-ul-Fitr- Monday, 21.09.09
Dussera (Vijaya Dasami)- Monday, 28.09.09
Gandhi Jayanti- Friday, 02.10.09
Diwali- Saturday, 17.10.09
Guru Nanak’s Birthday- Monday, 22.11.09
Idu’l Juha-Saturday, 28.11.09
Christmas Day- Friday, 25.12.09
Muharram- Monday, 28.12.09
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Negotiations of GDS strikers with Dept.
Transfers & postings in JTS Gr.A & PS Gr.B cadre
Friday, December 19, 2008
Strike by GDS Union called off on 19.12.08 evening.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
DPC for PS Gr.B
Strike by GDS Union /NFPE
Monday, December 8, 2008
CS writes to Madam Indira Krisna Kumar, Member (HRD)
Respected Madam,
I write to express my hearty congratulations to you on your assuming the charge of Member(HRD), Postal Services Board on promotion which was overdue. My inspectorial colleagues in Orissa are extremely happy on your elevation to the highest decision making body in the Department of Posts and send their congratulations through me.
Orissa Circle will always remember you not just as its former Chief PMG but also as an extraordinary personality who won everybody’s heart by simple living, high thinking, and hard work. We know, we could not adequately match your expectations of the level and quality of work during your tenure here, but your hard work with total dedication and commitment to your duty with a very high degree of honesty and integrity was a source of inspiration for all of us. Perhaps, Orissa Circle will never again get a person like you as its CPMG who always attaches great importance to humane values in every individual, however small he/she is stature-wise.
It is heartening to learn that you are made the head of HRD. The Department could not have got a better person for the job. We sincerely hope that a noticeable change in the existing level of knowledge and skill of staff, particularly of Inspectorial cadre which holds the key for successful run of the Department will be made through your noble efforts. Good infrastructural facilities like good accommodation with provision of modern equipments ( such as Laptop, Internet etc.) will help boost the otherwise sagging morale of the Inspectorial staff.
For Circles like WB, Bihar, Jharkand and Orissa, there is a PTC at Darbhanga in the State of Bihar. Other than the fact that it functions in a beautiful palatial building, the PTC has nothing to feel proud of. Infrastructure-wise, PTC Darbhanga is perhaps the worst of its kind in India. Most of the time, a Diesel-run Generator set is used to generate electricity for the campus as most of the towns in Bihar go without regular supply of electricity. The accommodation in the hostel is to be seen to be believed. The location is unimportant and remote. It is hazardous to undertake journey to the PTC in rainy season due to flood. Those who want to take a break from routine work to enjoy the training period at the PTC, end up getting nothing, neither any worthwhile skill nor any element of enjoyment. Best of the brains in the Dept. who would otherwise love to act as faculty shy away from the PTC because of the typical situation prevailing there. If an idea of PTC for WB & Orissa would be thought of either at Bhubaneswar or at Kolkata, a noticeable change in the development of skill of the staff could be expected. Orissa Circle looks upto you with great hope that your goodself will examine the feasibility on this aspect.
We welcome you for paying visits to Orissa.
B B Mohanty
Circle Secretary
Member (HRD), Postal Services Board
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi 110 001
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Additional charge to Inspectorial staff, particularly in sub-divisions
Office accommodation for Sub-Divisional Heads
The CS has taken up the issue of sub-standard accommodation to Sub-Divisional heads through agenda in periodical meetings and through correspondence, with administration. In most of the cases, the present position of accommodation in sub-divisions is not knwn to the CS. Members are requested to intimate CS the cases where sub-standard accommodation is still continuing so that those cases can be taken up with the administration further.
CS writes to GS to intimate present position of Grade pay of IPs
Many thanks for your sincere effort for bringing more benefits to the cadre od IPs/ASPs.
Is there any further development as regards approval of enhanced Grade Pay of IPs by Cabinet ?
The Finance Ministry has clarified on 19.11.2008 that the TA entilements including the amount of food bill is a matter of reimbursement which requires supporting vouchers. Hence, whether or not Directorate is going to issue circular exempting Inspectorial staff to produce food bill in c/w tour to BOs/remote areas?
B B Mohanty 30.11.08
CS, Orissa Circle
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Training to ASPs in Rural Management
Ad hoc promotion to JTS Gr.A Grade
Sri B C Mohanty, SSPOs, Cuttack City is given additional charge of Cuttack North Division temporarily till a regular arrangement is made to the post of SPOs, Cuttack North Division (which is likely very shortly).
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
News from General Secretary
Visit to Directorate Nov 2008
A team consisting of myself, Sh.S.Ravi CHQ Treasurer and Sh.Y.Venkateshwarulu Org.Secretary met the DG(Posts) on 06.11.2008 and discussed the main issue pertaining to the pay scales recommended by SCPC and anomalies arisen out of Revised Pay Rules, 2008. Respected madam DG heard our submission patiently and instructed the Pay Commission Cell to have a detailed discussion with us and solve the problem. We had a detailed discussion on 07.11.2008. Sh. Janardan Sharma, GS, Postal Officers’ Association also joined us. DDG (Est) and other two officers in the Dte. participated in the discussion. A critical analysis about the pay commission anomalies, functional disturbance, imbalance created among analogous cadre etc. was made. A comparative study of pay scales given to JAO, AAO, AO, AM(MMS), HSG-II and BCR officials was also made. Finally the officers were convinced and understood our genuine demand. We demanded Rs 7450 for IP, Rs 7500 for ASP and Rs 8000 for PS Gr B. The Dept. accepted and assured us to send proposal to Finance Ministry with all justification and recommendations. Copy of our Memorandum dated 10.10.2008 submitted to DG is attached.
Again I was invited by Sh. Jyotiraditya M Scindia, Hon,ble Minister of State (C&IT) for meeting on ‘Project Arrow’ at Electronic Nikedan, New Delhi-110003 on 11.11.2008. After the meeting I handed over a memorandum dated 11.11.2008 personally to the Hon’ble Minister. The Minister assured of all help. Copy of the memorandum is attached.
All Sub Divisions are likely to get proper infrastructure, Computer, telephone, Assistance, Admin/Financial Powers very soon. File is moving fast. The issue was figured during meeting with DG.
Member(P) retired on 31.10.2008 and Director (Staff) is on training upto 23.11.2008. All DPCs are pending. DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr B is likely to be held during first week of Dec 2008.
Grade pay for IP is upgraded to Rs 4600. It is learnt Finance Ministry has sent file to Cabinet for approval.
PS Gr B officers who have completed 4 years of service as on 1.1.2006 will get higher Grade Pay Rs 5400 in Pay Band –2 w.e.f 1.1.2006. Directorate has issued orders on 04.11.2008.
We have explained the difficulties faced by ASP/IP working in rural area in producing food bills for claiming TA bill and requested DG and DDG(Est) to issue separate orders for claiming DA without production of food bills. Dte. will issue orders very soon.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Grade of IPs is expected to be raised to Rs.4600/- soon!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
GDS Committee Report
VR of Sri M M Marandi, AD(Staff), CO, BBSR
Transfer / Deputation/Postings
Sri Prasan Kumar Patra, ASRM(BD), RMS N Divn is now attached to BD Cell of CO as ASP(BD)
Sri S N Satpathy, ASRM(Bags), PSD Bhubaneswar is now attached to CO and working as ASP(Financial Services)
Sri B B Mohanty, ASP(BD) is designated as ASP(TO) in the Circle Office.
Sri B K Patra, ASP I/c, Bhubaneswar North Sub-Division has been transferred and posted as ASP(Inv), CO, Bhubaneswar vice Sri S K Mohapatra promoted to PS Gr.B Cadre.
Sri Jayakrushna Jena, previously allotted to Sambalpur Region on adhoc promotion to ASP cadre has joined as ASP I/c, Bhubaneswar North Sub-Division
Sri S K Mohapatra, ASP(Inv), CO onpromotion to PS Gr.B Cadre has joined as SPOs, Tamluk Division in WB Circle
Sri Satyabadi Sahoo on return from WB Circle has joined as AD(Mails) in Circle Office
Sri S N Panda, AD(Mails), CO has joined as AD(Staff), CO, Bhubaneswar
Thursday, October 23, 2008
CS writes to CPMG regarding anomalies in orders of ACP
Dated 23.10.2008
The Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: ACP to IPs
Orders have been issued by CO granting ACP to 22 IPs. The date of effect of the ACP in all the cases falls after 01.01.2006. Since the revised pay structure has been implemented as per 6 CPC Report in September 2008 with retrospective effect from 01.01.2006, the orders for ACP were required to be issued mentioning the revised pay structure. As per the orders issued for implementation of recommendation of 6 CPC the scale of pay of ASPs has been upgraded to Rs.7450-11500 (in pre-revised scale) w.e.f 1.01.2006. The revised scale of pay of IPs has become Rs.6500-10500(pre-revised) w.e.f 01.01.2006 consequent upon merger of three scales into one Pay Band with one Grade Pay i.e.Rs.4200/-
In the orders for ACP issued by CO on 16.10.2008, the scale of pay of IPs has been mentioned incorrectly which has created a lot of confusion for DDOs. In absence of the mention of higher grade pay (i.e. Rs. 4600/-) admissible to them which the IPs have become entitled by virtue of their financial upgradation under ACP, some DDOs have started interpreting that the orders issued by CO on 16.10.2008 for ACP will yield no financial benefit.
In view of the above, it is requested kindly to issue suitable instruction/clarification to clear the confusion.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
B B Mohanty
Circle secretary
CS writes to CPMG thanking for issue of orders of ACP
Dated 22.10.2008
Sri K V Sundar Rajan
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Problems of IP/ASP Cadre
Respected Sir,
On behalf of this Association I write to convey our deep sense of gratitude to your goodself for issuing orders dated 16.10.08 (released on 22.10.08) granting ACP to Inspectorial Staff of this Circle, bringing an end to the wait that lasted nearly three long years.
The Association also expresses its sincere thanks to your goodself for releasing orders granting reimbursement of residential/mobile telephone charges to all IPs and ASPs which was unreasonably held up for last three months despite decision taken in the last CMC meeting in July 2008.
These two steps will now help improve the otherwise sagging morale of the IPs and ASPs some extent.
As regards reimbursement of residential and/or mobile telephone charges, functional and operational justification is said to be rationale for granting it. In that case, the IPs & ASPs have greater functional and operational justification than AAOs for residential / mobile phones. But the monthly limit for IPs & ASPs is now fixed at Rs.500/- whereas AAOs are enjoying the facility upto Rs.848/- per month. In some Circles like Tamilnadu and West Bengal, the reimbursement limit for IPs/ASPs and AAOs is same i.e. Rs.750/- per month (as per the copies of orders issued by these Circles supplied earlier). But Orissa Circle is extra generous to AAOs by allowing them the limit of residential telephone expenses upto Rs.848/- per month while the IPs/ASPs could now be able get only Rs.500/- per month after a protracted struggle. This is too little and too late. The Association therefore, sincerely hopes that your goodself will do justice to IPs/ASPs by raising the limit on par with AAOs in this respect.
The Association also requests your goodself to kindly consider the representations of IPs/ASPs submitted for inter-region transfers.
Thanking you once again & with regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Monday, October 20, 2008
Orders issued for ACP & Residential Telephone Charges
CO has also released orders on 06.10.2008 allowing Rs.500/- per month towards reimbursement of residential /mobile telephone charges to all IPs and ASPs in the Circle. For details please refer to the CO letters issued in this respect.
Friday, October 10, 2008
CS writes to CPMG for observation of Black Day and for sitting in on Dharana and drops these proposal later after discussion with CPMG
Sri K V Sundar Rajan
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Grievances of IP/ASP Cadre
Ref: This Association’s letter No. AIAIPASP/Corr-1/10-2008 dated 06.10.2008
Respected Sir,
In view of the discussions made with you on 06.10.2008, the Association decides to drop the proposals of observing Black Day on 14.10.2008 and Dharna programme on 21.10.2008.
The Association sincerely hopes that the problems mentioned in its letter dated 06.10.2008 including orders for ACP and fixation of limit reimbursement of expenses on residential and /or mobile phone on par with AAOs ( i.e.Rs.848/- per month and not Rs.500/-) will be solved soon. The Association also expects that your goodself will consider sympathetically the representations submitted by the concerned IPs & ASPs for inter-region transfers and other transfers and postings.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Copy for kind information to:
Sri S K Kamila, Postmaster General, Berhampur Region, Berhampur 760 001
Sri Lalitendu Pradhan, Director Postal Services, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur 768001
Sri S Samuel, General Secretary, All India Assn. of Inspectors & ASPs, CHQ, New Delhi
Sri K V Sundar Rajan
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Grievances of IP/ASP Cadre- Observance of Black Day on 14.10.2008- Dharna programme on 21.10.2008.
Ref: Letters of the Association addressed to you on 01.08.2008, 12.09.2008 & 15.09.2008.
Respected Sir,
Your kind attention is invited to the letters of this Association referred to above, copies of which are enclosed.
2. This is again to bring to your kind notice the fact that the grievances of the cadre continue to remain unsolved despite the same being brought to your kind notice since last two months.
3. The orders for ACP to eligible IPs are still not issued. The simple process of allowing financial upgradation to IPs on completion of 12 years in the grade has taken so much time that the concerned IPs have waited with bated breath for nearly three years now but with no result. What is more painful is the fact that the communications of the Association in this regard have evoked no response. Contacts made at the level of successive Asst. Directors (Staff) of Circle office on several occasions met with false assurances. This is in addition to the approach made to successive CPMsG. Now, immediate release of orders for ACP with provision of payment of interest on the cases delayed exceeding one year will bring some justice.
4. The issue of fixing the limit of reimbursement of monthly expenses on residential and/or mobile telephones used by the IPs/ASPs has remained unsolved for long time now. The request of the Association to allow the reimbursement on par with AAOs (as done in TN and WB Circles- to name a few) is yet to get a consideration. Even the decision taken in the apex decision making body of the Circle i.e CMC meeting in July 2008 to allow re-imbursement of telephone expenses of IPs/ASPs upto Rs.500 per month has not been formally communicated for last three months to lower units for implementation with the result that the IPs & ASPs continue to incur expenditure from their own pocket. Justice will not be done till the reimbursement limit is not fixed on par with AAOs.
5. The requests of the IPs/ASPs (like cases of Sri Antaryami Behera, D P Satpathy, Niranjan Mohanty, Trinath Sahoo) for inter-region transfer are still pending for consideration. The case of Sri P K Sahoo, ASP of Berhampur Region which was fortunately considered for transfer to HQ region in July 2008 (by your predecessor after a repeated requests) has not been implemented yet as his relief has not been arranged since last 3 months.
6. The request of some ASPs ( like cases of Sri S K Mishra, Banamali Patra, P K Behera) to reconsider their transfer and posting has not been decided favourably though opportunities are still there to accommodate their requests. The concerned (two) ASPs are made to suffer by exhausting the stock of leave they have.
7. No provision of standard accommodation for functioning of Sub-divisional offices in a good number of cases ( like Nuapada in Kalahandi Division, Malkangiri in Koraput Division, Keonjhar East and West Sub-Divisions) has been made despite requests of the Association through agenda in periodical meetings.
8. The IPs/ASPs are working very hard day in and day out to implement plan and policies of the Department and to meet the various financial and physical targets besides helping in running the day-to-day postal administration. But their grievances have not been taken due care. Repeated prayers and petitions submitted by the concerned individual members and also by this Association have been ignored altogether.
9. For all the aforesaid reasons, the IPs and ASPs in the Circle feel let down and aggrieved. The CWC of the Association met on 21.09.2008 and discussed the aforesaid points. The CWC unanimously passed a resolution deploring the attitude of the administration as no sincerity has been shown to address the genuine problems of the cadre of IPs/ASPs. The Association has observed with great concern that the administration is interested only to extract work from its members anyhow and has little care and concern for their problems. The continued apathy and neglect of the cadre of IPs & ASPs has started showing an impact on their morale which is likely to affect their performance and outturn. If the problems are not taken care immediately, the situation may deteriorate further.
10. As per the decision taken in the CWC, the members of this Association will sit in Dharna in front of the Circle Office Bhubaneswar on 21.10.2008 (Tuesday) to draw attention of all concerned to the plights of IPs & ASPs cadre. Before that, the members of the cadre of IPs & ASPs will observe Black Day on 14.10.2008 (during Postal Week) by wearing Black Badges/Ribbons as an expression of their frustration and resentment. The Association had to arrive at such an unpleasant and unfortunate decision as the channel of expressing the frustration of its members through correspondences and personal approaches has been exhausted with no worthwhile result.
This is for your kind information.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
Circle Secretary
Encl : As above
Copy for kind information to:
Sri S K Kamila, Postmaster General, Berhampur Region, Berhampur 760 001
Sri Lalitendu Pradhan, Director Postal Services, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur 768001
Sri S Samuel, General Secretary, All India Assn. of Inspectors & ASPs, CHQ, New Delhi
The DG(Posts), New Delhi through General Secretary of the Association at CHQ
Leave of the Circle Secretary
The CS expresses his deep sense of gratitude to everybody who called on him in the hospital and enquired about his health personally and over phone.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
CS writes to CPMG again for issue of orders for reimbursement of telephone charges.
15th September 2008
Sri K V Sundar Rajan
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle, Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Request for issuing orders for fixing the limit of reimbursement of telephone expenses of IPs & ASPs on par with AAOs.
Respected Sir,
This Association has requested several times in the past for considering fixing the limit of reimbursement of residential/mobile telephone expenses of IPs & ASPs to Rs.750/- per month and to extend this facility to all IPs & ASPs in the Circle since the use of residential/mobile phones is necessitated by their nature of duties. After repeated requests over a long period in the past, decision was taken in the last CMC meeting held in July 2008 for allowing reimbursement of the monthly limit of residential telephone expenses (landline and/or mobile) of IPs & ASPs upto Rs.500/-. The amount so fixed still falls short of the limit fixed for AAOs in this Circle by a wide margin. But what is more distressing is the fact that the benefits of this decision still eludes the IPs/ASPs as no circular for its implementation has been issued so far to field units.
Being meted out a discriminatory treatment on a number of counts including the issue of reimbursement of telephone expenses, the IPs/ASPs in the Circle have reasons to feel disappointed, discouraged and even frustrated. The AAOs irrespective of their assignment and place of posting are getting reimbursement of residential telephone charges upto the limit of Rs.848/- per month without any question being raised about the operational or functional justification for such a limit. But the cases of IPs/ASPs are not given due attention and consideration, though there is no doubt that the operational and functional justification for granting reimbursement of residential/mobile telephone expenses of IPs & ASPs is far greater than that of AAOs.
Previously, I had submitted copies of orders of Tamilnadu and West Bengal Circles as some examples showing the monthly limit of residential telephone expenses of IPs/ASPs/AAOs fixed at Rs.750/- per month by other Circles.
This time the Association looks up to you with great hope that your goodself will be kind enough to do justice to the cadre of IPs/ASPs by issuing orders fixing the limit of residential and /or mobile telephone expenses of all IPs and ASPs in the Circle on par with AAOs (i.e.Rs.848/- per month), thereby saving the IPs & ASPs from further despair and from incurring expenses on this count from their own pocket for smooth discharge of their duties. It is also requested that the benefit may kindly be extended to all IPs/ASPs in the Circle without distinction and discrimination of place of their posting and assignment in the same manner it has been done for AAOs & PS Gr.B Officers.
This has a reference to my communication addressed to your goodself on 01.08.2008.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
ACP Scheme- Representation for issue of orders
12th September 2008
Sri K V Sundar Rajan
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Request for immediate orders for financial upgradation of eligible IPs under ACP scheme.
Respected Sir,
It is almost three years now since the orders for financial upgradtion of IPs under ACP were last issued. There are innumerable occasions on which this association has taken up the issue of non-issue of orders for grant of ACP to those in IP cadre who have come under the zone of consideration after the last orders were issued. In this connection the last communication of this Association addressed to your goodself on 01.08.2008 may kindly be referred to.
This time I write to bring it to your kind notice once again that the eligible members are still awaiting orders to get the financial benefit under ACP. Now that orders for implementation of revised pay and allowances on the basis of recommendation of Sixth CPC have come, the IPs who have become eligible to get the ACP since long will face a chaotic and unfortunate situation in which they will get their revised pay and arrears excluding the financial benefit due to them under ACP unless orders for ACP are issued immediately.
This Association always avoids agitational measures so as not to put the administration in to any embarrassing situation. This Association, therefore, sincerely hopes that situation will not arise in which its members will feel constrained to demonstrate their frustration in public and before the media.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Friday, September 5, 2008
Notice for CWC Meeting for 21.09.2008
05th September 2008
Under the provisions of the Constitution of All India Association of Inspectors and Asst. Superintendents Posts, it is hereby notified that a meeting of the Circle Working Committee of the Association will be held on Sunday, the 21st September 2008 at 11.00 Hrs in the Recreation Club of Bhubaneswar GPO.
The agenda for the meeting are as under:
Discussion on the 6 CPC Report accepted by Govt. relating to cadre of IPs/ASPs vis-Ã -vis other cadres inside & outside Department of Posts
ACP Scheme-Non-implementation by Orissa Circle for IPs/ASPs for nearly three years now & course of action to follow if no orders are issued before drawal revised pay.
Re-imbursement of Residential Telephone /Mobile Telephone charges of IPs/ASPs
Problem of accommodation for functioning of offices of Sub-Divisional heads
Issues relating to transfer & postings of IPs/ASPs
Organisational Matters including deduction of subscription
Approval to the expenditure made & to be made for activities of the Association
Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
All office-bearers and CWC members of the Association are requested to attend the said meeting in time.
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Copy to:
The Chief Postmaster General, Orissa Circle, Bhubaneswar for kind information. Necessary orders may kindly be issued to all concerned for grant of special casual leave to office bearers and CWC members as per the enclosed list from the station out side Bhubaneswar who submit individual applications to their controlling authority.
Sri S Samuel, General Secretary, AI Assn of Inspectors & ASPs, Chennai.
The President and all office-bearers and CWC members of the Association.
The Secretary, Bhubaneswar GPO PRC for kind information. He is requested to spare the accommodation in the PRC for CWC meeting on 21.09.08
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Thursday, September 4, 2008
6 CPC Implementation order issued by Dept. of Posts
D.G. Posts No. 4-4/2008-PCC dated 04-09-2008.
A copy of the Ministry of Finance (MOF) Gazette Notification Vide G.S.R. 622(E) dated 29.08.2008 promulgating the Central Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules 2008 is forwarded herewith along with the following other orders; notification of Revised Pay Structures and illustrations regarding fixation of pay of the employees in the Revised Pay Scales & Option Proforma and orders relating to various Allowances and Pension are forwarded herewith for information, guidance and necessary action.
Sl. No.
Letter /Notification
Gazette Notification No. 304 in File No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 29.08.2008
1/1/2008-IC dated 29.08.2008
Instructions regarding Pay and Payment of arrears
1(3)/2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
Dearness Allowance
2(13)/2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
3(1)/ 2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
Spl. Comp. (Remote Locality) Allowance
4(2) 2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
Spl. Comp. (Hill Area) Allowance
9(11) 2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
Split Duty Allowance
21(2) 2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
Transport Allowance
5(1) 2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
Bad Climate Allowance
6(3) 2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
Project Allowance
11(5) 2008-E-II(B) dated 29.08.2008
Spl. (Duty) Allowance in NE & Ladhak
12(4) 2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
Hard Area allowance
12(3) 2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
Island Spl. (Duty) Allowance
13(1) 2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
Discontinuance of Border Area Allowance
17(1) 2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008
Schedule /Tribal Area Allowance
19039/3/2008-E-III (A) dated 30.08.2008
Cycle (Maintenance) Allowance
7(19) 2008-E-III (A) dated 30.08.2008
NPA attached to Medical Officers
7(19) 2008-E-III (A) dated 30.08.2008
NPA attached to Veterinary Posts
2. The process to obtain, fixation of pay in the revised pay structure, calculating the arrears according to the Gazette Notification GSR 622(E) dated 29.08.08 may be started immediately. Before payment of arrears, it may be ensured that the undertaking as prescribed in MOF OM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 30.08.2008 is obtained from each official and kept on record.
Dy. Director General (Estt.)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Children Education Allowance-Orders of Govt. issued
Salient Features of reimbursement of children education allowance are :
· Children Education Allowance and Reimbursement of Tuition fees have been merged and the new scheme is known as Children Education Allowance Scheme.
· This scheme can be availed by Government employees upto a maximum of Two Children
· This is applicable for School going children only (nursery to 12th Std including 11th and 12th std conducted by Junior colleges)
· The Scheme has no nexus with the performance of the children in the class.
· The reimbursement is applicable for admission fees, laboratory fees, special fee charged for agriculture, music, electronics or any subject, fee charged for practical work, fees for use of any aid or appliance by the child, library fees, games/sports fees, fees for extra curricular activities, purchase of one set of text books and notebooks, two sets of uniforms and one set of school shoes.
· The annual ceiling for reimbursement of children education allowance is fixed at Rs.12,000/-.
· Hostel subsidy will be reimbursed upto maximum limit of Rs.3000/- per month per child. However, both hostel subsidy, and children education allowance can not be availed concurrently.
· The maximum limits in Children Education allowance and Hostel subsidy would be automatically raised by 25% every time the dearness allowance on the revise pay structure goes up by 50%.
· This scheme is effective from 01-09-08.
· Reimbursement of the children education allowance and Hostel subsidy would be made on production of original receipts self certified by the employee.
Source : Office memorandum No: 12011/03/2008-Estt (Allowance) dated 2.9.2008 at the following link:
Notification regarding pension
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Key Points in the Notification and Resolution for implementation of 6 CPC Report
Pay Band and Grade pay:
Grade Pay up to PB2 recommended by 6CPC accepted as such.
Revised Grade pay from PB3 and above.
The basic pay drawn as on 1.1.2006 on the existing Fifth CPC pay scales will be multiplied by a factor of 1.86 and then rounded off to next multiple of 10. This will be the pay in the revised running Pay Band. Grade Pay, as approved by the Government, corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale, will then be added to the Pay in the revised Pay Band. The total of pay in the Pay Band and grade pay will be the revised Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006.
Rate of annual increments will be 3% and the rate of variable increment for high achievers in PB-3 will be 4%.
There will be a uniform date of annual increment, viz. 1st July of every year. Employees completing 6 months and above in the revised pay structure as on 1st of July will be eligible to be granted the increment. The first increment after fixation of pay on 1.1.2006 in the revised pay structure will be granted on 1.7.2006 for those employees for whom the date of next increment was between 1st July, 2006 to 1st Jan 2007.
DA and other Allowances
AICPI (IW) with base 2001 may, henceforth, be used for the purpose of calculating DA till it gets revised. The base using the 2001 series works out to be 115.76. Based on this index the revised DA as on Jan-06, July-06, Jan-07, July-07, Jan-08 and July-08 are estimated to be 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, and 16% respectively (based on the calculation made as per index - Exact DA rates are yet to be confirmed by the Govt).
“Campus” restriction for grant of Transport Allowance will be removed. Consequently, employees living in campuses will also be eligible for Transport Allowance. Further, Transport Allowance for the employees at the lowest levels will be increased to Rs.600 (from Rs.400) in A-1/A class cities and Rs.400 (from Rs.300) in other towns.
New TA(Transport Allowance) - Employees drawing grade pay of Rs. 5400 and above will be eligible to receive TA of Rs.3200 and DA thereon (A1/A class cites) and Rs.1600 and DA thereon (other places. Similarly Employees drawing grade pay of Rs.4200 to Rs.4800 will be eligible to receive TA of Rs. Rs.1600 and DA thereon (A1/A class cites) and Rs.800 and DA thereon (other places). Employees drawing grade pay of below Rs. 4200 will be eligible to receive TA of Rs. 600 and DA thereon (A1/A class cites) and Rs.400 and DA thereon (other places).
City Compensatory Allowance abolished.
Employess living in X (Earlier classified as A-1), Y (Earlier classified as A, B-1 & B-2), and Z (Earlier classified as C and Unclassified) will be eligible for HRA of 30%, 20% and 10% (on Fixed Pay and Grade Pay) respectively.
Children Education Allowance and Reimbursement of Tuition Fee are merged and reimbursement of Children Education allowance will be paid upto the maximum of Rs.1000 per child per month subject to a maximum of 2 children. Hostel subsidy will be reimbursed upto the maximum limit of Rs.3000 per month per child. The limits would be automatically raised by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance on the revised pay bands goes up by 50%.
Cycle Allowance, Washing Allowance, Cash Handling Allowance, Special Allowance, Night Duty Allowance and Split Duty Allowance have been doubled. Similarly, rates of allowances specific to different Ministries/Departments/Organisations not covered in this Report will also be doubled. The rates of these allowances will be increased by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance payable on revised pay scales goes up by 50%.
All provisions concerning travel under LTC are to be retained except frequency of travel in home town concession (up to three times during the first two blocks of 4 years after joining the service).
The revised allowances, other than dearness allowance, will be effective from 1st day of September, 2008.
ACP (Assured Career Progression):
Three upgradations will be granted under Assured Career Progression (ACP) Scheme at 10, 20 and 30 years as per the modified ACP Scheme recommended by the Commission. ACP Scheme will also be applicable to Group A employees.
Financial upgradation through ACP will be available whenever a person has spent 10 years continuously in the same grade.
Benefit of pay fixation available at the time of normal promotion shall be allowed at the time of financial upgradations under the scheme. Thus, an increase of 3% of pay and grade pay shall be available as financial upgradation under the scheme.
Other Points accepted by the Govt:
The Commission’s recommendation regarding payment of arrears has been modified to the extent that the arrears will be paid in cash in two instalments – first instalment of 40% during the current financial year (2008-09) and the remaining 60% in the next financial year (2009-10).
The Government has approved setting up of Anomalies Committees to examine individual, post-specific and cadre-specific anomalies. The Anomalies Committees should endeavour to complete their work in one year.
Recommendations not accepted by the Govt:
Liberal ‘severance package’ for those employees who want to leave service without pension with more than 15, but less than 20 years of service.
Recommendation relating to Holiday Policy that there should only be three closed holidays for Government employees.
Flexi-hours for women employees and flexi-weeks for employees with disabilities.
Recommendations of Sixth CPC which will be examined separately :
Recommendation related to Bonus and Over Time Allowance.
Recommendation related to General Provident Fund for Central Government employees and Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme.
Introduction of Health Insurance Scheme for Central Government employees and pensioners
Extract of Notification relevant to cadre of PAs(BCR), HSG-II officials and IPs in Department of Posts
Section I
(ii) On account of merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5000-8000, Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500, some posts which presently constitute feeder and promotion grades will come to lie in an identical grade. The specific recommendations about some categories of these posts made by the Pay Commission are included Section II of Part C. As regards other posts, the posts in these three scales should be merged. In case it is not feasible to merge the posts in these pay scales on functional considerations, the posts in the scale of Rs.5000-8000 and Rs.5500-9000 should be merged, with the post in the scale of Rs.6500-10500 being upgraded to the next higher grade in pay band PB-2 i.e. to the grade pay of Rs.4600 corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.7450-11500. In case a post already exists in the scale of Rs.7450-11500, the post being upgraded from the scale of Rs.6500-10500 should be merged with the post in the scale of Rs.7450-11500.
CS forwards comments of member to GS
I am forwarding the comment of Sri D K Samal, Dy. PM, Bhubaneswar GPO(ASP Cadre) for your information.
I think we should raise our demands for placing the IPs in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.7450 since they are now equated with BCR officials whom they supervise very often. Our demand for higher scale of IPs, ASPs and Gr. B Officers should be placed before the Anomaly Committee.
B B Mohanty
CS, Orissa
Regarding 6 CPC
For latest orders regarding revised DA and other matters relating to implementation of 6 CPC report you may click the following link.
All members of the Assn are requested to offer their suggestions for communicating the same to GS
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Notification for implementation of 6 CPC
Dear friends,
Please offer your views points / suggestions through postings in this blogspot for forwarding the same to General Secretary.
Doubts have been raised by some of our colleagues about the Pay Band and Grade of Indpectors of Posts on the ground that the name of the cadre of IP has not been specifically mentioned in the Department-wise list of cadress/grades in respect of which pre-revised scales have been mentioned to have been upgraded. There should not be any doubt about this as the pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5000-8000, Rs.5500-8000 and Rs.6500-10500 have been merged in the Pay Band 2 (Rs.9300-34800) with grade pay of Rs.4200/-. This means even an official in the pre-revised scale of Pay of Rs.5000-8000 will automatically get the Pay Band 2 with Grade of Rs.4200/-. You may plaese refer to the First Schedule, PartA, Section-I and Part B Section-I of the Notification about this position.
The cadre of ASPs has been specifically mentioned in the Department-wise list (at page-51 of the Notification) or else confusion would have arisen by taking the cadre's pay in the Pay Band and Grade corresponding to Rs.6500-10500 which is now applicable to IPs.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Retirement of Sri B Samal, Vigilance Officer
The Association wishes him happy and peaceful retired life.
Re-allotment of PS Gr.B Officers to Orissa Circle
- Sri Satyabadi Sahoo
- Sri Bansidhar Pradhan
- Sri Sadhu Charan Moahapatra
- Sri Narayan Behera
The Association welcomes these officers on thier home-coming.
Nomination of officers now officiating in PS Gr.B cadre for their regular promotion is likely to be received soon. If this is done early, the impact on the cadre of ASPs will be minimal as those who are ordered to officiate as ASPs will continue. Otherwise, question of reversion will arise.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Pay Panel Notification likely tomorrow (on 29.08.08)
The much-awaited official notification of the revised central government pay rules is expected to be issued this Friday. The notification with regard to the Sixth Pay Commission award is ready and is currently being approved by statutory authorities.Sources said the dearness allowance effective this July is also likely to be announced the same day.On August 14, the Union Cabinet had approved an improved and tweaked version of the Sixth Pay Commission award with effect from January 1, 2006.Consequently, an estimated 4.6 million central government employees will receive a raise of 28-40 per cent over their existing basic pay. Employees will start receiving their higher salaries and allowances with effect from this September.Sources added the first instalment of arrears of Rs 11,748 crore will be paid in cash with effect from September as announced earlier. There had been some apprehensions that with the upcoming fifteenth session of the Lok Sabha scheduled to begin on October 17, Parliamentary sanction for the additional spending sought under the supplementary demand for grants would somehow delay the arrears payment.However, sources said the arrears would be paid from the salary account of the government.The Cabinet had decided to issue arrears in cash over two years — 2008-09 and 2009-10 — with the first instalment of 40 per cent being paid by September and the balance next year.As a consequence of the revised salaries and allowances, the central government's wage bill is expected to increase 21 per cent on account of an additional expenditure of Rs 22,100 crore in the current financial year (2008-09). Of this, Rs 15,700 crore will be accounted for by the central government employees and Rs 6,400 crore by the railway staff.Of the Rs 15,700 crore, the first installment of arrears will account for Rs 8,048 crore. Of the Rs 6,400 crore impact on the railway budget, Rs 3,700 crore will be arrears.The annualised impact of the new salary structure is estimated at Rs 17,798 crore, adding to the approximate Rs 1,04,000 crore annual pay, allowances and pension bill of the Centre.(Source: Business Standard 28.8.08)
6 CPC- Gazette Notification awaited
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Highlights of Cabinet decision on 6CPC communicated by General Secretrary
Minimum basic Salary - Rs. 7000
Education Allowances for employees for upto two children - Rs. 1,000 (Earlier, it was Rs. 100)
Maximum Basic Salary - Rs. 90,000 (Cabinet Secretary)
National Holidays - 3
Gazette Holidays to be canceled
Pay hike will be implemented from January 01, 2006
Maternity Leave : 6 Months
HRA in A-1 Cities - 30% (Unchanged)
HRA in A, B, B-1 Cities - 20%
Incentive Schemes to be announced
New Medical Insurance Scheme to be launched for government employees
Market-driven pay for scientists and all other jobs that require professional skill set.
Total number of salary grades to be reduced from 35 to 20.
The wage hike would increase the financial implication for the Centre by Rs 17,798 crore annually and the arrears with effect from January 2006 would cost Rs 29,373 crore, Information and Broadcasting Minister P R Dasmunsi told reporters after the Cabinet meeting.
The government increased the minimum entry level salary of a government employee to Rs 7,000 against Rs 6,660 recommended by the Commission headed by Justice B N Srikrishna who submitted the report in March this year.
Consequently, it would push up the total emoluments of an employee at the lowest level beyond Rs 10,000 per month including allowances.
It also increased the rate of annual increment from 2.5 per cent to 3 per cent.
In the defence sector, it approved at least three assured promotions for all defence forces personnel and civilian employees under the modified Assured Career Progression scheme.
While civilians would get this after 10, 20 and 30 years of service, defence forces jawans would be promoted under ACP after 8, 16 and 24 years.
The hiked salary would be given to the employees beginning September this year and the arrears from January 2006 would be given in cash in two installments - 40 per cent this fiscal and 60 per cent in 2009-10.
The financial implication of Pay Commission on the General Budget would be Rs 15,717 crore and Rs 6414 crore on Railway Budget in 2008-09.
The government’s present salary bill is over Rs 70,000 crore and the pension bill is over Rs 30,000 crore.
Finance Minister P Chidambaram said the budget deficit target would be adhered to, despite the implementation of the Pay Commission recommendations.
The government for the first time approved Military Service Pay for armed forces personnel, under which officers would get Rs 6,000 over and above their pay per month.
The lowest limit of disability pension for defence personnel would be doubled to Rs 3100 a month.
No Cabinet Secretary rank for Intelligence Bureau chief, the three Service chiefs or the Chairman, Railway Board
Group D personnel to stay (peons in ministries and porters in Railways)
Military service pay for persons below the officer rank (POBR) would be Rs 2,000 per month
Significant hike in salaries of Brigadiers: they move to Pay Band 4 (Rs 39,200-67,000) from the suggested Pay Band 3 (Rs 15,600-39,100)
DIG-scale abolished in IPS and Indian Forest Service
The salaries of Brigadiers will be in Pay Band 4 (Rs 39,200-67,000) as against the suggested pay band 3 (Rs 15,600 - 39,100) previously.
The complete details of revised pay scales are yet to be announced by the Govt.
General Secretary
Monday, August 18, 2008
Pay Commission News- No authentic information available yet.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Highlights of the Cabinet decision for implementation of 6 CPC
The highlights of the Cabinet decision regarding implementation of 6 CPC can be seen from the following link:
Cabinet approves 6 CPC report for implementation
Monday, August 4, 2008
PS Gr.B Exam result is out
The Association congratulates Sri Mahapatra on his success.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Circle Secretary meets new Chief PMG and submits representation to him about problems of IP/ASP cadre
1st August 2008
Sri K V S Rajan
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Respected Sir,
On your posting as Chief PMG Orissa Circle our long wait for a regular Chief PMG is finally over. On this occasion, this Association takes privilege of extending you a cordial welcome and hopes that your second innings in Orissa Circle (this time as its head) will see an all round development of the Circle.
At the same time this Association takes this opportunity of informing your goodeslf some of the major problems of IP/ASP cadre with great hope of getting them solved soon.
1) The eligible members of our cadre have been waiting for the time bound promotion under ACP since last more than two and a half years. The Association and the concerned individual members have brought the matter to the notice of successive CPMsG repeatedly but to no avail. There is no end to the wait With every passing day, the feeling of frustration of the concerned members of the cadre is running high as the their cases have been delayed beyond a point upto which one can hold his patience. No other cadre has suffered like this.
2) Request made for inter-region transfer of following two IPs has not been considered though they are prepared to forgo TA/TP.
a) Sri Antaryami Behera recently joined as IP Rajborasambar Sub-Division after waiting for long for consideration of his case for transfer from Sambalpur Region to Berhampur Region.
b) Sri D P Satpathy recently joined as IP Angul East Sub-Division as his case for transfer from Sambalpur Region to Bhubaneswar Region was not considered.
3) The AAOs irrespective of their assignment are getting reimbursement of telephone charges upto the limit of Rs.848/- per month without consideration of their operational or functional justification for such a limit. But in the case of IPs/ASPs operataional and functional justification for granting reimbursement of expenses on telephone is always questioned though the operational and functional justification for it is far greater than that of AAOs. After repeated requests, decision has been taken in the last CMC meeting held recently for allowing re-imbursement of the monthly limit of telephone expenses (residential landline or mobile or both ) of IPs/ASPs upto Rs.500/- which still falls short of the limit fixed for AAOs by a large margin. The Association re-iterates its request for fixing the monthly limit at Rs.750/- per month in line of the limit fixed in TN Circle, WB Circle- to name a few.
4) A number of ASPs have been continuing on ad hoc promotion for a long time without their ad hoc promotion to ASP cadre being regularised.
5) The Sub-Divisional IPs and ASPs have not been provided with computers in their offices. Even those who want to get a computer taking advance / loan from the Department, the allotment of funds is kept at very low by which the aspirants are deprived of the facility. Further, only a few number of IPs and ASPs have been given training on computer. Without computers available to majority of IPs/ASPs for day to day use in their official work, the training is of little help to them.
The Association, therefore, requests your goodself to be kind enough to bestow your personal attention to solve the aforesaid problems of our cadre in the Department’s interest.
With deep regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Friday, July 25, 2008
Extension of leave of Circle Secretary
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Grant of leave to Circle Secretary
During the absence of the CS, members may call Sri A K Mohanty, Asst. CS ( Mobile 9437378363) or President Sri S Kar (Mobile 9437081401) for any news/information.
Ad hoc promotion to ASP Cadre
Inter-Region Transfer of ASPs
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Revision of transfer orders of Sri Sarbeswar Moshra, ASP
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
New Chief PMG for Orissa
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Circle Secretary writes Chief PMG on grievances of IP/ASP Cadre
addressed to the CPMG is reproduced below for information of our members.
Sri A K Dash
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Grievances of IP/ASP Cadre in Orissa Circle
Respected Sir,
A kind reference is invited to the letter No.AIAIASP/Corr-2/5-08 dated 28.05.2008 of this Association (copy enclosed) requesting your goodself to look into some of the major problems of our cadre. But the members of our cadre continue to face the problems as before.
2. The eligible members of our cadre have been waiting for the time-bound promotion under ACP since last more than two and a half years. The matter has been persistently brought to the notice of successive CPMsG repeatedly by the Association and by the individual members as well, but to no avail. There is no end to the wait. The members of our cadre now increasingly get a feeling that they can always be taken for granted in as much as the fact that no other cadre in the Circle has suffered like us. With every passing day, the feeling of frustration of the concerned members of the cadre is rising so high that further delay in issue of orders for ACP may drive them to a situation where they would sit in Dharana in front of CPMG’s Office to invite attention of all concerned to their plight.
3. Ad hoc promotion of Inspectorial staff to ASP grade was requested for consideration simultaneously with the ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre. But the eligible members are still waiting for it. A number of ASPs have been continuing on ad hoc promotion for a long time now without their ad hoc promotion to ASP grade being regularized.
4. Request made time and again for inter-region transfer of IPs/ASPs ( who had represented for it) has not found favour with the administration though there is scope for it( during ad hoc promotion of ASPs besides in normal cases of existing vacancies).
5. The AAOs irrespective of their assignment are provided with residential telephones and getting reimbursement of telephone expenses up to the limit of Rs.848/- per month without consideration of their so called operational and functional justification. But in the case of IPs/ASPs functional and operational justification for granting residential / mobile telephone and allowing reimbursement of charges therefor is always questioned though everybody knows that the operational and functional justification for residential/mobile telephone to IPs/ASPs is far greater than that of AAOs. The request of the cadre for enhancing the monthly limit of telephone expenses (landline and mobile) to Rs.750/- and provision of residential/mobile telephone to all the members of our cadre because of the typical nature of their duty, is pending for decision since long while the members of the cadre continue to incur expenses from their own pocket.
6. The Association, therefore, requests your goodself to be kind enough to bestow your personal attention to the aforesaid grievances of our cadre in the Department’s interest.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Copy to:
The PMG, Sambalpur / Berhampur for kind information.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Posting of PS Gr.B Officers allotted to Sambalpur Region
Sri G Disri, AD-I, RO, Sambalpur
Sri H K Dalal, AD-II, RO Sambalpur
Sri B N Mishra, SPOs Sambalpur
Sri K S Giri, SPOs Keonjhar
Friday, June 20, 2008
Transfers & Postings in PS Group B Cadre
Sri R N Pradhan, SPOs Bhadrak as SPOs Cuttack North Divn vice Sri B Biswal transferred.
Sri B Biswal, SPOs Cuttack North Divn as AD(BD & Mktg), CO, BBSR vice Sri K S Giri transferred.
Sri M K C Patra, Dy. Manager, PPP BBSR as Supdt, CSD BBSR vice Sri A K Nayak transferred
Sri L N Sahani, AD(Accounts/Est), CO BBSR as SPOs Cuttack South Divn vice Sri P Swain transferred.
Sri Panchanan Swain, SPOs Cuttack South as Dy. Manager,PPP, BBSR.
Sri S.C.Barik, AD Bldg. CO, BBSR as Dy. Manager, PPP, Bhubaneswar.
Sri V G Krishna, Sr PM Berhampur HO as AD Bldg. CO Bhubaneswar vice Sri S.C.Barik.
Sri A.K.Ganguli,Supdt. PSD BBS as AD Accounts, CO vice Sri L.N.Sahani.
Sri A.K.Nayak, Supdt. CSD, BBSR as Supdt. PSD,BBS vice Sri A.K.Ganguli.
Sri Balaram Jena,now in WB Circle as Supdt. Bhadrak vice Sri R.N.Pradhan.
Sri K.S.Giri,AD BD,CO,BBSR allotted to Sambalpur Region.
Sri K.C.Mohanty, Dy.Mgr.PPP, BBSR allotted to Berhampur Region.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Request for modification of transfer orders of ASPs
Sri N C Das is now posted as ASP(HQ), Cuttack South Divn
Sri K S Panda is now posted as ASRM(HQ), RMS N Divn vice Sri H K Dalal promoted to PS Gr. B on ad hoc basis.
It is learnt that the requests of Sri Sarbeswar Mishra, Sri Suresh Kumar Mishra and Sri Banamali Patra for modification of their place of postings have been rejected.
Ad hoc promotion of ASPs to PS GrB Cadre
Sri H K Dalal, ASRM(HQ), RMS N Divn
Sri Banchhanidhi Mishra, ASP(OD), Koraput Divn
Sri Gopal Disri, already officiating as SPOs Sambalpur
Monday, June 2, 2008
Recommendation for Higher Scale of Pay /Pay Band for ASPs & PS Gr.B Officers
Membership Verification Drive
All our members are requested to be serious about the drive to make it successful. This message should be spread by one member to the other to make every member aware of the drive.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Circle Secretary writes & meets (Acting) Chief PMG
Dated 28.05.2008
Sri A K Dash
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Request for looking into the problems of IPs/ASPs relating to promotions and transfers
Respected Sir,
The Association congratulates you on your taking charge of Chief PMG, Orissa and wishes your continuance as such for a longer period so that a lot of developments in the Circle could take place under your able and dynamic leadership.
This Association sincerely hopes that your goodself will look into some of the burning problems of the IPs/ASPs as mentioned below to provide them some relief from the feeling of demotivation which the cadre is suffering from for quite some time now due to continued neglect of the cadre.
1) Promotion of eligible IPs under ACP which has not been done for last two and a half years.
2) Consideration of representations of ASPS in HQ Region for change of place of postings
3) Representations of a few IPs/ASPs of Berhampur and Sambalpur Regions for inter-region transfers. The concerned IPs/ASPs are ready to forgo TA/TP if their request is accommodated.
4) Ad hoc promotion of IP to ASP Cadre linked with the vacancies on account of promotion of IPs/ASPs to the cadre of PS Gr.B.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Friday, May 23, 2008
Reply from GS on the question of posting of Chief PMG in Orissa
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Bulletin No.3 for urgent attention of our members
Dear Friends,
After a reasonably longer gap of time I am writing to you individually. I have been in the role of Circle Secretary of the Association for 6-7 months. Several events have taken place in the meantime. The changes in different spheres and occasions take place so fast and so frequently that if it is difficult to communicate everything through letter / bulletin on every such occasion. The Circle Secretary has no secretarial assistance to issue communications by post as frequently as the situation demands. On the other hand, the need for making every member of our Association informed of the developments in various fields is also felt unavoidable. In such a situation, information through electronic means is considered the most convenient way. I had requested in the past to communicate e-mail Id of every member to me so that I could pass on the news/information very easily and quickly. But only a very few members have communicated their e-mail Ids. I used to send messages to all such e-mail Ids. I am still waiting for the e-mail Ids of the rest of the members which may be communicated (to the e-mail Id of the Association i.e. aiaipasp.ors@gmail.com) by all concerned as early as possible.
Now, at every Sub-Divisional and Divisional Headquarters there is at least one computerized post office having internet facility. It is expected that the members of our cadre will acquire knowledge about working on computer and internet through their own effort and own interest as early possible. The sooner all members of our Association know working on computer, the better for themselves and for the Department.
To have an easy flow of information as and when any noteworthy event / news take place, I have created a blog (akin to a website but it is absolutely free of any charge) of the Circle Branch of our Association. The address of the blog is as follows:
Connecting to internet the blogspot can be visited /browsed as frequently as desired. You can verify from the blog that I am regularly posting important news about our Association and the Circle. If you have not visited the blog already, I would request you to take a tour to the blog right now. You can post your comments against every piece of news posted on the blog.
As already mentioned, there are a number of events/ news that have taken place since the last bulletin was issued to you. The notables among them are as follows:
All India Conference of the Association was held in Kolkata on 23-25 January 2008. Sri S B Mahapatra who is the pride of this Circle has been re-elected as the CHQ President.
The Sixth Pay Commission has submitted its report on 24.03.2008. The report is being reviewed by a Group of Secretaries to Govt of India, headed by the Cabinet Secretary. Our General Secretary has already submitted representation meant for Anomaly Committee justifying a demand of pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 for IPs and Rs.7500-12000 for ASPs.
Transfers and postings in IP and ASP Cadres in all the Regions of the Circle have been made. Promotion and postings of PS Gr.B & Gr.A (JTS) have also made.
Orissa Circle has become headless without a regular CPMG w.e.f 04.08.2007. The CPMG West Bengal Circle is holding additional charge of Orissa, The Chief PMG Haryana Circle was shown posted to Orissa but he managed to get his posting in Punjab canceling his posting orders to Orissa. Now Sri A K Dash, PMG Sambalpur is holding current charge of CPMG as Sri S Sarkar CPMG WB Circle (who was holding additional charge of Orissa) has proceeded on leave for one month w.e.19.05.2008.
In the meantime, the next issue of Postal Inspector from CHQ is expected to be received soon. Softcopy of the PI has been received and circulated through e-mail to those who had communicated their e-mail address. As the PI contains news on important issues in detail, I am not going to repeat the same here again.
I have been observing for quite long time now that the administration is very insensitive to the problems of the IP & ASP Cadre. When it comes to extracting work from the cadre, the administration leaves no stone unturned but when genuine problems of the cadre are brought to notice for solution, the administration turns a blind eye. Personally I feel frustrated and agitated by the attitude of the administration towards our cadre. I have written a letter to Sri S Sarkar, CPMG with copy to Regional PMsG on 12.05.2008 bringing to their notice the grievances of our cadre for redressal. Judging by the attitude of the administration I am quite skeptical about getting the solution to the problem. I am of the view that time has come to reconsider our commitment to the various nature of duties entrusted to us and to prepare ourselves to rise against the indifferent attitude of the administration through suitable agitational measures to register our protest through peaceful means and Gandhian methods. This is necessary as we have enough of prayers and petitions in the past without any worthwhile result. We have to shed our practice of acting as deaf and dumb and to get ourselves prepared to unitedly face any eventuality that may happen as a consequence. This is because; the promotion to the cadre of PS Gr.B is no more as attractive as it was used to be in the past. The proverbial Damocles’ sword always hangs over the head of present day Superintendent who now finds his job increasingly difficult with recurring shortage of manpower. For having a discussion on all the issues that affect our cadre by neglect of the administration, I am going to convene a CWC meeting shortly. It is time we stood united and faced the situation as it comes with courage and determination otherwise our cadre will suffer like anything.
Two copies of the authorization letter are attached. You are requested to return the same duly filled in and signed as early as possible to enable me to send the same to your DDO by the deadline fixed by the Department.
Previously, I had appealed to send donations of Rs100/- each for the All India conference of our Association against the coupons sent to you. The amount is yet to be received from a number of our members. To recoup the amount already paid to the host Circle, there is need to get the collection from the members who have not sent the amount so far. I would appeal to them to send the amount as early as possible. The names of the members who have paid the amount will be displayed in the blog shortly. You can check up your name there if you have paid it.
Seeking your active co-operation and support always,
Sincerely yours,
B B Mohanty
Circle Secretary
Monday, May 19, 2008
Arrangement in the place of Chief PMG, Orissa
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Orissa Postal Circle is headless again
Filling up of post IP Bhadrak West Sub-Division by transfer
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Transfer & Postings in PS Gr.B in Sambalpur Region
Local problems of IPs & ASPs in Orissa Circle - Circle Secretary writes to Chief PMG
Respected Sir,
The Association begs to bring to your kind notice the following major problems of IPs and ASPs in Orissa Circle for your kind information and remedial action.
1. A number of IPs are due to get promotion under ACP but no orders have been issued since January 2006. The cadre of IPs is suffering for about last two and a half years without getting the due financial benefit under ACP which is a time-bound promotion scheme. IP is the only cadre which has been left out of this timely benefit. Correspondences made and items taken as agenda in the periodical meetings from the side of the Association have little effect. It is mentioned that as the CPMG who is the chairperson of the promotion committee is not physically present in Orissa, the case continues to remain pending though the internal process is complete. It is still not known how long it will take to get the benefit.
2. As per Directorate letter No.28-6/88-Bldg dated 29.04.2005 circulated under CO, Bhubaneswar on 05.05.05, Sub-Divisional offices are required to function in suitable departmental accommodation and if suitable accommodation cannot be provided in departmental buildings, the private accommodation can be taken on rent in the same manner as for Sub Offices. Directorate has fixed 180 sft as the standard of accommodation for Sub-Divisional offices. But in Orissa Circle a good number of sub-divisional offices have been compulsorily shifted to sub-standard, congested and unsuitable departmental accommodation, particularly in Berhampur and Sambalpur Regions. Instruction issued from Circle Office again vide letter No. Bldg/5-4/2002 Pt-I dated 13.12.2007 to Divisional heads to provide suitable accommodation as per standard fixed have not been complied with. The matter was brought to the notice of the Regional PMsG of Berhampur and Sambalpur through agenda in the periodical meeting. But the problem continues to remain unsolved.
3. With shifting of Sub-Divisional offices to departmental accommodation from the residences of Sub-Divional IPs & ASPs, the telephone hitherto available in the residences of Sub-divisional offices have been shifted to departmental accommodation. As the Sub-Divisional IPs & ASPs remain away from their offices on tour in connection with their outdoor duty the telephone provided to them in their offices are of little use. To cope with the nature of assigned duty, the IPs & ASPs depend on use of mobile phones incurring a substantial amount. For this reason, the Association has been repeatedly requesting for enhancing the limit of re-imbursement of telephone charges to Rs.750/- per month to cover the expenses of both landline and mobile telephones as has been done in the Circles like WB, AP and Tamilnadu. We are awaiting favourable orders for quite a long time now. But there is no end to the wait. When the matter is discussed in periodical meetings with the administration, the functional and operational justification for provision of residential phone and for enhancement of the limit is questioned. It is not understood how the AAOs in Orissa are having the operational / functional justification to get re-imbursement of expenses of residential telephone upto Rs.848/- per month but the IPs and ASPs, particularly in Sub-Divisions where they are undertaking administrative and supervisory functions over about one hundred post offices to implement the plan and policies of the Department besides attending to the work related to PLI/RPLI/Mutual Funds etc. have either no justification or have limited justification to claim the reimbursement only in selective cases upto Rs.286/- per month (which has been temporarily enhanced to Rs.500/- per month in HQ region but not followed by Divisional heads in majority of the cases on different pretext). Further, it is not understood how the IPs/ASPs in West Bengal Circle (whose CPMG is holding additional charge of Orissa) besides Tamilnadu, Jharkhand Circles - to name a few, are having functional and operational justification to get re-imbursement of residential telephone upto the limit of Rs.750/- per month and their counterpart Orissa are not entitled for it. In Orissa, the instruction have even been interpreted to deny the already permitted facility of re-imbursement of mobile telephone charges within the overall limit of Rs.500/- in majority of the cases. It is mentioned that that the matter like re-imbursement mobile phone charges and enhancement of the ceiling thereof has been left for the decision in the CMC meeting but no CMC meeting has been held for long time now.
4. Because of the sincere effort made by the IPs/ASPs, the Circle has done a record RPLI business of more than 142% ( Rs.426 Crore) of the target in 2007-08 and a record Mutual Fund business of more than Rs.22 Crore against the internal target of Rs.20 crore for the year 2007-08. But when the performance of the IPs /ASPs is discussed, minor irregularities are selectively highlighted without giving due importance to positive aspects and without appreciating the difficult conditions in which the IPs/ASPs are made to work in Sub-Divisions with heavy workload. Where the IPs/ASPs are taking leading role in running the administration in Divisional / Sub-Divisional Units, malicious complaints are made to malign them. Instances have come to the notice that transfers and postings of some ASPs are prejudiced by such malicious complaints and reports, and representations made for re-consideration of such cases have simply been ignored.
5. The Sub-Divisional IPs and ASPs have not been provided with any computer in their offices. Even those who want to get a computer taking advance / loan from the Department, the allotment of funds is kept at very low by which the aspirants are denied the facility. Further, only a few numbers of IPs and ASPs have been given training on computer on departmental software but training on Windows, MS Office, Internet etc. has been left untouched. Without computers available to Sub-Divisional IPs/ASPs for day-to-day use in their official work, the training is of little help to them. Further, a majority of IPs & ASPs have been kept out of computer training programme. The implementation of Inspector software in Orissa is yet to take off as no computer has been provided to Sub-Divisional Heads.
6. Only a handful of IPs and ASPs have been given training on BD products and the majority of the IPs and ASPs are kept out of the BD related activities. But when performance of BD Product is reviewed the whole cadre is criticized.
7. The representations for inter-region transfer of IPs/ASPs have been ignored outright without considering their genuine difficulties of continuing in the respective region.
8. Appeals/petitions preferred by the IPs/ASPs in disciplinary cases have not been disposed of for a quite long time now.
9. A good number of posts of IPs have been kept vacant and the existing IPs/ASPs are made to bear the burden of the additional posts for long period.
Because of the aforesaid problems / difficulties, the morale of the officials of IP & ASP cadre is at all time low as they increasingly feel isolated, neglected, demotivated, discouraged and even frustrated. Before the problems leave an impact on the ‘functional and operational’ performance of IPs and ASPs in coming days, there is urgent need to address them with a degree of sincerity and pragmatism.
The Association, therefore, thought it prudent and expedient to bring the aforesaid local problems of the officials of of IP and ASP cadres in this Circle to your kind notice with hope that the administration will do something worthwhile to provide solution for them in the department’s interest.
Unlike the previous cases, the Association expects acknowledgement of the receipt of this communication this time.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Copy issued for kind information and necessary action to:
1. Sri A K Dash, Postmaster General, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur 768 001
2. Sri S K Kamila, Postmaster General, Berhampur Region, Berhampur (Gm) 760 001
3. Sri S Samuel, General Secretary, All India Association of IPs and ASPs, CHQ, New Delhi-1