Copy of DOP letter No.A-34013/01/2009-DE dated 08.10.2009
1. The Chief Postmasters General,
Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu Circles,
2. The Additional Director General, APS, New Delhi
Sub: Result of the Departmental Examination for selection to the posts of Inspectors of Posts Examination for the year 2008 held on 5th, 6th & 7th November 2008.
I am directed to refer to this letter of even number dated 18.9.2009 on the above mentioned subject.
2. References regarding omissions in the result of the subject cited examination have been received from the Circles. On the basis of the reports, results in respect of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu Circles have been revised as follows:
I).Karnataka Circle:
(A) The vacancies in the Circle were noted as 4 OC+ 2ST inadvertently instead of correct number of vancancies i.i. 2 OC and 1 SC. Therefore, it has been decided to revise the result. While reviewing the result of APS candidates of Karnataka Circle, it came to notice that names of following two qualified candidates who were selected on merit were not included in the list of selected candidates already communicated vide this office letter dated 18.9.2009.
Name of the candidate S/Shri Roll No. with Circle Index letter Category Total marks
Kadithota Balaraju KN/IP-08/106 UR-APS 345
Jayadeva S Kadagi KN/IP-08/357 UR-APS 301
Therefore, the names of above two APS candidates are hereby declared ‘ Successful’
(B) Resultantly, the names of the following two officials which were shown as ‘Selected’ are hereby declared ‘Surplus’ qualified candidates.
Name of the candidate S/Shri Roll No. with Circle Index letter Category Total marks
HA Giridhar KN/IP-08/104 UR 288
BH Naik KN/IP-08/327 ST 253
(c) The name of Shri Puttaswamy SC candidates bearing Roll No. KN/IP-08/222 which was shown as ‘Surplus” qualified candidate in the earlier list is now declared as ‘Selected’. The name of Shri Puttaswamy is also under consideration for review of failed SC candidates of IP Examination 2007 of Karnataka Circle. If he is selected against the vacancy of IP Examination 2007, action will be taken to fill up the resultant vancancy.
II) Kerala Circle:
The vacancies in the Circle were noted as OC 06 + SC 02 + ST 02 = 10 inadvertently instead of correct number of vacancies i.e. OC 31 + SC 05 + ST 02 = 38. Therefore , it has been decided to revise the result of Kerala Circle in the light of changed vacancy position. Against the last OC vacancy two candidates viz. Shri S. Bhagyaraj (bearing Roll No. K/IP-21/08) and Smt. Sheela P.R. (bearing Roll No. K/IP-84/08) has been included in the surplus qualified candidates.
III) Tamil Nadu Circle:
The name of Shri B. Brajkaboor bearing Roll No. TN/107/IP/08 who got 37 marks and failed in paper V has been declared as ‘ Surplus’ qualified candidates is now deleted from the list ‘Selected/Surplus qualified’ candidates.
3. The recast lists in respect of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu Circles are enclosed for necessary action by the concerned Circles.
Yours faithfully,
(L.Mohan Rao)
Assistant Director General (DE)