This blog is meant for use by members of the Association for news and views. Send comments / suggestions / views to e-mail Id:

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Circular letter from CO permitting CWC to be held on 03.01.2010 (Sunday)

Scanned copy of the circular letter No. WL/24-7/2001 dated 29.12.2009 issued by CO, Bhubaneswar permitting CWC to be held on 03.01.2010 in the Recreation Club of Bhubaneswar GPO is furnished below for information and necessary action by all concerned members/office-bearers.

From the Association side, no communication will be sent individully by post as the CWC Notice has been posted in the blog for information of all concerned. CWC Members and Office-bearers are requested to join the CWC at 10.30 hrs on 03.01.2010.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Letter writing campaign to DG Posts demanding Grade pay Rs 4600 to IPs

The copy of the letter from GS is reproduced below for information and necessary action by all members of Orissa Circle Branch Association.
Dear friends,
Immediately after the release of 6th CPC, Our Association demanded higher grade pay of Rs 4600 to IP , Rs 4800 to ASP and Rs 5400 to PS Group B. The matter is still pending with Anomaly Committee for more than one year. During discussion, concerned officers in the Postal Directorate assured that the Grade Pay would be revised upwardly as soon as the Grade Pay of analogous cadre in other ministries/departments is revised.

Now the grade pay of Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS has been revised from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600 vide Ministry of Finance Memo. No. F.No. 1/1/2008-IC dt.13.11.2009 and 16.11.2009. Referring this, I have already submitted letter No. CHQ/IASP/SCPC dated 16.11.2009 to Postal Directorate demanding Grade Pay Rs 4600 to Inspector Posts and a reminder was issued on 14.12.2009 besides meeting personally and had discussion with Director General (Posts) and DDG(Estt). But the file is not moving in the expected speed.

Enough time has already been given. We cannot prolong our patience furthermore. It is the time to react. Each one of us has to exert pressure on the Department. Then only we can get justice.

Please go through the following instructions carefully and do it immediately:

1. Every IP and ASP has to write a letter to DG individually with a copy to me.
2. Model letter is given below. Take print out. Two copies should be prepared. One should be sent to the following address:
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Director General, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Another copy of this letter may be sent to the following address:
Shri. S.Samuel, General Secretary, AIAIASP, No.12.P&T Colony, Civil Lines, New Delhi-110054.
3. All Circle Secretaries and CHQ Office bearers are requested to personally request all members both IP & ASPs to send this letter.
4. All IP & ASPs are requested to pass on this message to all members and ensure that this letter is dispatched immediately as instructed above.
5. The letter writing campaign should be completed by 10.1.2010 positively.

Yours sincerely,
General Secretary

Model Letter
----------- (Address)
………… (PIN Code)

Ms.Radhika Doraiswamy
Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001

Respected Madam,

Subject : Request for revision of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600.

1. The Sixth Central Pay Commission has recommended merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500- 10500 with a view to bring Inspector (Posts) on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC as well as Assistants in CSS and this has also been accepted and implemented by the Govt. Accordingly, Inspector Posts have been placed in PB-2 with grade Pay of Rs 4200/- on par with Assistants in CSS/Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC w.e.f. 1.1.2006.

2. Now the Grade pay of Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC has been upwardly revised from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600 vide Ministry of Finance Memo. No. F.No. 1/1/2008-IC dt.13th November 2009.

3. The Grade Pay of Assistants in the Central Secretariat has also been upgraded from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600 vide Ministry of Finance Memo. No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 16th November 2009.

4. It is only in the fitness of things that the Grade Pay of Inspector Posts should be revised as Rs 4600/- on par with Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and Assistant in CSS as demanded by our Association.

5. I request you to kindly intervene and cause revision of grade pay of Inspector posts from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600 on par with Inspector CBDT/CBEC and Assistant in CSS and restore ‘Equity and Parity’ and thus render justice.

Yours faithfully,

Copy to:
Shri. S.Samuel, General Secretary, AIAIASP, No.12.P&T Colony, Civil Lines, New Delhi-110054.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Question of merger of IP & ASP Cadres

It is learnt from the source of Postal Officers' Association that the Dept. has sought opinion of Postal Officers' Association on the question of merger of IP & ASP Cadres for deciding on thier Grade Pay. Postal Officers' Association is likely to communicate its opinion very soon. Orissa Circle Branch of Postal Officers' Association is against the proposal of merger as the merger will undermine the importance of the post of PS Gr.B and and the Govt. will find a plea not to allow Rs.5400/- as GP for PS Gr.B Officers if there will be no ASP cadre with proposed GP of Rs.4800/- in between.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Transfers and postings in JTS Gr.A cadre

Sri B C Mohanty, APMG (Vigilance), CO, Bhubaneswar and Sri L K Sethy, SSPOs, Cuttack City Division will swap their places of postings. Orders have been issued by CO, Bhubaneswar to this effect on 23.12.2009.

Transfers and postings in PS Gr.B cadre

The following transfers and postings have been issued vide CO Bhubaneswar Memo. No.ST/2-4(2)/2004/Ch.I dated 23.12.2009.
Sri K S Giri allotted to HQ Region and posted as SPOs, Cuttack North Division
Sri S K Mohapatra allotted to Berhampur Region (Place of posting will be shown by RO, Berhampur)
Sri K C Mohanty-II allotted to Berhampur Region(Place of posting will be shown by RO, Berhampur)
Sri Abhimanyu Behera allotted to Berhampur Region(Place of posting will be shown by RO, Berhampur)
Sri Satyabadi Sahoo, SPOs, Cuttack North Division is transferred and posted as AD(Staff), CO, Bhubaneswar

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Provisional Appointment Offer to 465 JAO(Pt-II) passed candidates as AAO in P & T AFS Gr.B

After amalgamation of the organised Accounts cadre of IP & T Accounts and Finance Service Gr.B, the Ministry of Communication, has offered provisional appointment to 465 JAO(Pt-II) pass-out candidates to the AAO Grade on 21.12.2009 for joining in the CCA(Controller of Communication Accounts in the Dept. of Telecom) of concerned Circles on 30.12.2009. The candidates willing to take up the appointment are to furnish unconditional undertaking in the given proforma.
The following names of Orissa Circle find a place in the list of JAO pass-out who are given such offer.
For details, the following link may be visited.

Sl.235: Sri Pramod Charan Praharaj
Sl.272: Sri Anirudha Acharya
Sl.342: Sri Bijay Kumar Goud
Sl.354: Sri Kshyamanidhi Pradhan
Sl.378: Sri Trilochan Ray
Sl.380: Sri Manoj Kumar Bose
Sl.388: Sri Prasanna Kumar Panda
Sl.394: Sri Prakash Chandra Patnaik
Sl.395: Sri Nanda Kishore Panda
Sl.400: Sri Balmiki Jena
Sl.443: Sri Radhakrushna Sabat
Sl.462: Sri B M Das Mohapatra

Monday, December 21, 2009

Activities of Orissa Circle Branch Association

Notice for next CWC of the Orissa Circle Branch Association to be held on 03.01.2010 has been issued. This will be followed by next bi-ennial Circle Conference mainly for electing a set of new office-bearers of Circle Branch Association before 04.02.2010. Subject to approval in the CWC, the next bi-ennial conference could be held on 24.01.2010 (Sunday).

The last Circle Conference held at Panthanivas, Bhubaneswar on 04.11.2007 witnessed largest ever participation of members. This time also the Association hopes even more number of members (than in the last Circle Conference) will turn up.

The Association expects that its each and every member should participate in the activities of the Association actively so as to make it a vibrant entity to act as a powerful platform to safeguard the interest of its members. Active members, especially of younger lots are requested to come forward to shoulder the responsibility of the Association by becoming office-bearers.

All members of the Association are requested to develop of a spirit of unity among them and encourage every member of the Association to attend the ensuing Circle Conference. They are all requested to check up with every member if they have cleared their regular subscriptions at monthly rate of Rs.30/- and special donation of Rs.500/- each. No special donation has been collected in this Circle after implementation of 6th CPC Report though many other Circle Branch Associations have improved their financial health through special donations. As everybody knows, the Association needs financial support to run its activities in required manner. The names of members of the Association who have given special contribution have been mentioned in the side-bar of this blog for information all concerned. The list will be updated as and when new donations are received.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Notification for CWC meeting of Orissa Circle Branch Association


18th December 2009

Under the provisions of the Constitution of All India Association of Inspectors and Asst. Superintendents Posts, it is hereby notified that a meeting of the Circle Working Committee of the Association will be held on Sunday, the 3rd January 2010 at 10.30 hrs in the Recreation Club of Bhubaneswar GPO.

The agenda for the meeting are as under:
1.Confirmation of the proceedings of the last CWC held in the Recreation Club of Bhubaneswar GPO on 26.07.2009.
2.Next bi-ennial Circle Conference- Selection of date and venue and formation of Reception Committee
3.Ensuing 36th All India Conference in April 2010 in New Delhi- Raising of funds and Nomination of delegates from the Circle
4.Review of financial position of the Association, approval to the expenditure already made & to be made for activities of the Association
5.Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
Sri S B Mahapatra, President, CHQ of the Association will be the special invitee to the CWC.
All office-bearers and CWC members of the Association are requested to attend the said meeting in time.
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Copy to:
The Chief Postmaster General, Orissa Circle, Bhubaneswar for kind information. Necessary orders may kindly be issued to all concerned for grant of special casual leave to office bearers and CWC members as per the enclosed list from the station out side Bhubaneswar.
Sri S Samuel, General Secretary, AI Assn of Inspectors & ASPs-cum-AD(RB), Dak Bhawan New Delhi-1 for kind information.
The President and all office-bearers and CWC members of the Association.
The Secretary, Bhubaneswar GPO PRC for kind information. He is requested to spare the accommodation in the PRC for CWC meeting on 03.01.2010
The Sr. Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO for kind information.

(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary

List of Office-bearers and CWC Members of AI Assn of IPs/ASPs, Orissa Circle Branch
Office Bearers
Sri Sreekant Kar, Supdt,RMS ‘K’ Division, Jharsuguda
Vice Presidents
Sri Lingaraj Pradhan, ASP(OD), Sambalpur
Sri Ajit Kumar Dash, ASP(Vig), RO, Berhampur
Circle Secretary
Sri Bipin Bihari Mohanty, Manager(Project Arrow), CO, Bhubaneswar
Asst. Circle Secretaries
Sri H S Mohapatra, ASP I/c, Berhampur North Sub-Divn
Sri Alekh Kumar Mohanty, ASP-I, Bhubaneswar RMS
Sri Shiv Murthy Sukla, ASP I/c Rourkela East
Organising Secretaries
Sri Krushna Chandra Chinara, ASP I/c, Bhadrak Divn
Sk. Md. Noman, ASP I/C, Kendrapara Sub-Divn
Sri Prasanna Kumar Sahoo, ASP (Inv), CO, Bhubaneswar
Sri Parameswar Naik, IP, Jajpur Road Sub-Divn
Sri Pitabas Jena, IP(Uniform), PSD, Bhubaneswar now at CO as IP(Project Arrow)
Asst. Treasurer
Sri Sarbeswar Choudhury, II(Plg), CO, Bhubaneswar
Sri Kaibalya Prasad Parida, Oftg AD(Staff) , CO, Bhubaneswar
CWC Members
Sri Bharat Ku. Patra, IP, Gunupur Sub-Division
Sri Bijay Kumar Satapathy, ASP(HQ), Phulbani
Sri M M Mohapatra, Oftg Dy Manager, PPP, Bhubaneswar
Sri C M Mohapatra, Oftg AD(Est/LC). CO, Bhubaneswar
Sri D K Samal. DPM, Bhubaneswar GPO
Sri Gangadhar Mohanty, OS, Cuttack City Division
Sri Sarbeswar Mishra, PM, Puri HO
Sri R K Singh, ASP(HQ), Cuttack North Division
Sri B K Patra, ASP (Vig), CO, Bhubaneswar
Sri D P Nayak, ASP(PG), CO, Bhubaneswar
Sri N K Samal, ASP (OD), Bhadrak Division
Sri P C Mohapatra, ASP(LC), CO, BHubaneswar
Sri Khageswar Mallick, ASP(TO), CO, Bhubaneswar
Sri P N Patnaik, ASP I/c, Cuttack East Sub-Division
Smt. Arunabala Mohanty,ASP(HQ), Bhubaneswar Division
Sri Khageswar Mahanta, ASP I/C, Puri Sub-Division
Sri S K Mishra, ASP(OD), Cuttack North Divn

No permission to surplus qualified candidates to appear in the comimg IP Exam

As already mentioned Orissa Circle has not issued permission to surplus qualified candidates of last IP Exam to appear in the coming IP Exam. On this issue several queries have been made by surplus qualified candidates asking for action at the level of the Association for facilitating issue of permission for the surplus qualified candidates for the coming IP Exam.
In this connection it is to mention here that the matter was taken up with the CHQ of IP/ASP Association and the GS advised this branch Accociation to ask the affected candidates to represent to the Administration on their individual capacity besides requesting the Class-III Union functionaries to take up the matter with the Administration if there is a problem.
As regards allotment orders for surplus candidates, the GS mentioned that some Circles are yet to forward the willingness of surplus candidates to join in other Circles. As allotment orders will be issued in one lot after getting response from all Circles, the matter is getting delayed for want of response from some Circles. It will take some more time before the allotment orders are issued.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Regular promotion to PS Gr.B cadre

As per the orders released vide Dte. Memo. No.9-51/2009-SPG dated 16.12.2009, 139 officials belonging to IP cadre have got nomination for regular promotion to PS Gr.B cadre. The following officers of Orissa Circle have got the nomination.

Sl. No.14. Sri Muralidhar Singh allotted to WB Circle
Sl.No.25. Sri Hemant Kumar Dalal allotted to Orissa Circle (retiring on 28.02.2009)
Sl.No.72. Sri Banchhanidhi Mishra allotted to WB Circle

The Association congratulates these officers on their regular promotion to PS Gr. B cadre.

IP Exam on 4th to 6th of January 2009

IP Examination is scheduled to be held on 4th, 5th and 6th of January 2009 for the following vacancies in Orissa Circle:
OC-10, ST-3 and SC-2, Total- 15
Hall permits have been issued for 133 candidates of Orissa Circle. 13 officials including those qualified as surplus candidates in the last Examination have been denied permission to apear the ensuing Examination. Circle Administration decided now not to permit surplus qualified candidates of last Exam to appear the Examination this time again on the ground that they will get appointment as IPs in other Circles. (Allotment of surplus candidates to Circles outside Orissa is awaited from Directorate)
Details of candidates permitted to take the Examination are being despatched to units on 16.12.2009.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Members of Postal Services Board

Mrs. Indira Krishna Kumar has taken over as Member (Personnel) in the Postal Services Board.
Maj. Gen. V Sadasivam is the new Member (HRD) in the Postal Services Board.

Khaki Uniform to Postman/Multiskilled Employees

Department has again introduced khaki uniforms to Postman/Multiskilled employees vide Directorate letter No 2-33/2008-UPE dated 9.12.2009.
The present dark blue trousers and a light blue full-sleeved shirt in polyester cotton cloth for male employees and light blue sari, with a dark blue border for female employees was introduced in the Department in the year 2004 to mark Department's 150th anniversary.
Department called for suggestions from the Unions/Associations during the October 2008 as there was a demand to change the colour of the uniform. Now the Department has again introduced the khaki colour uniform the Postman and multi skilled employees.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Four-monthly meeting with Chief PMG held on 11.12.2009

Four-monthly meeting of the Association was held with Chief PMG on 11.12.2009. Discussions were held on the following agenda:
6-2/2009: Request for supply of a set of FRSR published by M/s Swamy Publications to all Inspectorial Staff.
Brief: Consequent on implementation of 6th CPC Report, FRSR have undergone a lot of changes. The changes have been incorporated in the Compilations of M/s Swamy Publications, Chennai which are used as reference books by Govt. Departments. Inspectorial staff are required to keep themselves updated on the changes on the FRSRs and TA, Leave, Pension Rules etc. for day to day discharge of their duties. It is, therefore, requested that all inspectorial staff in the Circle may kindly be provided with a set of FRSRS, and Compilations on TA, Pension, Leave Rules etc.
Oral Reply: Instruction are to be issued. (Chief PMG was kind enough to accept the request and agreed to issue orders accordingly.)
1-12/2009: Request for issue of orders for treating the period covered by ad hoc promotion in ASP cadre as regular promotion.
Brief: At present ad hoc promotion is given to IPs to ASP cadre for 11 months with the arrangement of termination of ad hoc arrangement on completion of 11 months. Previously, the ad hoc promotion was allowed to continue beyond a year without any termination arrangement, making the IPs entitled to get increment in the cadre of ASP during period of their ad hoc promotion. IPs while continuing on ad hoc promotion to ASP cadre for more than a year got regular promotion to ASP cadre through DPC and earned increments on completion of 12 months of continuous service in ASP cadre. Now suddenly, recoveries have been made from the salary of the ASPs on the ground that the ASPs are not entitled to increments for the period covered under ad hoc promotion. This is inspite of the fact that uninterrupted service period of ad hoc promotion was followed by regular promotion to ASP cadre. Recoveries so made from the salary of ASPs like Sri A K Rath, ASP I/c Bargarh and Sri P N Dash, ASP Phulbani are not justified. They incurred substantial financial loss by way of not getting the increments in ASP cadre, paying income tax at higher rate on the basis of increments drawn for the ad hoc period and losing the PLB, without any fault on their part. The Association requests for issue of orders to DDOs to refund the recoveries made from the salary of ASPs on this count.
Oral Reply: Orders are there that ad hoc arrangement should not continue for more than a year at a stretch. Ad hoc appointment should have, therefore, been terminated at appropriate time. Ad hoc appointment is regulated as per orders of DOPT and Circle Office cannot do anything in the matter. The affected officials can claim refund of excess Income Tax paid, if any, for the relevant year from IT Dept on the basis of certificate to be obtained from DDOs.

2-12/2009: Request for required amenities and civil maintenance of Inspection Rooms in the Circle.
Brief: Most of the Inspection Rooms in the Circle are in very bad shape and condition without regular maintenance of civil work. In some cases there is even no facility for regular water supply. Case of the IR at Ashoknagar MDG is cited as an example. The Association requests for issuing orders for providing required civil maintenance and amenities in the Inspection Rooms in the Circle.
Oral Reply: IP/ASP of the concerned Sub-Division where IQ/IR exists will be asked to pay regular visits to IQ/IR to report to the Divisional Head concerned to take necessary action if there is any problem with any IR/IQ.
3-12/2009: Request for adoption of uniformity of principle for giving ad hoc promotion of ASPs to PS Gr. B Cadre.
Brief: It is observed that the cases of two senior ASPs (namely Sri K C Ghadei and Sri N K Samal) have been omitted while allowing ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre. No offer of ad hoc posting has been made to Sri K C Ghadei though there is no disciplinary / vigilance case pending against him. Similarly no new offer has been made to Sri N K Samal who had declined ad hoc promotion in January 2009. The Association requests for adopting a uniformity of principle so that everybody gets a fair chance of getting ad hoc promotion.
Reply: Affected officialsd can represent
NB: Written reply from Circle administration on the aforesaid items are awaited.

Delay in upgrading GP of IPs & Reminder to DG(Posts) by GS

Kindly visit the link to CHQ blog to see the text of the reminder issued by GS to DG(Posts) on 14.12.2009.

Officer holding the post of JTS with GP of Rs 5400/- in PB-2 can act as Chairperson of the Screening of Committee for MACPS in Department of Posts

For details of the clarification issued by Postal Directorate, please click on the link below to our CHQ blog.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Reallotment of PS Gr.B Officers to Orissa Circle

The following PS Gr.B officers of Orissa presently working outside Orissa Circle have been reallotted to Orissa Circle as per the orders released by Dte on 04.12.2009 evening.
  1. Sri Sanjay Ku. Mohapatra
  2. Sri Krupasindhu Giri
  3. Sri Kailash Ch. Mohanty-II
  4. Sri Abhimanyu Behera

The Association congratulates these officers on their home-coming.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Special Donation to the Association

In continuation of the earlier request posted in the blog, all members of the Association in Orissa Circle are requested once again to donate at least Rs.500/- each from the sum received as second installment of arrears on account of implementation of 6th CPC. This is all the more necessary to improve the financial health of the Association which is not good at present.
The names of the members who have donated for the cause of the Association so far are shown in the sidebar of the blog for information of all concerned.
Members who have invigilation duty at Bhubaneswar on 13.12.2009 are requested to come with the special donation to make over the same to the treasurer at the venue of the Exam.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

LTC to Central Government Employees -Travel by tour packages

For details, kindly click on the link below to our CHQ Blog.

Special training programme for awardees of Project Arrow (Phase-I) at APPC, Bangkok

Gopalpur SO in Berhampur Division secured (joint) first position in the performance of Project Arrow (Phase-I) Post Offices at the national level. Its SPM Sri M Kamaraju received the award from Hon'ble MOC&IT in a grand function on 24.10.2009 at Coimbatore.
Now the following officials of Berhampur Division have been nominated for a special training programme at Asian Pacific Postal College, Bangkok, Thailand during the period from 16.12.2009 to 23.12.2009 under "Rewards and Recognition" scheme.

  1. Sri Dibakar Patnaik, SSPOs, Berhampur
  2. Sri Bharat Kumar Patra, IP
  3. Sri Santosh Kumar Mohapatra, System Administrator
  4. Sri M Kamaraju, SPM, Gopalpur
  5. Sri Judhisthir Behera, PA, Gopalpur SO
  6. Sri Akbal Sariff, PA, Gopalpur SO
  7. Sri Gangadhar Bhuyan, Postman, Gopalpur SO
  8. Sri Kamaraju Sethy, Postman, Gopalpur SO
  9. Sri Niranjan Das, GDSMD-1, Gopalpur SO
  10. Sri Harish Chandra Sahu, GDSMD-2, Gopalpur SO
The Association congratulates these officials on their success.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New postings in Circle Office, Bhubaneswar

Sri A S S V Rao (from AP Circle) has joined as AD(Bldg/MM) in the Circle Office, Bhubaneswar
Sri Samar Parbat (from WB Circle) has joined as Sr. PS to CPMG vice Sri Benudhar Panda superannuated on 30.11.2009.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Message from GS on the status of upgradation of GP of IPs/ASPs

Dear friends,
Department of Personnel and Training has issued orders ( on 19.11.09) upgrading grade pay of Section officer in Central Secretariat services from Rs 4800 to 5400. Now our case has become more stronger and the Department is on the job to revise the grade pay of IP/ASP/Gr B to Rs 4600, 4800 and 5400 respectively.I am in touch with the concerned officers in the Postal Directorate and pursuing. We will get it very soon.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Message from GS on the status of upgradation of GP of IPs

Dear friends,
I met DG Posts on 16.11.09 and requested her to issue orders for higher grade pay Rs 4600 to IP. I had a detailed discussion with DDG(Estt.) on 17.11.09. The dept. has agreed to issue orders revising the grade pay of IP to Rs 4600 w.e.f 1.1.2006. At the same time the dept. is taking action to revise the grade pay of ASP and Gr B to Rs 4800 and 5400 respectively. DDG(Estt) asked me to wait for some time to get concurrence from MOF.All IPs will get grade pay Rs 4600 w.e.f 1.1.2006.
Copy of the letter given to DG is attached.
No.CHQ/IASP/SCPC date: 16th November 2009
Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi-110001

Respected Madam,

Sub: Request for upward revision of higher grade pay to the cadre of Inspector Posts from
Rs 4200 to Rs 4600

Ministry of Finance vide O.M No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 13.11.2009 has issued orders for upward revision of grade pay from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600 in respect of posts which were in the pre-revised scale of Rs 6500-10500 as on 1.1.2006 (copy attached). The grade pay of Assistants in CCS also revised vide MOF OM No.1/1/2008-IC dated 16.11.2009 (Copy attached).

The Sixth Central Pay Commission has clearly recommended upgradation of pay scale of Inspector Posts on par with Assistant in Central Secretariat Service, Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC. Extract of para 7.6.14 of Sixth Central Pay Commission report is attached. In order to maintain parity among inspectors and analogous posts in the Central Services, it is requested that orders may kindly be issued, revising upwardly, the grade of pay of Inspector Posts from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600.

Simultaneously, the grade pay of Assistant Superintendent Post and PS Group B may also be revised from Rs 4600 to Rs 4800 and Rs 4800 to Rs 5400 respectively in order to avoid any functional disturbances.

Thanking you Madam,

Yours faithfully,

General Secretary

Ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre

Sri Mohan Naik, ASP, RMS K Division, Jharsuguda is given ad hoc promotion and allotted to Berhampur Region against the vacancy now occurring in the post of SPOs, Aska Division.
Sri B N Mishra, SPOs Aska is posted as SPOs, Kalahandi Division.

Transfers and postings in ASP Cadre issued on 17.11.09

Sri N K Samal, ASP(LC), CO, Bhubaneswar is transferred and posted as ASP(OD), Bhadrak Division
Sri Pravat Chandra Mohapatra, ASP(OD), Cuttack City Division is transferred and posted as ASP(LC), CO, Bhubaneswar

Reshuffling in the cadre of PS Gr. B

Orders have been issued by CO, Bhubaneswar on 17.11.2009 as follows:
Sri H K Dalal, AD(LC & Mail), CO, Bhubaneswar is transferred and posted as Supdt, PSD, Bhubaneswar.
Sri A K Ganguly, Supdt, PSD, Bhubaneswar is brought to Circle office, Bhubaneswar as AD. He will be in charge of Accounts, Welfare and Mail Sections.
Sri C M Mohapatra, AD, CO, Bhubaneswar who was in charge of Accounts, Welfare, Establishment & Planning Sections will now be in charge of Legal Cell and Establishment & Planning Sections.

Monday, November 16, 2009

GS writes to DG(Posts) for upgradation of Grade Pay of IPs / ASPs

No.CHQ/IASP/SCPC date: 16th November 2009


Director General

Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan

New Delhi-110001

Respected Madam,

Sub: Request for upward revision of higher grade pay to the cadre of Inspector Posts from Rs 4200 to Rs 4800

Ministry of Finance vide O.M No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 13.11.2009 has issued orders for upward revision of grade pay from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600 in respect of posts which were in the pre-revised scale of Rs 6500-10500 as on 1.1.2006 (copy attached). The grade pay of Assistants in CCS also revised vide MOF OM No.1/1/2008-IC dated 16.11.2009 (Copy attached).

The Sixth Central Pay Commission has clearly recommended upgradation of pay scale of Inspector Posts on par with Assistant in Central Secretariat Service, Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC. Extract of para 7.6.14 of Sixth Central Pay Commission report is attached. In order to maintain parity among inspectors and analogous posts in the Central Services, it is requested that orders may kindly be issued, revising upwardly, the grade of pay of Inspector Posts from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600.

Simultaneously, the grade pay of Assistant Superintendent Post and PS Group B may also be revised from Rs 4600 to Rs 4800 and Rs 4800 to Rs 5400 respectively in order to avoid any functional disturbances.

Thanking you Madam,

Yours faithfully,


General Secretary

Transfers and postings in ASP Grade in HQ Region

The follows transfers and postings have been ordered by CO, Bhubaneswar on 16.11.2009.

Sri Bijay Kumar Patra, ASP (Inv), CO, Bhubaneswar is posted as ASP(Vigilance), CO, Bhubaneswar in place of Sri K P Parida officiating as AD(Staff), CO.

Sri Prasanna Kumar Sahoo, ASP(PG), CO, Bhubaneswar is posted as ASP(Inv), CO, Bhubaneswar

Sri Debi Prasad Nayak, ASP(Mails), CO, Bhubaneswar is posted as ASP(PG), CO, Bhubaneswar

Sri Srikant Chandra Sahoo, ASP-I, Bhubaneswar RMS is posted as ASP(Mails), CO, Bhubaneswar

Sri Alekh Kumar Mohanty, ASP(HQ), Bhubaneswar Division is posted as ASP-I, Bhubaneswar RMS

Smt. Arunabala Mohanty, IP, CSD, Bhubaneswar who was earlier posted as ASP(OD), Bhadrak Division is now posted as ASP(HQ), Bhubaneswar Division.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


The message from the GS is reproduced below for information. It will take some time more before IPs get upgraded Grade Pay.
Ministry of Finance Vide Memo No F. No 1/1/2008-IC dated 13.11.2009 has revised the GP of Rs 4200/- granted to the existing pre-revised scale of Rs 6500-10500 to Rs 4600/- w.e.f 1.1.2006. The pay is to be refixed and the arrears will be paid immediately. Personal Secretaries of our Department who were in the pre-revised scale of Rs 6500 will be benefited immediately. Our demand for upgradation of pay scales to Inspector Posts at par with the Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC was considered by the Pay Commission and the recommendation given in the report is reproduced below:-
Extract of Para 7.6.14 of Pay Commission recommendations for Inspector Posts.
7.6.14 Postal Inspectors in Department of Posts have demanded a higher pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) on the ground that they are recruited through the same examination. The Commission is recommending the merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 which will automatically bring Inspector (Posts) on par with Assistants in CSS/Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC. With this upgradation, Inspector (Posts) shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent (Posts) [ASPOs]. ASPOs shall, accordingly, be placed in the next higher pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4600. The next higher post in the hierarchy, that of Superintendent (Post), which is also a promotion post for ASPOs, shall be placed in the pay scale of Rs.7500-12000 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4800. Parity exists between the posts of Inspector (Posts) and Inspectors in Mail Motor Service (MMS). This parity would need to be maintained and Assistant Manager, Mail Motor Service shall be placed in the higher grade of Rs.7450-11500 whose corresponding replacement pay band and grade pay is PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with a grade pay of Rs.4600. Similarly, Manager, Mail Motor Service shall be placed in PB-2 pay band of Rs.8700-34800 along with a grade pay of Rs.4800 which corresponds to the prerevised pay scale of Rs.7500-12000.As the Inspectors are already placed at par with pay scale of Rs 6500-10500, the benefit should also be given to Inspector Posts.
The case is being taken up with our Department for upgradation of Grade Pay to Inspector Posts from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/-. Simultaneously the grade pay of ASP and Gr B should be upgraded to 4800 and 5400 respectively. Our Assoication is on the job. Specific orders will be got issued by the Directorate very soon.
General Secretary

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sri P K Patra declines ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre

Sri Prasan Kumar Patra, ASP who was supposed to take over as SPOs Kalahandi on his ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre has declined his ad hoc promotion citing difficulty on domestic front. Somebody else will be posted against the vacancy occurring in the post of SPOs Kalahandi.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Postings of ASPs on ad hoc Berhampur Region

Sri Satyabadi Biswal, IP Jeypore (K) is posted as ASP(HQ), Bhawanipatna on his ad hoc promotion to ASP cadre.
Sri Bhabani Prasad Padhy, IP Nabarangpur is posted as ASP I/c, Koraput Sub-Division on his ad hoc promotion to ASP cadre.
Sri Ramdas Soren, ASP I/c, Koraput Sub- Division is transferred as ASP (HQ), Koraput Division.

Ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B Cadre

Sri Prasan Kumar Patra, ASP(OD), Cuttack South Division is given ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre and allotted to Berhampur Region against the post of SPOs, Kalahandi Division. Sri D D Raddy, SPOs, Kalahandi has proceeded on leave ahead of his retirement due on 30.11.2009.
The Association congratulates Sri Patra on his ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Supply of Laptops to Sub-Divisions

It is learnt from the source of our CHQ and from other sources that Circle Office will receive funds soon for supply of Laptops to Sub-Divisions. On receipt of funds, CO will place orders for supply through DGS & D. It will take 4-6 weeks after the order is placed, to the consignment to reach the Sub-Divisions.

In the mean time, all IPs/ASPs working in Sub-Divisions in the Circle must ensure that Divisional administration supply one Desktop to each Sub-Division by way of diversion of surplus used/old computers from POs. Orders to this effect have since been secured from Circle Office which need to be implemented without further delay. If any Sub-Divisional head is facing any difficulty in getting the orders implemented, the same may be brought to the notice of the Circle Secretary.

Allotment of Sri Sreekant Kar to Sambalpur Region

Sri Sreekant Kar who was earlier posted by CO directly as SRM K Division is now shown allotted to Sambalpur Region meaning that PMG Sambalpur will show his place of posting.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Posting in IP cadre

Sri Kshirod Kumar Mishra, PA Rajkanika SO under Cuttack North Division who has qualified in the IP Exam 2008 has been posted as IP, Athagarh Sub-Division under Cuttack South Division.
The scanned copy of the posting order issued vide CO, Bhubaneswar Memo.No.ST/20-9/2001 dated 22.10.2009 is reproduced below.

The Association congratulates Sri Mishra once again on his promtion to IP cadre and welcomes him as a member of the All India Association of IPs & ASPs, Orissa Circle Branch.

Ad hoc promotion, transfer & posting in PS Gr.B cadre

Sri Srikant Kar, AD (Bldg & MM), CO, Bhubaneswar is transferred and posted as SRM 'K' Division, Jharsuguda vice Sri Narayan Behera who is due to suerannuate on 31.10.2009. Transfer of Sri Kar is in consequence of posting of one technical person from other Circle to the post of AD(Bldg & MM).
Sri Kaibalya Prasad Parida, ASP(Vig), CO, Bhubaneswar is given ad hoc promtion to PS Gr.B cadre and posted as AD(Staff), CO, Bhubaneswar in place of Sri S N Panda transferred to Sambalpur Region.
The Association congratulates Sri K P Parida on his ad hoc promtion to PS Gr.B Cadre.

Ad hoc promotions & postings in ASP cadre.

Orders for ad hoc promotion of 5 IPs to ASP Cadre and transfer of Sri S N Satapathy, ASP(Bag), PSD, Bhubaneswar [who was attached to CO as ASP(BD)] as ASP(HQ) of Cuttack South Division have been issued vide CO Memo. No.ST/24-15(3)/2008 dated 22.10.2009, a scanned copy of which is reproduced below for information of all concerned.

The Association congratulates these IPs on their ad hoc promotion to ASP cadre.

Transfer in PS Gr.B Cadre

Sri S N Panda, AD (Staff), CO, Bhubaneswar is transferred and allotted to Sambalpur Region. He is relieved on 22.10.09 A/N making over charge to Sri C M Mohapatra, AD(Accts/Plg/Est/WL). Regular arrangement in the post of AD(Staff), CO, Bhubaneswar is expected to follow soon.

Revised IP Exam Result in respect of Karnatak, Kerala & Tamilnadu Circles

Copy of DOP letter No.A-34013/01/2009-DE dated 08.10.2009

1. The Chief Postmasters General,
Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu Circles,
2. The Additional Director General, APS, New Delhi

Sub: Result of the Departmental Examination for selection to the posts of Inspectors of Posts Examination for the year 2008 held on 5th, 6th & 7th November 2008.


I am directed to refer to this letter of even number dated 18.9.2009 on the above mentioned subject.

2. References regarding omissions in the result of the subject cited examination have been received from the Circles. On the basis of the reports, results in respect of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu Circles have been revised as follows:

I).Karnataka Circle:

(A) The vacancies in the Circle were noted as 4 OC+ 2ST inadvertently instead of correct number of vancancies i.i. 2 OC and 1 SC. Therefore, it has been decided to revise the result. While reviewing the result of APS candidates of Karnataka Circle, it came to notice that names of following two qualified candidates who were selected on merit were not included in the list of selected candidates already communicated vide this office letter dated 18.9.2009.
Name of the candidate S/Shri Roll No. with Circle Index letter Category Total marks
Kadithota Balaraju KN/IP-08/106 UR-APS 345
Jayadeva S Kadagi KN/IP-08/357 UR-APS 301

Therefore, the names of above two APS candidates are hereby declared ‘ Successful’
(B) Resultantly, the names of the following two officials which were shown as ‘Selected’ are hereby declared ‘Surplus’ qualified candidates.
Name of the candidate S/Shri Roll No. with Circle Index letter Category Total marks
HA Giridhar KN/IP-08/104 UR 288
BH Naik KN/IP-08/327 ST 253

(c) The name of Shri Puttaswamy SC candidates bearing Roll No. KN/IP-08/222 which was shown as ‘Surplus” qualified candidate in the earlier list is now declared as ‘Selected’. The name of Shri Puttaswamy is also under consideration for review of failed SC candidates of IP Examination 2007 of Karnataka Circle. If he is selected against the vacancy of IP Examination 2007, action will be taken to fill up the resultant vancancy.

II) Kerala Circle:

The vacancies in the Circle were noted as OC 06 + SC 02 + ST 02 = 10 inadvertently instead of correct number of vacancies i.e. OC 31 + SC 05 + ST 02 = 38. Therefore , it has been decided to revise the result of Kerala Circle in the light of changed vacancy position. Against the last OC vacancy two candidates viz. Shri S. Bhagyaraj (bearing Roll No. K/IP-21/08) and Smt. Sheela P.R. (bearing Roll No. K/IP-84/08) has been included in the surplus qualified candidates.

III) Tamil Nadu Circle:

The name of Shri B. Brajkaboor bearing Roll No. TN/107/IP/08 who got 37 marks and failed in paper V has been declared as ‘ Surplus’ qualified candidates is now deleted from the list ‘Selected/Surplus qualified’ candidates.

3. The recast lists in respect of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu Circles are enclosed for necessary action by the concerned Circles.
Yours faithfully,
(L.Mohan Rao)
Assistant Director General (DE)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Department of Post Selected Accenture to Design and Develop New Information Technology Architecture and System

Kindly visit the the link to the blog of our CHQ below for information on the subject.

Posting in PS Gr.B Cadre

Sri K C Majhi, ASP I/c Koraput has been given ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre and posted as SPOs Phulbani. Orders to this effect have been issued by CO on 15.10.09. The Association congratulates Sri Majhi on his ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre.
One technical person from other Circle has been posted as AD(Bldg), CO, Bhubaneswar. Sri Srikant Kar who is at present officiating as AD(Bldg) is to be disturbed. As HQ Region has no vacancy of PS Gr. B, Sri Kar is most likely to be allotted to Sambalpur Region. Orders to this effect are awaited.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CS writes to CPMG on Dak Sewa Award for 2007 which is not given away despite announcement

Copy of the letter addressed to CPMG is reproduced below:
Dated 13.10.2009

Ms. Yesodhara Menon
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001

Respected Madam,

This is to bring to your kind notice that the decision to award Dak Sewa in the Circle for the year 2007 was communicated on 17.12.2008 to the officials of different categories who were selected for the award. But for the undisclosed reasons the award has been put on hold. The officials including the one from IP cadre who have been nominated for the award are still waiting to get the award physically. It was expected that the award would be given away in the National Postal Week this year which is considered as the right occasion to felicitate the staff. But nothing has been heard about the award so far. If the administration in its discretion decides not to have any nomination for the award for any particular year no questions can be asked for it. But once the nominees are intimated about the award, not giving away the award for an indefinite period would certainly act as discouragement contrary to the known purpose for having the provision of such an award.

May I, therefore, request your goodself to have a look into the matter and to decide it now in the best interest of the Circle?

With profound regards,
Yours faithfully,
B B Mohanty
Circle Secretary

CS writes to CPMG for accommodating surplus qualified candidates in Orissa Circle

A copy of the letter addressed to CPMG Orissa is reproduced below:
Dated 13.10.2009
Ms. Yesodhara Menon
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001

Sub: Request for accommodating surplus qualified candidates of Orissa Circle in IP Exam 2008 in home Circle against huge number of IP vacancies continuing since long.

Respected Madam,
The result of IP Exam 2008 declared on 18.09.2009 shows that 9 (nine) candidates of Orissa Circle have qualified as surplus candidates who are to be posted in other Circles against their declared unfilled vacancies. The list showing 11 qualified candidates of Orissa Circle including 9 surplus candidates as downloaded from the website is attached.
In Orissa Circle the vacancy of IPs for 2008 appears to have been calculated improperly as a result, only 3 vacancies (OC-2 and SC-1) were shown for Departmental Examination while more than 40 vacancies exist physically at present. The candidates of Orissa Circle who have qualified in the IP Exam’08 will be made to work in other Circles while a huge number of vacancies in IP cadre continue in Orissa Circle. It is learnt that Orissa Circle has 18 vacancies for IP Examination for 2009.
It is a known fact that PAs are unwilling in most of the cases to take up officiating job in IP cadre for which the existing inspectorial staff are made to take extra burden of additional posts of IPs/ASPs for indefinite period making them restless. It is ironical that while Orissa Circle will continue to suffer for having a large number of unfilled vacancies of IP cadre, its surplus qualified candidates will be made to work in other Circles. It will be double whammy for Orissa Circle as it will further deteriorate the already precarious physical strength of PA cadre.
It is learn that surplus qualified candidates of IP Exam 2008 of Kerala Circle who were supposed to work in other Circles have been reallotted to Kerala Circle under Dte letter No. A-34013/01/2009-DE dtd 8.10.2009 by way of revision of the position of declared vacancies for 2008. When this has already been done in one Circle it is felt that the same instance can be replicated in Orissa Circle also.
It is, therefore, requested that Circle Office Bhubaneswar may kindly like to take up the issue at the appropriate level and arrange accommodating the surplus qualified candidates of IP Examination 2008 of Orissa Circle in the home Circle against existing vacancies available Orissa Circle in huge numbers and examination could be held for the balance unfilled vacancies.
With profound regards,
Yours faithfully,
B B Mohanty
Circle Secretary

Saturday, October 10, 2009

GDS Pay Commission Report- Orders by Dept. of Posts issued on 09.10.09

Orders have been issued by Postal Directorate on 09.10.2009 for implementation of GDS Pay Commission Report. Arrears are due from 01.01.2006. First installment of 40% arrears is to be paid by 31.10.09 after obtaining undertaking from GDS in the prescribed format.

For details, please download the entire pdf file from the following link:

Friday, October 9, 2009

SMS Tracking for Speed Post & eMO

For SMS Tracking for Speed Post articles , type:
SP(space)Speed Post Number

For SMS Tracking for eMO, type:
MO(space)PNR Number

And send to 55352

Each SMS costs Rs.2/-

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Strike by Postal JCA deferred.

Postal JCA has deferred the proposed Postal Strike from 07.10.2009 as the GDS Pay Commission Report is learnt to have been approved by Union Cabinet on 01.10.2009. Details of the GDS Pay Commission Report will be known on receipt of Cabinet minutes.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Sri S K Pradhan, SPOs Phulbani and Sri G Disri AD, RO, Sambalpur have retired on 30.09.2009 on superannuation.

The Association wishes them good health and peace of mind through out their post retirement period.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Marksheet of candidates of IP Exam 2008 of Orissa Circle

Mark-sheets of all those candidates of Orissa Circle who appeared in the IP Exam 2008 are reproduced below (in the sequence of Name of the candidate, Roll No., Category, Marks Secured in each Paper I II III IV V,Total). Candidates are requested to check up whether or not they have secured required qualifying marks in each paper before finding their position in order of total marks secured.

Bijaya Kumar Sahoo OR/IPO-13/2008 OC-APS 67 62 68 96 63 356

Kshirod Ku. Mishra OR/IPO-23/2008 OC 59 55 55 68 49 286

Bijaya Kumar Pattanaik OR/IPO-77/2008 OC-APS 12 65 75 80 46 278

Ms Smita Mohapatra OR/IPO-15/2--9 OC 55 58 45 66 53 277

Sriram Ch Acharya OR/IPO-35/2008 OC 42 62 48 58 63 273

Ganeswar Sahoo OR/IPO-27/2008 OC 45 72 46 42 57 262

Ms Madhusmita Padhy OR/IPO-80/2008 OC 45 62 41 64 48 260

Jyotirmayee Mallick OR/IPO-44/2008 OC 40 60 34 62 61 257

Girish Ch. Sahoo OR/IPO-60/2008 OC 47 56 63 47 41 254

Pranab Kr. Mishra OR/IPO-20/2008 OC 48 54 38 53 57 250

Rajendranath Giri OR/IPO-36/2008 OBC 45 56 45 62 42 250

Srikanta Kumar Sahoo OR/IPO-40/2008 OC-APS 25 60 61 64 37 247

Minaketan Pradhan OR/IPO-38/2008 OBC 51 54 40 53 48 246

Bijay Ku. Pradhan OR/IPO-3/2008 OC 50 54 38 67 36 245

Ranjan Ku. Nayak OR/IPO-46/2008 OC 45 56 43 49 48 241

Bharat Jally OR/IPO-14 (Prov) /2008 SC 46 48 38 66 36 234

Chittaranjan Sahoo OR/IPO-85/2008 OC 47 56 36 58 34 231

Balaram Panda OR/IPO-02/2008 OC 40 43 36 57 53 229

Ms Neeta Seremseti OR/IPO-12/2008 OC 40 46 17 68 55 226

Rupesh Bagh OR/IPO-48/2008 SC 45 41 43 61 30 220

Devadutta Jena OR/IPO-22/2008 SC 57 53 21 48 34 213

Seshadev Sahu OR/IPO-76/2008 OBC 41 62 25 38 45 211

Manoj Ku. Behera OR/IPO-72/2008 SC 42 47 38 48 33 208

Banjit Patro OR/IPO-31(Prov) /2008 ST 40 33 25 63 40 201

Baikunthnath Maharana OR/IPO-16/2008 OC 40 44 26 50 35 195

Ranjan Ku. Sahoo OR/IPO-28/2008 OC 30 39 29 50 43 191

Lokanath Singh OR/IPO- 84/2008 ST 40 42 30 44 35 191

Ashok Ku. Mirdha OR/IPO- 51/2008 ST 41 38 34 49 20 182

Himanshu B Parida OR/IPO-43/2008 OC 34 40 17 50 37 178

Satyabrata Gahana OR/IPO-21/2008 OBC 29 33 29 45 41 177

Bijayketan Sahoo OR/IPO- 32/2008 OC 40 39 43 7 43 172

Dayanidhi Behera OR/IPO-53/2008 OBC 35 50 12 35 39 171

Bharat Naik OR/IPO-74/2008 ST 42 35 31 40 23 171

Tarinisen Bhusagar OR/IPO- 47/2008 SC 41 37 19 48 23 168

Sanjay Ku. Das OR/IPO-37/2008 OC 18 30 21 42 40 151

Kulamani Naik OR/IPO-25/2008 ST 31 41 25 13 25 135

Ranjan Ku. Swain OR/IPO- 45/2008 OC 10 22 11 47 45 135

Bidyadhar Jena 3 OR/IPO-30/2008 SC 17 19 24 41 31 132

Sangram K Behera OR/IPO-87/2008 SC 32 21 16 12 12 93

Satyanarayan Lakra OR/IPO-54/2008 ST 18 11 13 5 25 72


Result of IP Exam 2008 declared

Results of IP Examination held on 5th to 7th November 2008 have been declared on 18.09.2009. There were 2 OC vacancies and 1 SC vacancy in Orissa Circle. While the result of SC vacancy will be decided later, the following two candidates are taken as qualified on merit against the OC vacancies available in Orissa Circle.

Sri Bijay Kumar Sahoo from APS, Roll No.OR/IPO-13/2008
Sri Kshirod Kumar Mishra, Roll No.OR/IPO-23/2008

The following candidates are also declared successful in the IP Exam 2008. But their appointment to IP cadre against unfilled surplus vacancies in other Circles depends on their option /willingness.

Ms. Smita Mohapatra, Roll No.OR/IPO-15/2008 (OC)
Sri Sriram Ch. Acharya, Roll No.OR/IPO-35/2008 (OC)
Sri Ganeswar Sahoo, Roll No.OR/IPO-27/2008 (OC)
Ms. Madhusmita Padhy, Roll No.OR/IPO-80/2008 (OC)
Sri Girish Ch. Sahoo, Roll No.OR/IPO-60/2008(OC)
Sri Rajendranath Giri, Roll No.OR/IPO-36/2008 (OC)
Sri Minaketan Pradhan, Roll No.OR/IPO-38/2008 (OC)
Sri Ranjan Kumar Naik, Roll No.OR/IPO-46/2008 (OC)
Sri Manoj Kumar Behera, Roll No.OR/IPO-72/2008 (SC)

It appears that the SC vacancy would have gone straightway in favour of Sri Bharat Jally, Roll No.OR/IPO-14 (Prov)/2008 who has secured highest aggregate marks among SC candidates but for the Provisional tag attached to his candidature, the result of SC candidate is held up. The result in his case is dependent on removal of provisional tag.

As regards the case of Sri Manoj Kumar Behera,Roll No.OR/IPO-72/2008 his appointment to IP cadre in other Circle is possible if SC vacancy in concerned Circle remains unfilled after considering the cases of surplus OC candidates and SC candidates (who have secured 40 marks in each paper) of other Circles and after carrying out review of SC failed candidates of respective home Circle. It also depends on his willingness to work in other Circle.

The comments here in respect of Sri Bharat Jally and Sri Manoj Kumar Behera are purely as a matter of interpretation. The Association does not vouch for the accuracy.

The Association congratulates all those who have qualified and welcomes them to IP cadre. Unsuccessful candidates are requested to try their luck again (if they are otherwise eligible to take the Exam again). They should keep up the spirit of taking the Exam leaving this time's result behind.

For details of the result, kindly visit the following link.

Friday, September 18, 2009

CHQ News

CHQ News 17.9.2009 (Revised)

1. IP examination result is under preparation. It is likely to be released any time within a week.

2. DPC for promotion to PS Group B is held up for want of few more CRs from Maharashtra, Tamilnadu and U.P Circles. Circle Secretaries may please contact Circle offices and arrange to send the remaining CRs early.

3. GDS Committee Report is coming for discussion before the Cabinet Committee today (17.9.2009) and the Committee is likely to nod its approval for implementation. Implementation orders may be issued any time within a week.

4. Central Working Committee Meeting under the Chairmanship of Shri.S.B.Mahapatra, our President was successfully held at Pushkar, Rajasthan on 01 & 02.8.09. A large number of members from 15 Circles participated in the deliberation. Minutes of the CWC is being issued separately. We submit our sincere thanks to Shri. Hari Prasad Sharma outgoing Circle Secretary Rajasthan (now promoted to Gr B) and Shir. Atma Ram ASP for their hard work and hospitality during CWC.

5. Circle Conference of Rajasthan also was held side by side at Pushkar on 02.8.09. Shri. Atma Ram ASP Ajmer R.O and Bhupendra Parashar IP(C) C.O Jaipur have been elected as Circle President and Circle Secretary respectively. We congratulate them for a successful tenure.

6. Delhi Circle will hold the next All India Conference at New Delhi during first week of April 2010. Exact dates of the Conference will be announced very soon. Reception Committee under the leadership of Shri. Roop Chand AGS, Shri. R.D.Sharma CS Delhi Circle and Shri. D.C.Sharma Secretary Reception Committee, 36th All India Conference is making elaborate arrangements for the successful conduct of the conference. Donation tickets are being despatched to all Circle Secretaries and CHQ Office bearers. All are requested to extend their full support and co-operation in raising fund the conference.

7. A new and peculiar problem has arisen in Maharashtra Circle. ASPs in Goa Region have been issued with Rotational Transfer order on completion of their normal tenure. The order was issued during May 2009. But till date the ASPs are not relieved to join their new posts on the plea that they have not achieved the BD target. Where ever we go, whether it is old post or new post targets are kept ready and waiting for us. It has become our bounden duty to achieve the target. But not relieving an IP or ASP on transfer on this ground is too much. Target can be achieved when the staff are happy. We depend on GDS to achieve any target. We cannot do business without their co-operation in the rural area. While pay and perks of regular employees have been enhanced, the poor GDS are left in lurch. Their long pending grievances regarding revision of their allowances are yet to be settled by the government. General Secretary called on DG Posts on 16.9.09 and brought this matter to the notice of DG. DG Posts was requested to settle the GDS problem first and also help to relieve the ASPs in Goa Region. DG assured to issue positive instructions to chief PMG.
8. Grade Pay of IP/ASP/PS Gr B is still pending with the Department. Some queries have been raised by IFA. It is yet to be cleared by concerned Section. GS discussed the matter with DG Posts and Madam is in favour of our demand. GS will pursue further and exert pressure on this issue.
9. Circle Working Committee meeting of Tamil Nadu Circle will be held at Pollachi on 24th September 2009.l
10. Circle Working Committee Meeting of Madhya Pradesh Circle will be held on 02 October 2009 at Hoshangabad.
11. A general body meeting has been arranged by Kerala Circle at Calicut on 03 October 2009. General Secretary will participate in the meeting.
12. Public Services International organized Workshop on “Trade Union Rights and use of ILO mechanism” at Ooty, Madurai & Thanjavur for the benefit of various trade unions of different public services in the state of Tamilnadu. From our Association 20 members participated.
13. Even after 20 years the Second Cadre Review was not implemented by the Department. A decision was taken in the CWC Pushkar to file two different Writ Petitions before Hon’ble High Court of Madras and Hon’ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh by the respective Circle Branch of our Association. It is under preparation. Shri. P.R.Satyanarayanan our former President will help us.
General Secretary

Modified ACP approved

Department has approved Modified ACP. Details are awaited.

Revised DA orders w.e.f 01.07.09 released

Orders for revised DA w.e.f 01.07.09 have been issued by Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure on 18.09.2009. For details kindly click on the link below:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wait for approval of GDS Pay Commission report does not end

The case of implememation of the GDS Pay Commission Report did not come up for discussion in the Cabinet Meeting on 17.09.09. GDS staff are made to wait further.

Appeal to members for Special donation to Association on receipt of 2nd installment of 6th CPC arrears

All members of the Association in Orissa Circle are requested once again to donate at least Rs.500/- each from the sum received as second installment of arrears on account of implementation of 6th CPC. This is all the more necessary to improve the financial health of the Association which is not good at present.
The names of the members who donate for the cause of the Association will be posted in the blog.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

GDS Pay Commission Report most likely to be taken up in Cabinet Meeting on 17.09.09

As the Govt. has reportedly obtained the nod of the Election Commission for going ahead for action on the Pay Commission Report for GDS, hope is now brightened to get the Commision's Report approved by the Cabinet on 17.09.2009.
Orissa Circle Branch Association sympathises with the GDS staff for the ordeal they have gone through all these days for not getting their revised pay and wishes them best of luck this time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Calendar of Departmental Exam /Next IP Exam

The next IP Exam is scheduled to be held from 4th to 6th January 2010. Members are requested to encourage prospective PAs/SAs to take the exam. The number of vacancies in Orissa Circle this time is expected to be sizeable.

159 more vacancies of PA/SA in Orissa Circle

Notification has been issued by Orissa Circle (vide Advt. in The Samaj on 14.09.09) for recruitment of 147 PAs, 6 SAs, 3 PAs(SBCO) and 3 PAs(CO) (Total 159).

This is in addition to the recruitment of 247 PAs/SAs underway.

Friday, September 11, 2009

PLB for 2008-09

Orders have been issued for payment of Productivity Linked Bonus for the accounting year 2008-2009 equivalent to emoulments of 60(sixty) days to the employees of Department of Posts in Group-'D', Group-'C' and non-gazetted Group 'B' posts.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

US Postal Service- Job Description of Postal Inspector

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: US Postal Inspectors have investigative jurisdiction in all criminal matters involving the integrity and security of the US Postal Service. Postal Inspectors investigate criminal and civil violations of postal laws and are responsible for financial and performance audits of the US Postal Service. Postal Inspectors are involved in investigations including mail fraud, organized crime, mail theft/burglary/robbery, drugs, pornography, bombs, extortion, and other prohibited mailings.

TRAINING: Postal Inspectors receive a 16 week Basic Training Program at the Inspection Service Training Center, Potomac, Maryland.

QUALIFICATIONS: Applicant must be a US citizen. Applicants must be between the ages of 21 and 37 years of age. Must possess a Bachelor?s Degree from an accredited college or university. Must pass a physical and psychological exam. Must pass a background investigation. Must possess a valid state driver?s license.

And must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • Postal Service employees with 2 years of supervisory, inspection, or specialized experience
  • Internal Audit Experience (2 years)
  • Law Enforcement Expertise (2 years, with statutory arrest authority and authority to conduct criminal investigations)
  • Military Officers (Active duty for 2 years)
  • Foreign Language Expertise (Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Tagalong, Russian, Japanese, who pass the proficiency exam)

Govt hikes dearness allowance for staff, pensioners by 5%

-------"The cabinet has decided to release an additional installment of DA to central government employees and DA to pensioners...representing an incerase of 5 per cent over the existing rate of 22 per cent of the basic pay, pension to compensate for price rise," Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni told reporters after the Cabinet meeting."------

Courtesy: The Economic Times

Monday, September 7, 2009

Ten tips to build English vocabulary

Feeling overwhelmed trying to memorize so many vocabulary words? It doesn't need to be a daunting task! Check out these top strategies and practical pointers that can help you build your word power!

Connect: It's easier to memorize words based on a common theme. Make your own connections between words and possibly organize them in a spider diagram.
Write: Practically using vocabulary can help it stick in your mind. Write sentences with new vocabulary words or compose a story using a group of words or expressions.
Draw: Expose the artist in you by drawing pictures related to the words you study. Your drawings can help trigger your memory in the future.
Act: Get your moves on by acting out words and expressions you learn. Or, imagine and act out a situation where you would need to use them.
Create: Design flashcards in English and study them in your spare time. Each week make new ones, but continue to review all of them.
Associate: Assign different colors to different words. This association will help you recall vocabulary later.
Listen: Think about other words which sound similar to the words you're learning, especially complex words. Associate the other words with this new word to help you remember the pronunciation.
Choose: Remember that topics that interest you will be easier to learn. Therefore, carefully select words that you will find useful or interesting. Even the process of making the choice is a memory aid!
Limit: Don't try to memorize the dictionary in a day! Limit yourself to 15 words per day, and you'll gain confidence instead of feeling overwhelmed.
Observe: Keep an eye out for the words you're studying when reading or listening to English.


A link to the blog of the CHQ is provided below on the aforesaid subject for reference.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

IPs in the line to get ad hoc promotion to ASP cadre

The following is the list of IPs who are in line to get ad hoc promotion to ASP cadre depending on vacancies. Processing of records has been started.
Sri Tarini Ch. Padhi
Sri Debi Prasad Nayak
Sri Satyabadi Biswal
Sri Khageswar Mallick and so on........

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Appeal to members for Special donation to Association on receipt of 2nd installment of 6th CPC arrears

All members of the Association in Orissa Circle are requested to donate at least Rs.500/- each from the sum due to be received as second installment of arrears on account of implementation of 6th CPC. This is all the more necessary to improve the financial health of the Association which is not good at present.

The CS anxiously awaits the response of the members to this appeal.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Postcard Campaign-Message from GS for compliance

Message from the GS is reproduced below for compliance by those who have not yet sent the Post Card to the CS.
Dear friends,
I reproduce my email dated 03.8.09.
In the CWC held at Pushkar, Rajasthan on 01st & 2nd August 2009, it was decided to organise postcard campaign requesting the DG, Posts to confer gazetted status to all sub divisional heads with adequate adminsitrative and financial powers.

Accordingly, all IPs and ASPs are requested to write the following text in a postcard addressed to DG Posts and send it in one cover by each division to the Circle Secretary for onward despatch to Postal Directorate in one lot.

Director General Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi -110116.

" We all IPs & ASPs demand Gazetted status to all Sub Divsional Heads with Adequate Administrative and Fianancial Powers"


The deadline for depatching postcards is 31.8.09.All Circle Secretaries and officer bearers are requested to collect the postcards and despatch to DG(Posts) in one lot.

Sincerely yours,
General Secretary

HSG-II postings in HQ Region

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre

As per orders issued vide CO, Bhubaneswar No. ST/2-4(3)/2004/Ch.I dated 24.08.09 Sri Nrusingh Charan Das, ASP(HQ), Cuttack South Division has been given ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre and allotted to Sambalpur Region against the vacancy of Supdt, PSD, Sambalpur.
The Association congratulates Sri Das on his ad hoc promotion.

Orders for payment of 2nd installment of arrears of 6th CPC implementation

Orders have been released by Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) on 25.08.2009 for payment of arrears on account of implementation of Sixth CPC Recommendations. For details, kindly visit the following link.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

ASPs in line of getting officiating in PS Gr.B posts and upcoming retirements

ASPs in the line of getting officiating in PS Gr.B cadre

Sri Naba Kishore Samal (refused a number of times)

Sri Kartik Chandra Ghadei

Sri Khageswar Mohanta

Sri Nrusingh Charan Das

Sri Krushna Chandra Majhi

Sri Kaibalya Prasad Parida

Sri Surendranath Panda

Sri Prasan Kumar Patra

Sri Mohan Charan Naik

Sri Suresh Kumar Mishra

Sri Jumbel Munda

Sri Jeraman Dip

Upcoming Retirements within one year provided there is no extension of retirement age to 62 years (which is reportedly being considered by the Govt.)

Sri Gopal Disri- 30th September’09

Sri Sarat Kumar Pradhan- 30th September’09

Sri Narayan Ch. Behera- 31st October'09

Sri D D Reddy- 30th November'09

Sri Kandarp Naik- 31st January’10

Sri Hemant Kumar Dalal- 28th Februray’10

Sri Nrusingh Charan Das-28th Februray’10

Sri Satyabrata Satpathy- 31st March’10

Sri Biswanath Lenka- 30th April’10

Sri Krushna Chandra Majhi- 31st July’10

Sri M Kotesh Ch. Patra- 31st July’10

Sri Kailash Ch Mohanty-I-31st July’10

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Reminder for Postcard Campaign to demand Gazetted Status for Sub-Divisional Heads

All IPs and ASPs in Orissa Circle are hereby reminded to write the following text in a postcard addressed to DG Posts and send it in one cover by each division to the Circle Secretary by 21.08.2009 for onward despatch to Postal Directorate in one lot.


Director General Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi -110116.

" We all IPs & ASPs demand Gazetted status to all Sub Divsional Heads with Adequate Administrative and Fianancial Powers"

Signature Name: Designation:

Retirement of Sri H Sathua, AO & Sri U N Sahoo, AAO

Sri Harihar Sathua, AO, ICO(SB) and Sri Upendranath Sahoo, AAO, ICO(SB) retired on 31.10.2009 on superannuation.
This Association wishes them good health and peace of mind though out their post-retirement period.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Modification of posting orders of Sri S C Sukla

Sri S C Sukla on his ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B Cadre is now posted as DSRM, Bhubaneswar in modification of earlier orders of his posting in Sambalpur Region.
Allotment of another PS Gr.B Officer to Sambalpur Region will be made by CO later.

Supply of computers to Sub-Divisions and use of Inspector Software

As the members are aware, orders have been issued by Circle Office, Bhubaneswar through minutes of CMC meeting and reply to the agenda of the Association for supply of used computers found surplus in different POs to Sub-Divisional Heads in the Circle. All Sub-Divisional Heads in thier own interest must ensure compliance of these orders in coordination with their respective Divisional Heads.
IPs /ASPs in the Circle are requested to use the Inspector Software developed by Tamilnadu Circle in their day-to-day work so that the work of routine nature can be accomplished easily and conveniently.
The Inspector Software is available for download from the following site, a link to which is provided here.
For installation of the software, user manual available in the software folder may be followed.
All IPs/ASPs are requested to develop their keen interest to work in a computerised atmosphere with support of technological aids, otherwise they will certainly face extreme difficulty to discharge their duties.