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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

CHQ News:-Cadre restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre.

All Circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers are once again requested to see the note published on 21st June 2013 and 29th June 2013 regarding cadre restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre. It was already mentioned in the said notes that Directorate may call our Association for detailed discussion on this vital issue, as our sister unions / associations have already put pressure and requested Directorate to finalize cadre restructuring issues for their cadres.
Members are aware that the cadre restructuring issue was already discussed in several AICs and CWC meetings and it was decided that each circle will convey their views to CHQ. As on date only Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Odisha circles have submitted their views to CHQ.

All Circle Secretaries and office bearers are once again requested to convey their views / suggestions / draft note if any on the issue to General Secretary / President on their web address at the earliest.

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