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Friday, August 23, 2013

CHQ needs data from Circles.....

All Circle Secretaries and CHQ Office Bearers have already been requested by GS to furnish the following information to CHQ immediately through email. But as on date information from only one circle have been received. The information on point No. 1 & 2 is required to compare the vacancy position likely to be declared by Directorate for convening DPC for JTS Gr. A and PS Gr. B cadre. Other information is required to pursue the issues with Directorate for early filling up the vacant post of Inspector Posts and repatriation of surplus Inspector Posts to their Home Circle.
1. No. of JTS Gr. A posts vacant in the Circle.
2. No. of PS Gr. B posts vacant in the Circle.
3. No. of Inspector Posts (Direct Recruit) posts vacant in the Circle (year wise).
4. Names of surplus IPs working in other circle whose request pending for re-allotment.

Note:- Odisha Circle Branch has already furnished the information to CHQ on 06-08-2013. 

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