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Thursday, August 22, 2013

CHQ News:-Meeting with representatives of UNI

The following representatives of UNI Global Union met with General Secretary and discussed various issues related to Trade Union Activities and service matters. They requested our Association to join with them. 

1. Mr Christopher Ng, Regional Secretary, UNI Global Union, asia and pacific, Singapore. 
2. Ms Anjali Bedekar, Co-ordinator, NI ILC India, UNI Global Union, asia and pacific, Singapore. 
3. Ms Josetta Nousjoki, Co-ordinator for International Relations, Palvelualojen ammattilitto, PAM, Helsinki. 
4. Mr Milind Nadkarni, Senior Vice President, UNI Global Union and President UNI-India Liason Council and General Secretary All India Bank of Baroda Employees' Federation, Mumbai. 

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