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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Minutes of the four-monthly meeting with Chief PMG held on 03/10/2013

Issued vide C.O. No.WL/UNF-3/CPMG(Assn)/2013 dated 28-10-2013.


Official Side                          Staff Side (IP/ASP)

Shri Tilak De, Chief PMG, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar
Shri Pitabasa Jena, Circle Secretary,AIAIASP-cum, ASP(TO), CO, Bhubaneswar
Shri P.K. Singh, DPS(HQ), Circle Office, Bhubaneswar

Shri A.K. Singh, DPS(BD), Circle Office, Bhubaneswar
Sk. Md Noman, President, AIAIASP-cum- ASPOs(OD), Bhadrak Division
Shri Sukhbir Singh, DA(P), Cuttack

Shri G.C. Sahu, AD(WL), Circle Office, Bhubaneswar

New Items

Item No. 1-10/2013:- Request for adherence of Time-schedule for preparation / completion of APARs of IPs/ASPs. 
Brief:- This has a reference to old agenda No.4-5/2012. The time-schedule for preparation / completion of APARs has been prescribed in Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM dated 23-7-2009. But, in many instances the Reporting Officers and Reviewing Officers are not strictly adhering to the time line to complete the APARs. This Association would like to bring your kind notice the following instances where the APARs for the year 2011-12 have not been completed and disclosed so far to the officer reported upon.

Name of IP / ASP in respect of whom the APARs for the year 2011-12 have not been completed and disclosed. 
Almost All IPs & ASPs
Almost All IPs & ASPs
Bhubaneswar HQ
IPs/ASPs for whom the DPS (BD/Technology) is the reviewing Authority. 

The Association has also brought to the notice of CPMG vide this Association letter No. AIAIPASP/Corr-1/16/2013 dated 15-7-2013.

This Association urges for kind intervention of the CPMG in the matter and to put a system in place for monitoring on adherence of Time-schedule for preparation / completion / disclosure of APARs.

Reply:-  Directorate guidelines in timely completion of all offcials including IPs/ASPs have been circulated to all the Divisional Heads / PMsG from time to time. The instruction will be reiterated for timely implementation of the same. Reporting/Reviewing Officers for the period 2011-12 will be reminded for submission of duly completed APARs of IPs/ASPs for the period 2011-12.


Item No. 2-10-2013:- Provision of proper infrastructure, basic amenities and proper sanitation for functioning of Sub-Divisional Offices.

Brief:- This is with reference to old agenda No.6-5/2012. In the reply this association was asked to specify Sub-Divisions where replacement of chair / almirah etc. is urgently required. A list of Sub-Divisions where replacement of furniture and almirah are urgently required has already been provided vide Association Letter No.AIAIPASP/Corr-1/15/2013 dated 8/7/2013.

This Association requests for consideration and necessary action in the matter.

Reply:-  AD(MM) will please put up the file on the nature of action taken on the letter of the Association which was given by AD(WL) during July, 2013.


Item No. 3-10-2013:- Request for immediate sanction of pending TA Bills of IPs/ASPs pending at the Divisional level and to allow the motor cycle mileage /Auto fare / Food bills.   
Brief:-  There are some Divisions where the TA bills of IPs and ASPs are lying pending for months together. For example in case of Sundergarh Division TA bills of IPs and ASPs are lying pending since October-2012. In case of Puri Division after intervention of DPS(HQ) pending TA Bills were sanctioned only in the month of August-2013. There are many Divisions who are restricting the motor cycle mileage to 250 - 500 km in a month. It is to mention that most of the IPs/ASPs are now using Motor Cycle on tour to adjust the time for completing varieties of duties in their Sub-Division. Now the cost of one litre Petrol has gone up to 75/-. Therefore, by the above restriction the IPs/ASPs are losing financially recurrently.

On the other hand Sub Divisional Heads are at present facing difficulties in getting their food bills reimbursed as per the revised TA Rules due to the fact that in rural areas bills for meals taken in Hotels/ Restaurants/ Dhabas are not provided by them resulting in non-admission of TA claims.    

This Association, therefore, urges to review the restriction of Motor Cycle mileage, if any, and to issue suitable instruction to the Divisional Heads for sanction of pending TA Bills of IPs /ASPs.

Regarding food bill, this Association requests to allow a certificate in respect of expenditure incurred on account of food bills to be furnished by the touring officer in the prescribed format where receipts cannot be obtained. 

Reply:-  Divisional Heads will follow the rules while clearing TA Bills of IPs/ASPs in their Division. SSPOs, Puri, RO Berhampur, RO Sambalpur will be asked to look into the problems being faced by IPs/ASPs working under their jurisdiction.


Old Items

Item No. 3-04/2013:- Request for civil and Electrical maintenance work of Kendrapada, Kujanga  and Cuttack East Sub-Divisional Offices.  
Brief:- Kendrapara and Kujanga Sub-Divisional Offices are now functioning in Department Staff Quarters provided to house the offices in the respective Post Office Campuses.

It is to mention that both the above mentioned quarters need repairing and maintenance of civil and electrical work and in particular grading of roof to prevent water leakage, repairing of toilet and water connection is a bare necessity.

The accommodation provided to function the Cuttack-East Sub-Divisional Office in Cuttack GPO Building need following renovations.

·         Provision of windows for proper ventilation.
·         Replacement of glass door with a wooden door for security point of view.
·         Flooring and White washing.

The Association, therefore, requests the Circle Administration to take urgent necessary action for civil and Electrical maintenance work of Kendrapada, Kujanga and Cuttack-East Sub-Divisional Offices.

Reply:-  Estimate for maintenance of right side quarters at Kendrapara HO (including Sub Divisional Office) has already been called for estimates received for repairing and maintenance of Kujang and Cuttack East Sub-Divisional Offices are under process for approval.  


Item No. 4-04/2013:- Request for provision of accommodation for Digapahandi Sub Divisional Office by the Department. 

Brief: Digapahandi Sub-Divisional Office is functioning in a rented building for which only Rs.200/- is being paid by the Department and rest amount i.e. Rs.800/- is being paid by the IP.

As per Directorate Letter No.28-6/88/Bldg dated 29-4-2005 communicated vide C.O Letter No.Bldg/5-4/2002-Pt-I dated 5-5-2005 and 13-12-2007, accommodation for Sub Divisional Heads should be provided by the Department in all cases.   

This Association has taken up this issue with the PMG, Berhampur since March-2012 and as replied by PMG, Berhampur space is to be provided by the Digapahandi Tehsil Colony SO by providing separate entrance to the Sub-Divisional Head. But, no action seems to have taken in this regard.

This Association, therefore, requests for early action to provide accommodation for Digapahandi Sub-Divisional Office by the Department and stoppage of payment of Rs.800/- by the concerned IP.

This Association also urges for refund of the amount already paid by the IPs for the purpose. 

Reply:-  Digapahandi Sub- Divisional Office has been shifted to Digapahandi Tesil Colony Post Office since July, 2013. The Association has requested to the Administration for refund of Rs.800/- per month paid by the incumbent since long. RO, Berhampur may be asked to examine the matter and take an early decision.


Item No. 5-04/2013:-Request for release of 10 percent of the PLI incentive deducted at the time of sanction of incentive for procurement of Proposal. 

Brief:  As per the guidelines contained in Directorate of PLI Letter No.35-15/78-LI(Pt) dated 07-01-2008, 90% of the PLI incentive is being released on acceptance of a PLI proposal. Remaining 10% of the PLI incentive amount is to be released on verification of receipts of first six PLI premiums as envisaged in the Directorate No.19-1/98-LI dated 14.06.2000.  But this procedure is not being followed.

This Association, therefore, urges for release of remaining 10 percent of the PLI incentive in favour of the field officers after necessary verification which has been deducted at the time of sanction of incentive for procurement of Proposal.

Reply:-  All the Divisions have been instructed vide CO letter No.L1/1/12/2010 dated 11-04-2013, 06-05-2013 and 25-07-2013 by e-mail to sanction all pending 10% incentive only on verification of premium receipts of first six months. Regarding payment of 10% of the incentives which was deducted during the period incentives were sanctioned by CO will be examined and orders may be passed accordingly.  


Item No. 4-01/2013         :- Request for Provision of Laptops to the remaining Inspectorial Staff in the Circle.
Brief: The Inspectorial Staff, particularly those working in Sub-Divisions have already been provided with Laptops. In addition to Inspectorial Staff those working Sub-Divisions a few other Inspectorial Staff   who are working in CO / RO have also been provided with Laptops. As such a majority of the Inspectorial Staff have already been provided with Laptops. A few numbers of Inspectorial Staff, particularly those are working as Office Supervisor/ASP (HQ) and ASP(OD), have been left out. With the increasing Computerization and networking of all Post Offices, Mail Offices, Administrative and other Offices of India Post, .   

The Association, therefore, requests the Circle Administration to provide Laptops to the remaining Inspectorial staff in the Circle keeping in view the India Post Technology Project 2012 which aims Computerization and networking of all Post Offices, Mail Offices, Administrative and other Offices.

Reply:-The PMG Sambalpur and Berhampur Region have been addresses for procurement of the required number of Laptops for the ASPs(OD) having outdoor duty under their control from the available fund from the financial year 2013-14 observing usual formalities. The Divisional Heads of Postal/RMS Divisions of Head Quarter Region has been asked vide this office letter No.TO/7-29/2012 dated 22/8/2013 to procure and supply Laptops with genuine OS, MS-Office and Antivirus to Asst. Supdt. of Posts (OD) in their Division observing usual formalities. Fund has been allotted to the Divisions for the purpose.


Item No. 5-5/2012:-       Decentralisation of PLI/RPLI – Request for providing separate establishment and payment of incentive substituting honorarium

Brief:     The PLI/ RPLI work has now been decentralized to the Divisions except Surrender and Death claims. This has increased enormous work pressure on the Divisional Office, particularly, the IPs and ASPs working in the Divisional Office. At present Inspectorial Staff are burdened with variety of duties in addition to what has been enumerated in Chapter-III of Postal Manual Volume-VIII.

The honorarium paid to the Inspectorial Staff attending to the scrutiny of new proposals is Rs 2/-per proposal subject to a ceiling of Rs 4000/- p.a. The ceiling of Rs 4000/- p.a. honorarium was fixed by the Department of Personnel & Training, which includes, the honorarium paid for conducting departmental inquiries as IO or PO and also other allied additional works.

The quantum of honorarium paid for scrutiny of PLI/ RPLI proposals is not commensurate with the quantum of work performed and the ceiling on honorarium is a major setback for the Inspectorial Staff working in Divisional Offices.

The Association requests the Chief Postmaster General to consider the followings:-

i.)   Provision of separate establishment at Divisional level for carrying out works related to PLI /RPLI consequent upon decentralization of the same.

ii.)  To explore the feasibility of diversion of the work related to verification of policies, sanctioning claims and under writing of PLI/RPLI from the duty of the Inspectorial Staff and to manage this extra nature of work by some other arrangement.

iii.)To take up  at appropriate level for provision of incentive, without any ceiling, for scrutiny of PLI/ RPLI proposals at Divisional Office by replacing the existing system of payment of honorarium for this work with a ceiling limit of Rs 4000/- p.a.

Reply:        -
·         Separate establishment will be at HO for after sales services after India Post-2012 Project.
·         DO Letter No.LI/1-12/2010 dated 23-04-2013 and followed by reminder dated 25-07-2013 has been sent to PLI Directorate from pad of CPMG for revision in the honorarium rates rates and reply from PLI Directorate is still awaited.
·         The PLI Directorate has already taken steps to supply computer/printer etc to all Hos on or after 05-08-2013

Action: DDM(PLI)
(Item Closed)

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