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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

GS writes to DDG (P) i/c/w issue of combined All India Seniority List of Inspectors, Posts from the year 1999.

No. CHQ/IPASP/MMS/2013                                               Dated : 29/10/2013.
Shri V. P. Singh,
Deputy Director General (P),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001. 

Subject : Issue of combined All India Seniority List of Inspectors, Posts from the year 1999…reg.

Ref.        : Directorate file No. 9-9/2011-SPG dated 20th February, 2013.

Respected Sir,
Vide this letter, the Association likes to remind your honour a propos letter submitted to your esteemed office through SR Division under No. 10-9/2013-SR dated 30th September 2013. Another relevant correspondence pending in Directorate may also be looked into.

          As inscribed in the letters hitherto, your kind attention is hereby brought to the fact that the issue of All India seniority list of IPs has not yet been resolved. Although assurance had been given by Hon’ble Secretary (Posts) on 6/2/2013 and by Member (P) on 23/9/2013 for early resolution of issue and again on yet action is pending. This Association was recently informed by Directorate vide memo No. 137-89/2013-SPB-II dated 11/10/2013 that seniority list is likely to be circulated within 15 days (copy enclosed), but is learnt that it will again take few weeks. This is so when all the circles have submitted rectification reports on draft seniority list as confirmed vide Directorate memo No. 9-9/2011-SPG dated 20th February 2013.

          It is therefore fervently requested to arrange issue of Combined All India Seniority List of Inspector Posts cadre from the year 1998 onwards immediately and make it available in the website of India Posts.
          Soliciting your early action in this regard.
                                                                             Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary

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