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Friday, February 15, 2013

Option for Rotational Transfer for the year 2013 called for in HQ Region.

            All SSPOs/ SSRM/ SPOs in Headquarter Region
The Supdt, PSD/ CSD, Bhubaneswar

No. ST/ 20-13/ 2013                                        Dated at Bhubaneswar, the 15-02-13

Sub:             Rotational Transfer for the year 2013.

            Rotational transfer of IPs/ASPs completing post /station tenure by 30-09-13 in HQ Region will be considered shortly for the year 2013.

The officers in the cadre of ASPs / IPs who are completing post /station tenure by 30-09-2013 may be asked to exercise their option, if any, in writing for three places of choice in order of preference for their transfer and posting by 22-02-13. It may be made clear to them that no commitment can be given for their posting to the choice stations even if vacancies are available. However, efforts would be made to post them to the station of their choice subject to administrative feasibility and provisions contained in the transfer guidelines.

The options received from the officers in this regard should be forwarded to this office separately in respect of each cadre along with a statement showing information on the following points.

  1. Particulars of officer/ official completing tenure by 30-09-2013
  2. Date from which the officer/ official is working in the present post/station separately
  3. Name of the post/office/station where the officer/official worked in the last tenure with period of stay.
  4. Whether anything adverse is noticed against the officer/ official as regards to his work/ performance etc. and
  5. Other comments, if any.

The above information (separately for each cadre) in respect of staff of above cadres of your unit complete in all respect should reach this office latest by 28-02-13.

Kindly note that no reminder will be issued in this regard and delay in submission of the required information beyond the due date will be at your risk.

Kindly acknowledge receipt.
 (A K Panda)
Asst. Director (Staff)
O/o the Chief PMG, Odisha Circle
Copy forwarded for information to:
 The Sr. Postmasters, Cuttack GPO / Bhubaneswar GPO
  1. All Postmasters in HQ Region
  2. All Group Officers in Circle Office, Bhubaneswar
  3. F No. ST/24-15(2)/2010

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