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Friday, July 17, 2015

CHQ News:-DPC : JTS Gr. A and PS Gr. B for the year 2015-16

It is learnt that all circles have already submitted required records (ACRs, special reports etc.) through their AD (Staff) / APMG (Staff) in person to SPG Division of Directorate for holding of DPC for promotion to the cadre of JTS Gr. A and also for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for the year 2015-16. 
Work of scrutiny of ACRs and other records are at full swing at Directorate. Minor irregularities / omissions found during the course of checking of the records submitted by the circles have said to be communicated to concerned circles with a direction to rectify the omission/s by return post. 

CHQ has already requested Directorate to convene the DPC for promotion the cadre of JTS Gr. A before holding the regular DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for the year 2015-16 and it is agreed to. 

It is to inform to all members that if JTS Gr. A cadre DPC held before the DPC of PS Gr. B cadre, nearly 34 to 36 more vacancies will be available for PS Gr. B DPC. It is therefore requested to all Circle Secretaries and members working in Circle Office to keep the liasion with staff branch and whenever query received from Directorate, it should be attended on top priority for convening of above both DPCs early. 

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