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Monday, April 14, 2014

CHQ News:- Circle Conference.......UP Circle

38th Biennial Circle Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts, UP Circle Branch was held on 13th April 2014 at  Maharani Hotel, Saharanpuur. GS and CHQ Treasurer attended the conferene. The following officers are unanimously elected as officer bearers:

1. President : Shri Prabhakar Tripati, ASP, Shahgang Sub Division, Jaunpur. 

2. Circle Secretary : Shri Kripal Singh Yadav, ASP, South Barely Sub Division, Barely.

3. Treasurer : Shri Sanjay Asthana, ASP (Court) o/o CPMG, UP Circle, Lucknow.

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