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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

CHQ News:- Circle Conference.........Punjab Circle

38th Biennial Circle Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts Punjab Circle was held at Chandigarh on 27th April 2014 and following officers are unanimously elected as officer bearers. 

1. President : Shri Vikas Sharma, ASP, "I" Division, Jalandhar (Mobile No. 09417226661) 

2. Circle Secretary : Shri Balbir Singh Kaushal, ASP (Court), o/o the CPMG, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh (Mobile No. 09914066754) 

3. Treasurer : Shri Gaurav Nagi, IP (BD), o/o the CPMG, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh (Mobile No. 09876581559).

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