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Monday, January 6, 2014

Roll Out Help Desk Management Systems(HDMS) by CEPT, Mysore

The center for Excellence in Postal Technology (CEPT) is providing technical support for the software developed by CEPT. Presently, the support is provided through e-Mail and over telephone.
The field units are sending the emails over the support email id ( for resolution of various technical issues to CEPT. This existing system has a number of limitations. Moreover a particular issue is being raised at various levels e.g. PO / Division /Region / Circle resulting in multiple handlings of same case thereby difficulty is being experienced to attend to fresh cases. Further there is very little scope to monitor the performance in the existing system.

In order to have a better system in place, CEPT has developed an application named "Help Desk Management System (HDMS)". This application is hosted at the CEPT website i.e. under the 'Support' Menu. To access HDMS, registration to is required.

The HDMS shall be made operational from 10.01.2014. The existing system of email support will be continued upto 31.01.2014. CEPT will attend on priority, the cases registered on HDMS and subsequently attend to email requests.

The salient features of this application are furnished below:

1.     Tickets can be registered online and status can also be seen online.
2.     Only registered users having valid user id and password can raise a technical issue, called "Ticket". Registration can be done using signup link at Already about 10,000 Departmental staff have registered on the website.
3.     Each technical issue raised is allotted a unique identity called "Ticket Number' automatically. All subsequent events to a particular issue can be tracked with the help of this Ticket Number. In case the ticket is not replied within a pre-fixed time frame the user has facility to remind CEPT through HDMS.
4.     The users have facility to provide feedback / satisfaction level of tickets resolved by CEPT which will help to monitor the quality of response being provided by CEPT.
5.     All the issues raised and solution provided will be available for scrutiny at any time. As such in long run, the replies furnished by CEPT will be used to build a knowledge base.
6.     The Administrative Offices (OO / RO / CO) will also have a login to the CEPT website and with this login they can see the tickets raised by the operative units under their control.

Source:-CEPT Letter No.CEPT/HD&CC/HDMS/13 dated 04-01-2014. 

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