CWC was started at 11:00 hrs in the Conference Hall of DRDA, Bhadrak. Sk. Md.
Noman, Circle President of the Association presided over the meeting. Shri L. K.
Sethi, retired Postal Officer and a native of Bhadrak attended the meeting as a
[From Left 1. Shri L.K. Sethi, Guest, 2.Sk. Md. Noman, Circle President, 3.Shri Pitabasa Jena, Circle Secretary, 4.Shri K.C. Chinara, SPOs, Bhadrak Division, 5.Shri Tapas Ku. Dash, Member] |
Pitabasa Jena, Circle Secretary of the Association informed the CWC regarding
various issues of the Circle. A brief is as below:-
Issues taken up with the Administration and finalized
- Preparation and Circulation
of Gradation List of IPs and ASPs corrected as on 1st July,
The Gradation Lists of ASPs and IPs of Odisha Circle
corrected as on 1st July, 2012 was circulated vide C.O. Letter
No.ST/20-29/2008 dated 16th August, 2012. Subsequently, the
Gradation Lists of ASPs and IPs of Odisha Circle corrected as on 1st
July, 2012 has been re-issued vide C.O.
Letter No.ST/20-29/2008 dated 29th January, 2013 with some
corrections after a gap of almost 10 years.
- DPC for regular promotion to
ASP Cadre for all existing and anticipated vacancies during the year-2012
to mimimize the adhoc arrangement.
promotion of Inspectors of Posts to the cadre of Asst. Superintendents of Posts
on regular basis and allotment of Regions and postings in HQ Region has already
been issued vide CO Memo No. ST/ 24-15(1)/2012 dated the 15-04-13.
- Convening of the Screening
Committee meeting for processing the MACP cases of IPs and ASPs.
As per the
guidelines, the screening committee should met twice in a financial year –
preferably in the first week of January and first week of July of a year for
advance processing of the cases maturing during the first-half
(April-September) and the second-half (October-March) respectively. In HQ
Region and Sambalpur Region it is being convened as per the time schedule. In
case of Berhampur Region there is some delay and it has been brought to the
notice of the PMG, Berhampur Region through Bi-monthly agenda and it is
expected to be completed shortly.
- Cancellation
of Circle Office order regarding controlling authority for IP,N-2nd Sub-Division,
RMS N Division, Bhubaneswar.
Vide Circle Office order No.ST/24-15(4)/2000 dated
26-10-2012 it was ordered that ASP, Bhubaneswar RMS will be the controlling
authority for IP, N-2nd Sub-Division, RMS N Division, Bhubaneswar. After
intervention of the Association vide letter No. No.AIAIPASP/Corr-1/14/2013
dated 4/7/2013, the said order has been cancelled vide Circle Office order
No.ST/24-15(4)/2000 dated 12-08-2013.
- Revision of
Monetary Ceiling for purchase / reimbursement of Brief Case.
This Association
has requested the Chief PMG for
consideration the revision of the limit of the cost of Brief Case for
supply to all IPs/ASPs to Rs.4,000/- and
periodicity of supply to once in three years in place of once in four years
vide Association Letter No. AIAIPASP/Corr-1/11/2013 12/4/2013.
Considering the
request Shri S.K. Chakrabarti the then Principal Chief PMG has raised the limit
to ₹4000/- with periodicity of 3 years vide Circle
Office Memo No. STY/1-1/97-98 (Brief Case) dated 03.07.2013.
- Payment of entire house rent
by the Department for Digapahandi Sub-Divisional Office.
Digapahandi Sub-Divisional Office has been shifted to Digapahandi Tehsil
Colony Post Office since July-2013, and therefore no rent is to be paid by the
concerned IP any more.
- Provision of Laptops for
remaining IPs/ASPs viz. ASP(OD), OS & ASP(HQ).
The Chief PMG agreed that all the Asst. Supdt. of Posts (OD) in Odisha
Circle having out door duty should be provided with Laptops. Accordingly the
PMsG, Berhampur and Sambalpur Regions have been requested vide CO letter
No.TO/7-29/2012 dated 3/5-7/2013 to procure and supply laptops for ASPs(OD)
under their control during the F.Y. 2013-14. All the Postal /RMS Divisions
under HQ Region have been instructed vide CO letter No.TO/7-29/2012 dated
22/8/2013 to procure and supply laptops to Asst. Supdt. of Posts (OD) in their
Division observing the formalities under Rule-146 of GFR-2005. Fund has also
been allotted to the Divisions for the purpose. Regarding supply of laptops to
ASPs(HQ) and Office Supervisors, the matter has been referred to Directorate.
Issues taken up with the
Administration and pending for action
- Request for adherence of
Time-schedule for preparation / completion of APARs of IPs/ASPs and
disclosure of the same to the officer reported upon.
Submission of Self-Appraisal:- 15th
Submission of Report by Reporting Officer to reviewing officer:- 30th June.
Report to be completed by Reviewing officer:- 31st July.
Disclosure to the officer reported upon:- 1st
taken by CO:-Instructions and reminders have been
issued vide CO Letter No.ST/28-1/97/Rlg/Corr dated 29/6/2012, 4/10/2012 and
11/3/2013 to strictly adhere to the timeline for reporting, reviewing and
disclosure of APAR as prescribed by Directorate.
Pending :- The APARs for the year 2011-12 of almost all IPs/ASPs of Berhampur &
Sambalpur Region and few IPs/ASPs of Bhubaneswar (HQ) Region have not been
completed and disclosed so far to the officer reported upon. This matter has been taken up with the
respective PMsG and the Chief PMG.
- Decentralization of PLI/RPLI
– Request for providing separate establishment and payment of incentive
substituting honorarium
taken by CO:-The CPMG, Odisha Circle has written a
DO Letter vide No. LI/1-12/2010 dated 23-04-2013 to the Chief General Manager,
Postal Life Insurance Directorate with suggestion to examine the feasibility of
raising the upper limit of the honorarium per annum to Rs.10,000/- for this purpose,
or otherwise to consider devising an incentive scheme for getting the scrutiny
/ verification work of proposals collected from various GDS Staff / Direct
Agents / Field Officers / Development Officers.
- Sanction
of Honorarium due to Inquiry Officers (IO) / Presenting Officers (PO) for
conducting Departmental Inquiries.
Vide Directorate
Letter No.C-32016/12/2011 dated 8.1.2013, Department of Personnel &
Training Office Memorandum No.142/15/2010-AVD-I dated 31st July,
2012 regarding grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IO) / Presenting
Officers (PO) for conducting Departmental Inquiries has been circulated. This Association has requested
the Chief PMG vide Association Letter No. No.AIAIPASP/Corr-1/12/2013 dated
14-5/2013 for payment of the honorarium accordingly. The matter was referred to
the Directorate and Directorate has asked to submit a complete proposal on the
issue, for payment of honorarium exceeding ₹4000/-.
- Provision of proper
infrastructure, basic amenities and proper sanitation for functioning of
Sub-Divisional Offices
taken by CO:-Regarding provision of basic amenities
like supply of good quality furniture and office stationery for Sub-Divisional
Offices, all the Divisional Heads of Head Quarter Region have been addressed to
take immediate action on this matter vide CO Letter No.SD/6-26/2006 DATED
17/5/2012 with reminder dated 26/10/2012, 8/3/2013. The report of Divnl Supdts
is still awaited. The Association is to specify Sub-Divisions where replacement
of chair / almirah etc. is urgently required.
Further action:- A
list of Sub-Divisions where replacement of furniture and almirah are urgently
required has been provided to the Chief PMG vide No.AIAIPASP/Corr-1/15/2013
dated 8/7/2013 for consideration and necessary action.
- Civil
and Electrical maintenance work of Sub-Divisional Offices- Cases of
Kendrapara, Kujanga and Cuttack East Sub-Divisional Offices have been
taken up.
Action taken by
CO:- The
cases have been referred to Civil wing for submission of estimates.
information required for follow up of action:- Any other Sub-Divisional Office functioning in
Departmental building, where maintenance work is badly needed. If possible a
soft copy of some photographs may be sent through e-mail.
Up-gradation of Grade pay of
Inspector Posts – CAT Case
OA No. 289/13 is
admitted by the Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam Bench. It has now been posted to
26-9-2013 for filing rejoinder.
in Promotion of IPs to ASP cadre throughout the country.
In Circles, Inspector of Posts are getting their
promotion to ASP cadre in 5 to 7 years of service in IP cadre. On the other
hand, in Circles like Assam, Bihar, Chhatisgarh, HP, MP, NE, Odisha and
Uttarakhand, Inspector of Posts are getting their promotion to ASP cadre in 10
to 14 years of service in IP cadre.
After the decision taken against the
merger of Inspector of Posts and Assistant Superintendents of Posts cadre,
Odisha Circle is continuously emphasizing the need for the CHQ to consider this
issue seriously to help remove the above mentioned inter- Circle anomaly so
that the time taken by an IP to get promotion to ASP cadre becomes uniform
throughout the country. Apparently the CHQ is not interested on this issue for
obvious reasons. Odisha Circle will continue to raise this issue in every CWC /
- Request
for maintaining uniformity on adherence of procedures while making adhoc
arrangement in PS Group-B Cadre and ASP Cadre. .
At present ad hoc promotion to PS Group-B Cadre and ASP Cadre is being done on
the basis of seniority-cum-fitness after proper screening of the records of the
officers from feeder cadre.
Association requests to consider all the candidates who have declined earlier
or who were found unsuitable earlier at the time of preparing fresh panel for
ad-hoc promotion to new vacancies. Validity of a panel may be restricted to six
months or till preparation of a fresh panel, whichever is earlier. Calling for
willingness may be dispensed with and the offer for appointment may be made
from the select panel as per the seniority for the new vacancies.
- Request for finalization of the
shifting proposal of the Office of the 1) ASP, Central Sub-Division,
Bhadrak, 2) IP, Bhadrak West Sub
Division and 3) IP, Bhadrak East Sub-Division from the existing rented
building to a new rented building.
Brief: It is learnt that
SPOs, Bhadrak Division has submitted a proposal for shifting the Office of the
1) ASP, Central Sub-Division, Bhadrak,
2) IP, Bhadrak West Sub Division and 3) IP, Bhadrak East Sub-Division
from the existing rented building to a new rented building vide his office
letter No.D-63 dated 20-6-2013. The Land Lord/ Land Lady of the existing rented
building has issued a notice to vacate his /her house and now pressing hard.
The rent of the proposed new building i.e. ₹4900/- is less than the existing building
i.e. ₹5000/-.
Therefore, this Association requests for
early finalization of the shifting proposal submitted by the SPOs, Bhadrak
- Release of 10 percent of the
PLI incentive deducted at the time of sanction of incentive for
procurement of Proposal.
Brief: Considering the request of this Association
through Agenda No.5-04/2013 in four monthly meeting of CPMG, instruction has
been issued vide C.O. Letter No.L1/1-12/2010 dated 11-04-2013 to all concerned
for releasing the 10% of the incentive which was not paid earlier on verification
of first six deposits. But there is no clarity regarding releasing the 10% of
the incentive which was not paid for which 90% of the incentive was sanctioned
by PLI Section of Circle Office.
this Association requests for issuance of an instruction clarifying the
position viz. who will release remaining 10% and how.
Ø Next Biennial Conference:-
There was a proposal for holding the biennial conference at
Balasore. The Circle Secretary spoke his mind on this issue very openly
suggesting that attendance of the members is the first priority, which can only be facilitated
by choosing a central place i.e. Bhubaneswar, which is well communicated from
all corners of the State through Rail and Road, and left the issue to the CWC for final decission. The
CWC deliberated the issue and finally taken a decision to hold the biennial
conference at Balasore keeping in mind the sentiments of IPs / ASPs who are
connected to Balasore and interested to host the conference. Tentatively the
biennial conference will be held on 1st or 2nd Sunday of
February, 2014.
Ø Special Donation for Conference:-
The CWC has unanimously decided for special donation of Rs.700/- by each
member of the Association for conference. Some part of the amount so collected will be contributed towards All India Conference to the host Circle.
Appeal:- All the members are therefore requested
to contribute the special donation of Rs.700/- which can be remitted directly to the Circle Treasurer
Shri Bibhudatta Behera, IP (PG), Bhubaneswar Divn., Bhubaneswar-751001 or to
the Circle Secretary Shri Pitabasa Jena, ASP(TO), O/o CPMG, Odisha Circle,
Shri Bibhudatta Behera, Circle Treasurer offered the vote of thanks.
1 comment:
The CWC meeting now resembles Circle Conference. It's good. Please keep up the spirit.
B B Mohanty
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