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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

CS writes to Principal Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle on " Visits to Delivery Post Offices by visiting Officers for checking delivery performance"

          Shri S.K. Chakrabarti
Principal Chief Postmaster General
          Odisha Circle

Sub:- Visits to Delivery Post Offices by Divisional Heads and IPs/ASPs for checking delivery performance.        

Respected Sir,

A kind reference is invited to Circle Office Letter No.ML/2-84/2012 dated 3-5-2013 wherein copy of D.O.No.10-4/2009-D(Pt) dated 23-4-2013 from Member (Operation) has been circulated with instruction to ensure visit delivery Post Offices by the Visiting Officials including Superintendent for checking delivery performance of each Post Office at least once in a month.           

In the said letter the Divisional Heads have been asked to prepare a visit programme showing the names of the offices to be visited with the name of the visiting official and to submit the visiting report in the prescribed proforma by 3rd of each month.

Accordingly all Divisions have prepared the visit programme, even some Divisions like Dhenkanal and Phulbani have prepared the programme specifying the date on which the IPs/ASPs are to visit.

This matter has been discussed in the Circle Working Committee meeting of the Association held on 26/5/2013. A Sub-Divisional Head has multifarious role and it has also been increased in manifold. This is unquestionably an additional burden on them to visit 7 to 10 delivery Post Offices on each month for checking delivery performance, in deposit articles, uploading of delivery performance, communication of data to central server etc.

          I, on behalf of this Association would like to convey the following suggestions for consideration and favourable decision in the matter.

·         The date of visit to a particular Post Office should not be mentioned in the visit programme. IPs/ASPs particularly those who are working in Sub-Divisions are to prioritize their responsibilities. Therefore, the date of visit to a particular Post Office in a month should be as per the liberty of the visiting officer. 

·         From the second month onwards the visit may be restricted to only bad performing offices.

With warm regards,
Yours sincerely,

(Pitabasa Jena)
Circle Secretary
Copy for kind information to:-
1.   Shri P.K. Bisoi, Postmaster General, Sambapur Region, Sambalpur-768001.
2.   Shri S.P. Rajalingam, PMG, Berhampur Region, Berhampur-760001.
3.   Shri Pawan Kumar Singh, DPS (BD & Tech), C.O, Bhubaneswar-751001.

(Pitabasa Jena)
Circle Secretary

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