In the
four-monthly meeting of this Association with Chief PMG held on 26.04.2011 an
item was taken up for taking
measure to avoid delay in making ad hoc arrangement in vacant posts of ASPs and
for issue of instruction to Divisional units to fill up vacant posts of IPs on
officiating arrangement. In fact this item was taken up as an appeal against
non-compliance of assurance given in reply to item no.1-5/2008 taken up with
DPS (HQ) in 2008. While the Association was expecting justice from the Circle
Head, reply was given orally during the discussion in the meeting that no
instruction would be issued to Divisional units. This meant that Circle Office
went back its earlier assurance of issuing instruction to Divisional units.
This made the Circle Secretary to make a remark that IP cadre officials are
harassed by way of imposition of avoidable extra workload. The Chief PMG,
instead of appreciating the difficulties faced by IP cadre officials, openly
declared in the meeting in presence of officers of administrative side and the
representatives of sister Associations that IP cadre officials will be put into
more harassment. The remark was an insult to the entire IP cadre. The matter
came up for discussion in the CWC meeting of the Circle Branch Association held
on 01.05.2011. The CWC passed a resolution condemning the remark and attitude
of the Circle Administration. The Circle Secretary communicated the resolution
to CPMG in the Association’s letter dated 03.05.2011. The Association got a
reply from Circle Office through the letter dated 11.05.2011 which it is
alleged that the Circle Secretary addressed
the Chair in a rude manner and made insinuating remarks against functioning of
Circle Office. The reply also mentioned that such behaviour of the Circle
Secretary was uncalled for when CPMG agreed to issue instruction to Divisional
Heads for officiating arrangement in the vacant posts of IPs. The Association to its surprise found
that the narration given in reply in the letter of Circle Office was not based
on facts. All the representatives of the other Associations present in the
meeting are witness to the incident. It is clear that the Circle Administration
first threatened to put IP cadre officials into more harassment and when
confronted with a resolution condemning such remark, has come up later with a
reply endorsing copy to Divisional Heads and all IPs individually, with
distorted facts. The Association has countered the position by giving a reply
on 18.05.2011. Since Circle
Office has taken first step to formally inform everybody about the incident,
the entire range of correspondences is reproduced below for information of all
members (through this posting in the blog as it is difficult to send hard copy
to every member by post).
It is
to mention here that in the final reply to the Association as per minutes of
the meeting, the Circle Administration has mentioned to issue instruction to
Divisional Heads for making officiating arrangement in vacant posts of IPs as
per rules. It appears, Circle Administration has changed its earlier stand for
obvious reasons.
AIAIASP, Odisha Circle Branch
Members requested to go through the entire range of communications to know the
actual position.
Agenda taken up with Circle Administration
In 2008
No.1-5/2008: Ad hoc / officiating arrangement in the vacant posts of IPs/ASPs
Brief: A number of posts of Inspectors of Posts have been kept
unfilled and the existing Inspectorial staff are given extra burden of vacant
posts for indefinite period which makes them restless as they have to work day
in and day out to cope up with the extra workload. Unlike grant of OTA to
operative staff, no financial benefit is given for such extra workload. Ad hoc
arrangement though required is not done in majority cases. The Association
requests that in the cases where no arrangement is made in vacant posts of IPs
for a period exceeding two weeks, the Inspectorial staff taking extra burden be
suitably compensated financially or else ad hoc officiating arrangement may
kindly be made.
In 2011
No. 4-4/ 2011: Request for avoiding delay in making ad hoc / officiating
arrangement in vacant posts of IPs & ASPs
A number of posts of IPs are kept vacant for years together with the
arrangement that existing IPs are given extra burden of vacant posts for
indefinite period. This Association had taken up the matter in bi-monthly
meeting with DPS(HQ) vide item No.1-5/2008. Reply was given to the Association
during bi-monthly meeting on 26.06.2008 that instruction would be issued to
Divisional Heads to make ad hoc arrangement in the vacant posts of IPs.
But this Association is not aware if any such instruction has ever been issued
by Circle Office. To the contrary it is learnt from some Divisional Heads in HQ
Region that Circle Office discouraged them to make ad hoc arrangement in vacant
posts of IPs leaving the extra burden of work on the existing Inspectorial
staff to continue for indefinite period.
Now a number of posts of ASPs are vacant
for months together. They have not been filled up through ad hoc
arrangement despite a number of requests from the Association to take timely
action to fill up the vacant posts of ASPs. The Association has been observing
that the Circle Administration’s attitude towards IP line official is indifferent
and unhelpful which is not at all good for running the administration
efficiently. The Association once again urges the Circle administration to look
into this aspect to see that avoidable extra burden is not imposed on the
existing IP line officials by allowing the vacancies in posts of ASPs to
continue for months together.
Association’s letter dated 03.05.2011 condemning attitude and
remark of Head of the Circle
By Speedpost
No.AIAIASP/ Corr-1/5-11
Dated 03.05.2011
Mrs. Hilda Abraham
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Resolution
passed in the CWC meeting of the Association held on 01.05.2011 at Bhubaneswar.
During the four-monthly meeting of the Head of the Circle
with the Association held on 26.04.2011, the Circle Secretary of this
Association mentioned that IPs/ASPs are imposed with the burden of avoidable
extra work-load as the vacant posts of IPs and ASPs are allowed to continue for
indefinite period. Request was reiterated to issue written instruction to
Divisional Heads to make ad hoc arrangements in the vacant posts of IPs as per
the reply given to this Association during the bi-monthly meeting with DPS(HQ)
on 26.06.2008 in respect of item No. 1-5/2008. It was also
requested to take measures to minimize the delay in filling up vacant posts of
ASPs in future as there are instances of not making any arrangement in the
vacant posts of ASPs for around 11 months since the vacancy occurred, despite
request of the Association, and this amounted to one kind of harassment. In this
context Chief PMG maintained that no written orders will be issued for making
ad hoc arrangement in the vacant posts of IPs and remarked, “There will
be more harassment”. Such remark was passed in presence of, among
others, the representatives of other Associations and two Regional Heads
present in the meeting. The remark was an example of exhibition of
administrative arrogance aimed at undermining the relevance of the Association
as a democratic body for ventilation of grievances of staff side. Instances are
reported earlier under the Association's letter dated 27.08.2010 wherein it was
mentioned, among other things, that an IP line official shifted from office to
hospital for heart-related treatment was even not spared of written warning for
alleged ‘unauthorised absence’.
The CWC of the Association which met in the PRC of
Bhubaneswar GPO on 01.05.2011 took up the matter for discussion and passed a
resolution condemning the remark and attitude of the Circle Administration
towards IP cadre officials. It was decided that the matter will be taken up for
discussion in the ensuing general body meeting of the Circle Branch
This is for kind information.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Copy by
e-mail to:
1. Sri Roop Chand, General
Secretary, AIAIASP, CHQ, New Delhi for information and taking necessary action
at Dte / Ministry level.
2. Sri P K Bisoi, PMG,
Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur for kind information
3. Sri S K Kamila, PMG,
Berhampur Region, Berhampur for kind information.
Reply dated 11.05.2011 by
Circle Office to Associations letter dated 03.05.2011
Copy of CO letter
No.WL/24-7/2001-Ch.I, dated at Bhubaneswar the 11.5.2011
Sri B B Mohanty
Circle Secretary
All India Association of
IPs and ASPs
Orissa Circle Branch
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Four monthly Union meeting of
Association held with Inspectors and Asst. Supdt Posts on 26.04.2011
Ref: Your letter No.AIAIASP/Corr-1/5-11
dated 03.05.2011
During the Four Monthly
Union meeting held on 26.04.2011 a new item vide No.4-4/2011 relating to
request for making ad hoc / officiating arrangement in vacant posts of IPs
/ASPs was taken up by All India Association of Inspectors and Asst.
Superintendents of Posts.
During discussion of the
said item, the Circle Secretary was clearly told by the Chair that as per
Appendix Postal Manual Vol. III, the Divisional Head is competent to make
officiating arrangement against the vacant post of Inspector of Posts are not
of more than four months’ duration and beyond that they will take the approval
of Circle Office. The Circle Secretary insisted that instruction in this regard
should be issued by Circle Office to all the Divisional Heads. This was then
agreed to by the Chair.
Instead of going to next
item, the Circle Secretary made a remark that in Sambalpur Region all vacant
posts are being filled up on officiating arrangement and the Postmaster General
Sambalpur has issued orders / instructions to that effect. He further added
that in Head Quarters Region, nothing is being done and he remarked that “we
feel very much harassed”. The remark of the Circle Secretary was totally
uncalled for especially given the fact that despite rules being very much
clear, the Chair had agreed to reiterate those rules. The Circle Secretary is
well aware that on taking over charge of the Circle, the Chief PMG has taken
personal interest to ensure that the vacancy position of IPs / ASPs which had
not been correctly reflected in the past to Directorate is reflected properly
this time, so that all the posts get filled up and operational pressure on the
IPs / ASPs gets reduced. During visits also the Chief PMG has made it a point
to advise the Divisional Superintendents to fill up all the vacant posts of
IPs/ ASPs on officiating arrangement and for cases beyond their power to get
the approval of Circle Office. This was also brought to the notice of the
Circle Secretary by the Chair during the course of discussion. However, the
rude manner in which the Chair was addressed by the Circle Secretary and the
insinuation that nothing is being done in the Head Quarters Region especially
when all officers in the Circle Office are working sincerely for improving the
position of the Circle was totally uncalled for. The Circle Secretary is aware
that Circle Office controls directly the Head Quarters Region which accounts
for more than 60% workload of the entire Circle and further, it also functions
as controlling and monitoring unit for the entire Circle. The work pressure is
tremendous. Despite that if such kind of rude and insinuating remarks are made
by the Circle Secretary against the Chair, the same will not be accepted.
It will be appreciated,
if the Circle Secretary henceforth reflects an incident in its proper
perspective to all concerned rather than in the manner in which it has been
done at present.
This issues with the
approval of the competent authority.
(S K Mohapatra)
Asst. Director (Welfare)
O/o CPMG, Orissa Circle,
Copy for information to:
1. The General Secretary, All India
Association of Inspectors and Asst. Supdt of Posts, CHQ, New Delhi
2. The Postmaster General, Berhampur /
Sambalpur Region
3. All Divisional Heads of Orissa
4. All the ASPs/ IPs of Orissa Circle
5. Office Copy
Association's Rejoinder to
the CO reply dated 11.05.2011
By Speedpost
Dated 18.05.2011
Mrs. Hilda Abraham
Chief Postmaster
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Four-monthly meeting held with the
Association of IPs and ASPs on 26.04.2011
Ref: CO letter No.WL/24-7/2001-Ch.I dated
Respected Madam,
I write to acknowledge
the receipt of CO letter No. referred to above and to steer clear the facts
misrepresented therein. On behalf of this Association I also take this
opportunity to express sincere thanks for giving reply to the correspondence
which is a rare thing done this time.
2. In the aforesaid letter of CO, it is
mentioned that the Chief PMG agreed to issue instruction to Divisional Heads
for ad hoc arrangement in the vacant posts of IPs. This is absolutely
incorrect. In fact it is the rigid stand of the Chief PMG not to issue any
written instruction to subordinate units that dragged on the issue. Had Chief
PMG really agreed to issue written instruction, there was no point in carrying
on discussion on the issue further. Certainly, Chief PMG mentioned about the
provision of rule about competency of the Divisional Heads to make ad hoc
arrangement initially. But it was mentioned from the Association’s side (giving
example of two Divisional Heads who were reportedly discouraged by Circle
Office to make such ad hoc arrangement) that there is need for issuing written
instruction as the Divisional Heads are
not following the provision of the rule for various reasons. Further there was
need for continuing the arrangement beyond four months which is outside the
powers of Divisional Heads. It was also mentioned by the Circle Secretary that
the Association is helpless as Divisional Heads are not controlled by the
Going by the contents
of the CO letter referred to above, the Association now feels that it is the
remark about Sambalpur Region (in presence of PMG Sambalpur in the meeting)
that irked Chief PMG. But such remark was intended to bring home the point that
Sambalpur Region has already taken action of the request of the Association,
and action on the point as assured in HQ Region in response to Item No.1-5/2008
was pending for implementation. Discussion in the meeting from the Association’s
side was limited to ad hoc arrangement in the vacant posts of IPs and ASPs and
it is not at all a fact that the Circle Secretary ever made any sweeping remark
in the meeting to the effect that nothing is being done in HQ Region.
3. It is beyond comprehension of the
Association how the remark about an instance of good work done in Sambalpur
Region was offensive in any way. If the Circle Administration feels that HQ
Region is overburdened with excessive workload compared to that in other
Regions of the Circle, it is for the Circle Administration to find ways and
means to set the things right. In fact under written instruction of Circle
Office the Circle Secretary had gone prepared to take part in the discussion on
the point of reorganization of units in the Regions in the Circle in the
four-monthly meeting. But from the Administrative side the issue was not
touched upon in the meeting for unknown reasons, The Association is aware of the
steps taken by Circle Administration to calculate the IP vacancies but that has
not yet brought any relief to the IP cadre so far as the extra workload of
vacant posts carried out by them is concerned.
4. During the meeting no insinuating
remark as alleged in the CO letter referred to above was ever made by the
Circle Secretary. The remark about Sambalpur Region was in no way insinuating.
There are innumerable instances where examples of other Circles have been
mentioned to us. We have taken such remark in good spirit, never complaining
that such remark hurts the sentiments of staff of this Circle when our
performance is implicitly mentioned as inferior to that of staff of other
5. Yes, this Association insisted on
issue of written instruction to subordinate units for ad hoc arrangement as
oral instruction issued, if any, has not worked. But to the best of knowledge
of this Association specific instruction for ad hoc arrangement of IPs has not
been issued by Circle Office so far (neither on receipt of agenda nor before the
actual discussion took place in the meeting on 26.04.2011 nor till now when
about three weeks’ time has elapsed after the last meeting was held). Action
speaks louder than words. But action on the point is yet to be visible.
6. It is denied that the Circle Secretary
made any insinuating remarks or behaved rudely during the meeting on
26.04.2011. In fact only one hour (from 12.30 hrs to 13.30 hrs) in place of
standard three hour duration was allowed by the Administration for meetings
with all the Associations on 26.04.2011. The meeting started 40 minutes behind
schedule (at 13.10 hrs) and hurriedly proceeded towards finish. The four-monthly meeting is not
held at regular intervals. It seemed the administration had no time to hear the
problems from staff side.
7. It is admitted that the Circle
Secretary mentioned about harassment to IP cadre when Chief PMG maintained a
rigid stand in presence of all the representatives of sister Associations in
the meeting on 26.04.2011 not to issue any written instruction to Divisional
heads for making ad hoc arrangement in vacant posts of IPs. In fact this
Association is witness to a number of instances where it feels that the IP
cadre officials have not been given proper justice. Some instances are mentioned
- In CO letter it is mentioned
that the officers of Circle Office are working sincerely. This Association
appreciates this view. But it a contraction that the Group Officers in
Circle Office have received innumerable recorded warnings in past one
year. There is
instance where a Group Officer who submitted his written explanation by
15.00 hrs on a day as per direction of senior officer was served with a
recorded warning within an hour on the same day (as seen from the case of
Sri C M Mohapatra, then officiating AD and now officiating SPOs,
Balasore). But there was no time in last three years for issue of written
instruction in the matter of ad hoc arrangement of IPs.
- Cases of senior ASPs (like
Sri K C Ghadei and Sri S K Mishra for instance) are ignored from making ad
hoc arrangement for Gr.B Posts though there is no disciplinary case
pending against them nor have they been awarded with the penalty of
withholding of promotion. Appeal submitted by Sri S K Mishra against
adverse remark on his ACR has not been disposed of for a long time.
Usually ASPs facing disciplinary proceedings have been allowed ad hoc
promotion to PS Gr.B cadre after the punishments are over. But this has
not happened in the cases of Sri K C Ghadei, ASP(OD), Mayurbhanj and Sri S
K Mishra, ASP(OD), Cuttack North despite the fact that this Association
had written to Circle Administration on 10.02.2011 to which no reply is
received. It appears that the approach of the Circle Administration on
this score is selective having no uniformity of principle.
- Sri G C Mohanty while officiating as SPOs,
Balasore got regular promotion to PS Gr.B cadre vide DG Posts Order
No.9-5/2010-SPG dated 24.11.2010. As per the instruction contained in the
aforesaid orders of the Directorate, Sri Mohanty was supposed to be
relieved by 15.12.2010 to report to CPMG Bihar to take over as a regular
PS Gr.B officer. But Sri Mohanty was not relieved upto the end of February
2011 but was reverted to ASP cadre on 28.02.2011. No disciplinary
proceeding was started till orders for his reversion were issued. It seems
that Sri Mohanty was continued in his officiating post at Balasore beyond
15.12.2010 against his willingness for facilitating creation a plot for
disciplinary action against him so that he could be denied his long
awaited promotion.
- Sri N K Samal while
officiating as Sr. Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO got regular promotion to PS
Gr.B cadre. He represented for his retention in Odisha Circle. His
application was forwarded to Directorate without specific recommendation.
He was made to relieve from the post of Senior Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO
on 15.12.2010 and to proceed on leave without being allowed to continue in
any officiating post of PS Gr.B in Odisha Circle unlike his other batch
mates who continued in officiating status in Odisha much beyond
15.12.2010. Sri Samal is spending his leave. His junior - Sri S C Sukla
(whose representation against adverse entry in his ACR was turned down) is
allowed to get a regular posting in Odisha Circle to which approval has
been obtained through special recommendation. Omission of the case of Sri
N K Samal for his retention in Odisha Circle vis-à-vis his junior has put a
question mark on the justice and fair play by Circle Administration.
- Smt. Arunabala Mohanty now
IP(PG), Bhubaneswar was unceremoniously reverted to IP cadre from her
officiating post as ASP(HQ), Bhubaneswar Division which was mentioned by
this Association in its letter dated 27.08.2010. She has a working spouse.
When she was again allowed ad hoc promotion to ASP cadre in April 2011
without calling for option, it was expected that she could be accommodated
in or around Bhubaneswar as a consolation for the injustice done to her
earlier. But on ad hoc promotion she was posted at a relatively far off place
at Balasore so that she could not avail herself of the ad hoc promotion.
Posting orders on ad hoc promotion to ASP cadre were issued in April 2011
in such a way that the concerned IPs who have no practical financial
benefit on ad hoc promotion found it difficult to take up promotional
- Instances are there in which
it takes as long as 11 months to issue orders to fill up vacant posts of
ASPs. While the poor IP cadre officials are made to act as messengers for
conveying in person the Service Books, CR Files and Special Reports of
general line officials to Circle Office for various purposes, they are
helplessly watching that cases of the officials of their own lot are put
on the back burner.
- IPs/ASPs whose cases have
been omitted from grant of MACP since the date of first implementation of
the scheme are awaiting orders for financial upgradation under the scheme.
They have submitted a number of representations. Some of them had even
filed applications under RTI finding no other way to get relief. Their
cases are yet to be considered despite written assurance given during the
four-monthly meeting that all pending cases will be cleared by 30.04.2011.
8. The aforesaid instances are
illustrative only and not exhaustive. Some more instances were mentioned in the
Association’s letter dated 27.08.2010 to which no formal reply has been
received so far.
9. What remains undisputed in the CO
letter referred to above is the fact that the Chief PMG in full view of the
representatives of different Associations and officers from Administrative side
present in the meeting threatened the Circle Secretary of this Association of
more harassment to IP cadre officials. It is unthinkable of any person owing
allegiance to the Constitution of India, least of all a dignitary holding the
responsible post as high as the Head of a Circle, to openly declare to cause
harassment to a class of officials. This defies all democratic norms and
principles. Nothing can justify such action.
10. It is quite surprising that the Circle
Administration has chosen to give reply to this Association based on incorrect
information about the incident in the four-monthly meeting held on 26.04.2011,
particularly when the meeting was held, not in camera, but in full view of a
number of staff representatives and officers from administration side present
in the meeting. (The representative nominated by this Association to accompany
the Circle Secretary to the meeting could not attend the meeting as he was kept
engaged in official work to which this Association did not object as a matter
of courtesy). The representatives present in the meeting will vouch for facts
mentioned by the Circle Secretary on all the aforesaid aspects if their version
is taken.
11. The IP line officials are known for
their loyalty to the Department and are working hard beyond their normal
working hours to implement the plan and policies of the Department. At the
field level they are discharging their duties braving many adverse situations
and spending sleepless nights to cope up with extra workload of vacant posts
imposed on them. Their sincerity and efforts have helped achieve the target on
various counts despite the fact that they are facing discrimination on the
issue of GP upgradation. The Circle Administration instead of coming to their
help has threatened to harass them more. This is not acceptable.
Till the Association
feels that the Circle Administration continues with its present attitude
towards IP cadre officials, this Association will not be in a position to
attend future four-monthly meetings with Chief PMG.
Yours sincerely,
B B Mohanty
Circle Secretary
Copy to:
Sri Roop Chand, General Secretary, AIAIASP, CHQ, New Delhi 110 001
for information w.r.t the letter dated 03.05.2011 of this Branch Association
and for necessary action.
The PMG Berhampur Region / Sambalpur Region for kind information
w.r.t CO letter referred to above.
All Divisional Heads of Postal & RMS units in the Circle for
information w.r.t CO letter referred to above.
All IPs/ASPs in the Circle for information w.r.t CO letter
referred to above.
- All Circle
Secretaries of all Associations / Unions in the Circle for information.
Copies of Association’s letter dated 03.05.2011 and reply dated 11.05.2011
thereto by Circle Office are attached for information.