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Monday, July 12, 2010

Postal JCA defers indefinite srike

The proposed indefinite strike by JCA from 13.07.2010 has been deferred. The JCA reportedly got assurances of action on many aspects of their Charter of Demands. (Details are at link and )
Orissa Circle Branch of AIAIASP congatulates JCA for taking up the struggle and wishes them all the best for success they achieved. 


SK Chandigarh said...

Dear Mohanty ji ,

Shame on part of us that Drivers can get their file submitted to MOF( see the agreement arrived before deferring the strike on NFPE blog spot ) but inspectors/ASPs not. Threat of strike proved powerful and NFPE harvested the benefits .

I propose that the name of the central blogspot should be changed to instead of

Anonymous said...


the feeder cader (PA ) consists the base for any restructure in the promotional ( IP ASP SPOs) cadre. so any gain by the feeder cadre ( PA ) should be considered as a one of the achievement by the later.
both the base and promoted cadre needs dynamic leaders like Mr. Mohanty. I extend my heartly thanks for his all out effort

gourahari panda

Acct. cum Sys Admin
Phulbani (Orissa)

Anonymous said...

India Post may be the only organization where the Superintendent who gives the dictation and the stenographer who takes down the dictation get the same grade pay. God save India Post !!!