This blog is meant for use by members of the Association for news and views. Send comments / suggestions / views to e-mail Id:
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Information for Modified ACP for IPs and ASPs in Orissa Circle
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Padma Award for Oriyas this year
Monday, January 25, 2010
Office-bearers and CWC Members elected on 24.01.2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Thanks to the Members of Orissa Circle Branch Association
Saturday, January 23, 2010
24th January 2010 is the Circle Conference Day for Orissa Circle Branch Association
Friday, January 22, 2010
Pre-conference CWC meeting on 23.01.2010 (Saturday)

Absenteeism in the activities of the Association
As soon as the Circle conference is over, the Association will post the list of such identified members in the blog for information of all the members.
To avoid such unpleasant situation, all the members of our Association in Orissa Circle are requested to make it convenient to join the Circle Conference at Bhubaneswar on 24.01.2010 (Sunday) without fail except where there is pressing reasons to remain absent. Let us see how far our members respond to this situation in the best interest of the unity among members of the Association.
If any member has any personal grievance / complaint he is free to bring the same in the forum of the Association for discussion and decision.
The contents of this posting has nothing against the members who could not join the previous Circle Conferences for pressing reasons but have continued with their enthusiasm for the Association and are used to pay their dues to the Association regularly.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Latest on the proposal of revision of GP of IPs/ASPs/SPs
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Programme of 37th Circle Conference of Orissa Circle Branch Association on 24.01.2010 (Sunday)
What is 3G?
With a 3G phone and access to the 3G network you can make video calls, watch live TV, access the high speed internet, receive emails and download music tracks, as well as the usual voice call and messaging services found on a mobile phone.
In technical terms, 3G is a generic term covering a range of wireless network standards & technologies including;
CDMA - Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
CDMA2000 - Code Division Multiple Access 2000
UMTS -Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
EDGE - Enhanced Data for Global Evolution
HSPA – High Speed Packet Access including HSDPA and HSUPA
While 2G had evolved as a digital version of 1G analogue Radio network, its focus was initially into voice calls only. However over the period, due to requirement for internet connectivity when one is on the move, the technologies such WI-MAX, WI-FI etc were made part of 2G for mobile for internet/data service.
But with its mediocre data speed ranging from 56 kbps to 160 kbps, it was not serving the real purpose of internet usage. Whereas in the case of 3G, the technology itself is well oriented on data transfer in considerable bandwidth. This has made the concept of faster wireless connectivity a reality.
How does 3G work?
3G, or third generation networks, operate in a different way to 2G networks. When a call is made on 2G, a line is held open for the user’s conversation throughout the duration of the call. With 3G networks, the data sent across them is divided up into little ‘data packets’ which are reassembled in the correct order at the receiving end.
This smart encoding means more data can be sent and it is sent more efficiently. In addition, 3G handsets can be in contact with more than one base station at a time and this provides improved performances in voice quality and data rates.
3G is also called as “mobile broadband” because the evolution is similar to the difference between dial up internet and the always available broadband internet services.
The following are some of the services that could be provided through 3G
Voice and Video calls
Mobile TV
Mobile Internet
Mobile email
Mapping and GPS applications
What is Required for Using 3G?
The first thing you require is a device (e.g. a mobile phone) that is 3G compatible. This is where the name 3G phone comes from - a phone that has 3G functionality. It’s nothing to do with the number of cameras or the memory it has.
3G phones commonly have two cameras since the technology allows the user to have video calls, for which a user-facing camera is required for capturing the image from the front.
You need to be subscribed to a service provider to get 3G network connectivity. We often call this kind of service a data plan or network plan.
Your device is connected to the 3G network through its SIM card (in the case of a mobile phone) or its 3G data card (which can be of different types: USB, PCMCIA etc.), which are both generally provided/sold by the service provider. Through that, you get connected to the Internet whenever you are within a 3G network.
3G in India
As such, Only BSNL & MTNL are providing 3G services in India that could be availed through 3G mobile phones. As a part of their 3G service BSNL and MTNL provide pure wireness internet connectivity for our PCs and laptops which could be availed through 3G Data card. In this 3G data card segment the private operators such as TATA Indicom, Reliance, MTS etc are also in the fray.
Presently the transfer rate for 3G networks is around 384 kbps (kilobits per second) and it will be between 128 and 144 kbps when you are out of city.
Question of supply of Laptops to Sub-Divisions
37th Circle Conference at Bhubaneswar on 24.01.2010 (Sunday)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Incentive for PLI business for the period from 01.04.08 to 31.03.09
Supply of reference books to Inspectorial staff
Monday, January 18, 2010
Extract of old posting in this blog now relevant
Dear Friends,
Blog of Orissa Circle Branch:
B B Mohanty
Transfer of Sri R P Singh, AD(OL) to UP Circle
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A recollection of contents of past Bulletin (by the present Circle Secretary)
Extract of Bulletin-1/2007 issued to members of Orissa Circle Branch Association on 12.11.2007 by the present Circle Secretary.
Dear Friends,
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to all of you for reposing faith in me by electing me as the new Circle Secretary alongwith other office bearers of our Association on 04.11.2007 for a two years term. Our success or failure in the job assigned to us will depend on how much of support, co-operation and guidance we will get from all of you. Though at some point of time I was hesitant to take up this job, I finally decided to carry this responsibility forward under the impression that you will extend your best of co-operation to me in the Association’s interest. Let me make it clear from the very outset that the moment I feel that necessary co-operation is not forthcoming from my colleagues, I may have to review my option to continue with the assignment. Rather than continuing with the blame of not doing anything I would prefer an honourable exit to give way for others to perform. This, by no means, be construed as an intention of escapism but a clarion call to all the members of our association to arise and awake to discharge the collective responsibility of finding solutions to the common problems of all our members. Better, we look to the issues that matters all members in general rather than those have individual element.
I would like to see each and every one of my cadre members become successful in just everything he/she wishes to do. We are already working hard. But I think, there is lot of scope for improving the quality of our work in the context of the modernization of the Department with introduction of a number of value added and premium services. Let us increase the level of quality and quantity of our work to such an extent that there will be an increasing feeling of insecurity and helplessness by other cadres without our help and co-operation in running the administration and carrying out the operation of the Department in accordance with its plans and policies.
In the best interest of our Association and in our own interest I would like all of you to please:
Ø Create your own market value by your consistent effort of developing your personality in accordance with your job requirement which is a must in this competitive age. Always try increasing your knowledge level just about everything around you.
Ø Do maintain the dignity of your post / position at all costs, which will earn respect not only for yourself but also for your entire cadre.
Ø Do nothing which is detrimental to the reputation of your cadre. Don’t speak against the members of our association before sub-ordinates / officials belonging to other cadres. Don’t go against the members of our own cadre driven by a motive of personal interest. Be tolerant and accommodative to the needs of other members of our cadre to earn goodwill from each other.
Ø Honesty is the best policy to face any adverse situation with courage and confidence. Practise it more and more.
Ø Shed false pride to enhance your self-esteem.
Ø Take your visiting card with you while going to meet a dignitary. If you don’t have your visiting card, get the same printed immediately at Department’s cost by requesting your controlling authority.
Ø Learn the basics of computer by personal efforts so that when Departmental training is given to you on Inspector software, you will find things easy to learn quickly. If you can afford, you may think of buying a computer at your personal cost. Practise typing on computer. Develop a habit of not depending on others to get your letters / correspondences typed in computer. This is necessary, notwithstanding our demand to the Department for supply of computer to us at the Department’s cost and for arranging training for our cadre members on computer on all relevant software.
Yours sincerely,
Circle Secretary
Friday, January 15, 2010
Revised List of officials for provisional appointment as AAOs in the CCA of Dept. of Telecom
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Appeal to members for special donation
Monday, January 11, 2010
Progress in revision of Grade Pay of IPs & ASPs
37th Circle Conference on 24.01.2010 (Sunday) at Bhubaneswar

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Message from GS regarding Letter Writing Campaign
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Transfer of Ms. Yesodhara Menon as CPMG, Karnataka Circle
Discussion on revision of Grade Pay and merger of the posts IP/ASP/P.S.Gr. “B” between DoP and our Association
Monday, January 4, 2010
Notification for 37th Circle Conference to be held at Bhubaneswar on 24.01.2010 (Sunday)
Minutes of the CWC meeting of the Orissa Circle Branch Association held on 03.01.2010 (Sunday) at Bhubaneswar
The CWC meeting of the Association was held in the Recreation Club of Bhubaneswar GPO on 03.01.2010 in accordance with the notification issued on 18.12.2009. Sri Sreekant Kar, President of the Association presided over the meeting. Sri S B Mohapatra, CHQ President was present in the CWC meeting as a special invitee.
- Sri Debi Prasad Nayak, ASP(PG), Co, Bhubaneswar: Head
- Sri P K Sahoo, ASP(PG), CO, Bhubaneswar: Member
- Sri D K Samal, Dy. PM, Bhubaneswar GPO: Member
- Sri Balakrishna Kar, ASP(OD), Bhubaneswar Division: Member
- Sri Sarbeswar Choudhury, II(Plg), CO, Bhubaneswar: Member
- Sri Debi Prasad Dash, II(Cel), CO, Bhubaneswar: Member
- Sri Tapas Kumar Dash, II(Vig), CO, Bhubaneswar: Member
6. The overall income and expenditure of the Association up to date was mentioned by the treasurer in the meeting. The members expressed their concern over low amount of collection of subscription from members. Collection of subscription for the year 2008-09 and 2009-10 was found wanting from a number of members in the Circle. This has affected the fund position of the Association. It was decided to remind the members in respect whom collection particulars are wanting to check up whether or not subscriptions have been deducted from their salary and to arrange remittance of their subscriptions so as to be received by the treasurer by 20.01.2010 at the latest (before the next Circle Conference is held). The Treasurer and the Asst. Treasurer were requested to take required initiative in this regard The Circle Secretary was authorized to seek information under RTI Act 2005 from Divisional Heads (of disbursing units from which collections are not received), to intimate the deduction particulars of subscription in last 5 years.
President, AIAIASP, Orissa Circle Branch