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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

SPCOD Delivery Issues

The Delivery offices are required to follow the steps outlined below to check the availability of electronic data at server  and the further steps explained are to be undertaken for ensuring delivery of the SPCOD articles. 

a.      Login to speednet MIS available at using login credential “dop”, “india”.
b.      Under CODàArticle Tracking provide the article number and track the details of articles.  Screen shot of tracking is provided hereunder.

c.       The delivery offices need to check the portions related to “Booking data received at Speednet Server”, “Sender details”, “Electronic data sent from Speednet server automatically” and “Electronic data sent from Speednet server on Request” portions of the tracking to find whether the electronic data was actually received at server and whether the server sent the data to the delivery post office.

d.      In case, booking data is not received at server, booking office needs to be requested to send the booking data through Resend booking data option of speednet client

e.      If an article is already marked as RTS by another office, server will send electronic data only to the delivery office configured as RTS office for the customer and any other office will not receive the electronic data

The booking data received from the booking location will appear under “Booking data received at Speednet Server” part of the tracking. The details of the customer sending the article will appear under “Sender details” part of the tracking.

Server will send the electronic data automatically to the office of delivery based on the pincode provided in the electronic booking data and this will be reflected in “Electronic data sent from Speednet server automatically” part of the tracking. In case, the electronic data is not available locally, once the article is scanned, server will receive the request and within an hour electronic data will be provided to the location making the request.  Details of all such events of electronic data request appear under “Electronic data sent from Speednet server on Request” part of the tracking.

In case data is sent from central server but still delivery office is not able to process the article, delivery offices need to check the running status of Speednet communication module and the log files available under EMS client àLog folder. In case of any error entries are observed, please raise a ticket through HDMS channel and supply the latest copy of “EMSClient” folder along with the ticket to CEPT for analysis. The ticket subject may be marked as “SPCOD – Delivery Issue” so that we can assign priority to the issue.

The above steps may be followed for the effective delivery of the SPCOD articles at the delivery offices.

Source:-CEPT, Mysore

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