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Thursday, October 8, 2015

CHQ News:- GS writes to Director(Staff) on repatriation of PS Gr. B officers to their parent Circle

No. CHQ/AIAIPASP/PS Gr.B/DPC-2015-16/2015          Dated :    7/10/2015.
Shri Rajkumar,  
Director (Staff),
Department of Posts, 
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, 
New Delhi 110 001. 
Subject : Repatriation of PS Gr. B officers to their parent Circle. 

Ref.        : Dte No. 9-02/2015-SPG dated 14-9-2015

           IP/ASP Association once again conveys its sincere thanks for timely processing of the DPC for promotion of ASPs to PS Group “B” for the vacancy year 2015-16. Simultaneously I would like to invite your kind attention to the letter dated 21/9/2015 wherein circle wise vacancy position of PS Gr. B cadre was communicated for repatriation purposes of Group B officer working outside their parent Circle.

          As per Directorate memo No. 9-23/2014-SPG dated 15/9/2014 re-allotment of Postal Service Gr. B officers from one Circle to parent or other Circle will be considered only after re-allotment of seniors working outside Home Circle. In such cases the condition of completion of one year in the current Circle/ Unit would be relaxed by the Competent Authority. In case the condition of one year is not relaxed the juniors will have to be allotted to outside their parent circle though vacancies exist in the parent Circle creating problem for both. In view of this policy, the PS Group B officers working outside their parent circle, where vacancy exists, should be considered for repatriation first and thereafter consider adjustment of ASPs on promotion to their parent circles against left out vacancies.    

          In view of the above, it is urged upon to kindly implement the above instructions issued by Directorate for re-allotment of PS Gr. B officers against vacant posts in letter and spirit and adjust the ASPs on promotion in their parent circle to the best possible.

          With warm regards,
Yours sincerely, 
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary

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