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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Delegation of Financial Powers to the HOC for providing security services to Departmental Buildings/Offices.

Department of Posts (Estt. Division) vide its  Letter No.43-14/2014-PE-II Number dated 20.01.2015 and reminders dated 08.04.2015, 30.06.2015 and 10.08.2015 has requested the Circles to furnish inputs on the following observations of the IFW in connection with delegation of financial powers for providing security services to departmental buildings/offices:-

(a) How the work is being managed at present;

(b) Details of expenditure incurred for providing security services for the last three years;

(c) What are the procedures adopted for providing security services by the Circles and

(d) Detailed justification given by Circles for seeking full powers.

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