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Monday, August 24, 2015

CS writes to CPMG on Regular promotion to ASP Cadre-regarding

No. AIAIPASP/Corr-1/13/2015
Shri Tilak De, IPoS
Chief Postmaster General
          Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001

Sub:- Regular promotion to ASP Cadre-regarding. 

Respected Sir,

A kind reference is invited to para-3 of the Department of Posts (Personnel Division) letter No.25-10/2014-SPG dated 09/07/2014 which has referred to para-7 of DOP & T OM No.22011/9/98-Estt (D) dated 08-09-1998 (copy enclosed) wherein it is provided that a DPC for a grade may take into account all clear expected vacancies by retirement in the concerned grade as well as chain vacancies on account of retirement etc. in the higher grades which can be clearly anticipated in the same vacancy year.

Further, as referred in para-3 of the Department of Posts (Personnel Division) letter dated 09/07/2014 to DOP & T OM No.22011/9/98-Estt (D) dated 06-10-1999 (copy enclosed) wherein it is clarified in consultation with the UPSC that chain vacancies on account of retirement etc. in the higher grades in a vacancy (panel) year shall include the vacancies which can be clearly anticipated as likely to become available in the concerned grade by promotion of officers of the Service to higher grades during that vacancy (panel) year.

Department of Posts vide Personnel Division letter dated 09/07/2014 has issued instructions to percolate the seniority quota vacancies arising in higher grades in a vacancy year down to lower cadres/grades and to take into account along with the clear vacancies arising in a particular grade. Further, as clarified vide Para.4.(II)  of the said letter a Circle will take into account the vacancies arising from HAG to PS Group-B Cadre in that Circle in a vacancy year as chain vacancies for lower cadres in addition to existing  and anticipated vacancies in the said lower cadre arising in that vacancy year.

This Association conveys its sincere thanks for timely convening of the DPC for the vacancy year 2015-16 for promotion to ASP Cadre. But, it is observed that the anticipated vacancies on account of “promotion” and “chain vacancies” has not been submitted to the DPC for the vacancy year 2015-16 for promotion to ASP Cadre.

As per the DOP & T guidelines issued from time-to-time, the approved select panel is to be kept ready and to be utilized as and when the vacancies arise during the course of the vacancy year to ensure timely promotion of the employees. Now there are 5 (five) vacancies in ASP cadre due to promotion (04 vacancies) and Voluntary Retirement (01 vacancy). There will be more vacancies in near future on relief of two officers already promoted to Postal Service Group-B for the year 2014-15 and on promotion to Postal Service Group-B for the year 2015-16.

Delay in promotion affects the manpower planning and impedes the career progression of the employees. Therefore, there is urgent need to utilize the approved select panel for the vacancy year 2015-16, if any approved by the DPC,  to grant promotion in time for above mentioned vacancies. 

There is also  provision for  conduct of second (supplementary) DPC  in accordance with DOP & T OM No. 22011/5/86-Estt (D) dated 10-4-89[para 6.4.2(i)] and OM No.22011/2/2014-Estt (D) dated 30-1-2015 (copy enclosed) for the vacancies which could not be anticipated at the time of holding the earlier DPC.  

I, therefore, request your good self to utilize the approved select panel for the vacancy year 2015-16, if any approved by the DPC, to grant promotion for 05 existing vacancies in ASP Cadre and to convene a supplementary DPC taking into account the existing and anticipated vacancies on account of “promotion” and “chain vacancies” to have the approved select panel ready to utilize the same as and when the vacancies arise during the course of the vacancy year 2015-16.

With deep regards,
Yours sincerely,
Enc:-As above

(Pitabasa Jena)

To view Department of Posts (Personnel Division) letter No.25-10/2014-SPG dated 09/07/2014 containing DOP & T OMs referred therein please  Click Here.

To view DOP & T OM No.22011/2/2014-Estt (D) dated 30-1-2015 for Procedure for conduct of supplementary DPC please Click Here. 

Departmental Promotion Committees and related matters - Consolidated instructions on please Click Here.

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