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Friday, June 27, 2014

Transfer and posting in PS Group-B Cadre

C.O. Memo No. ST/2-4(3)/2014 dated 26-06-2014


Shri Debi Prasad Dash, Asst. Director (Estt/Plg/TO), O/o CPMG, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar is transferred and posted as Asst. Director(ST/TO), O/o CPMG, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar.

The following officers working on temporary and ad hoc basis in PS Gr- B cadre are transferred and posted as mentioned below vide C.O. Memo No. ST/2-4(3)/2014 dated 27-06-2014.
Sl No
Name of the Officer
Present place of Posting
Posted on transfer
K.C. Chinara
SPOs, Bhadrak Division, Bhadrak
Supdt., CSD, Bhubaneswar
K.S. Panda
Supdt., CSD, Bhubaneswar
Supdt., PSD, Bhubaneswar
Sk. Md. Noman
Supdt., PSD, Bhubaneswar
Asst. Director(Tech/LC), O/o CPMG, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar


In partial modification of Circle Office Memo No. ST/2-4(3)/2014 dated 26-06-2014 Shri B.M. Das Mohapatra, ASP(HQ), Keonjhar Division who was posted as Asst. Director(Tech/LC), O/o CPMG, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar is posted as SPOs, Bhadrak Division, Bhadrak

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