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Saturday, May 10, 2014

CHQ News:-Present status of pending issues at Directorate......

 1.   Supplementary DPC for PS Gr. B Cadre.
Directorate vide memo No. 9-06/2014-SPG dated 7/5/2014 called for fresh consolidated report in the prescribed format from each circle i/c/w declination of promotion by the PS Gr. B officers promoted under memo No. 9-33/2013-SPG dated 10/10/2013 by email on (CLICK HERE TO SEE LETTER)  Directorate has taken this item very seriously. 
All Circle Secretaries are requested to confirm the submission of this information by their Circles to Directorate and inform to GS. 

2.   Repatriation of PS Gr. B officers to their parent circle.

This issue is linked up with supplementary DPC. Repatriation will be there against the present vacancies only. 

3.   Non promotion of Sri V. Karunakaran, PM (HSG-I), Dindigul HO (TN) in PS Gr. B cadre.

Tamil Nadu circle has not submitted the requisite report to SPG division of Directorate.  Association has severally informed this fact to Sri V. Karunakaran and CS Tamil Nadu Circle to meet the concerned officer at CO and request him to send the report.

4.   Issue of combined seniority list of Inspector Posts cadre for the year 2000 onwards.

The combined seniority list of Inspectors Posts for the year 2000 is ready. The file is under submission to DDG (P) to decide the seniority of APS candidates. 

5.   Revised Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B cadre.

There is no progress.  
All Circle Secretaries have already been informed by GS to find out creation memos of PS Gr. B posts since 1993. Very few CS has taken active part and information received from them have already been submitted to Directorate.

6.   Revised Recruitment Rules of HSG-I cadre.

The query raised by Nodal Ministry has already been replied by the department.  There will not be HSG-I (IP Line) posts in the revised RR of HSG-I cadre.   

7.   DPC for promotion to the JTS Gr. A cadre for the vacancies of 2012-13.

The file which was sent to UPSC long back is likely to come back soon and DPC is expected by the end of this month. As regards to holding of DPC for the vacancies of 2013-14, Directorate has issued letter to all Circles to rectify the discrepancies noticed while scrutiny of CRs/APARs. Few circles have not responded till this date. To know the discrepancies circle wise, please CLICK HERE. 

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