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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Vacancy Position in IP Cadre for LDCE to be held on 7th and 8th September, 2013 for the year 2013- Likely to be revised

Staff Section of Circle Office, Bhubaneswar has now requested to RE Section of Circle Office, Bhubaneswar vide letter No.ST/20-5/2013 dated 01-07-2013 that two UR vacancies in IP Cadre, which were kept reserved to accommodate two IPs from West Bengal & Chhatsigarh Circle on transfer under Rule-38 of Postal Manual Vol.IV, be included in the Recruitment process so that UR candidates can apply for the LDCE for promotion to the cadre of Inspector of Posts for the year 2013.  

The vacancy position circulated vide C.O. Letter No.RE/30-6/2013 dated 19-06-2013 for the LDCE for promotion to the cadre of Inspector of Posts for the year 2013 is likely to be revised accordingly. 

          Odisha Circle will intimate the above development to West Bengal Circle and Chhatisgarh Circle.  

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