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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

CHQ News:-GS writes to Member (P) regarding Re-allotment of the surplus IPs from Odisha Circle working in other Circles.

No. CHQ/IPASP/Tfr-38/Odhisa/2013                       Dated :     24/4/2013.

Shri S. Sarkar,
Member (P)
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.

Subject : Re-allotment of the surplus qualified Odisha Circle IPs working in West Bengal and Chhattisgarh Circles.

Respected Sir,

                   IP/ASP Association intend to bring to your kind notice that the following surplus IPs of Odisha Circle presently working in West Bengal / Chhattisgarh Circle have already applied for Inter-Circle transfer to their Home Circle. It is to further bring to your kind notice that Odisha Circle vide its letter No. ST/Rule-38/IP/2012 dated 22/4/2013 has intimated to West Bengal Circle and Chhattisgarh Circle with reference to their letters No.SFA/M-12/IOP (D)/1/2012 dated 7-2-2013 and No. STA 6-8/G.C. Sahoo/2011 dated 5-2-2013 respectively that surplus IPs working in other Circles can be accommodated in Odisha Circle.

S. No.
Name S/Shri
Home Circe
Circe in which working
Ganeswar Sahoo
West Bengal
Minaketan Pradran
West Bengal
Ranjan Nayak
West Bengal
Girish Ch Sahoo

              IP/ASP Association is agree and to say that transfer / posting is administrative privilege, but it also fact that, Directorate guidelines contained in letter No. 141-177/2009-SPB-II dated 14th December, 2010 for inter-circle transfer of Inspectors of Posts under Rue 38 of P&T Manual Vol. IV are not being adhered to in the circles. Thereby principle of justice does not prevail now-a-days. Consent given by Odisha circle earlier videletter No. ST/20-9/2011-Trg dated 04/11/2011 and dated 06/01/2012 to adjust the incumbents have not considered which resulted imbalance of vacancies in West Bengal and Odisha circles. As per hearsay it learnt that, due to incorrect calculation of vacancies of IPs in West Bengal Circle, the results of Inspector Posts Examination-2011 and Inspector Posts Examination-2012 were not declared by Directorate as scheduled, and as on date the result of Inspector Posts Examination-2012 is yet to circulate by West Bengal Circle among the respective units/offices etc.

              In the above captioned Directorate’s letter it has undoubtedly clarified that, CPMG of the Circle where the IPs are working would be competent to permit such transfer in consultation with the CPMG of the Circle where the transfer sought for by the individual. It has also been stated that, the Chief Postmasters General should take a considerate view in consultation with their counterpart while considering the request of IPs for transfer to their Home / nearby Circle under Rule 38. But till this date neither Postal Directorate nor CPMsG, West Bengal and Chhattisgarh Circles have considered the issue for Inter-Circle transfer of above named IPs under Rule 38 of P&T Manual Vol. IV.
               In view of the above submissions, your kind honour is requested to look into this matter and arrange to issue necessary instructions at Directorate level to CPMsG, West Bengal and Chhattisgarh Circles to issue Inter-Circle transfer order of above named Inspectors Posts immediately and it is hoped that, the undersigned will be obliged with a reply.

              With profound regards,
              Yours sincerely,

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary

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