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Saturday, March 23, 2013

CHQ News:-Authorization of financial power to Sub Divisional Heads under Kolkata Region

Chief PMG West Bengal Circle Kolkata 700012 vide memo No EST/B/D-45/F.Power/Kol.Region dated 18.03.2013 has authorized financial powers of Divisional Heads to the “ASP Sub Divisional Head” under Kolkata Region.

To view the memo issued by West Bengal Circle, please CLICK HERE. 

On the basis of above memo, all Circle Secretaries are requested to take up this issue with their Circles for delegation of financial powers to ASPs working as Sub Divisional Head in the circles. 

This Association thanks to Chief PMG, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata for delegation of financial powers to ASPs working as Sub Divisional Head.

Source:-CHQ Blog

Views of CS, AIAIASP, Odisha Circle

When there is no discrimination in schedule of Administrative Powers of a Sub-Divisional Head whether it is  ASP Sub-Division or IP Sub Division then why there is discrimination in delegating financial powers?  Apparently it is linked to Gazetted status. We all know the greed for Gazetted Status is the primary hurdle against the merger which could have been possibly paved the way for up-gradation of Grade Pay. I do believe in uniformity, and therefore, would like to request the GS to take up the issue at Directorate level for delegation of "Financial Power" to Sub-Divisional Heads irrespective of ASP Sub-Division or IP Sub Division. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For DFP, all Sub Dvns needs to be upgraded to minimum Gazetted status, as per Treasury Rules.
Otherwise, it will be fruitless.
In recent past, many sub dvns in Bihar are upgraded.
We can demand similar action.
Right now, WB example can also be demanded that will enhance the status.