submitted by Odisha Circle vide No.EST/RTI/2016
dated 08-12-2016.
Total Sanctioned strength of
Assistant Superintendent Posts:- 71
Sanctioned strength of ASP Posts
in Class I Postal Divisions:- 16
Sanctioned strength of ASP
Posts in Class I RMS Divisions:- 05
Sanctioned strength of ASP Posts
in GPO having Class I status:- Nil
Sanctioned strength of ASP
Posts in HPOs having Class I status:- Nil
Sanctioned strength of ASP
Posts in Circle offices:- 06
Sanctioned strength of ASP
Posts in Regional offices:- 04
Sanctioned strength of ASP in
Sub-Divisions (Postal):- 22
Sanctioned strength of ASP in
Sub-Divisions (RMS):- Nil
10. Sanctioned strength of ASPs in Divisional Office (Postal):- 31
11. Sanctioned strength of ASPs in Divisional Office (RMS):- 08
Total Sanctioned strength of
Inspector Posts:- 103
13. Sanctioned strength of Inspector Posts in Class I Postal Divisions:-29
14. Sanctioned strength of Inspector Posts in Class I RMS Divisions:- 03
15. Sanctioned strength of Inspector Posts in GPO having Class I status:-Nil
16. Sanctioned strength of Inspector Posts in HPOs having Class I status:-Nil
17. Sanctioned strength of Inspector Posts in Circle offices:- 04
18. Sanctioned strength of Inspector Posts in Regional offices:- 05
19. Sanctioned strength of Inspector in Sub-Divisions (Postal):- 66
20. Sanctioned strength of Inspector in Sub-Divisions (RMS):- 06
21. Sanctioned strength of Inspector in Divisional Office (Postal):- 18
22. Sanctioned strength of Inspector in Divisional Office (RMS):- 01
23. No. of Class I divisions separately for Postal and RMS in the Circle:- Postsl-06, RMS-01
24. No. of Class II divisions for Postal and RMS in the Circle:- Postl-12, RMS-02
25. No. of Class II posts in other than divisions i.e. GPO, Fgn post, CSD, PTC,
RO, CO. etc.:- GPO-03 Posts, CSD-01 Post, PSD-01 Post, CO-07 Posts, RO-04 Posts
26. No. of Dy. Supdt Posts attached in class I division:- Nil
27. No. of Postal / RMS units/division headed by JAG / SAG cadre:- 07
28. No. of NSH offices (incharge) from class I cadre:- Nil
29. No. of NSH offices (incharge) from class II cadre:- Nil
30. No. of NSH offices (incharge) from IP cadre under class I division:-01
31. No. of NSH offices (incharge) from ASP cadre under class I division:-01
32. No. of NSH offices (incharge) from IP cadre under class II division:-Nil
33. No. of NSH offices (incharge) from ASP cadre under class II division:-Nil
34. No. of CBS CPCs whose incharge is from IP cadre:- Nil
35. No. of CBS CPCs whose incharge is from ASP cadre:- Nil
36. No. of BPCs whose incharge is from IP/ASP cadre under class I
37. No. of BPCs whose incharge is from IP/ASP cadre under class II
Note:- CS, Odisha had a long discussion with
the GS on 20th January, 2017, regarding delay in submission of Cadre
Restructuring Proposal. GS requires the consolidated information for a whole
Circle as provided by Odisha Circle above. In most of the Circle the RTI
application of the GS has been forwarded to the Divisions for submission of
reply directly to the Applicant. It is becoming extremely difficult for the GS
to compile the information as the information is not submitted by many units,
and whatever information some units have provided is not in uniformity. Submission
of the Cadre Restructuring Proposal has already been inordinately delayed.
Therefore, each Circle Secretary now needs to come forward and to pursue the
matter at Circle level to ensure submission of consolidation information.
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