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Friday, September 23, 2016

CHQ News:- DPC : PS Gr. B for the year 2016-17 .... updates

As we know that Directorate vide memo No. 9-14/2016-SPG dated 01.09.2016 has directed all circles to handover APARs of officers who are in ZoC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for the vacancies of 2016-17.

A)   As on date following circles are said to be handed over the APARs and required documents to Directorate.

Haryana / Himachal Pradesh / Punjab / Uttar Pradesh / Gujarat / Delhi / Rajasthan / Madhya Pradesh / Odisha / Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra.

B) Following circles turn has not come so far to submit the documents:

On 26/9/2016, Karnataka Circle and West Bengal Circle will submit their documents to Directorate and on 28/9/2016 Tamil Nadu Circles turn will come.

It is learnt that J&K and Bihar Circle has not submitted their officers APARs and documents on due date to Directorate.

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