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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Five tips to get rid of your social media addiction

This is a question that not many people would like to really acknowledge — are you addicted to social media? Do you spend every other minute of your time checking for updates or the latest happenings on the Internet? Are you guilty of sneaking up to your smartphone during work hours and checking your social networking account to see what your friends are up to? Is your smartphone/ tablet the first thing you check when you wake up? Does the thought of not having your smartphone with you at all times stress you out? You aren't alone. Statistics have thrown up alarming numbers of people who are addicted to smartphones and particularly, social media.

-Letting go of a habit is easier said than done. Don't, therefore, expect miracles to happen overnight. The first step is to acknowledge the fact that you're indeed glued to social media. This self realisation is the first step in de-addiction process.

-Don't go on an all-out detox from day one. Allow yourself to gradually stop visiting social media accounts at the drop of a hat. Resist the temptation — as difficult as it may be — and tell yourself you can beat the urge.

-Set times in a day when you allow yourself to spend time surfing social media sites. A 10 to 15 minute break during the day and some time late evening could be one option. Alternatively, you could choose the time depending upon your schedule.However, make sure you stick to it!

-While it is fun to let people see what you're up to, 'checking in' on Facebook every time you're out somewhere 'nice' is simply tacky. Not everyone on your friend list really wants to know if you're watching a movie, having dinner at a fancy place or watching the sunset. Use your discretion. And some common sense! And don't get personal in comments on Twitter. Just because you have the power of anonymity, doesn't mean you troll someone.

-Distract yourself with other activities. There is so much more to do that you will miss out on if you're just going to be glued to your smartphone all the time. Don't let your relationships suffer at the cost of technology. 

Source:-The Economic Times

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