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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Prosenjit Choudhury's film Dakbaksho a psychological thriller

Debutante director Prosenjit Choudhury's film Dakbaksho, a psychological thriller, revolves around an abandoned dakbaksho (mail box), in which someone suddenly starts posting suspicious letters.

Telegrams are history and even postal services are waiting for the death knell. In fact, communications have transformed drastically in recent years and so has the mindset of people. Debutante director Prosenjit Choudhury's film Dakbaksho hinges on this transformation. "Modes of communication have grown diverse in recent times, but I've always felt that people don't really communicate any longer," Prosenjit said, while revealing the plot of his film. A psychological thriller, the film revolves around an abandoned dakbaksho (mail box), in which someone suddenly starts posting letters.The content of these letters is suspicious, reeking of a murder conspiracy . The film will also see debutants Supriti Choudhury and Satrajit Sarkar in the lead. "The character I play is complex and I had to work really hard to bring out her various shades. I hope people like the film," Supriti said. 

Source:-The Times of India

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