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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

CS writes to CPMG to ensure accurate estimation of the vacancy in ASP Cadre for the 2015-16 for convening DPC

Shri Tilak De, IPoS
Chief Postmaster General
          Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001

Sub:- DPC for promotion to ASP Cadre

Respected Sir,

A kind reference is invited to Circle Office Letter No.ST/24-15(1) dated 31-03-2015 wherein the required documents in respect of IPs who are coming under zone of consideration for Promotion to ASP Cadre for the year 2015 has been called for. This Association welcomes the step taken towards timely convening of DPC for promotion to ASP Cadre.

As per the guidelines issued vide Department of Posts (Personnel Division) Letter No.25-10/2014-SPG dated 09/07/2014 circulated vide Circle Office Letter No.ST/26-1/94(Rlg) dated 06-08-2014:-

(a)         System of eligibility cut-off date and calculation of vacancies will be financial year-wise from the year 2015-2016 onwards in accordance with ibid DOP&T OM No.22011/6/2013-Estt (D) dated 28-05-2014 for all the cadres in the Department and the eligibility cut-off date will be 1st April.
(b)         The existing system of Calendar Year for the Circle Cadres, wherever being followed, has come to an end with the end of calendar year 2014 with advent of new system.
(c)         The vacancies arising during the period from 1st January to 31st March, 2015 will be merged with the vacancies arising during the financial year 2015-16.

Further as per DOP & T guidelines, it is essential that the number of vacancies in respect of which a panel is to be prepared by a DPC should be estimated as accurately possible taking into account the existing and clear anticipated vacancies on account of retirement, promotion etc.

From the Circle Office letter dated 31-03-2015, the estimated vacancy appears to be taken as 4 (12 IPs taken into zone of consideration). In the instant case, the vacancy estimated appears to be incorrect. As per information of this Association the estimated vacancy in ASP Cadre in Odisha Circle for the 2015-16 will be as below:-

Existing Vacancy                                                            :        04
Retirement up to 31/03/2016                                           :        03       
Sub-Total                                                                                 07
Plus ASPs promoted to PS Group-B Cadre for the Year 2014     :        06
Minus ASPs promoted to PS Group-B Cadre and declined        :        --                                                                                                                
I, therefore, request your good self to look into the matter to ensure estimation of the vacancy in ASP Cadre for the 2015-16 as accurately possible and to take into the zone of consideration the eligible candidates with the reference to the assessed vacancies as prescribed under the rule.
With deep regards,
Yours sincerely,

(Pitabasa Jena)
Circle Secretary

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