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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Adhoc Promotion and Transfer & Posting in PS Group-B Cadre

Circle Office Memo No. ST/2-4(3)/ 2014         Dated  17-07-2014


Shri Manoj Kumar Naik, Senior Postmaster, Berhampur HO a regular PS Gr.B officer is transferred and posted as Senior Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO.


Shri G C Sahoo, Offg. Senior Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO is transferred and posted  as Asst. Director(Estt/ Plg),  Circle Office, Bhubaneswar on ad hoc basis  against vacant post.


The following ASPs are promoted to the cadre of PS Gr-B purely on temporary and ad hoc basis and allotted to Regions noted against each.
Sl No
Name of the Officer
Present place of Posting
Allotted to
Shri P K Nanda
ASP(BD), RMS N Division
Headquarters Region
Shri Ekalabya Choudhury
ASP I/c, Baragarh Sub Division
Berhampur Region against resultant vacancy in the post of Senior PM, Berhampur HO
Shri Madhu Mirdha
ASP(HQ), Bolangir Division
Berhampur Region against retirement vacancy in the post of SPOs, Kalahandi Division w.e.f 01-08-14


Shri Prafulla Kumar Nanda, ASP(BD), RMS N Division, Cuttack  on his allotment to HQ Region on  promotion to PS Gr- B cadre  is posted  as Offtg. Supdt, PSD, Bhubaneswar on temporary and ad hoc basis with effect from 01-08-2014  vice Shri K S Panda,  Offg. Supdt, PSD retiring voluntarily from govt. service.

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