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Monday, March 31, 2014

Revised rates of DA w.e.f 01-01-2014- Order communicated by Directorate

To view Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) OM No.1-1/2014-E-II(B) dated 27-03-2014 please Click Here. 

The payment of arrears of Dearness Allowance shall not be made before the date of disbursement of salary of March, 2014. 

UPU News:-ITU and UPU renew ICT partnership to open up access to postal services

Leveraging new technologies to extend the reach of postal services and developing international standards for mobile payments will take centre stage in future work between the UPU and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Director General Bishar A. Hussein and ITU Secretary General Hamadoun Touré signed a new memorandum of understanding to this effect at UPU headquarters in Berne, Switzerland, on March 26.
“The UPU and ITU are working together to strengthen the capacity of our respective sectors to deliver quality postal services through bringing connectivity to post offices in developing and least developed countries,” said Hussein.
Calling the two specialized agencies under the United Nations umbrella twin sisters, Hussein welcomed the opportunity to pool resources. “This agreement comes at an opportune time as the UPU is already working hard towards increasing connectivity and electrification of post offices in rural areas in Africa to increase people’s access to postal services.”
With the lack of internet connectivity and access to a stable source of electricity often hampering the effective provision of postal services, the UPU-ITU initiative will explore new business models for post offices to better deliver services in rural and remote communities with help from information communications technology (ICT).
On the cards is a solution to connect post offices to the internet using satellite technology. This, in turn, should make it easier for Posts to play a wider role in bringing remittance services to the community, as well as enabling government payments, such as social benefits, to reach citizens with ease on mobile devices.
“This is a tremendous opportunity for two venerable institutions to step together boldly in the 21st century – and to make the world a better place for all citizens,” said Touré.
Discussions are continuing on fleshing out the details of a potential pilot project in the field with technology partners from the private and non-profit sectors participating.
The new agreement replaces an older one signed in 2007, under which the UPU and ITU collaborated successfully to bring ICTs to the postal network in countries like India, Bhutan and Afghanistan and rural parts of the African continent.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lack of sleep could cause cancer

...and also increase your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Here's how to improve your sleep cycle.

One of the most important needs of the human body is sleep. When your sleep is of poor quality and lasts only a short duration, then risks of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity and even cancer, increase. Sleep is essential not just for your body but for your mind as well. Our bodies repair during sleep and it is imperative that we get an optimum and un-interrupted shut-eye. The more regular is the sleeping and waking schedule, the better.

Do seven hours at least: The number of hours you put into sleeping is extremely important. Dr Preeti Devnani, from the department of neurology and sleep medicine, in a hospital, says that a minimum of seven-eight hours of sleep is essential. A sleep schedule is also of utmost importance and one should always follow a particular time slot — 10 pm to 7 am.

You cannot compensate for lack of sleep: If you thought that during weekdays you could get away with four-five hours of shut-eye, and then catch up during the weekends with a longer sleep schedule, then you are wrong. Dr Devnani states that the damage done by lack of sleep cannot be reversed or compensated for. And afternoon naps, which should never be more than half-an-hour, are also not helpful, and cannot make up for a night of missed sleep.

Mind your mind: When you go off to bed it is important to keep your mind free of clutter. Wait for the morning to resolve all your issues. Clinical psychologist Varkha Chulani says, "Studies have shown that the less you sleep the more prone you are to emotional distress. One of the causes of cancer is lack of sleep. Mind-less-ness aids in good sleep — where you switch off the mind from needless thoughts and instead allow only calming pictures, music, etc to alter the mood."

Get ready to sleep: One ought to wind down an hour or so before hitting the bed. The less stimulus impingement, the better the mind goes to rest and then eventually catches shut-eye, explains Varkha.

Your bedroom should be a gadget-free zone: In the days of constant connectivity, smart phones, tablets, laptops have become more a bane than a boon. Neuropsychiatrist Dr Rajesh Parikh says, "Too many people are hooked onto digital devices and onto the net itself. Many people cannot even conceive a life outside of a digital world. Having said that, let me declare my conflict of interest: I do not own a cell phone and for the past 20 years have been warning my friends of the health hazards of cell phone use." Radiation from mobiles and gadgets can hamper sleep. Ideally, your bedroom should be a completely gadget-free, no-sound, no light zone. That will help you get undisturbed sleep and maintain your circadian rhythm. Varkha adds, "So switch off the TV, phone and wifi and go to sleep-land with a light read at your bedtime. Some soulful music, a clean and nicely dark room, etc all aid in sleeping well."

Keep away from Caffeine: Stay away from all kinds of addictive, alcoholic and caffeinated substances. They hamper your sleep cycle. If you have to indulge, make sure you do so at least three-four hours before your bedtime.

Take a warm bath: Ritu Singh Tanwar, who specialises in relaxing massages, says that one should indulge in a ritual before bedtime — this also helps your body to understand that it is time to relax and unwind. "Take a warm bath, or soak your feet in warm water with relaxing oil drops and salts in it. Apply a soothing lotion and massage it in. All this calms your senses and you sleep better," she adds.

Do some yoga, exercise: Jogging, brisk walking, yoga, free-hand exercises, dance, zumba or gymming are activities that you should take up during the day if you are someone who has a lot of trouble falling asleep.

Wake up with the sun: Waking up early in the morning is a great way to begin your day. The early morning sun is good for you and helps you to get your dose of Vitamin D.

Hair care at night: Hair stylist Nalini states, "Decades ago, women oiled and braided their long hair before going to bed. Nowadays, since we use a lot of tonic and treatments , we don't need to braid or tie up our hair before retiring for the day." A nice head-massage with non-sticky oils aids sleep.

Get proper sleep for...

Sharper memory: During sleep our brain consolidates information. Research has proved that people who sleep after learning a task performed better.
Combating obesity: Hormonal levels are modified with lack of sleep. It affects how our bodies store fat. Metabolism is disturbed when we do not follow a proper sleep regime.
Enhancing your mood: A sleep deprived person is prone to irritability, tiredness, lack patience and the ability to concentrate.
A healthier heart: Sleep disorders can lead to stress, hypertension, and irregular heartbeat.
Keeping diseases at bay: Catching up on sleep can help you fight diseases.
Stay safe: Falling asleep while driving or doing daily chores could be fatal.

Source:-The Times of India

Friday, March 28, 2014

IRS officers brought on top secretary pay scale; on par with IPS, IAS

Government has appointed eighteen senior Income Tax department officers to the rank of Principal Chief Commissioners in the top pay scale of Rs 80,000 per month, bringing them on par with top secretaries and DGPs. 

The step was much awaited as the IRS had made a long time demand to bring their seniormost officers on par with those in the IAS and IPS. 

The Finance Ministry issued an order appointing 18 Principal CCs of I-T yesterday. 

The top post in the Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax) cadre till now used to be either a Chief Commissioner (CC) or a Director General (DG) which is equivalent to an Additional Chief Secretary rank officer but the government last year approved a massive cadre restructuring of the I-T department after which the senior most officers stand to get a pay scale on par with the DGPs and top secretaries of the government. 

"A total of 18 Chief Commissioners, including three women officers, have been appointed and posted as Principal Chief Commissioners with a salary of Rs 80,000 per month. Till now, an Income Tax department officer could only rise upto a Chief Commissioner level which is an Addl Secretary rank post," a senior official told PTI. 

As the restructuring of the Income Tax department is still being done by the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), the 18 officers will officiate from their incumbent posting as there are no new charges to be held. 

All these officers will now be equivalent to the Special Secretary rank to the central government. 

Sources said, close to a dozen more senior CCs and DsG are expected to be appointed as the Principal CCs in the near future. 

At present there are about 40 CCs and DsG in the I-T department spread across its various wings like investigation, intelligence, vigilance, HRD and administration, among others.

Source:-The Economic Times

Common Nomination Forms for various retirement benefits of the Central Government employees - Notifications regarding.

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CHQ News:-Minimum working experience in Postal / RMS wing orders withdrawn by Directorate

Directorate vide Memo No. 25-02/2001-PE-I dated 20th March 2014 has withdrawn the orders issued regarding compulsory minimum working experience in Postal / RMS wing for IPs and ASPs before their higher promotions issued under letter dated 9th September 2013.

Order is placed below:-

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Royal Mail says to cut 1,600 jobs

Britain's main postal operator Royal Mail on Tuesday said it planned to axe 1,600 jobs under a fresh cost-cutting drive six months after the group was partly privatised. Royal Mail said in a statement that most of the jobs to go would be in management, with no delivery staff losing their positions.AFP

Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees - Revised Rates effective from 1.1.2014

To view Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) OM No.1-1/2014-E-II(B) dated 27-03-2014 please Click Here. 

The payment of arrears of Dearness Allowance shall not be made before the date of disbursement of salary of March, 2014. 
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees - Revised Rates effective from 1.1.2014

Banks and Income Tax Offices to Remain Open on 29th, 30th and 31st March, 2014

In order to facilitate the payment of taxes by the tax-payers before the close of the Financial Year 2013-14, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided on request of Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) that all agency banks shall keep open the counters of their designated branches conducting Government Business on Saturday, March 29, 2014. The said counters shall remain open for extended hours till 8.00 pm. At locations where Monday, March 31, 2014 has not been declared as a public holiday, the said counters shall remain open for extended hours till 8.00 pm. Further, on Sunday, March 30, 2014, agency banks will keep select branches open at key locations as a regular working day for transacting Government Business. 

Similarly, on Monday, March 31, 2014, at places where public holiday has been declared, the same select branches shall remain open as a regular working day for transacting Government Business. All electronic transactions would, however, continue till midnight on March 31, 2014. 


WHO Certifies India as Polio Free

The World Health Organisation (WHO) today presented official certification to India for its ‘Polio Free’ status. India is among other countries in its South East Asian region which have been certified as being free of the wild polio virus. The Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Sh Ghulam Nabi Azad received the official certificate at a function, here today. This achievement makes the South-East Asia Region, the fourth WHO Region to be certified as polio-free, after the Region of the Americas in 1994, the Western Pacific Region in 2000 and the European Region in 2002. 

Speaking at the function, Sh Azad stated that India has been polio free since January 2011. Speaking on the historic occasion on behalf of all South-East Asian Health Ministers, Shri Azad expressed happiness and satisfaction at the historic public health achievement which seemed impossible with India having the highest burden of Polio cases in the world. 

The Health Minister stated that India embarked on the programme to eradicate the nation of polio 19 years ago in 1995, when the disease used to cripple more than 50,000 children in the country every year. He stated that this achievement has been possible with resolute will at the highest levels, technological innovations like the indigenous bivalent polio vaccine, adequate domestic financial resources and close monitoring of polio programme, with which immunization levels soared to 99% coverage and India achieved polio eradication. He stated that this unbelievable operational feat has been possible due to the tireless efforts of over a million ASHAs and ANMs who gave a new momentum to polio rounds. A 2.3 million strong team of polio volunteers and 150, 000 supervisors worked day and night to reach every child. The Health Minister expressed gratitude towards WHO, UNICEF, Rotary International, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others stakeholders, including the parents of the children, for their strong technical and operational support to this collective effort in this region. 

Also present at the certification ceremony were representatives from the WHO’s SEARO countries, senior officers from the Ministry of Health and family Welfare and representatives of partner agencies such as Rotary International, UNICEF, and DFID. 


Internet transition to IPv6 accelerating

The transition to the next-generation Internet protocol IPv6 is set to speed up this year as web addresses under the previous system IPv4 run out, a senior industry figure said at a meeting about the future of the web Thursday. 

Internet protocol is the method by which data is routed by computers on the web. It is necessary for devices to connect online. But the huge increase in Internet users and devices worldwide is putting a strain on the current system. 

Paul Wilson, director general of the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), the region's Internet registry, said addresses on IPv4 worldwide are either exhausted or near exhaustion. 

"The challenge is encouraging businesses and organisations to adopt IPv6, because their infrastructure is built around IPv4 and the two systems are not entirely compatible," he told AFP on the sidelines of a meeting of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in Singapore. 

IPv6, which came into effect in June 2012, allows for trillions of "IP" numbers or addresses, while IPv4 has room for only 4.3 billion, which is not enough as the Internet continues to grow exponentially. 

Wilson said the transition to IPv6, which is more efficient and more secure than its predecessor, was among the topics discussed at the four-day Singapore meeting that ended Thursday. 

About ten percent of all global Internet traffic to Google, Facebook, and Yahoo! will use IPv6 by the end of this year, up from 3.0 percent currently, the Internet Society, an advisory panel, said on its website. 

"This year is the convergence point where IPv6 starts to become a real thing," said Wilson, urging users to switch to the new protocol. 

Each computer, tablet, mobile device and any other electronic gadget has a unique IP address to connect to the web. 

But with seven billion people on the planet owning multiple devices, the IPv4 protocol restricts everyone from having a gadget with its own online address. 

The situation has been equated to not having enough telephone numbers for every user, and if there are not enough Internet addresses, neighbours will have to start sharing which can slow things down. 

IPv6 can allow "trillions and trillions of addreses, enough in theory to last indefinitely, as big as the Internet can possibly get," Wilson said. 

"It might be a fair call to say that the transition is real and businesses need to start seriously considering their strategy," he said.

Source:-The Economic Times

New system can scan Internet for illegal images

London, Mar 27 (PTI) Scientists have developed a new system that makes it possible to scan traffic on the Internet for illegal photographs.

The system can, for example, help trace child pornography on the Internet without infringing on the privacy of Internet users, said researchers at the University of Twente in The Netherlands.

Internet service providers could use the tool to keep their network 'clean', they said.

Result of recruitment of PA SA Mailguard Postman and MTS under sports quota of Odisha Circle

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UPU News:-Effective coordination and trust hold answers to global e-commerce success

Facilitating global e-commerce will require robust IT infrastructure, better partnerships and standardized customs, payment and delivery processes, stressed keynote speakers today at a major forum on e-commerce held at UPU headquarters.

More than 250 delegates from the postal and e-commerce world gathered to hear industry leaders discuss how they could work together to deliver on the global e-commerce promise and enable this business to flourish like its domestic counterpart.
With business to consumer online sales expected to peak at 1.5 trillion USD this year, UPU Director General Bishar A. Hussein underlined the importance of efficient and effective partnerships with all stakeholders in the global e-commerce supply chain. “From e-tailers, logistics, airlines and customs to payment agents and transporters handling the last-mile delivery and return services, all must work together to ensure the free flow of items and availability of services to citizens around the world,” he said. “The postal network is an essential link in this global supply chain,” he added.

New development phase

Posts worldwide are natural partners for the delivery of goods bought online and they want to make e-commerce as easy as possible, especially for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The latter stand to gain a lot from the growth of e-commerce and have always relied heavily on postal services for their success.
One key to success is getting merchandise through customs as fast as possible.  Kunio Mikuriya, secretary general of the World Customs Organization, lauded Posts’ efforts to increasingly send advance data about incoming parcels, thus accelerating customs procedures for customers’ benefit. “A strong partnership between Posts and Customs is essential for e-commerce to grow,” he said.
For his part, International Telecommunication Union Secretary General Hamadoun Touré said trust and security were foundations of e-commerce. Today, the UPU and the ITU committed to developing international standards for financial transactions, especially mobile payments, and testing new business models for sustainable connectivity. “Posts and telecommunications share a common and mutually reinforcing future as we work towards connecting all of the world’s people to the information society.”
From a trade perspective, Anne Miroux, director of the division on technology and logistics at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), said e-commerce was opening a new development phase for Posts.
But Miroux recognized that e-commerce poses several challenges for developing countries, especially least developed ones. “E-commerce is the business of the future, and you’re either ‘in’ or ‘out’,” she said.
For the developing world, technological infrastructure and effective regulation instilling confidence in e-commerce are essential. “Effective networks must enable access to information technology, the Internet and mobile services, and least developed countries don’t have access to these.”

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

SC opens door for defence personnel to vote

New Delhi, Mar 24 (PTI)The Supreme Court today opened the doors for defence personnel in peace stations to get registered as voters in constituency of their posting and pulled up the Election Commission for its "rigid stand" which was coming in the way of "right to vote of service personnel".

Will simplify e-filing norms: CBDT

E-filing of Income Tax returns will be further simplified by the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) which said it is encouraged by the increasing number of taxpayers taking the online route. 

The e-filing of returns this financial year saw a jump of 40 per cent with 25,647 crore online returns being filed till March 22 as compared with over 1.80 crore e-returns filed by taxpayers during the corresponding period last year. 

"We are trying to further simplify the e-filing procedures. Let us see what all can we do. We are progressing very fast on this issue," CBDT Chairman R K tewari told reporters here. 

Tewari said that e-filing is catching up even amongst those people who are not stipulated to file their returns by the way of e-filing. 

The percent composition of such taxpayers was close to 66 per cent, he said. 

A total of 52 per cent people, Tewari said, chose to file their e-returns after office hours which shows that people are filing their tax returns at the leisure of their homes and other places through laptops or personal computers. 

Belting out some figures, the Chairman said the Central Processing Centre (CPC) of the department in Bengaluru, which receives I-T returns, is processing 2.80 lakh returns per month and till February 28 (financial year 2013-14) six crore returns have been processed. 

The number of days taken to completely process the e-returns, the officer said, has also come down from 70 to 61 days. 

"A total of Rs 7,700 crore demand has been collected through the CPC," he said.

Source:-The Economic Times

Mobility of personnel amongst Central/State and Autonomous Bodies while working under Pensionable Establishments - regarding.

To view Department of Personnel & Training OM No.25014/1/2013-AIS(II) dated 18/3/2014 please Click Here.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Madras HC:- Pension a statutory right conferred under the pension rules applicable from the date when the government servant was appointed, either on daily wage, temporary or permanent basis.

Upholding a Central Administrative Tribunal rpt Tribunal order, the Madras High Court today said right of government servants to receive pension is not a bounty and it is a statutory right conferred under the pension rules applicable from the date when the government servant was appointed, either on daily wage, temporary or permanent basis. 

A Division Bench, comprising Justice N.Paul Vasanthakumar and Justice M.Sathyanarayanan was dismissing a writ petition filed by Ministry of Atomic Energy, and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam challenging the order passed by Central Administrative Tribunal. 

In its order, the bench said it was an undisputed fact that the 16 petitioner employees had been appointed as casual labourers and subsequently conferred temporary status from December 31, 1999. 

".. merely because they have been absorbed permanently in the year 2005 in Group 'D' service, they cannot be denied of their statutory right," the court said. 

Earlier CAT had allowed the original application filed by the 16 employees to extend the benefit of pension under old Pension Scheme, Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972 as they were granted temporary status with effect from December 31, 1999 on conditions, among others, that 50% of their service rendered under temporary status would be counted for the purpose of retirement benefits after their superannuation. 

his was challenged by IGCAR, stating that persons who joined in service on or after January 1, 2004 were governed by the new pension scheme. The CAT rejected it following which IGCAR filed the present petition. 

IGCAR had engaged 50 Casual labourers for cleaning and assisting Technicians and Scientists Carrying out the task in various laboratories of IGCAR. Out of 50, 34 casual labourers were regularized prior to January 1,2004. 

The court said a person already in service either as contingent staff or temporary staff continuously and absorbed in permanent establishment on or after Jan 1,2004 cannot be termed 'new entrant' into service. The new pension scheme can be applied only to persons appointed for the first time as casual or temporary or permanent employee on or after January 1,2004. 

The bench clarified that the 50 casual employees appointed by the IGCAR being a class, there cannot be any classification within them, subsequently made as temporary employees and absorbed as Group 'D' employees. 
While quoting Supreme Court Judgements the bench said these 16 employees cannot be treated as 'Fresh appointees' for the purpose of applying new pension scheme and upheld the order of CAT while dismissing the petition from IGCAR.

Source:-The Economic Times

Friday, March 21, 2014

Closing of Central Government Offices the connection with general elections to the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies and Bye Elections to Legislative Assemblies during 2014.

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Posting in ASP Cadre on adhoc basis in HQ Region

The following IPs allotted to headquarters region on their ad-hoc promotion to ASP Cadre are posted against the posts noted against each below vide C.O. Memo No.ST/24-15(3)/2013 dated 21-03-2014.

Sl No
Present place of posting
Place of posting on  ad  hoc promotion
Parameswar Nayak
IP, Bhadrak East
ASP I/c, Kendrapara vice Sh. Bhagyadhar Das transferred
Gourang Ch. Behera
IP, Baripada East
ASP I/c, Baripada w.e.f  01-05-14
Bhagaban  Naik
IP, Berhampur South
Postmaster, Puri vice Sh. P K Patra transferred
Jayant Kumar Das
IP(Plg), Circle Office
ASP(LC), Circle Office vice Sh. B K Kar transferred

Adhoc Promotion of IPs to ASP Cadre in Odisha Circle

The following Inspector Posts are promoted to ASP Cadre on ad-hoc basis and allotted to the Regions mentioned against each below vide C.O. Memo No.ST/24-15(3)/2013 dated 21-03-2014.

Sl No
Present place of posting
Allotted to the Region on promotion
Parameswar Nayak
IP, Bhadrak East
HQ Region
Gourang Ch. Behera *
IP, Baripada East
HQ Region
Bhagaban  Naik
IP, Berhampur South
HQ Region
Jayant Kumar Das
IP(Plg), Circle Office
HQ Region
*Sh. Gouranga Ch Behera will be eligible for ad hoc promotion after expiry of currency of punishment on 30-04-14.