While reviewing the activities in retrospect, it would be worth mentioning that ahead of the All India Conference scheduled in April 2010, the then General Secretary Mr. S Samuel had called for views of the Circle Branches of the Association regarding the proposed merger of two cadres for facilitating upgradation of the GP of IPs. There was instruction for the Circle Secretaries to take the views of the members in CWC / General Body meetings on the proposal. The Circle Secretary, Odisha Circle Branch had responded to the communication within no time intimating that IP and ASP cadres should merge and the CHQ should go ahead with the merger proposal without waiting for decision of the Circles in General Body meeting during All India Conference which could just be formality. It was intimated at the same breath that such opinion is communicated without prior consultation of CWC but the CWC would definitely decide that way since that was the only way to bring mass benefit. Anyway, the CHQ waited for the decision till the All India Conference was held in April 2010 at New Delhi. The issue was debated at length and a majority decision emerged to the effect that IP and ASP cadres should merge. This was in line with what Odisha Circle had expected. The CS, Odisha Circle had gone one step ahead in suggesting the CHQ (in writing which must still be there in the records of CHQ) during the All India Conference that in order to get GP of Rs.4600/- for merged cadre, Gazetted status to ASP cadre can be surrendered if it becomes a necessary condition for merger of both the cadres.
When Gazetted status to ASP has stood on the way of getting the GP of IPs upgraded to Rs.4600/- there is no point in continuing the obsession of the Gazetted status as the so called vanity has not helped the IP cadre anyway. We have to look at the larger canvass of reaching at the GP of Rs.5400/-, at least under MACP III so as to get other benefits attached to such GP. We have lost precious time of nearly 2 years with obsession of getting benefits both ways - GP of Rs.4600/- for IPs and Gazetted status for the ASPs, at the same time.
When the proposal of upgradation of GP did not move for a long time, Odisha Circle on its own started wearing black-badge in Feb 2011 to protest against the Govt’s apathy towards IP cadre. Similar protest was expected in other parts of the country. But no such thing happened despite suggestion to CHQ. Odisha Circle also suggested for joining strike with Postal JCA and even initiated dialogue with the General Secretary of Gr.C Union keeping the GS informed. But the proposal finally fell through as according to CHQ, majority of Circle Branches did not favour this view.
We have no courage to protest unjust delay of nearly two years in getting the proposal implemented. We are too careful, cautious and scared of the consequences of joining strike to press for early implementation of the proposal. We know how to keep changing our suggestions unmindful of whether or not they are practicable for implementation. We are presenting our views in such a way which suits the authorities in Directorate very well to deny us the long awaited benefit on different pretext.
The merger proposal was intimated to Directorate on 05.04.2010. What the Directorate has been doing all these days? The present Secretary (Posts) must be credited with (another achievement of) befooling this cadre through out her tenure without considering a single demand of this Association. Supply of Laptop to Sub-Divisional Heads ( and NOT to all Inspectorial staff) which could be claimed as a credit, is in fact was required more as an administrative need rather than a favour to cadre members. When she retires in October this year she will have the last laugh that while every work from this poor cadre was extracted to the maximum extent so that she could walk away with a number of awards for the Department she did not have to yield anything to this cadre. Yet we continue discussing a number of issues among ourselves at All India Conference and CWC meetings wasting time, energy and money in return of getting nothing.
Let us understand that further delay runs the risk of getting nothing and we must not lose further time in pressing for upgraded GP of Rs4600/- for the merged cadre of IPs and ASPs w.ef 01.01.2006, without being rigid on the nomenclature for the merged cadre. There should not be any objection in accepting the nomenclature of Inspector of Posts for the merged cadre as we must show our concern and keenness for the upgradation of GP as the priority item. If we cannot do this promptly now let us openly admit what Mr. Samal has mentioned in his comment and stop indulging in unnecessary discussions in General Body/ CWC meetings.
B B Mohanty
Circle Secretary, AIAIASP
Odisha Circle Branch
NB: This article is in response to the posting in CHQ blog by GS asking for opinion of Circle Branches for the proposed merger of IP and ASP cadres
Dear Mohanty ji
1. Our association is submitting one or other proposal in a great hurry to The Dte regarding merger of both the cadres and we are only the association in the history which is himself proposing to loose what our predesors have achieve . Will the officers at the Dte or ministry of finance will agree with this proposal of merger ,perhaps not They will raise another quarry . So, We should pursue the CAT case vigorously and wait for outcome the same and only after the outcome of the case we should submit the revised proposal . It CAT deliver the verdict is IPs favor, then let the department to think over as to what status they want to give to ASPs ?
Sunil Kumar
Yes, the association is submitting a number of proposal be it regarding merger of IP/ASP cadre or quota for PS Gp B Exam etc. The circle branches(not the odisha) are also in a hurry to support these proposal without constructively discussing the matter with their members. The views of the poor members like me published through the bolgs of respective association/CHQ (which is the only source to inform the views of members of the association who is not a CWC member)are not even published by the blog manager. For example, please go through our CHQ blog and see how many comments are posted under various subjects????? Nothing. It is not that no body offered their comments but the truth is that the blog manager has not allowed these comments to be published for one or some other reason. IN my opinion, the matter is most important than the person who is saying that matter as the matter is to be discussed amongst the members and not the person.
We should also think of starting pay for grade pay 4600 .
At present it is Rs 12500 for direct recruits only ss per sixth pay commission report. If same is made available promoted officers also then it will be justice for all.
As direct IP will getting 12500+4600=17100 as starting pay and a PA Passed IP exam in immediately after 5 years get only 9300+4200 =13400 only
If this can also be addressed at this point it is a real benifit
other wise it is a great loss and in-justice for departmental PAs who are passed IP's
Hope others will also react to this comment who are sufferers
i agree with the comments offered by Mr. Sunil and Mr. Nitya.Why we are submitting proposals without asking for by Dte. But we should fight for our case. We may file other Nitya like cases in the differednt Benches of Hon,ble CAT. we should not loose which we get from our PURVAZ.
I read in my childhood about story "Letter to God" in which the hero blames post office people as "bunch of Crooks". I dont think we are such a people. If you are discussing on any issue, please clearly note down the Pros and Cons like.
like Pros :-
(a) Pay hike
(i) Pay hike may appear good but if once the Gazetted status is withdrawn then in the next CPC much justice will not be done, because of Gazetted status.
(b) Choice of posting :-
Cons :-
(a) Losing Gazetted status
(i) If we lose Gazetted status then our cadre will more vulnerable to harassment by superiors.
(ii) After serving these many years, u will not be able to retire atleast as a Gazetted Officer.
(iii) Is there any cadre which sought for removal of Gazetted status.
1.No body desires to shun the Gazetted status but if the so called status mocks you, better to shun it.
2.Is their any thing to believe that the 6th CPC gave Rs.4600/- to ASP for his gazetted status?
3.Concept of status has changed after the 6th CPC.GP is asked to know ones Status.
4. Yes, status is inversely proportional to vulnerability. But vulnerability is directly proportional to ones approach to the issue.
5.If we make a wrong approach to the issue of GP we will be vulnerable to ignominy of being a cadre with gazetted status controlling officials of higher status(Higher GP)
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