Sri A K Nayak, AD(Est/Plg/WL/TO), CO, Bhubaneswar has taken over as SSPOs Bhubaneswar on 31.07.2009 A/N vice Sri P L Bhol retired.
Sri R N Pradhan, SSRM N Division Cuttack on regular promotion to JTS Gr.A is posted as SSPOs Burdwan in WB Circle. He is relieved on 05.08.2009 to take up his new assignment.
Sri Chandramani Mohapatra, ASP(LC), CO, Bhubaneswar is given ad hoc promotion to PS Gr. B Cadre and is posted as AD(Est/Plg/WL), CO, Bhubaneswar vice Sri A K Nayak given ad hoc promotion to JTS Gr.A. Sri Mohapatra has taken up his new assignment on 31.07.09 A/N.
Sri S C Sukla, ASP(OD), RMS N Division, Cuttack is given ad hoc promotion to PS Gr. B Cadre and allotted to Sambalpur Region against the vacancy of Supdt, PSD, Sambalpur.
Sri Trinath Sahoo, AD(Bldg), CO, Bhubaneswar is transfered as Supdt, CSD, Bhubaneswar. Sri Sreekant Kar, Supdt, CSD, Bhubaneswar is posted in place of Sri Sahoo. Both the officers have taken up their new assignements on 06.08.2009.
Sri Biswanath Lenka, SPOs Aska is posted as AD-I, RO, Berhampur. Sri Banchhanidhi Mishra on ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B Cadre is posted as SPOs, Aska in place of Sri Lenka.
Posting against the post of SSRM N Division Cuttack is likely very shortly. Sri Jeeban Sahu AD(TO), CO, Bhubaneswar is the next PS Gr.B officer in line to get the ad hoc promotion to JTS Gr.A.
Ad hoc posting against one post of PS Gr.B to be made vacant on ad hoc posting of one PS Gr.B officer to JTS Gr.A is likely very shortly.
Ad hoc promotion of about 4 IPs to ASP cadre is likely very shortly.