This blog is meant for use by members of the Association for news and views. Send comments / suggestions / views to e-mail Id:
Monday, April 28, 2008
DPC for Promotion to PS Gr.B Cadre
Sl. 113: Sri S N Panda; Sl. 116: Sri D D Reddy; Sl. 136: Sri K C Mohanty-II; Sl. 142: Sri K S Giri; Sl.143: Sri P K Maikap; Sl.168: Sri R C Gouda; Sl.191: Sri M D Singh(ST); Sl.206: V G Krishna; Sl.210: Sri S B Mohapatra; Sl.233: Sri H K Dalal, 1982 Batch; Sl.284: Sri S Tuti(ST) 1983 Batch; Sl.312: Sri Bighnanasan Bhoi(ST); Sl.232: Late Sri B N Mahali(ST); Sl.346: Sri Abhimanyu Behera(SC) 1986 Batch; Sl.357: Sri Banambar Sethy(SC) 1987 Batch.
Inter-Region Transfer of ASPs & IPs
ACP- Wait does not end
Postings in PS Gr.B Cadre
Postings in JTS Gr.A Cadre
Sri P N Pal posted as SSRM 'N' Divn
Sri B C Mohanty posted as SSPOs, Cuttack City Division
Sri B C Sethi posted as SSPOs, Berhampur
Sri L K Sethi posted as SSPOs, Sundargarh
The Association congratulates these officers on their regular promotion to IPoS, Gr.A(JTS) cadre
Friday, April 25, 2008
Finally Orissa Circle got a CPMG
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Promotion of IPoS Officers to the rank of PMG and related transfers
Sri S K Kamila, DPS Sambalpur being promoted to PMG rank has joined as PMG Berhampur on 21.04.2008 in place of Sri A N Nanda who has been transfered as PMG, Muzaffarpur in Bihar Circle.
Sri B N Tripathy, DPS Raipur has been promoted and posted as PMG Ajmer in Rajasthan Circle.
Sri V Pati has been promoted and posted as PMG, BD & Technology in Delhi Circle.
Sri P K Bisoi currently on deputation to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has also been promoted to the rank of PMG. His posting in the Department of Posts has not been shown as he continues to be on deputation outside the Department of Posts
The CS has congratulated Sri S K Kamila personally on 17.04.2008 while he was at Bhubaneswar. A greeting card has also been posted to him on 21.04.2008 on behalf of the Association. The Circle Secretary also met Sri A N Nanda at Bhubaneswar Rly Station while he was returning from Berhampur after relinquishing his charge of PMG, Berhampur, and presented him a bouquet and a Farewell Card on behalf of the Association.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Circle Secretary writes to CPMG on the transfers and postings in ASP Cadre
Sri S Sarkar
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Transfers and postings in the cadre of ASPs
Respected Sir,
After waiting for a reasonably longer than usual time the concerned officials of the cadre of ASPs got their orders of tenure transfers and postings this year vide CO, Bhubaneswar Memo. No. ST/24-15(2)/2004/Ch.I dated 16.04.2008. While the guidelines of tenure transfer emphasize on completing the process of transfers and postings by 31.03.2008 so as to not to put the concerned officials into avoidable hardships connected with their shifting , it took time till third week of April 2008 only to issue the orders of transfers and postings. As it was already late in issuing the transfers and postings, the concerned officials were expecting that they would be posted against the places of their choice as communicated with reference to the option called for from them. But they are surprised to find that in majority of cases, they have got the postings outside their choice. In otherwords, the option though called for as a mere formality, has been ignored in such cases despite having the clear scope to accommodate the same in majority of cases.
May I, therefore, request your goodself to be kind enough to review the transfer orders issued on 16.04.2008 in light of the points mentioned above and to revise the orders suitably to give justice to concerned officials?
Awaiting your timely action in the matter,
With profound regards,
Yours faithfully,
B B Mohanty
Circle Secretary
Sri S Sarkar
Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Transfers and postings in the cadre of ASPs
Respected Sir,
This year some officials of the cadre of ASPs and IPs had submitted their representations for inter-region transfers. The representations of three ASPs of Berhampur Region and one IP each from Berhampur and Sambalpur Regions are cases in point. The concerned officials were anxiously waiting for favourable consideration of their cases with a great hope that the inter-region transfer would bring some solutions to their problems which would ultimately help them get better output in their official work. But those officials are disheartened to find that not a single case of inter-region transfer has been considered this year so far.
Awaiting your judicious action in the matter,
With profound regards,
Yours faithfully,
B B Mohanty
Circle Secretary
Transfers and posting in ASP Cadre in HQ Region
Sri Maheswar Sethi ASP I/c Bhubaneswar North as ASP(OD), Cuttack South
Sri Krupasindhu Panda, ASP I/c Balasore as ASP(HQ), Cuttack South
Sri N C Das, ASP I/c, Jagatsinghpur as ASP (HQ), Puri
Sri Sarbeswar Mishra, ASP(HQ), Cuttack South as Postmaster, Puri HO
Sri Banamali Patra, ASP(HQ), Puri as ASP I/c, Jagatsinghpur
Sri Bijay Kumar Patra, ASP(OD), Puri as ASP I/c, Bhubaneswar North
Sri Suresh Kumar Mishra, Postmaster Puri HO as ASP I/c, Balasore
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
What's in a name...Sirji
Here is a piece of news taken from which may appear relevant in the modern context. But be careful! No body will come to your help if you apply it in your case risking to face the wrath of your boss.
(16 Apr, 2008, 0207 hrs IST,Jayashree Bhosale, TNN)
PUNE: Sanjay Kamble is a talathi in a distant village in the Konkan, at the lowest rung in the hierarchy of the revenue department. His effort now is to break the habit of a 25-year working life, learning to address the district collector—the top boss of the Indian administrative system at the district level—by his first name, and not as he has been trained, as sir or even sahib. With the help of a B-School project, Sanjay has got so far as addressing his boss as Vikasji. Now, he has to reach the next level of calling him Vikas. The Ratnagiri district collector Vikas Chandra Rastogi started a programme last April to improve the responsivness of the administration. This is where the Pune-based Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) stepped in, and among its first suggestions was the need for greater communication between the layers of the government machinery. What better way to achieve this than by letting the subordinates call their boss by first name? The project, though, is more than just calling a boss by his first name. The aim, eventually, is to bridge the huge communication gap between the field staff and the officials who run the district yet are unaware of ground realities. A year into the programme, Mr Kamble, the talathi, says, “My job is to survey the standing crop. But due to the non-availability of survey maps for the last 15 years, my work used to suffer in terms of accuracy. This is the first time in so many years that I can now tell the collector about this problem and he has started pursuing the matter.” Rajesh Panda, assistant professor, SIBM, which is running the project, said this was part of their project, to get the staff to talk to their bosses about problems in carrying out their work and related issues. Mr Rastogi said, “During the years of service in the civil service, I have realised that human resource is the most powerful and yet the weakest link in the administrative system. There is on-going training for the staff and the entire approach to training is ad hoc.” So, the collector handpicked a core team of 20 people who are undergoing a year-long initial training programme. This team will then pass on their training to others. “A monthly magazine, called ‘Mahsul Ratna’, has been started along with informal gettogethers of people across the entire chain are the other two initiatives for breaking the hierarchical barrier,” said Arun Mudbidri, director, SIBM. These people in government service do not get promotions even for 15 to 20 years. Words of appreciation rarely come their way, all of which add to the sense of alienation and demoralisation. “We made everybody feel the importance of their contribution thus generating a sense of confidence,” said Mr Mudbidri. At these informal get togethers, the rank and file has to come in informal clothes. They have to address each other by their first names. “We pick up any topic and find the bottlenecks. For example, at a recent get together at Chiplun, we discussed the issue of too much of reporting. The participants felt that the officers ask for too much of information, too frequently, which leads to wastage of time,” said Mr Rastogi. The final results of the training programme will become clear once it is completed, by December. Yet, a sense of enthusiasm has been aroused in the Ratnagiri revenue department. “The practice that the boss will order and the concerned persons will follow has been changed. We now find our work interesting,” said Dilip Desai, another talathi from the department. SIBM has not charged any consultancy fee for this project. The collector has made arrangement for paying for the travelling and residence expenses of the Symbiosis staff with the help of industry. “ Once the project is complete, I want to approach the government to help in sustaining this activity in the long term,” said Mr Rastogi. While SIBM has lost its consultancy fee, it has received a good response from many other players. Along with some foreign institutes of management, two district collectors from Andhra Pradesh have shown interest in the model. We are waiting for the final development of the business model, said Mr Mudbidri.
Transfers & Postings in ASP cadre in HQ Region
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
1. Request for action for inclusion of private hospitals in Orissa as referral hospitals for medical treatment of postal staff.
Brief: In Bhubaneswar, Kalinga Hospital in private sector is the only approved referral Hospital for Postal Staff whereas in other Circles the list of referral hospitals is very long. The following private Hospitals which have super-speciality and ultra-modern facilities for healthcare are required to be included in the list of referral hospitals.
Aswini Hospital, Cuttack (for treatment of Neurosurgery)
Sum Hospital, Bhubaneswar
Neelachal Hospital, Bhubaneswar
L V Prasad Eye Hospital, Bhubaneswar
Hi-Tech Hospital, Bhubaneswar
Ayush Hospital, Bhubaneswar
Hemlata Hospital and Reaserch Centre, Bhubaneswar (for cancer patients)
Aditya Care, Bhubaneswar
Sparsh Critical Care & Hospital, Bhubaneswar
Kar Clinic & Hospital, Bhubaneswar
Vivekananda Hospital, Bhubaneswar
Osti Hospital, Bhubaneswar
The Association requests the administration to take necessary action to bring the aforesaid private hospitals in the list of approved referral hospitals for the Postal staff in Orissa for medical treatment.
2. Provision of standard accommodation for functioning of Sub-Divisional Offices
Brief: The Department has liberalized the provision of accommodation for functioning of Sub-Divisional Offices. The present provision allows even private buildings to be taken on rent for functioning of Sub-Divisional Offices (in the same manner as for post offices and other administrative offices) where standard departmental accommodation is not available. The standard of accommodation fixed for Sub-Divisional Offices is 180 square feet. But Sub-Divisional offices are made to function in sub-standard and unhealthy accommodation in departmental buildings. The instruction of the Directorate in this regard has been re-circulated to Divisional units vide CO, Bhubaneswar letter No.Bldg/5-4/2002 dated 13.12.2007 with suitable instruction. The Divisional units were supposed to take action to provide standard accommodation in departmental buildings wherever available or to arrange provision of standard accommodation in private rented buildings. But the instruction on the subject have been ignored by Divisional heads while Sub-Divisional offices continue to function in sub-standard accommodation. The followings are some examples of functioning sub-divisional offices in sub-standard accommodation in the Circle. (the figures are in Sq.foot)
Keonjhar East 70, West 70, Ghatagaon 120
Sundargarh North 90, South 90
RMS ‘K’ 1st 120, 2nd 64
Nuapada 60 Dharamgarh 148 , Kesinga 161, Bhawanipatna 157
Berhampur North : 90
Raj Nilgiri: Rent of Private accommodation used is not re-imbursed.
The Association requests for providing standard accommodation to all Sub-Divisional offices in a time-bound manner.
3. Provision of mobile telephones to Inspectors Posts / Asst Supdts Posts in the Sub-Divisions
Brief: With the shifting of residential offices of sub-divisional heads to departmental accommodations, the telephones previously used in the residence of Sub-divisional heads have been shifted to offices leaving no telephone for sub-divisional heads to use in their residences. Because of the nature of the job assigned, the sub-divisional heads undertake frequent tour to stations outside their headquarters and the telephone provided in their offices are of little use for them. Considering from functional requirement, particularly the role in procurement of business under PLI/RPLI/Financial Services/Premium Products etc. besides the usual management of the affairs of offices kept under their supervisory/ administrative control in the Sub-Divisions, the IPs/ ASPs very much require mobile phones. The Association requests the administration to provide mobile phones to Sub-divisional heads to enable them to discharge their duty in the required manner.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Holiday on 14.04.2008 (Monday)
Representation to Secy(Posts) for Anomaly Committee
The following is the copy of the representation submitted by our GS on 10/11.04.2008 to Secretary(Posts) to remove the anomalies in implementing the 6PC Report in respect of the cadre of IPs/ASPs
CHQ/IASP/SCPC Date: 07.04.2008
The Secretary (Posts)
Dak Bhavan
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Sixth Central Pay Commission Anomalies - reg
The commission has merged different pay scales into pay bands giving fixation benefit in the form of grade pay. In the course of merger, the commission has not taken into account the basic underlying distinguishing factors between different cadres performing operative and administrative functions. For example in the Department of Posts, the pay scales of officers in the administrative set up viz. Superintendent of Post offices in Postal Services Group B, Asst. Superintendent Posts (Group B Gazetted), Inspector Posts have been merged in Pay Band 2 (Rs. 8700- 34800) with purely operative posts in S-9, S-10 and S-12 . This has created functional disturbance. In the Dept of Posts, the last clear cut administrative unit is Postal Division. The Postal Divisions are in Group A or Postal service Group B. Throughout India there are 510 divisions out of which 288 are in Group A and 222 are in Group B. It can therefore be seen that the bulk of Postal services are being monitored and controlled by Postal Services Group B divisions headed by Superintendent of Post Offices in PS Group B cadre and all the divisional heads, either in Group A or Group B are assisted by Asst. Superintendent Posts (Group B Gazetted), Inspector Posts (Group B Non- gazetted). The administrative set up has the onerous responsibility of maintaining the service and discharging administrative functions which includes constitutional obligations, recruitment, creation/review of establishment, implementing vigilance measures etc. As per CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 the divisional Superintendent in PS Group B is empowered with disciplinary powers as described in the annexure to this letter
Inspector & Assistant Superintendent (Posts):
The operative posts do not perform any of these functions. Thus the Commission has not taken into account the enormous responsibilities assigned to these cadres vis-à-vis the operative posts and all these posts have been merged in Pay Band 2. The only distinguishing factor is the grade pay. The purely operative posts of HSG II and HSG I have virtually been upgraded by giving same grade pay equivalent to Inspector Posts (Group B Non- gazetted and Asst. Superintendent Posts (Grouop B Gazetted) respectively without any distinction. The Postal Assistants , after getting their financial upgradation by way of biennial cadre review (BCR), are fitted in the pay scale of 6500- 200-10500 (S -12) in the pre-revised pay scale and accordingly they come under PB-2 i.e 8700- 34800 with grade pay of Rs 4200/-. But the Inspectors who belong to the supervisory cadre, are also placed in 6500-10500 and they also get the same grade pay of Rs 4200/- . Similarly, the pay scale of HSG –I (General Line) non-gazetted Group B, working as Postmasters, Deputy Postmasters, Sub Postmasters, Head Record officers etc. in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 6500-200- 10500 (S-12) have also been upgraded to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 7450-225-11500 and are now placed in the new PB -2 (8700-34800) with grade pay of Rs 4600/- along with the Assistants Superintendents Post (Gazetted Group B). Thus there is no distinguishing feature between the Inspecting officer and the operative HSG I officials.
Similarly, the Junior Accounts officers (Non gazetted Group B) in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 6500-200-10500 have been upgraded to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 7450-225-11500 and placed in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs 4600/- Hence the Inspectors Posts carrying higher responsibilities than these operative posts in HSG II or HSG I are to be differentiated by either placing the Inspector Post in the next higher pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 7450-225-11500 and fitted in the PB -2 (8700-34800) with grade pay of Rs 4600/- as has been in the case of Junior Accounts Officers or given a higher grade pay which alone would restore the unique identity of the cadre.
The Assistant Accounts Officers in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 7450-225-11500 have been upgraded to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 7500- and fitted in the PB -2 (8700-34800) with grade pay of Rs 4800/-. They are also Gazetted Group B status as the Assistant Superintendent Post. It is a fact that while the Assistant Accounts officers only perform desk work, the Assistant Superintendent Post carries more arduous nature of duties, with appointment and disciplinary powers and involving extensive tours. It is therefore fit and proper that the Assistant Superintendent Post should be treated on par with at least the Assistant Accounts officers and fixed in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 7500- 250-12000 and fitted in the PB 2 with grade pay of Rs 4800/- .
It is also stated in the commission’s report that the seniority will be determined by the grade pay. But the Inspector Posts who is higher in hierarchy (in S-10 of pre-revised scale) is equated with HSG II (in S-9). Therefore merger of different pay scales with specific distinguishing functional areas carrying different pay scales disturbs the administrative mechanism and is bound to have a serious impact on the role of administrative grades like Inspector Posts (Group B Non-Gazetted), Assistant Superintendent Posts (Group B Gazetted) and particularly Superintendents in PS Group B.
Postal Superintendents Group B:
The authority of the divisional head in PS Group B, who is ultimately responsible for maintaining and improving service, implementing successfully new business ventures of Department of Posts, would definitely be eroded and the services would loose the command and control now exercised by him. While the commission in its wisdom discussed and felt convinced to upgrade the pay scales HSG II and HSG I operative posts, it has not objectively assessed the need to maintain the hierarchical distinctions. In view of the bunching of large number of pay scales, it is, but necessary to examine and maintain the established relativities which only strengthen the actual and expected role of different cadres. The enormous responsibilities assigned to the Superintendents of Post offices in PS Group B do deserve due recognition and placement at appropriate level.
When most of the cadres down below have been upgraded one step, placing the Superintendents of Post offices in PS Group B in PB 2 exactly equivalent to the pre-revised pay scale of pay (S– 14), besides causing administrative inconvenience, is also a great injustice to the cadre. Superintendents of Post offices in PS Group B should at least have been upgraded to the next above grade in the pre-revised Rs. 8000-13500 (S-15) as has been done in respect of all cadres down below and fixed the post in equivalent PB 2 i.e. Rs.8700-34800 with grade pay Rs.5400/-. Such a revision would remove the explicit anomaly, nullify functional disturbances described above and restore authority as it exists.
PS Group B is a special grade in Group B which is existing since the first pay commission with specific powers and authority not assigned to any other cadre and posts. No other post in the equivalent grade in any Ministry or Department has the distinct responsibility in terms of maintaining service in his division in an average area comprising of 500 and managing and controlling staff numbering around 500 and more in different grades. There is no analogous post in any other Ministry / Department which carries the same pre-revised pay scale and also the amount of duties and responsibilities. Continuance of the identity attached to this post is absolutely necessary in view of the administrative/operative distinctions that are unique to the Department of Posts.
The foregoing functional imbalances created due to upgradation/merger of several pay scales and omission to do justice to other administrative grade could be erased only by taking remedial measures suggested above. It is requested that these anomalies may be taken in to consideration at the earliest before the recommendations are implemented and justice done to the affected IP/ASP/PS Group B cadres.
Yours sincerely,
/S. Samuel/
General Secretary
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Initiative for adhoc promotion to ASP Cadre
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Blog of Association at CHQ level
Transfer of ASPs in HQ Region & Gr.B Officers
Processing of promotion of ASPs to Gr.B on adhoc basis has been started. So also the cases of Gr.B to JTS cadre on adhoc basis. Transfers of Gr.B officers is linked to adhoc promotion, as it appears. This is expected to materialise also in third week of April 2008.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Promotion to JTS Cadre
Sri P N Pal, SSP, Koraput
Sri B C Mohanty, SSP, Berhampur
Sri B C Sethi, SPOs, Keonjhar
Sri L K Sethi, SPOs, Dhenkanal
The Association congratulates these officers on their promotion.
New MOS in Communications & IT Ministry
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Transfers & Postings in IP/ASP/SPOs Cadre in Berhampur Region
IP Cadre
Sri K C Majhi, IP Malkangiri is posted as IP Gunupur
Sri Sanjay Biswal, IP Dharamgarh as IP Nuapada
ASP Cadre
Sri P K Sahu, ASP I/c Chatrapur as ASP I/c Bhawanipatna
Sri Hadu Sethi, ASP I/c Bhawanipatna as ASP(HQ) Berhampur
Sri L D Sahu, ASP(HQ), Bhawanipatna as ASP I/c Chatrapur
Sri S N Panda, ASP(Mails) has been given 1 year extention in his post over his station tenure
Sri R K Mishra, ASP (OD) Berhampur has been given 1 year extention in his post over his station tenure
Sri Bhagabat Sethi, ASP(HQ) Phulbani has been given 1 year extention in his post
AD/SPOs Cadre
Sri B N Lenka, AD-I RO, Berhampur as SPOs, Aska
Sri D Patnaik, SPOs Aska as AD-I, RO, Berhampur