This blog is meant for use by members of the Association for news and views. Send comments / suggestions / views to e-mail Id:
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
UPU News:-Handle with care: How EAD became an additional tool to counter terrorism and dangerous goods
Nearly eight years ago, two bombs were discovered on separate cargo planes during routine stop-overs in the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.
Each bomb contained up to 400 grammes of plastic explosives and a detonating mechanism and was set to explode over a city in the United States. If successful, the explosions would have caused mayhem and large numbers of casualties.
Alarmingly, both packages had already travelled on passenger and cargo planes before they were discovered due to an intelligence tip-off. The discoveries prompted a major security review on how to stop such acts of terrorism in the future. Perhaps UK journalist Simon Calder, writing in the British Independent newspaper, best expressed not only the concerns about the security risks but also indicated how authorities would in the future fight back against one of the greatest challenges when moving parcels around the world.
He said, “Yemen is not a natural provider of office supplies to organizations such as synagogues in the Chicago area. Therefore, you might fondly imagine that the staff in the parcels offices in the capital, Sana'a, might have checked the dispatches more closely before allowing them anywhere near an aircraft, cargo or passengers. But they didn't.”
Calder’s pithy comment pointed to the problem, but in suggesting that Yemen would probably not supply office supplies to the Chicago area, he also highlighted a partial solution: A risk assessment conducted prior to the air transport of parcels. Move forward almost a decade, and this narrow escape has helped quicken the pace of the introduction globally of Electronic Advance Data or EAD.
EAD works on a very simple premise. Data available for each parcel is subject to an automated risk assessment by customs or other authorities taking into account names, addresses, countries, and details of what is contained in the package. Such details are assessed against known information on terrorists, drug networks, and other groups trying to deliver or receive prohibited goods.
Today 80 percent of all parcels subject to EAD originate from just nine countries. The top 20 countries are responsible for nearly 90 percent of this volume. EAD is viewed as being so important in the logistics supply chain that the European Union wants a blanket introduction of EAD by 2021, and although not yet law, the United States intends to introduce the system by 2020.
Recognizing the scale of the problem, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) has worked closely with its partners, including the World Customs Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, and the International Air Transport Association, to increase security and develop the processes necessary to facilitate risk assessments. UPU has also proposed the development of a cloud solution for EAD with each parcel having its own unique identifier, with scans and updates throughout each stage of the postal supply chain.
Raising awareness and ensuring staff is properly trained is another area where UPU helps. The UN Specialized Agency for postal operations hosts workshops for designated operators around the world on security and dangerous goods. This is especially important for the illicit movement of synthetic opioids, which are a direct threat to people and the supply chain. The synthetic opioid carfentanil, for instance, is 100 times more toxic than fentanyl. Even accidental exposure can result in grave risks.
UPU`s Security Manager, Tripp Brinkley said, “The Post cannot be allowed to serve as a tool, or a target, for criminals and terrorists. We have a duty to maintain trust and protect the public, and this duty is the starting point for all our work in support of postal operators.”
On 10 October, UPU’s World Postal Business Forum will hold a high-level panel session on Data Driven Solutions for Dangerous and Prohibited Goods on the margins of this year’s Post-Expo to be held in Hamburg, 9-11 October.
Monday, June 25, 2018
CHQ News:- GS writes to Secretary Posts for convening Departmental Promotion Committee for promotion to PS Group B post for the year 2017 & 2018
No. CHQ/AIAIASP/2018-2020/14. 22.06.2018.
The Secretary Posts
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001.
Sub : Regarding holding of Departmental Promotion Committee for promotion to PS Group B post for the year 2017 & 2018.
With due respect kindly refer to this association letter no. CHQ/AIAIASP/Pending/2017 dated 19.02.2018 & 16.03.2018, CHQ/AIAIASP/DPS-PS Gr B/2017 dated 19.02.2018 & CHQ/AIAIASP/ 2018-2020/03 dated 15.03.2018 regarding holding of Departmental Promotion Committee for promotion to PS Group B posts for the year 2017 and for the year 2018. The members of our Association are highly demotivated due to inordinate delay in convening of DPC for the seniority quota for the year 2017 and 2018.
As per the provisions of the Postal Services Group B Recruitment ( Amendment) Rules 1993, 75% of the total PS Group B posts are to be filled by promotion from amongst Inspectors of Post Offices and RMS offices and the remaining 19% of the vacancies are to be filled on the basis of a departmental competitive examination from amongst Inspectors of POs and RMS having 5 years of regular service in the grade and remaining 6% of the vacancies are to be filled up from General line officials. Eventually after a gap of more than 1 year & 3 months the department declared the results of the PS Group B held on 18.12.2016. The members apprehend that there would not be any further vacancies to be announced in the 75% DPC quota in the coming two to three years which would delay their legitimate promotional scope.
The Directorate has also implemented the judgement of Hon’ble Tribunal of Hyderabad dated 10.03.2015 in OA 554/2013,which was subsequently upheld by Hon’ble High Court Hyderabad in WP25931/2015 and by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India In SLP(C) 24725/2017 which has permanently closed the promotional opportunity of Senior ASPOs who are due for promotion under Seniority Quota. It can be seen that only few ASPs belonging to 1993 year IP batch have been promoted to PS GR “B” post till date and remaining IPs of 1993 and thereafter are the affected ones.
It is bitter truth that even after a lapse of 25 years, IPs of 1993 batch are not promoted, which reflects skewed process of promotion to the cadre of IPs/ASPs. The Association emphatically request that immediate action may kindly be taken for convening of DPC meeting for seniority quota vacancies to the promotion of PSS Group B and cause early issue of orders. It is also requested that at any point of time , the seniority quota vacancies should NOT be utilised for examination quota.
It is humbly requested to do the needful for early convening of DPC meeting and for issue of orders of promotion to the cadre of PS Group “B”.
Your Sincerely
(Rajiv Kumar)
General Secretary
CHQ News:- GS writes to DDG(P) for withdrawal of guidelines for allotment/re allotment of Postal Service Group “B” officers from one Circle/Unit to other Circle/Unit and restoration old transfer policy.
No. CHQ/AIAIASP/2018-2020/13. 18.06.2018.
The Director General(Posts)
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001.
Subject : Regarding withdrawal of guidelines for allotment/re allotment of Postal Service Group “B” officers from one Circle/Unit to other Circle/Unit and restoration of old transfer policy.
Respected Madam,
With due respect the association likes to draw your kind attention on the “Revised guidelines to be followed on allotment/re-allotment of Postal Service Group ‘B’ officers from one Circle/Unit to other Circle/Unit issued vide Dte circular No-9-23/2014-SPG dated 18-05-2018.The following points are placed below for sympathetic consideration and necessary action:-
1-That a policy on allotment of PS Group ‘B’ officers was in vogue since 23-03-2017 which has been amended on 18-05-2018 without operating the earlier guidelines. This guideline was in operation since 15-09-2014 and was amended after three years after taking into the considerations of welfare of the employees. It is surprisingly to mention that the policy issued on 23-03-2017 has been changed suddenly without inviting suggestions, views, and comments from stake holders, Head of circles and from the Association. It was in vogue to invite suggestions, views comments from the representatives to invoke such policies for the sake of employees and employers. The earlier policy issued on 23-03-2017 was welcomed by the association and its members as it was issued to accommodate the PS Group ‘B officers to their home Circle upto the extent possible and if not possible with respect to available vacancy in the particular Circle the officer will be allotted to nearby Circle. This policy has a positive aspect for the members/officers and it was felt that department is thinking for the welfare of their employees and setting up a rotation to create a good environment of working.
2. It is mention that the promotion of the PS Group ‘B’ cadre comes from the feeder cadre of IP/ASP who after serving more than 20-25 years and after reaching more than 40-45 years of age get this opportunity. We know that the age above 45 is vulnerable in every aspect where there is huge liability coming from all corners in terms of education of growing children, mental and physical support of old aged parents and health issues of spouse and self. The officer posted near the home town Division/Region able to manage all these affairs in emergent situations, but in the present policy guideline it would not be possible at all to address the situations as per need effectively. It is also worth to mention that an employee cannot said to have been a sound state a mind to deliver excellence devoted towards goal and objective of the department where there is un-stability, unsound condition of his family emerging from distant transfer liability. The family comprising of sons, daughters and old age ailing parents are often need a support of bread earner and spearhead of family.
3. The other point of this policy is to spare away the officer for three odd years from their root on the ground to meet the need for striking balance between requirement of the organizations and the personal aspiration of the officers. It is worth to mention that the basic idea has not substantially addressed on various aspect. So far as the aspirations of the officers are concerned it cannot overlap over the basic need of family maintenance within a good and dignified manner. So far as the requirement of the organization is concerned every officer /employee is devoted to the development of the department and dislocation at such point to such officers will not serve any purpose but to hamper the requirement of the organization. He will not be fully prepared to deliver cent percent in the dislocated area. We know that every dislocation has cascading effect cast a hardship to everyone and invite unforeseen problems.
4. The present policy state to focus on feeder cadre for promotion to JTS of IPOs Group ‘A’ and here are expected to get exposure by working in different Circle/Unit but it does not appears realistic because it equate with the avenues ,potentials enthusiasm of nascent entrant of Direct recruited officer in IPOs cadre. There is basic difference between officer of Direct recruit and promotes, as former has to develop and grow as an officer in the department with least count of liabilities blessed with new age, innovative ideas, new avenues and rising future but the latter with huge quantum of liabilities followed by the fast ageing, health issues, family affairs and least count of feather to fly nearly at the stage to set down in the horizon of avenues. It is worth to mention that so far as exposure in other Circle are concerned every Circle is full of exposure have potential to lead. If we throw light on the geographical situations of the some large Circles like U.P, M.P. Maharastra, Bihar, W.B., Rajsthan A.P. Tamilnadu, etc. forms a Circle within a Circle in terms of language ,accessibility of postal network a vast postal network inviting challenges before department to implement its policies. There is always a challenge, exposure to work in such a Circle in different capacities. If one can be allotted to U.P. Circle where there is seven regions and normal policy guideline of tenure transfer applies for 2 to 3 years one person with left out service of 15 to 20 years cannot be able to get opportunity to serve in the same region.
5. As the new policy has been issued in the month of May 2018 and if it is implemented for his academic session it would be against the model transfer guidelines. As per existing practice it was in vogue to invite request for choice station for posting and this process should be initiated well in advance so that it may be processed in the month of March to April and transferee would able to settle his family and get admission to their ward for the current session but as per scenario it would not be possible to implement it. If the department will implement the new policy of transfer to another Circle in the mid- session it would be detrimental to the interest of the officer and thereby they will suffer a lot.
6. It is mention that the supplementary result of LDCE of PS group ‘B’ for the year 2012 was declared on 26.02.2018 and result of examination held on 18.12.2016 was declared on 10-04-2018 after a long hurdles and at the time of its declaration the transfer and promotion policy was in existence which was issued in the year 2017.As such the allotment and promotion of newly passed officers may be operated as per existing policy of 2017.There is no viable justification to amend this policy in a haste to dislocate a lot number of officer in this year and in the coming years.
It is therefore requested kindly to review the complications described in the foregoing paras and consider sympathetically the pitiable condition of the officer and withdraw the new policy guideline issued on 18-05-2018 and issue allotment of newly promoted PS Group ‘B’ officers as per guidelines issued on 23.03.2017.
Your Sincerely
(Rajiv Kumar)
General Secretary.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Leave rule relaxed for women govt staff with differently-abled kids
Women government employees having differently-abled children can now avail of child care leave (CCL) irrespective of the age of the child. Rule 43 C of the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, which permitted CCL in case of a disabled/mentally challenged child upto 22 years of age, has been amended to accommodate “offspring of any age”.
Another amendment made to the child care leave norms was to allow grant of CCL for a period not less than five days at a time, against 15 days at present.
The amended rule allowing women government employees to avail child care leave for their physically and mentally challenged ward of any age is bound to come as a big relief as they need to act as caregivers at all stages in the child’s life.
As per CCL norms, child care leave may be granted for a maximum 730 days during the entire service of a women employee for taking care of up to two children, whether for rearing or to look after any of their needs like examination, sickness etc. CCL is admissible if the child is upto 18 years of age. In case of mentally challenged and differently-abled children, this age limit was earlier 22 years.
CCL may not be granted in more than 3 spells in a calendar year. CCL cannot be sanctioned during probation period except in cases of extreme situations and minimal leave should be sanctioned. LTC cannot be availed during CCL period.
Source:-The Times of India
UPU News:-Homeward bound: Remittances can be the difference between opportunity and calamity
June 16 is the International Day of Family Remittances, a day for reflecting on how postal operators can improve the lives of millions of women, children and men.
A massive US$429 billion was sent home to developing countries in 2016; a figure three times greater than the official development assistance provided that year. This shows the importance of remittances to the lives of millions globally.
Studies on remittances also show that a 10 per cent increase in per capita remittances can reduce the number of people living in poverty by 3.5 per cent. Such figures are evidence that the money sent is helping people escape poverty’s gravitational pull, while offering them greater opportunities for a better life.
Remittances are so crucial for promoting development that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has specifically recognized their importance and calls for reductions in the cost of sending money home. Goal 10 on reducing inequality includes a target seeking to: “reduce to less than 3 per cent the transaction costs of migrant remittances and eliminate remittance corridors with costs higher than 5 per cent.”
Reductions in costs are vital in Africa where the lack of infrastructure, dangers in travel and monopolies can drive up the prices. Postal operators are being viewed as a fast acting antidote to these desperate challenges. “With their broad networks reaching deep into rural and impoverished areas, post offices can offer cost effective remittances that are part of the overall push to deepen financial inclusion in countries,” said the Deputy Director General of the Universal Postal Union Pascal Clivaz.
Just as significantly, the world’s postal operators were founded on a universal service obligation—the concept of providing a network of networks for delivering letters and parcels to everyone on this planet. With Posts already delivering a public service, there is a real opportunity for them to harness existing operations to ensure that families everywhere can access financial services.
If postal operators are to achieve this goal, however, they have to provide a broad range of digital financial services. The Universal Postal Union (UPU) recognizes the importance of this challenge.
Speaking in Nairobi on 11 June, at the 25 Annual Meeting of Assemblies of the East African Communications Organizations, the Director General of UPU Bishar A. Hussein called on postal operators to diversify their services and to leverage growing electronic transactions to strengthen their role in the supply chain. “Diversification is the only sure way for the postal organization to continue performing well in the increasingly competitive market,” he said.
Read UPU Deputy Director General Pascal Clivaz's statement on the International Day of Family Remittances.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
UPU News:-Posts face challenges, but innovation is creating new services, says UPU Director General in Kenya
In a keynote speech, Director General of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) praised the “unique model” of the East African Communications Organisation (EACO); called on Posts to embrace e-commerce opportunities.
Technology has brought many opportunities for the Post, UPU Director General Bishar A. Hussein told a packed gathering of ICT regulators, operators and services providers at the 25th Annual Meeting of EACO in Nairobi, Kenya.
“Through innovation, the Post has taken advantage of technology to roll out new services. The new services, coupled with its large physical network and years of experience with customer services, have made it possible for the Post to remain competitive in the market,” Mr. Hussein said.
He said the biggest technological upheavals had occurred in electronic commerce and financial services and noted East Africa has enormous potential for these services due to the strength of its Internet connectivity and main commercial centres.
“With a huge young population and a steadily growing middle class, the region holds the promise of success in the e-commerce business. This is where the Post’s opportunities lie,” added the UPU Director General.
Mr. Hussein acknowledged that technology had also impacted the postal business globally. He said, “The Post, especially in the developing world, also faces challenges of low level funding, fulfillment of certain regulatory obligation and poor infrastructure. These have continued to negatively affect the postal business.”
The UPU Director stressed that UPU was working closely with its African partners through its Ecom@Africa project to assist. The project establishes an inclusive and innovative e-commerce ecosystem provided to postal operators via an online platform.
He called on postal operators to diversify their services and to leverage growing electronic transactions to strengthen their role in the supply chain. “Diversification is the only sure way for the postal organization to continue performing well in the increasingly competitive market,” said Mr. Hussein.
Offering further details of UPU’s comprehensive projects in the region, the UPU head said the UN specialized agency was working on eight technical assistance projects within the EACO region. He also highlighted UPU’s recent launch of a Regional Project on Electronic Postal Payment Services in Africa with the participation of a majority of EACO members.
Mr. Hussein praised EACO as a “unique model” that brought together governments, regulators and operators across the ICT sector to discuss issues affecting the sector. “This is one of the best models I have seen anywhere,” he enthused.
Closing his speech. The UPU Director General discussed postal operators’ role in facilitating financial remittance especially for international migrants at more affordable prices.
UPU, together with the International Organization for Migration is currently working with Burundi Post to develop affordable remittance of money from the country’s migrants living in Europe.
On 16 June, along with many of its partners, inside and outside the UN System, UPU will mark the International Day for Family Remittances that recognizes the financial contribution migrant workers make for the wellbeing of their families and the sustainable development of their countries of origin.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Cabinet approves Revision in the wage structure and allowances of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) of the Department of Posts
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today has approved the revision in the wage structure and allowances of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) of the Department of Posts.
The revision in the wage structure would entail an estimated expenditure of Rs 1257.75 crore (Non-recurring expenditure - Rs 860.95 crore and Recurring expenditure of Rs.396.80 crore) during 2018-19.
3.07 lakh Gramin Dak Sevaks will be benefitted by this wage revision.
- Time Related Continuity allowance (TRCA) structure and slabs have been rationalised. The total GDSs have been brought under two categories viz. Branch Postmasters (BPMs) and other than Branch Postmasters namely Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPMs).
- The present 11 TRCA slabs will be merged into only three TRCA Slabs with two levels each for BPMs and other than BPMs.
- Introduction of new Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) will be as below:
Minimum TRCA of two types of proposed categories of GDSs as per working hours / levels
| |||
Minimum TRCA for 4 Hours / Level 1
Minimum TRCA for 5 Hours / Level 2
Rs. 12000/-
Rs. 14500/-
ABPM/Dak Sevaks
Rs. 10000/-
Rs. 12000/-
- Dearness Allowance will continue to be paid as a separate component, and also revised from time to time whenever it is revised for Central Government Servants.
- It is decided to continue the calculation of the ex-gratia bonus by applying the calculation ceiling of Rs.7000 as basic TRCA + DA till such time a new scheme is devised.
- Arrears for the period 1.1.2016 to the date of implementation will be paid by increasing the basic TRCA drawn during the period by a factor of 2.57. The arrears will be paid in one instalment.
- vii. Annual increase at the rate of 3% and the same may be given on 1st January or 1st July of every year as the case may be based on the one time written request of GDSs.
- A new Risk and hardship Allowance has been introduced. Other allowances Viz. Office maintenance allowance, Combined duty allowance, Cash conveyance charges, Cycle maintenance allowance, Boat allowance and Fixed Stationery Charges have been revised.
Implementation strategy and targets:
The revision would result in improving the wages, allowances and discharge benefits of Gramin Dak Sevaks resulting in providing efficient & cost-effective basic postal facilities in the rural area. The proposed increased emoluments will enable him to improve his socio-economic standing.
The Branch Post Offices are the fulcrum for provision of Communications and financial services in the village and are located in remote areas. The Post Master has to deal with large sums while making payments to customers; hence accountability is already built into his work. The enhanced remuneration will increase the sense of responsibility. Moreover, with the roll out of the India Post Payment Bank (IPPB), the CDS network is expected to play a key role in the process of financial inclusion of the rural population.
The Extra Departmental system in the Department of Posts was established more than150 years ago to provide basic, economical and efficient postal services in the rural areas where there was no justification for engaging full time regular employees. One Lakh Twenty-Nine Thousand Three Hundred forty-six (1,29,346) Extra-departmental Branch post offices are primarily manned by Gramin Dak Sevak Branch Postmasters. In addition, Gramin Dak Sevaks other than Branch Postmasters are also working in Branch, Sub and Head Post offices. The main features of the engagement of Gramin Dak Sevaks are that they work for part time ranging from 3 to 5 hours per day and supplement their income from other vocations so as to have adequate means of livelihood for themselves and their families. They remain in service up to the age of 65 years.
(Release ID: 1534498) Visitor Counter : 2805
Cabinet approves the joint issue of postage stamp between India and Russia
he Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi was apprised of the agreement signed in connection with release of Joint Stamps between Department of Posts, India and Russia Post (Joint-Stock Company “MARKA” of Russian Federation) to establish postal cooperation and strive towards mutually beneficial operational excellence in the field of issuance of stamps.
Bilateral relations between India and Russia are marked by broad understanding on issues of mutual interest. India and Russia enjoy enhanced levels of cooperation in almost all areas of the bilateral relationship.
(Release ID: 1534516) Visitor Counter : 775
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
SC clears decks for reservation in promotion to SC/ST staffers
In a shot in the arm for the Modi government facing flak over Supreme Court striking down automatic arrest under the law on prevention of atrocities against Dalits and tribals, the apex court on Tuesday allowed the Centre to implement the long-stalled reservation in promotion policy.
While quotas in promotions will be in "accordance with law", which will mean under-representation of scheduled castes and tribes must be established while also ensuring administrative efficiency is not compromised, the SC decision to lift the stay will open the doors for implementation of the policy.
In 2006, the apex court had itself upheld constitutional amendments for quota in promotion in government jobs while calling for data on extent of backwardness, which has not proved easy to quantify. The contentious issue, pressed aggressively by BSP and Dalit activists and supported by all major political outfits, has been caught in a legal tangle and judicial stays.
With governments failing to comply with guidelines, various high courts quashed the decision on granting reservation in promotion from 2011 onwards. Punjab and Haryana HC quashed the reservation policy in the income tax department and this was followed by other HCs. Last august, Delhi HC quashed the Centre's office memorandum issued in 1997 on implementing the policy and also set aside all such promotions in the last 20 years.

In an appeal filed by the Centre, the apex court had in 2015 directed to maintain status quo. Even now, as the Centre and the states begin implementation of quotas, the action is liable to be challenged on similar grounds such as representation and efficiency, but the Centre has the opportunity to present evidence of having done so.
With the policy is at a standstill over the last seven years, Centre insistently sought the green signal to go ahead and implement reservations. Additional solicitor general Maninder Singh, appearing for the Centre told a vacation bench of Justices A K Goel and Ashok Bhushan that the government had a constitutional duty to promote its employees as per law and sought approval from the court.
"There had been no promotion. All promotion is stayed. I am government and it is my duty to promote my employee as per the law. It is not that Nagraj order is not to be complied with," Singh said. The ASG placed before the bench an order passed by another bench of SC allowing reservation in policy during pendency of the case and pleaded the court to pass similar order.
Senior advocate Shanti Bhushan and lawyer Kumar Parimal, appearing for anti-quota activists, opposed the Centre's plea and said the issue has been referred to a Constitution bench and any interim order should be passed by that bench.
The court, after a brief hearing, made it clear that the Nagraj order pertaining to collecting quantifiable data had to be followed. "It is made clear that the Union of India is not debarred from making promotions in accordance with law, subject to further orders, pending further consideration of the matter," the bench said.
It however, refused to clarify which law is to be followed by the Centre in view of various judgments and order passed by the HCs and the apex court. "We can say that you can go ahead with the promotion policy as per the law. If there is law, then you do it as per the law. We do not need to mention the law in our order," the bench observed while hearing the case.
Though the Centre is upbeat, doubts remain whether it will be able to fulfill guidelines fixed in the Nagraj case to give quota in promotions in government jobs. As the SC order says it has to be done as per the law, anti-quota petitioners say the hands of governments are tied in view of Nagraj verdict and Delhi HC order verdict which had quashed the 1997 office memorandum.
"The government has to follow the Nagraj verdict. Since there is no stay on operation of Delhi HC order which had quashed the policy, the HC order would be in force and the government cannot move to implement the reservation policy," advocate Parimal said.
But, the Centre and state governments see the apex court's order as a big victory and appear all set to go whole hog in implementing quota in promotion.
Source:-The Times of India
Sunday, June 3, 2018
UPU News:- Time for 'giant' to wake up
Postal services, for many years, have been pinned down; caught between their essential duties under an international treaty to provide a universal postal service — one network of networks delivering letters and parcels to everyone on this planet — and turning a decent profit in the age of austerity.
Postal operators need to wake up to their true potential and start using their enormous reserves of data, vast logistical fleets, and infrastructure to lead the world on e-commerce, financial inclusivity, and economic development.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” said Charles Dickens, but for the world’s postal operators, it must sometimes appear that the good times are gone.
Controversies simmering in the United States and elsewhere over remuneration rates for packages, accusations that postal operators are delivering deadly drugs, and woes over earnings, haunt the industry. There is, however, an alternative view that we may be on the cusp of dynamic changes.
As the head of the United Nations specialized agency for the postal sector, the Universal Postal Union, I recently returned from the 2018 World CEO Forum bringing together postal chief executive officers in Istanbul, Turkey.
The event’s theme was the digital dividend, but from the panel sessions, I sensed a growing belief among some CEOs that there were reasons to feel positive and confident. Here’s why.
Postal services, for many years, have been pinned down; caught between their essential duties under an international treaty to provide a universal postal service — one network of networks delivering letters and parcels to everyone on this planet — and turning a decent profit in the age of austerity.
Too often, burdened by the contrary impulses to provide a much-needed public service, while delivering in a world of competition, innovation, and creativity, the postal sector has been forced into a defensive crouch — a boxer mercilessly pushed into the corner.
It’s time to get out of the corner. With more than five million employees, more than 600,000 outlets and more than 300 billion letters and parcels delivered annually, the global postal sector is a colossus, sleeping giant.
Leveraging that vast infrastructure, as well as burnishing the post’s trusted brand is the task of every postal operator. The post is, after all, synonymous with the word “trust”.
Seizing the incredible opportunities offered by e-commerce and digitalization is also the means for posts to start a new age of delivery, a new postal future.
A service based this time not on letters and parcels, but on accessing the enormous amounts of data held by postal operators and building unrivalled customer-relationship-management tools to give people what they want.
It is in financial inclusivity where the postal sector can make its most telling difference and be profitable. In almost every country, there are people and small businesses who are unable to access financial services and the global e-commerce market.
Millions are forced into taking pay-day loans or keeping their savings in unsafe places. This situation needs to end and the Universal Postal Union intends to be at the forefront of the efforts to resolve this problem.
Over hundreds of years, through wars, disease, and famine, the world’s posts have proudly delivered letters and parcels.
That struggle for a unique, uniform network is almost over, but there is a new fight. The inclusion of two billion people who currently stand outside the world’s financial system and pay a disastrous penalty for doing so. It is a fight we are well-positioned to win.
The postal sector is already a global network; a powerful alliance capable of helping the unbanked and under-served, while wholeheartedly embracing e-commerce and digitalization to become profitable.
Bishar A. Hussein is the director-general of the Universal Postal Union
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