This blog is meant for use by members of the Association for news and views. Send comments / suggestions / views to e-mail Id: aiaipasp.ors@gmail.com
Monday, November 30, 2015
No proposal to discontinue the Digital Life Certificate for the Pensioners
There is a report in a section of press that while inaugurating an Awareness Workshop on the online Pension Sanction and Payment Tracking System “BHAVISHYA”, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh said that the practice of submitting Digital Life Certificate for continuation of pensions will soon be done away with.
Strongly rebutting the report, it is stated that Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh has never ever expressed any opinion on the issue at any platform and, therefore, the question of having made such a statement does not arise at all.
It is clarified that, as of now, the government has no proposal to discontinue the Digital Life Certification for the pensioners.
It is to be stated that “Jeevan Pramaan” - a facility for submission of digital of life certificates by pensioners has been launched in November 2014. This is a voluntary facility provided in addition to existing provisions available for submission of life certificates. Till date 9,62,910 Digital Life Certificates have been furnished by pensioners.
Strongly rebutting the report, it is stated that Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh has never ever expressed any opinion on the issue at any platform and, therefore, the question of having made such a statement does not arise at all.
It is clarified that, as of now, the government has no proposal to discontinue the Digital Life Certification for the pensioners.
It is to be stated that “Jeevan Pramaan” - a facility for submission of digital of life certificates by pensioners has been launched in November 2014. This is a voluntary facility provided in addition to existing provisions available for submission of life certificates. Till date 9,62,910 Digital Life Certificates have been furnished by pensioners.
Assumption of Charges
Shri Bijay Ku. Patra assumed the charge of AD(Mail/BD), O/o CPMG, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001 today the 30th November, 2015(F/N).
CHQ News.....
During the Course of visit to Directorate on 26th and 27th November 2015, General Secretary, Asst General Secretary-I and CHQ Treasurer met Hon’ble Secretary (Posts), DDG (Estt), Director (Estt), Director (SR), ADG (Estt), ADG (Staff) and many more officers in the Directorate. Member (P) and Director (Staff) were on leave.
The following issues were discussed with the officers.
1. Issue of combined seniority list of Inspector Posts cadre since 2001 onward
The work of preparation of combined seniority list is said to be under process, but circle seniority lists from few circles are not received at Directorate. Directorate has already issued reminder to defaulting circles.
2. Issue of revised Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B cadre
The query raised by UPSC is replied by Directorate.
3. Reduction of quota of General Line in PS Gr. B Examination from 6% to 3%
This issue is linked up with RR. Once RR of PS Gr. B finalised, then quota will be reduced.
4. Holding of DPC for the promotion to the cadre Dy. Manager MMS
ACRs of eligible officers will be called for soon. Three posts are vacant.
5. Issue of revised Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Manager in MMS
File is under submission to UPSC.
6. Holding of PS Gr. B Examination for the year 2013, 2014 and 2015
Online examination will be held separately for each year by keeping sufficient gap between two examinations. RFP is not finalised. Question Bank not received from RANKPA. Reminders have already been issued.
7. Inter circle Rule 38 transfer cases of Inspector Posts cadre
Associations letter No. CHQ/IPASP/Agenda/2012 dated 7/7/2015 addressed to Member (P) forwarded to concerned circle by Directorate under Memo No. 13-4/2015-SPB-II dated 9th July 2015 with a direction to take necessary action.
8. Holding of periodical meeting with Hon’ble Secretary (Posts)
It is expected in last week of January 2016 or first week of February 2016.
9. Completion of appointment formalities of candidates nominated by Staff Selection Commission for appointment as Inspector Posts on the basis of Combined candidates Level Examination 2013
Concerned circle will speed up the issue and complete at the earliest.
10. Vigilance enquiry in the death case of Ms Mohini Gupta Ex-ASP Ajmer (Raj.)
Report called for from Rajasthan Circle is awaited. Reminders already sent.
11. Cadre restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre
This vital issue discussed at length keeping in view the recommendations given by 7CPC for our cadre.
Association requested to DOP in writing i.e. “In continuation to this Association’s letter of even number dated 16-06-2015, it is to intimate that the 7CPC has submitted their report to the Government of India on 19-11-2015.
In view of the above, the proposal submitted by this Association on the subject may kindly be kept in abeyance till implementation of recommendations of the 7CPC”.
12. Non consideration of candidature for PS Gr. B promotion
a) M. Chandrasekar, ASP Rajamundry Sub Division (AP)
Officers’ promotion to PS Gr. B cadre will considered in review DPC.
b) S. Prakash Rao, ASP Nizamabad (AP)
The recommendation of the DPC is kept in sealed cover.
13. DPC for the promotion to the cadre of JTS Gr. A for the year 2015-16
File is already sent to UPSC. Date for holding of DPC is awaited from UPSC
14. DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for year 2016-17
The names of the officers of Inspector Posts cadre from 1992 (excluding the names who selected in last DPC 2015-16) to 2000 will be communicated very soon to all circles with a direction to intimate the correct availability of incumbents by deleting the names of retired, promoted, expired etc. officers to carry out further DPCs smoothly.
15. Sr. PM cadre examination
Two court cases are still pending in Odisha circle. In both the cases, counter reply filed by department.
16. Other activities
Group discussion of the IPs and ASPs working in Directorate arranged on 26/11/2015. Very few members attended/participated and took part in the discussion. The grievances / suggestions / vies of the attendees noted down and will be taken up with the appropriate authority. Few of them will be discussed in detailed in ensuing AIC.
ADPS (Building) Delhi circle requested for minor repairing of accommodation provided to this Association at P&T Colony Civil Lines.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Two days proposed Strike on 1st and 2nd December, 2015 by National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) deferred
The proposed two days strike to be held on 1st and 2nd December, 2015 by the National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) has been deferred.
However the NFPE will now sit on Two days hunger fast in front of Dak Bhawan, New Delhi on 1st and 2nd December, 2015 and will also go on one day Mass hunger fast in front of all CPMG / PMG and Divisional Offices on 11th December, 2015.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Govt to hike minimum wages to boost economy: Labour Secy
New Delhi, Nov 26 (PTI) The government will enhance minimum wages and make it mandatory across the country to boost demand of goods and services for pushing economic growth and creating jobs, Labour Secretary Shankar Aggarwal today said.
"We will create a law to give certain minimum wages across the country in all trades and not only in scheduled employments (as per existing law)," Aggarwal said while addressing at a conference organised by CII here.
He further said, "We will increase the wages under Minimum Wage Act so that workers have decent wages aligned with inflation and have some money to buy goods and services."
Aggarwal is of the view that the economic growth can be boosted by creating jobs and for that there is need of creating demand of goods and services for increasing manufacturing and other economic activities.
"For creating jobs, we need to create demand for goods and services. But it would happen only when there is money in the pocket of buyers," he said.
In the present scenario, labour is under the concurrent list of the constitution. The centre as well as the states fix minimum wages for skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers in their jurisdiction.
Trade unions have been demanding for a minimum wage of Rs 15,000 per month across the board which should be applicable in the entire country.
Labour Ministry is now mulling an amendment to Minimum Wage Act to fix a mandatory minimum level of wages applicable across the country for all categories of workers, which will be aligned with inflation and sufficiency to create demand for goods and services.
Aggarwal also said that the government will very soon cover all workers under various social security schemes.
Speaking at the same event, International Labour Organisation Director (India) Panudda Boonpala said labour law reforms is a huge and complex task.
She added, dialogue as well as collective bargaining is the way out for going ahead with massive labour law reforms.
"We will create a law to give certain minimum wages across the country in all trades and not only in scheduled employments (as per existing law)," Aggarwal said while addressing at a conference organised by CII here.
He further said, "We will increase the wages under Minimum Wage Act so that workers have decent wages aligned with inflation and have some money to buy goods and services."
Aggarwal is of the view that the economic growth can be boosted by creating jobs and for that there is need of creating demand of goods and services for increasing manufacturing and other economic activities.
"For creating jobs, we need to create demand for goods and services. But it would happen only when there is money in the pocket of buyers," he said.
In the present scenario, labour is under the concurrent list of the constitution. The centre as well as the states fix minimum wages for skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers in their jurisdiction.
Trade unions have been demanding for a minimum wage of Rs 15,000 per month across the board which should be applicable in the entire country.
Labour Ministry is now mulling an amendment to Minimum Wage Act to fix a mandatory minimum level of wages applicable across the country for all categories of workers, which will be aligned with inflation and sufficiency to create demand for goods and services.
Aggarwal also said that the government will very soon cover all workers under various social security schemes.
Speaking at the same event, International Labour Organisation Director (India) Panudda Boonpala said labour law reforms is a huge and complex task.
She added, dialogue as well as collective bargaining is the way out for going ahead with massive labour law reforms.
Ad-hoc Promotion to JTS Gr-A Cadre and Posting thereof
following PS Group-B Officers are promoted to JTS Gr-A Cadre on temporary and
adhoc basis and allotted Regions/posted against the post as mentioned below
vide Circle Office Memo No.ST/2-34(3)/2015 dated 24-11-2015:-
Sl No
of Officer
Present place of posting
Allotted to the Region
Posted on adhoc
AD(FS/TO/PMU), CO, Bhubaneswar
Bhubaneswar HQ
Division, Cuttack-753001
Superintendent, CSD, Bhubaneswar-751007
Bhubaneswar HQ
Manager, Postal
Printing Press, Bhubaneswar-751010
Transfer and Posting in PS Group-B Cadre
following transfer and posting order in PS Group-B cadree has been issued vide
C.O. Order No. ST/2-34(3)/2015 dated 24/11/2015.
Sl No
of the Officer S/Shri
Present place of Posting
Posted on transfer
Manager, Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneswar on adhoc
CSD, Bhubaneswar-751007
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
CHQ News....
GS and CHQ Treasurer are visiting Directorate to discuss cadre restructuring issue on 26th and 27th November 2015.
Government mulls proposal to raise maternity leave to 26 weeks
Government is considering a proposal to increase the maternity leave for working women from the existing 12 weeks to 26 weeks. The proposal also talks of providing 12 weeks of maternity leave to commissioning mothers -- who use surrogates to bear a child -- as well as for working women adopting a baby.
Labour ministry held a tripartite meeting with trade unions and employers for discussing the draft amendment bill to extend maternity leave benefits to natural, commissioning and adopting mothers. As per Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, a working woman, at present, is entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave out of which six weeks are before the expected date of delivery. Women and child development minister Maneka Gandhi had proposed increasing maternity leave 28 weeks and has held discussions with the labour minister on the issue.
"In the meeting, it was unanimously decided that maternity leave for natural mothers should be extended from the existing 12 to 26 weeks," said a labour ministry official. The issue before the government is a complex one. While WCD ministry believes that extending leave for expecting mothers will directly benefit the new born child and positively impact nutritional levels, there are apprehensions that such long duration of leave might make a woman employee unemployable.
"It is no secret that the company will have to pay for 26 weeks of absence of a woman employee. This may work against a woman employee and be a deterrent for companies in hiring women. The government needs to weigh in the pros and cons before it takes a considered decision,'' a senior official said.
Another issue put by the unions was that of creches. "It was almost unanimous that there will be creches. The proposal was that firms with 30 women employees or with total of 50 employees will have creches. Also there can be option of a group of firms together opening a creche," RSS-affiliate BMS Zonal Organisation Secretary Pawan Singh said.
"The proposal also included the point that mothers who bring their child to the creche will get 15 minutes of special leave before and after the lunch hour to take care of the child, he added. The government has closed the tripartite discussions on both the issues -- maternity leave and compensation -- and will move a note for inter-ministerial consultations.
Source:-The Economic Times
I-T department launches PAN-based litigation management system
Aimed to reduce lengthy proceedings and time taken in litigation, the Income Tax department has activated a PAN-based online system which enables the taxman to access cases in their jurisdiction on a click, amongst a building database of over 5 lakh appeals and 1.50 lakh judgements.
The new facility is part of the National Judicial Reference System (NJRS), an electronic repository of cases under the direct taxes category or income tax pending in legal forums like the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Authority for Advanced Ruling (AAR), various High Courts and the Supreme Court.
"A new link has been activated recently in the NJRS which enables the Assessing Officer (AO) and his superiors to view appeals pertaining to their jurisdiction based on the Permanent Account Number (PAN). It is essential that the PAN number for each case is fed in the appeal to allow the system help the taxman.
"The new measure will drastically cut down time in appeal and litigation management in the department," a senior official said.
The tax department is on a spree to ensure more and more number of people and taxpayers in the country use the PAN card. It has recently launched a business application software which uses PAN to track all the transactions and financial records of an individual and entity across the country.
Authorities working in the resource management wing of the NJRS database said the facility will also be made fully accessible for taxpayers in the near future so that they can check the status of their appeals on this portal.
According to official records accessed by PTI, the database has over 1.5 lakh orders and judgements and data of over 5 lakh appeals (pending and disposed) of ITAT, HCs and the Supreme Court was hosted for use till now.
"The database is being continuously enhanced and more and more records are being uploaded every day," officials said.
A Central Processing Centre (CPC) for the NJRS has been established at Nashik in Maharashtra by the department.
Officials had earlier said the NJRS "will function with the help of smart search facilities and flowcharts for tax officers engaged in litigation with the assesses or entity at various stages.
"The portal will enable them to diligently monitor appeal dates, check cause lists and undertake research and analysis for strengthening their cases by taking reference from previous orders made by the courts in I-T cases," they had said.
The system is the first of its kind in the country for comprehensive litigation management in any government department.
According to a blueprint prepared in this regard, all cases under the Income Tax Act, 1961; Wealth Tax Act, 1957; Expenditure Tax Act, 1987; Interest Tax Act, 1974 and Gift Tax Act, 1958 will be compiled in the NJRS.
The facility will be maintained by the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL).
Source:-The Economic Times
Modification in Allotment and Posting Order in ASP Cadre
In partial modification of C.O. Memo No.ST/24-15(1)/2012 dated 28-10-2015, Shri Debaraj Sethi on regular promotion to ASP Cadre is now allotted to Bhubaneswar HQ Region and posted as ASP(Bag), PSD, Bhubaneswar attached to Circle Office as Manager (BD) vide C.O. Memo even dated 24-11-2015.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
CS writes to CPMG on disproportionate quantum of Punishment and imposition of Penalty of Recovery on IPs/ASPs as subsidiary offender.
No. AIAIPASP/Corr-1/17/2015
Shri Tilak De, IPoS
Postmaster General
Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001
Sub:- Disproportionate quantum of Punishment and
imposition of Penalty of Recovery on IPs/ASPs as subsidiary offender -regarding.
is in continuation of this Association Circle Working Committee Resolution
dated 22-02-2015 which was communicated vide Association Letter No. AIAIPASP/Corr-1/03/2015
dated 24-02-2015.
The Circle Working
Committee of this Association met at PRC, Bhubaneswar GPO on 15/11/2015 as per
the notification No. AIAIPASP/CWC-3/2015 dated
20/10/2015. In this CWC meeting each and every single member expressed their anguish
the trend of exercising the Disciplinary authority on IPs/ASPs in a tyrannical way. Although the quantum of penalty
is within the domain of the discretion of the Disciplinary Authority, selective
treatment to IPs/ASPs by imposing of heavy penalty of
recovery even in Lakhs as subsidiary offender, in the cases where the pecuniary
loss has been caused by the Principal Offender and the same is not attributable
to the concerned IP/ASP,
is arbitrary, whimsical and oppressive. This Association strongly believes that
due weightage to the extenuating circumstances in which the IPs/ASPs are
performing their duty is not being taken into consideration while arriving at
the quantum of Punishment. This is adversely affecting the moral of the concerned
IPs/ASPs and has sent a wrong message to the entire Inspectorial cadre across the Circle. The
right to impose a penalty carries with it the duty to act justly.
The Circle Working
Committee desires to express its concern on following issues:-
a) i. It is not exaggerated
to say that the IPs/ASPs are playing a pivotal role to achieve the goal
outlined for the development of the Department. For this they undertake
tremendous pressure to achieve the target in SB, PLI, RPLI, BD etc. The last
mile of IT Modernization Project rests on the shoulders of IPs/ASPs. The
successful implementation of financial inclusion of peripheral India through
stabilization of MNREAGA is an indication to the level of commitment by the
ii. It is no denying fact
that to discharge the above multifarious responsibilities in addition to normal
traditional works like inspection of Post Office work, investigation of loss
& Fraud cases, Review of Establishment etc. will have crunching effect on
the available time which is un-stretchable by nature.
iii. The natural
corollary is that IPs/ASPs are incredibly stressed on time front to accomplice
the job in a time bound manner. Therefore it is obvious that in crowding
environment there may be some un-intentional lapses creep in while discharging variety
of tasks at one time
despite all precaution and good intention.
iv. The Association
however noted with dismay that in recent days our members have been victimized
for these un-intentional minor lapses disproportionately by way of imposition
of penalty of heavy recoveries by remotely connecting the lapses with
figment of imagination and hypothetical deduction.
v. Under this highly
insecure environment, the IPs/ASPs have only recourse to adopt safety as
first policy to concentrate on inspection of Post Office Work, timely
submission of IRs, completion of investigation to loss & Fraud cases,
Review of IRs etc. at the cost of business activities. All of us will agree
that this will obviously lead to dip in productivity of business procurement.
b) At
times the IPs and ASPs burdened with discharging
the duties of more than one post to complete their pending inspection work
in a hurry even complete more than one office in a day. While working in a
hurry one is bound to overlook minor things. Therefore, the posts of IPs/ASPs should not be kept vacant taking into
consideration the functional necessity. The vacant posts of ASPs which can be be filled up by regular appointment need
to be filled up as and when the vacancy arises and the vacancy arising due to
officiating of ASPs in PS Group-B Cadre need to be filled up by ad-hoc
appointment. System of making one officer discharge the duties of more than
one post should not be resorted to for long periods as it is not conducive to
efficiency. Presently there are some vacant posts of IPs and ASPs in the
Circle for which regular appointment and officiating arrangement
required to be made immediately. Similarly the vacant IP Posts need to be
filled up on ad-hoc basis until the regular candidates become available. If the
eligible PAs/SAs are not coming forward to officiate in vacant IP Posts, then
the Circle Administration needs to analyze why they are not interested. This Association
believes that it is the variety of tasks and relevant circumstances under which
the IPs are performing their duties is preventing them to come forward.
the increase in number of Questionnaire the pressure on IPs/ASPs has been
increasing over the years.
Further the number of days for inspection of Post Office work is not being
rationalized with the increase in number of Questionnaire. This is also
affecting the efficient functioning of IPs/ASPs at times.
d) It has been a matter of
concern with many believing that the Circle Administration is targeting
specific individuals at the time of their Promotion and Retirement by
categorizing them as subsidiary offender in past cases relating to 5/10/15
years back.
e) It is also a matter of
concern that no action is being taken for implementation of the Public
Accountants’ Default (PAD) Act for recovery of the pecuniary loss to the
Government caused by the Principal offender for better avoidance of the loss.
Is it not encouraging for commission of more loss and fraud cases? It is
well-read that the present Circle Administration has a very good relationship
with the State Govt. authorities and, therefore, there is a scope for the
Circle Administration to utilize this opportunity to help the Divisional
Administration in implementation of the PAD Act in loss and fraud cases.
I, on behalf of this
Association would like to request you to take into consideration the variety
of tasks performed by IPs/ASPs at one time and the
relevant circumstances as narrated above into the decision making process
while awarding the punishment. Further, the CWC met on 15-11-2015 urges the
Administration to exercise the power of Disciplinary Authority fairly,
justly and reasonably. The CWC also expresses its desire to discuss
all the issues with the Chief PMG for which a convenient time may kindly be
With deep regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Pitabasa Jena)
Circle Secretary
for kind information to:-
1. The
PMsG, Berhampur and Sambalpur Region.
2. The
DPS(HQ), Bhubaneswar HQ Region, Bhubaneswar-751001.
3. All
the Divisional Heads (Postal/RMS) of Odisha Circle.
Circle Secretary
Central Civil Services ( Conduct ) Rules, 1964 and the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2015 - Submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by the Servants for each year - 12.11.2015
To view please Click Here.
Annual Property Returns required to be filed under the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 for the year 2015 are required to be filed by the 31't January,2016 by all the Government Servants belonging to Group 'A','B':C and erstwhile Group 'D'.
Promotion of Govt. Servants exonerated after retirement - Procedure and Guidelines to be followed - Regarding.
To view Department of Personnel & Training (Establishment (D)) OM No.22011/3/2013-Estt.(D) dated 23-11-2015 please Click Here.
Monday, November 23, 2015
26th November to be observed as 'Constitution Day'
The Government has decided to observe 26th November as 'Constitution Day. On the day in 1949, the constitution was adopted which came into force on January 26, 1950 marking the beginning of a new era in the history of India. This year, the country is celebrating 125th birth Anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar . The 'Constitution Day' will be a part of these year-long nationwide celebrations. This will be a tribute to Dr. Ambedkar , who played a seminal role in the framing of the Indian Constitution as the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of Constituent Assembly
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is the Nodal Ministry for celebration of Constitution Day. A number of activities will be taken up by other Ministries/Departments which include:-
· Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development has informed that following activities are proposed to be undertaken by all schools under the CBSE, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS), Central Tibetan School Administration (CTSA), and Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) and those under the State Governments and UTs on the occasion of the first "Constitution Day"-
i. Preamble to the Constitution (as it exists on date) to be read out in school assembly on 26th November, 2015 by all students.
ii. One period to be devoted on 26th November, 2015 for a talk on the salient features of the Constitution of India and its making, by a guest speaker or one of the teachers.
iii. Essay competitions and quizzes to be organized on the theme of the Constitution.
iv. An online Essay competition to be also organized on the theme of the Constitution by all CBSE affiliated schools.
· Department of Higher Education, MoHRD has informed that they have already intimated UGC, AICTE, etc. that the day may be celebrated as Constitution Day. It was requested that the colleges wherever possible may organize mock Parliament Sessions and debates on the Indian Constitution on 26th November, 2015. UGC informed that they have requested Dr Ambedkar University, Lucknow to make arrangements for organizing Quiz competition, wherein at State level winners from each State would participate in a quiz at the All India level
· Department of Youth Affair has proposed to ensure following activities:-
a) Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) shall organize quiz competition on Constitution.
b) NSS Units to organize lectures on the Constitution in their colleges/schools.
c) NYS Volunteers/NYKS Youth Club Members to bring awareness and explain the history of constitution in their areas.
d) The 'Preamble' of the Constitution be displayed at their headquarters and in their field offices.
· Ministry of External Affairs has informed that they have already instructed all the Missions/ Stations where Indian schools are located to ensure observance of Constitution Day on 26.11.2015. It is also proposed that Missions/Posts may undertake translation of the Indian Constitution in local language and consider its distribution among academic and research institutions, Parliaments, Indology Centres etc. For the instance, the Indian Constitution has recently been translated into Arabic.
· Ministry of Home Affairs has informed that they have the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and their establishments under Police-II Division, MHA would undertake appropriate action for celebration of Constitution Day on 26th November, 2015.
· Department of Sports has intimated the followings:-
i) All Chief Secretaries/ Sports Secretaries/ Administrator/ Advisor to Administrator have been requested to organize "Run for Equality".
ii) Sports Authority of India (SAI) is making arrangements for activities as follows:-
§ A Symbolic Run termed as "Run for Equality" at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium where the trainees of SAI will participate.
§ Similar action will also be taken by Regional Centres where Run will be organized including SAI trainees and trainees of Come & Play Scheme.
§ The Run will be organized on the pattern it was organized on 31st October, 2015 on the occasion of National Unity Day as "Run for Unity."
· Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs has decided to illuminate Parliament House Complex on the occasion of Constitution Day on 26th November, 2015 and they have also decided to call for Special Session of Parliament for this purpose.
· The Department of Social Justice and Empowerment has requested to all the State Government/ Union Territories to celebrate Constitution Day on 26th November, 2015.
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