This blog is meant for use by members of the Association for news and views. Send comments / suggestions / views to e-mail Id:
Friday, May 29, 2009
Posting of Sri S K Mishra as ASP(OD), Cuttack North Division
Circle Office has issued orders on 25.05.2009 posting Sri S K Mishra, ASP I/c Balasore as ASP(OD), Cuttack North Division in place of Sri G C Mohanty who is to officiate as SPOs, Balasore.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Modified ACP Scheme (MACPS)
Government has notified the new ACP SCHEME for Central Government Employees as recommended by the Sixth Central Pay Commission.
Under MACPS three financial upgradations at intervals of 10, 20 and 30 years of continuous regular service will be granted.
The scheme would be operational w.e.f. 01.09.2008. In other words, financial upgradations as per the provisions of the earlier ACP Scheme ( of August, 1999) would be granted till 31.08.2008.
To know the details of the scheme, please visit the following link.
New post of Director (Tech, BD & Mktg) for Orissa Circle
Sri Suvendu Swain who was previously the DPS (HQ & Mktg) in Orissa Circle has been posted as DPS(Tech, BD & Mktg) at CO, Bhubaneswar.
Sri P K Bisoi joined as PMG Sambalpur on 27.05.2009 FN. The Association welcomed him.
Ms. Yesodhara Menon, new Chief PMG of Orissa Circle is sheduled to join on 28.05.2009 FN.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Transfers and postings in ASP Cadre in Berhampur Region
The following transfers and postings have been ordered by RO Berhamour on 18.05.2009:
Sri K C Majhi, IP Gunupur as ASP(HQ), Koraput [earlier he was posted as ASP(HQ) Phulbani]
Sri R K Pradhan, ASP(HQ) Koraput as ASP(OD) Koraput
Sri B K Satapathy, IP Digapahandi as ASP(HQ) Phulbani (on ad hoc promotion)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Posting in PS Gr.B Cadre
Sri L D Sahu, presently officiating as AD, RO, Sambalpur has been posted as Sr. Postmastrer, Bhubaneswar GPO in place of Sri S B Mahapatra who is due to superannuate on 31.05.2009.
Sri Gopal Disri, ASP(HQ), Sambalpur is ordered to officiate as AD, RO, Sambalpur in place of Sri L D Sahu transferred.
Sri Sanatan Modi who is to join in the Circle from NE Circle is posted as AD(Bldg), CO, Bhubaneswar in place of Sri S C Barik who is officiating as DDM(PLI).
New SSPOs of Koraput Division
Sri M Kotesh Chandra Patra, presently working as Supdt, CSD Bhubaneswar is given ad hoc promotion to JTS Gr.A grade and posted as SSPOs, Koraput. The Association congratulates Sri Patra on his ad hoc promotion to JTS Gr.A
Relief of Sri K V S Rajan, Chief PMG
Sri K V S Rajan Chief PMG Orissa on transfer to AP Circle was relieved on 19.05.2009 FN. Sri S K Kamila, PMG Berhampur has taken over as the acting Chief PMG, Orissa.
Ms. Yesodhara Menon, the new Chief PMG of Orissa is likely to join on 28.05.2009.
Friday, May 15, 2009
PS Gr.B nomination
Sri V G Krishna (allotted to WB Circle) and Sri S B Mahapatra (retained in Orissa) from Orissa have got nomination for regular promotion to PS Gr.B Cadre.
The Association congratulates these officers on thier regular promotion.
New Chief PMG for Orissa Circle
Sri K V Sundar Rajan, Chief PMG Orissa has been transferred as Chief PMG AP Circle, Hyderabad. He is to be relieved on 18.05.2009 on local arrangement.
Ms. Yesodhara Menon, Chief PMG AP Circle has been posted as the new Chief PMG of Orissa. She is likely to join in Orissa very soon.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Membership Verification-URGENT
The authorisation Letter for membership verification has not been received from a number of members when the last date of submission to DDO is 15.05.2009 . Those members who have not yet sent their authorisation letter are requested to download the proforma signed by the Circle Secretary and to submit the same to thier DDO concnerned directly on 15.05.2009 wihout fail.
All members are requested to extend thier cooperation in the interest of the Association.

Friday, May 8, 2009
Posting in Balasore Division
Sri Golak Chandra Mohanty, ASP(OD) Cuttack North Division is ordered to officiate as SPOs, Balasore in place of Sri S B Satapathy who is ordered to officiate as SSPOs, Puri.
Minor reshuffle in IP Cadre in HQ Region
Smt. A B Mohanty who was earlier posted as II(Cell), CO Bhubaneswar is now posted as IP, CSD, Bhubaneswar in place of Sri D P Dash who is posted as II(Cell), CO, Bhubaneswar
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Re-verification of membership of Association
Re-verification of membership of Association which is underway is to be completed on 15.05.2009 with submission of Authorisation letter to DDOs through Circle Secretary.
A scanned copy of the (blank) Authorisation Letter is reproduced below. Members are requested to download the copy and send the same duly signed to the Circle Secretary by post so as to be received by 10.05.2009.
All members are requested to extend their cooperation for the verification process and to encourage co-members in the matter in the interest of the Association.
A scanned copy of the (blank) Authorisation Letter is reproduced below. Members are requested to download the copy and send the same duly signed to the Circle Secretary by post so as to be received by 10.05.2009.
All members are requested to extend their cooperation for the verification process and to encourage co-members in the matter in the interest of the Association.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Posting in JTS & PS Gr.B cadre
Sri P C Behera, SSPOs Puri has been transferred and posted as Manager Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneswar against the vacant post.
Sri Satyabrata Satpathy who was earlier posted as SSPOs Koraput is now posted as SSPOs Puri.
Sri Trinath Sahoo, ASP(OD), Koraput is given adhoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre and is posted as SPOs Mayurbhanj against the vacant post after Sri Golak Ch. Mohanty declined to join at Baripada.
More postings in PS Gr.B Cadre [against the post of SPOs Balasore and AD(Bldg), CO, Bhubaneswar are likely very shortly]. Posting in ASP cadre by promotion from IP cadre on ad hoc basis to fill up the posts to be vacated by officials to join in PS Gr.B cadre on ad hoc promotion is also likely shortly.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Retirement of Sri K B Rath, DDM(PLI) on superannuation
Sri K B Rath, DDM(PLI) has retired on 30.04.2009 AN on attaining the age of superannuation. Sri Rath was at one point of time the Circle Secretary of our Association.The Association wishes him happy and peaceful post-retirement life.
Sri S C Barik, AD(Bldg) has been given adhoc promotion to JTS and is posted as DDM(PLI). He has taken over on 30.04.2009 AN.
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