This blog is meant for use by members of the Association for news and views. Send comments / suggestions / views to e-mail Id: aiaipasp.ors@gmail.com
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Orders for Grade of Rs.5400/- to PS Gr.B Officers in Orissa completing 4 years
Scanned copy of the orders issued by CO, Bhubaneswar is reproduced below for information of concerned PS Gr.B Officers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Proposal for reorganisation of Sub-Divns
The message from the GS is posted below for comments of members urgently. The comments may be posted below this posting or sent through email Id: aiaipasp.ors@gmail.com
Dear friends,Some of the points in connection with reorganisation of sub divions are given as under. Please consider them and offer your opinion for discussion at Dte.
Re-organisation of Sub Divisions
Some important points for consideration and views.
Present proposal of the Department:
1. All the Sub Divisions should be manned by IPs only.
2. All the posts of ASPs will be attached to D.O./R.O./C.O. They will look after the duties
An urgent meeting was held at Directorate on 17.04.2009 in the chambers of Member (P). The following officers and members from Association side attended the meeting.
Official side
1. Shri R.K.Singh Member (P)
2. Shri A.K. Sharma, DDG (Est)
3. Shri Salee Haque, DDG (P)
4. Shri Rameswar Rao, ADG (Est)
Association side
1. Shri S.Samuel ,General Secretary
2. Shri S.Ravi, CHQ Treasurer
3. Shri V.Narasimhan, Former CHQ Treasurer
Points put forth by the staff side during the discussion.
1. Aim of the Directorate is to post IPs as Sub Divisional heads at the beginning itself to get first hand experience at field level. It will beneficial to the Dept. in the long run.
2. All the ASPs will be attached to administrative office so that their rich experience could be best used.
3. If all sub divisions are given to ASP there will be less no. of IPs in the base level of feeder cadre IP and there will be more no. of ASP in the promotional cadre. Dept. feels it is not good for a smooth and efficient administration.
Our view:
1. Any re-organisation should be based on two things a. Efficiency of the service should be improved.
b. Promotional prospects of the cadre should be increased.
2. In all State/Central Govt. Depts.. Sub Divisional officers are Gazetted Officers. Only in Postal Dept. some of the Sub Divisional Heads are non Gazetteed officers. This position can be changed if all Sub Divisions are manned by ASPs who are now Gazetted Officers.
3. Now a days the Dept. has upgraded the status of Post offices into HSG I & HSG II. Since they are equal or higher in status it is proper to place ASPs(Gazetted ) as Sub Divisional head instead of IPs.(Non-Gazetted)
4. IPs are not having much experience in the beginning. They may be deployed in administrative office at the initial stage under the supervision of divisional head. After learning rules and regulations they can be promoted in due course to ASP and given independent charge.
5. Administrative and financial powers to ASP Sub Divisions:
a. ASPs are now having no administrative and financial powers. Since they are Gazetted Officers and placed in charge of sub divisions they need some administrative and financial power to have effective control over the sub division. For example
i. Leave sanction to PAs is now done by Divisional Heads. The procedure involves more time and causing delay. If this powers are given to Sub Divisional heads leave may be granted and substitute arranged with in the sub division immediately without waiting for the orders of divisional heads.
ii. Sanction of GPF advance is a labourious work in every division. This power can be delegated to Sub Division and minimize the waiting time in the welfare of the staff.
iii. SB/NSC claim etc are now done by Divisional office. This power to certain can be delegated to sub divisions so that the quality of the public service can be improved.
iv. ASP sub division can be delegated with some disciplinary powers empowering them to impose minor penalties on T/S PAs for effective control over staff and enforce discipline.
v. Writing CRs of Time scale PAs of within the sub division.
vi. Several Post offices are now computerized and systems are required to be maintained. Apart from that maintenance to buildings and furniture are also required to be carried out periodically. For this purpose also the sub divisional headsshould be provided with some financial powers.
6. There are 1199 IP sub division and 613 ASP sub division. Totally 1812 sub divisions. This does not include RMS sub divisions. If all the sub divisions are upgraded to ASP sub division around 400 IPs will get immediate promotion to ASP. This will solve the problem of stagnation in IP cadre.
7. Now the ratio of IP and ASP is nearly 1:1, whereas in accounts line the between JAO,AAO and AO is 20:40:40. Hence JAOs are getting quick promotion. So this type of discrimination should be removed by increasing the ratio of IP and ASP.
8. Mail Overseer:
a. The existing Mail overseer will continue in the sub divisions.
b. They will assist sub divisional head in verification of MO payment/SB withdrawals/RPLI payments and procurement of business.
9. Clerical Assistance:
a. The work load of divisional office will considerably reduced if some of the powers are delegated to the sub divisional heads. The surplus PA can be attached to Sub Divisions so that the sub divisional head will get clerical assistance also.
10. Supply of computer/Laptop with internet facility.
a. It is very important to supply computer to sub divisions so that all data pertaining to sub division can be stored in the system.
b. Sub Divisional can also be used as Customer Care Centre in respect of RPLI business. Reminders can be issued to defaulting insurants if data is stored in the computer.
c. Communication can be sent/received by email.
S.Samuel GS
Dear friends,Some of the points in connection with reorganisation of sub divions are given as under. Please consider them and offer your opinion for discussion at Dte.
Re-organisation of Sub Divisions
Some important points for consideration and views.
Present proposal of the Department:
1. All the Sub Divisions should be manned by IPs only.
2. All the posts of ASPs will be attached to D.O./R.O./C.O. They will look after the duties
An urgent meeting was held at Directorate on 17.04.2009 in the chambers of Member (P). The following officers and members from Association side attended the meeting.
Official side
1. Shri R.K.Singh Member (P)
2. Shri A.K. Sharma, DDG (Est)
3. Shri Salee Haque, DDG (P)
4. Shri Rameswar Rao, ADG (Est)
Association side
1. Shri S.Samuel ,General Secretary
2. Shri S.Ravi, CHQ Treasurer
3. Shri V.Narasimhan, Former CHQ Treasurer
Points put forth by the staff side during the discussion.
1. Aim of the Directorate is to post IPs as Sub Divisional heads at the beginning itself to get first hand experience at field level. It will beneficial to the Dept. in the long run.
2. All the ASPs will be attached to administrative office so that their rich experience could be best used.
3. If all sub divisions are given to ASP there will be less no. of IPs in the base level of feeder cadre IP and there will be more no. of ASP in the promotional cadre. Dept. feels it is not good for a smooth and efficient administration.
Our view:
1. Any re-organisation should be based on two things a. Efficiency of the service should be improved.
b. Promotional prospects of the cadre should be increased.
2. In all State/Central Govt. Depts.. Sub Divisional officers are Gazetted Officers. Only in Postal Dept. some of the Sub Divisional Heads are non Gazetteed officers. This position can be changed if all Sub Divisions are manned by ASPs who are now Gazetted Officers.
3. Now a days the Dept. has upgraded the status of Post offices into HSG I & HSG II. Since they are equal or higher in status it is proper to place ASPs(Gazetted ) as Sub Divisional head instead of IPs.(Non-Gazetted)
4. IPs are not having much experience in the beginning. They may be deployed in administrative office at the initial stage under the supervision of divisional head. After learning rules and regulations they can be promoted in due course to ASP and given independent charge.
5. Administrative and financial powers to ASP Sub Divisions:
a. ASPs are now having no administrative and financial powers. Since they are Gazetted Officers and placed in charge of sub divisions they need some administrative and financial power to have effective control over the sub division. For example
i. Leave sanction to PAs is now done by Divisional Heads. The procedure involves more time and causing delay. If this powers are given to Sub Divisional heads leave may be granted and substitute arranged with in the sub division immediately without waiting for the orders of divisional heads.
ii. Sanction of GPF advance is a labourious work in every division. This power can be delegated to Sub Division and minimize the waiting time in the welfare of the staff.
iii. SB/NSC claim etc are now done by Divisional office. This power to certain can be delegated to sub divisions so that the quality of the public service can be improved.
iv. ASP sub division can be delegated with some disciplinary powers empowering them to impose minor penalties on T/S PAs for effective control over staff and enforce discipline.
v. Writing CRs of Time scale PAs of within the sub division.
vi. Several Post offices are now computerized and systems are required to be maintained. Apart from that maintenance to buildings and furniture are also required to be carried out periodically. For this purpose also the sub divisional headsshould be provided with some financial powers.
6. There are 1199 IP sub division and 613 ASP sub division. Totally 1812 sub divisions. This does not include RMS sub divisions. If all the sub divisions are upgraded to ASP sub division around 400 IPs will get immediate promotion to ASP. This will solve the problem of stagnation in IP cadre.
7. Now the ratio of IP and ASP is nearly 1:1, whereas in accounts line the between JAO,AAO and AO is 20:40:40. Hence JAOs are getting quick promotion. So this type of discrimination should be removed by increasing the ratio of IP and ASP.
8. Mail Overseer:
a. The existing Mail overseer will continue in the sub divisions.
b. They will assist sub divisional head in verification of MO payment/SB withdrawals/RPLI payments and procurement of business.
9. Clerical Assistance:
a. The work load of divisional office will considerably reduced if some of the powers are delegated to the sub divisional heads. The surplus PA can be attached to Sub Divisions so that the sub divisional head will get clerical assistance also.
10. Supply of computer/Laptop with internet facility.
a. It is very important to supply computer to sub divisions so that all data pertaining to sub division can be stored in the system.
b. Sub Divisional can also be used as Customer Care Centre in respect of RPLI business. Reminders can be issued to defaulting insurants if data is stored in the computer.
c. Communication can be sent/received by email.
S.Samuel GS
Dear friends,Some of the points in connection with reorganisation of sub divions are given as under. Please consider them and offer your opinion for discussion at Dte.
Re-organisation of Sub Divisions
Some important points for consideration and views.
Present proposal of the Department:
1. All the Sub Divisions should be manned by IPs only.
2. All the posts of ASPs will be attached to D.O./R.O./C.O. They will look after the duties
An urgent meeting was held at Directorate on 17.04.2009 in the chambers of Member (P). The following officers and members from Association side attended the meeting.
Official side
1. Shri R.K.Singh Member (P)
2. Shri A.K. Sharma, DDG (Est)
3. Shri Salee Haque, DDG (P)
4. Shri Rameswar Rao, ADG (Est)
Association side
1. Shri S.Samuel ,General Secretary
2. Shri S.Ravi, CHQ Treasurer
3. Shri V.Narasimhan, Former CHQ Treasurer
Points put forth by the staff side during the discussion.
1. Aim of the Directorate is to post IPs as Sub Divisional heads at the beginning itself to get first hand experience at field level. It will beneficial to the Dept. in the long run.
2. All the ASPs will be attached to administrative office so that their rich experience could be best used.
3. If all sub divisions are given to ASP there will be less no. of IPs in the base level of feeder cadre IP and there will be more no. of ASP in the promotional cadre. Dept. feels it is not good for a smooth and efficient administration.
Our view:
1. Any re-organisation should be based on two things a. Efficiency of the service should be improved.
b. Promotional prospects of the cadre should be increased.
2. In all State/Central Govt. Depts.. Sub Divisional officers are Gazetted Officers. Only in Postal Dept. some of the Sub Divisional Heads are non Gazetteed officers. This position can be changed if all Sub Divisions are manned by ASPs who are now Gazetted Officers.
3. Now a days the Dept. has upgraded the status of Post offices into HSG I & HSG II. Since they are equal or higher in status it is proper to place ASPs(Gazetted ) as Sub Divisional head instead of IPs.(Non-Gazetted)
4. IPs are not having much experience in the beginning. They may be deployed in administrative office at the initial stage under the supervision of divisional head. After learning rules and regulations they can be promoted in due course to ASP and given independent charge.
5. Administrative and financial powers to ASP Sub Divisions:
a. ASPs are now having no administrative and financial powers. Since they are Gazetted Officers and placed in charge of sub divisions they need some administrative and financial power to have effective control over the sub division. For example
i. Leave sanction to PAs is now done by Divisional Heads. The procedure involves more time and causing delay. If this powers are given to Sub Divisional heads leave may be granted and substitute arranged with in the sub division immediately without waiting for the orders of divisional heads.
ii. Sanction of GPF advance is a labourious work in every division. This power can be delegated to Sub Division and minimize the waiting time in the welfare of the staff.
iii. SB/NSC claim etc are now done by Divisional office. This power to certain can be delegated to sub divisions so that the quality of the public service can be improved.
iv. ASP sub division can be delegated with some disciplinary powers empowering them to impose minor penalties on T/S PAs for effective control over staff and enforce discipline.
v. Writing CRs of Time scale PAs of within the sub division.
vi. Several Post offices are now computerized and systems are required to be maintained. Apart from that maintenance to buildings and furniture are also required to be carried out periodically. For this purpose also the sub divisional headsshould be provided with some financial powers.
6. There are 1199 IP sub division and 613 ASP sub division. Totally 1812 sub divisions. This does not include RMS sub divisions. If all the sub divisions are upgraded to ASP sub division around 400 IPs will get immediate promotion to ASP. This will solve the problem of stagnation in IP cadre.
7. Now the ratio of IP and ASP is nearly 1:1, whereas in accounts line the between JAO,AAO and AO is 20:40:40. Hence JAOs are getting quick promotion. So this type of discrimination should be removed by increasing the ratio of IP and ASP.
8. Mail Overseer:
a. The existing Mail overseer will continue in the sub divisions.
b. They will assist sub divisional head in verification of MO payment/SB withdrawals/RPLI payments and procurement of business.
9. Clerical Assistance:
a. The work load of divisional office will considerably reduced if some of the powers are delegated to the sub divisional heads. The surplus PA can be attached to Sub Divisions so that the sub divisional head will get clerical assistance also.
10. Supply of computer/Laptop with internet facility.
a. It is very important to supply computer to sub divisions so that all data pertaining to sub division can be stored in the system.
b. Sub Divisional can also be used as Customer Care Centre in respect of RPLI business. Reminders can be issued to defaulting insurants if data is stored in the computer.
c. Communication can be sent/received by email.
S.Samuel GS
Dear friends,Some of the points in connection with reorganisation of sub divions are given as under. Please consider them and offer your opinion for discussion at Dte.
Re-organisation of Sub Divisions
Some important points for consideration and views.
Present proposal of the Department:
1. All the Sub Divisions should be manned by IPs only.
2. All the posts of ASPs will be attached to D.O./R.O./C.O. They will look after the duties
An urgent meeting was held at Directorate on 17.04.2009 in the chambers of Member (P). The following officers and members from Association side attended the meeting.
Official side
1. Shri R.K.Singh Member (P)
2. Shri A.K. Sharma, DDG (Est)
3. Shri Salee Haque, DDG (P)
4. Shri Rameswar Rao, ADG (Est)
Association side
1. Shri S.Samuel ,General Secretary
2. Shri S.Ravi, CHQ Treasurer
3. Shri V.Narasimhan, Former CHQ Treasurer
Points put forth by the staff side during the discussion.
1. Aim of the Directorate is to post IPs as Sub Divisional heads at the beginning itself to get first hand experience at field level. It will beneficial to the Dept. in the long run.
2. All the ASPs will be attached to administrative office so that their rich experience could be best used.
3. If all sub divisions are given to ASP there will be less no. of IPs in the base level of feeder cadre IP and there will be more no. of ASP in the promotional cadre. Dept. feels it is not good for a smooth and efficient administration.
Our view:
1. Any re-organisation should be based on two things a. Efficiency of the service should be improved.
b. Promotional prospects of the cadre should be increased.
2. In all State/Central Govt. Depts.. Sub Divisional officers are Gazetted Officers. Only in Postal Dept. some of the Sub Divisional Heads are non Gazetteed officers. This position can be changed if all Sub Divisions are manned by ASPs who are now Gazetted Officers.
3. Now a days the Dept. has upgraded the status of Post offices into HSG I & HSG II. Since they are equal or higher in status it is proper to place ASPs(Gazetted ) as Sub Divisional head instead of IPs.(Non-Gazetted)
4. IPs are not having much experience in the beginning. They may be deployed in administrative office at the initial stage under the supervision of divisional head. After learning rules and regulations they can be promoted in due course to ASP and given independent charge.
5. Administrative and financial powers to ASP Sub Divisions:
a. ASPs are now having no administrative and financial powers. Since they are Gazetted Officers and placed in charge of sub divisions they need some administrative and financial power to have effective control over the sub division. For example
i. Leave sanction to PAs is now done by Divisional Heads. The procedure involves more time and causing delay. If this powers are given to Sub Divisional heads leave may be granted and substitute arranged with in the sub division immediately without waiting for the orders of divisional heads.
ii. Sanction of GPF advance is a labourious work in every division. This power can be delegated to Sub Division and minimize the waiting time in the welfare of the staff.
iii. SB/NSC claim etc are now done by Divisional office. This power to certain can be delegated to sub divisions so that the quality of the public service can be improved.
iv. ASP sub division can be delegated with some disciplinary powers empowering them to impose minor penalties on T/S PAs for effective control over staff and enforce discipline.
v. Writing CRs of Time scale PAs of within the sub division.
vi. Several Post offices are now computerized and systems are required to be maintained. Apart from that maintenance to buildings and furniture are also required to be carried out periodically. For this purpose also the sub divisional headsshould be provided with some financial powers.
6. There are 1199 IP sub division and 613 ASP sub division. Totally 1812 sub divisions. This does not include RMS sub divisions. If all the sub divisions are upgraded to ASP sub division around 400 IPs will get immediate promotion to ASP. This will solve the problem of stagnation in IP cadre.
7. Now the ratio of IP and ASP is nearly 1:1, whereas in accounts line the between JAO,AAO and AO is 20:40:40. Hence JAOs are getting quick promotion. So this type of discrimination should be removed by increasing the ratio of IP and ASP.
8. Mail Overseer:
a. The existing Mail overseer will continue in the sub divisions.
b. They will assist sub divisional head in verification of MO payment/SB withdrawals/RPLI payments and procurement of business.
9. Clerical Assistance:
a. The work load of divisional office will considerably reduced if some of the powers are delegated to the sub divisional heads. The surplus PA can be attached to Sub Divisions so that the sub divisional head will get clerical assistance also.
10. Supply of computer/Laptop with internet facility.
a. It is very important to supply computer to sub divisions so that all data pertaining to sub division can be stored in the system.
b. Sub Divisional can also be used as Customer Care Centre in respect of RPLI business. Reminders can be issued to defaulting insurants if data is stored in the computer.
c. Communication can be sent/received by email.
S.Samuel GS
Thursday, April 16, 2009
End of Screening Committee in the matter of filling up of Posts
A copy of the DOPT Letter is reproduced below for information. As per the communication, the system of Screening Committee for restricting vacanices to be filled up is abolished w.e.f 01.04.2009. It meant that the restriction for filling up of only 1/3rd vacancies in direct recruitment quota will no longer be applicable w.e.f. 01.04.2009.
(Source: NFPE Blog)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
New Delhi-11 0001
Dated, the 9th April, 2009
Subject: Optimisation of Direct Recruitment to Civilian Posts- regarding
Reference: (i) OM NO.2j8j2001-PIC dated 16.5.2001
(ii) OM NO.2j8j2001-PIC dated 30.8.2006
The undersigned is directed to refer to the above-cited subject and to say that vide this departments O.M.No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated 16th May 2001, the Scheme of Optimization of Direct Recruitment to Civilian Posts was introduced for five years with the objective of rationalization of the manpower in various Ministries / Departments of the Government of India. As per the Optimisation Scheme, all Ministries / Departments were mandated to prepare the Annual Direct Recruitment Plan for each year in order to prioritize the fresh intake of manpower. After the expiry of the initial five years period, the Optimisation Scheme was reviewed in the year 2006 in consultation with the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and it was decided to extend the scheme for a further period of three years i.e., up to 31st March 2009 subject to a review after the receipt of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission.
2. In this regard, the Sixth Central Pay Commission has recommended, "multiskilling of the Government employees which would increase their operational efficiency while simultaneously optimizing the staff strength. It is however, noted that while rightsizing in Government is necessary given the changes in the work process due to technology and consequent reduction of layers, a blanket ban on filling up of vacant posts across the board can impact effective functioning. More flexibility is required in this policy for effective service delivery and care has to be taken that administrative delivery structures do not become hollow or thin in critical areas ". (Para 6.3.10)
3. Keeping in view the above recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the optimisation policy has again been reviewed in consultation with the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and it has been decided not to extend the validity of the Optimization Scheme beyond 31.3.2009.
All Ministries / Departments
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
New Delhi-11 0001
Dated, the 9th April, 2009
Subject: Optimisation of Direct Recruitment to Civilian Posts- regarding
Reference: (i) OM NO.2j8j2001-PIC dated 16.5.2001
(ii) OM NO.2j8j2001-PIC dated 30.8.2006
The undersigned is directed to refer to the above-cited subject and to say that vide this departments O.M.No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated 16th May 2001, the Scheme of Optimization of Direct Recruitment to Civilian Posts was introduced for five years with the objective of rationalization of the manpower in various Ministries / Departments of the Government of India. As per the Optimisation Scheme, all Ministries / Departments were mandated to prepare the Annual Direct Recruitment Plan for each year in order to prioritize the fresh intake of manpower. After the expiry of the initial five years period, the Optimisation Scheme was reviewed in the year 2006 in consultation with the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and it was decided to extend the scheme for a further period of three years i.e., up to 31st March 2009 subject to a review after the receipt of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission.
2. In this regard, the Sixth Central Pay Commission has recommended, "multiskilling of the Government employees which would increase their operational efficiency while simultaneously optimizing the staff strength. It is however, noted that while rightsizing in Government is necessary given the changes in the work process due to technology and consequent reduction of layers, a blanket ban on filling up of vacant posts across the board can impact effective functioning. More flexibility is required in this policy for effective service delivery and care has to be taken that administrative delivery structures do not become hollow or thin in critical areas ". (Para 6.3.10)
3. Keeping in view the above recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the optimisation policy has again been reviewed in consultation with the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and it has been decided not to extend the validity of the Optimization Scheme beyond 31.3.2009.
All Ministries / Departments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Circular letter regarding holiday on election date
CPMG, Orissa, Bhubaneswar Letter No. TC/20-26/2004(Ch-I), dated 15th April 2009 is reproduced below for information.
The PMG Berhampur (Gm)/ Sambalpur Region.
The DA(P), Cuttack-4
All the SSPOs/SPOs/SSRM/SRMs in Orissa Circle.
The Manager PPP, Bhubaneswar-10
The Executive Engineer Civil, Postal Civil Division, Cuttack
The AE Electrical, C.O, Bhubaneswar-1
The Supdt. PSD, Bhubaneswar/Sambalpur
The Supdt. CSD, Bhubaneswar.
The C.M.O I/C P & T Dispensary Cuttack/BBSR/Berhampur(Gm)
All the Group Officers of C.O, Bhubaneswar-1
The Sr. PS to Chief PMG/ PA to DPS (HQs)/ PA to CIFA, C.O, BBSR-1
Sub: - Closing of Central Govt. Offices in connection with general elections –2009 to the Lok-Sabha and Legislative Assemblies in Orissa on 16.04.2009/23.04.2009.
The PMG Berhampur (Gm)/ Sambalpur Region.
The DA(P), Cuttack-4
All the SSPOs/SPOs/SSRM/SRMs in Orissa Circle.
The Manager PPP, Bhubaneswar-10
The Executive Engineer Civil, Postal Civil Division, Cuttack
The AE Electrical, C.O, Bhubaneswar-1
The Supdt. PSD, Bhubaneswar/Sambalpur
The Supdt. CSD, Bhubaneswar.
The C.M.O I/C P & T Dispensary Cuttack/BBSR/Berhampur(Gm)
All the Group Officers of C.O, Bhubaneswar-1
The Sr. PS to Chief PMG/ PA to DPS (HQs)/ PA to CIFA, C.O, BBSR-1
Sub: - Closing of Central Govt. Offices in connection with general elections –2009 to the Lok-Sabha and Legislative Assemblies in Orissa on 16.04.2009/23.04.2009.
Kindly refer to this office letter of even No. dated 18/02/2002 and 19/04/2004 on the above-mentioned subject. As per the instructions contained therein Central Govt. Offices shall remain closed in the notified areas where General Election to the Lok-Sabha/State Assembly are scheduled to be conducted. Special casual leave may also be granted to an employee who is ordinarily a resident of a constituency and registered as a voter but employed in any Central Govt.office located outside the constituency having a General Election.
Schedule of General Election 2009 circulated vide this office letter of even No. dated 31/03/2009 may kindly be referred to.
As such the above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Asst. Director(Estt./TO)
Office of the Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle, Bhubaneswar-751 001
As such the above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Asst. Director(Estt./TO)
Office of the Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle, Bhubaneswar-751 001
Encl: - As above
Regarding Holiday on election day
In Orissa the election to the Parliament and the Orissa Assembly is being held in two phases on 16.04.2009 and 23.04.2009. As per standing instruction the election day in the respective Parliament Constituency / Assembly Segment is to be observed as closed holiday. So far no specific announcement regarding observance of holiday on the aforesaid dates has been made through circulars by Central Govt. But the State Govt. has already declared holiday on the election date in respective locality. If no specific declaration is made by the Central Govt. the standing instruction regarding holiday would apply.
New office-bearers of Postal Officers' Association, Orissa Circle Branch
The Postal Officers' Association, Orissa Circle Branch in its Circle Conference held recently has elected Sri Jeeban Sahu and Sri K B Rath as the new Circle Secretary and Circle President respectively. Our Association has congratulated the new officer bearers.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Regular promotion in ASP cadre
Sri Padmanav Dash, ASP I/c Phulbani Divn and Sri Radhakrushna Sahoo, ASP I/c Baripada Central Sub-Divn have been promoted to ASP Cadre on regular basis. Orders to this effect have been issued by CO, Bhubaneswar on 09.04.2009.
New SSPOs of Koraput Divn
Sri Satyabrata Satpathy, SPOs, Balasore Divn has been ordered to officiate in JTS Gr.A grade in the post of SSPOs, Koraput Divn.
Reshuffling in ASP Cadre
The following orders of transfers and postings in ASP Cadre have been issued by CO, Bhubaneswar on 09.04.2009.
Sri D K Samal under orders of posting as ASP(Staff), CO, Bhubaneswar will continue as Dy. PM, Bhubaneswar GPO
Sri A K Mohanty earlier posted as Dy.PM, Bhubaneswar GPO is now posted as ASP(OD), Cuttack City Divn
Sri P C Mohapatra, ASP(OD), Cuttack City Divn is posted as ASP(Staff), CO, Bhubaneswar. He will be shown to hold the post of ASP(BD), RMS N Divn, Cuttack
Sri Maheswar Sethy, ASP(OD), Cuttack South Divn is posted as ASP(Printing), PSD, Bhubaneswar
Sri P K Patra under orders of posting as ASP(Printing), PSD, Bhubaneswar is now posted as ASP(OD), Cuttack South Divn
Sunday, April 12, 2009
ASPs in line for getting officiating in PS Gr.B Posts
As the vacancies will arise on retirement of officers working in PS Gr.B /JTS Posts, the turn of the following ASPs will come in due course for officiating in PS Gr.B posts. The officiating prospect is likely to affect to certain extent when PS Gr.B officers of Orissa working in other Circles get reallotment to Orissa.
Sri Sreekant Kar
Sri Manmohan Mohapatra
Sri Golak Chandra Mohanty
Sri Naba Kishore Samal
Sri Trinath Sahu
Sri Suresh Chandra Sukla
Sri Kartik Chandra Ghadei
Sri Khageswar Mohanta
Sri Banambar Sethi (subject to relief in appeal)
Sri Chandramani Mohapatra
Sri Nrusingha Charan Das (retiring on 28/02/2010)
Sri Krushna Chandra Majhi(retiring on 31/07/2010)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Reshuffling in ASP Cadre in HQ Region
Minor reshuffling in ASP cadre in HQ Region is on cards. Details will be known on Monday the 13th April 2009.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Posting of PMG Sambalpur Region
Sri P K Bisoi (IPoS 1985 Batch) has been posted as PMG Sambalpur Region against vacant post. The Association welcomes the new PMG.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Holiday on 14.04.09 on account of Dr. Ambedkar's birthday
Govt. has declared holiday on 14.04.2009 on account of Dr. B R Ambedkar's birthday. The orders to this effect have been circulated by CO vide No. Tech/3-2/2004 dated 8/04/2009.
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