This blog is meant for use by members of the Association for news and views. Send comments / suggestions / views to e-mail Id:
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Order for supply of 'SwamysnewS' to IPs & ASPs
The scanned copy of the order issued by CO, Bhubaneswar on 19.02.2009 for supply of Swamysnews to IPs and ASPs and other officers of the Circle is reproduced here for information of the members of the Association. All members are requested to cause issue of supply order by their head of units concernned.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Ad hoc promotion to ASP Cadre
Orders for ad hoc promotion to ASP cadre and regularisation of ad hoc promtion to ASP cadre are likely to be issued soon.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Transfers & postings in PS Gr.B Cadre in Sambalpur Region
The following transfers and postings have been ordered in Sambalpur Region:
Sri L D Sahu, on adhoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre is posted as AD, RO, Sambalpur
Sri M M Mohapatra, on adhoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre is posted as AD, RO, Sambalpur but he is unlikely to join in Sambalpur Region.
Sri B G Satpathy, SRM K Divn is posted as SPOs, Keonjhar Divn
Sri Narayan Behera, on reallotment to Orissa Circle is posted as SRM K Divn
Sri L D Sahu, on adhoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre is posted as AD, RO, Sambalpur
Sri M M Mohapatra, on adhoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre is posted as AD, RO, Sambalpur but he is unlikely to join in Sambalpur Region.
Sri B G Satpathy, SRM K Divn is posted as SPOs, Keonjhar Divn
Sri Narayan Behera, on reallotment to Orissa Circle is posted as SRM K Divn
Ceiling of cost of Brief Case for IPs & ASPs enhanced to Rs.2000/- and Swamy News circulation to all IPs & ASPs granted
The Association through its agenda in the four-monthly meeting with Chief PMG on 14.02.09 had made a request for, among other things, enhancement of ceiling of the cost of brief case being supplied once in four years to IPs/ASPs to Rs.2000/- from the existing ceiling of Rs.1000/- and for provision of subscription of Swamy News to all IPs & ASPs in the Circle at the Department's cost. It is now understood that the Chief PMG is kind enough to accept both the requests of the Association.
Formal orders in this respect are expected to be issued within 2-3 days.
The Association thanks the Chief PMG for his positive attitude to the administrative requirements of the members of the Association and for accepting the request of the Association on the aforesaid two points.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Attachment of IPs to Circle Office, Bhubaneswar
Orders have been issued on 12.02.2009 attaching Sri Debi Prasad Dash, IP CSD Bhubaneswar to Programme Office, Project Arrow at CO, Bhubaneswar and Sri Soumya Chatterjee, Office Supervisor, Bhadrak Divn as IP(Bldg), CO, Bhubaneswar.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Four-monthly meeting with Chief PMG
Four-monthly meeting of the Association with Chief PMG was held on 14.02.2009(Saturday) in cordial atmosphere. Chief PMG’s attitude towards the demands of the Association as taken through agenda was positive. However, reply to the agenda in writing followed by action will indicate to what extent the Circle administration has considered our demands. We have to wait.
As regards the agenda for supply of Computers to Sub-Divisional Heads it was mentioned that the Department at the Directorate level is actively considering the proposal for supply of Laptops to Sub-divisional offices. Directorate is to take a policy decision on this. The CPMG mentioned that at the Circle level the Sub-Divisional Inspectors could identify one Desktop in any of the computerised offices in the jurisdiction of the Sub-Divn which could be diverted to Sub-Divn without hampering the work of the concerned computerized office. As the Project Arrow is underway in which supply of new computers to POs is expected, one old computer of that PO could be identified as surplus and utilized for Sub-Divn with approval of the Divisional Head concerned. Hence, all Sub-Divisional heads in the Circle may explore this possibility and take necessary action in consultation with the Divisional Heads.
Chief PMG mentioned that there are agenda from the side of Circle administration. The first and foremost is the achievement of targets of PLI and RPLI which he mentioned should be met 100% by the Inspectorial staff of the Circle.
Friday, February 13, 2009
CS writes to Circle Administration about Sk Md.Noman
No. AIAIPASP/Corr-1/2-09
13th February, 2009
13th February, 2009
The Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Representation in favour of Sk. Md. Noman, ASP I/c, Kendrapara Sub-Divn under Cuttack North Division in Bhubaneswar Region
Respected Sir,
I beg to forward herewith a representation from Sri Hemanta Kumar Kar, and a number of other GDS Officials of Kendrapara Sub-Divn pleading for justice in favour of SK. Md. Noman, ASP I/c, Kendrapara Sub-Divn who they believe is targeted by notorious elements for blaming him on false and fabricated grounds with ultimate aim of getting him shifted to fulfill their vested interest.
Transfer and posting is the prerogative of the administration and normally, the Association has no say in such matters. But it will be a travesty of justice and fair play if some body is taken to task without proper inquiry being made to his/her alleged acts of misconduct to find out the truth. It is quite natural that by virtue of their nature of the duties, inspectorial staff- particularly those working in Sub-Divn- earn enmity of a number of unscrupulous elements who want their fraudulent and nefarious activities to continue unhindered. The moment the Inspectorial staff take cognizance of their irregularities, they immediately turn their foes and come up with various false allegations to malign him/her. As this Association understands, this is exactly what has happened to Sk. Md. Noman who is someone whom the notorious elements find no other way to demoralize. Sk Md Noman is doing an excellent job as ASP I/c, Kendrapara. The representation itself is an indicator of the cooperation he is getting from all concerned staff. He has to his credit done RPLI business of more than Rs.4 Core in a single RPLI Mela at Marshaghai in December 2008. More such achievements by him are to follow in the days to come. But one GDS who was caught committing fraud and is presently under off- duty is spitting venom against Sk. Md Noman through false anonymous and pseudonymous complaints.
The point which the Association wants to make is that unless it is established through proper inquiry that Sk Md Noman or for that matter any other official of the IP cadre is actually blameworthy for his acts of misconduct, contemplating any type of action against him including untimely transfer will definitely send a wrong message to the entire Inspectorial cadre across the Circle. This will ultimately have a demoralizing effect on such officials, in view of the fact that everybody can fall victim to similar circumstances.
In the interest of justice and fair play, the Association sincerely hopes that none of its members may be taken to task without a proper inquiry being made to his/her alleged acts of misconduct.
With profound regards,
Yours faithfully,
(B B Mohanty)
Circle Secretary
Encl: As above
Suggestion of the Asscociation to Circle Administration
The CS has written to the Circle Administration with the following suggestions:
13th February, 2009
The Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Suggestions of the Association
Respected Sir,
This Association is always there to extend a helping hand to the administration in an effort to provide better service to members of public. Keeping this aspect in view, this Association likes to suggest the followings for your kind examination.
1.Upgradation of the status of Manager, NSPC Bhubaneswar to ASP cadre on matching savings:
At present the post of Manager NSPC Bhubaneswar is manned by an official of IP cadre. This provision has been continuing from the initial days when the NSPC was set up more than a decade ago. The responsibility of the post of Manager NSPC has grown manifold with growing volume of inward and outward traffic of Speed Post, EPP and Business Post items handled by the NSPC. The deployment of number of staff of PA/SA cadre in the NSPC has also increased. It is often felt that the post of Manager NSPC Bhubaneswar needs upgradation from the existing cadre of IP to a higher rank for getting a more experienced person for that very important job for better supervision. Already, there is instruction from Directorate to place ASPs in charge of NSPCs. The instruction of the Directorate may be implemented in respect of NSPC, Bhubaneswar by down-grading one of the posts of ASP(HQ) in the Circle. At the same time, a supervisory staff from operative side may also kindly be provided in the NSPC to exercise proper supervision over operative work.
The feasibility of placing IPs (if not ASPs) in the position of Manager in the NSPC at Cuttack and other NSPCs at Rourkela, Sambalpur and Berhampur may also kindly be considered for same reason. This could be done by deploying IPs(PG) on matching savings.
2.Assignment of Business Development work to IP(PG) in Divisional Units:
Business Development is a neglected aspect in Divisional units. The Association suggests that the IPs(PG) in Divisional units may be assigned the responsibility of business development in addition to their duties of looking after customer service. In otherwords, as business development and customer care go hand in hand, both the responsibility could be given to same and one person in the Divisional units for better results. The post of IPs(PG) may be got filled by regular or officiating arrangement.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
( B B Mohanty )
Circle Secretary
13th February, 2009
The Chief Postmaster General
Orissa Circle
Bhubaneswar 751001
Sub: Suggestions of the Association
Respected Sir,
This Association is always there to extend a helping hand to the administration in an effort to provide better service to members of public. Keeping this aspect in view, this Association likes to suggest the followings for your kind examination.
1.Upgradation of the status of Manager, NSPC Bhubaneswar to ASP cadre on matching savings:
At present the post of Manager NSPC Bhubaneswar is manned by an official of IP cadre. This provision has been continuing from the initial days when the NSPC was set up more than a decade ago. The responsibility of the post of Manager NSPC has grown manifold with growing volume of inward and outward traffic of Speed Post, EPP and Business Post items handled by the NSPC. The deployment of number of staff of PA/SA cadre in the NSPC has also increased. It is often felt that the post of Manager NSPC Bhubaneswar needs upgradation from the existing cadre of IP to a higher rank for getting a more experienced person for that very important job for better supervision. Already, there is instruction from Directorate to place ASPs in charge of NSPCs. The instruction of the Directorate may be implemented in respect of NSPC, Bhubaneswar by down-grading one of the posts of ASP(HQ) in the Circle. At the same time, a supervisory staff from operative side may also kindly be provided in the NSPC to exercise proper supervision over operative work.
The feasibility of placing IPs (if not ASPs) in the position of Manager in the NSPC at Cuttack and other NSPCs at Rourkela, Sambalpur and Berhampur may also kindly be considered for same reason. This could be done by deploying IPs(PG) on matching savings.
2.Assignment of Business Development work to IP(PG) in Divisional Units:
Business Development is a neglected aspect in Divisional units. The Association suggests that the IPs(PG) in Divisional units may be assigned the responsibility of business development in addition to their duties of looking after customer service. In otherwords, as business development and customer care go hand in hand, both the responsibility could be given to same and one person in the Divisional units for better results. The post of IPs(PG) may be got filled by regular or officiating arrangement.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
( B B Mohanty )
Circle Secretary
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Anomaly committee of the National Council (JCM)
Anomaly committee of the National Council (JCM) has been set up consisting of the following members vide DOP&T O.M. no.11/2/2008-JCA dt. 4th February 2009 to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission’s recommendations.
Official side
1.Secretary, Deptt. of Pers. & Training .......... Chairman
Official side
1.Secretary, Deptt. of Pers. & Training .......... Chairman
2.Member (Staff) Railway Board.
3.Secretary Deptt. of Telecommunications
4.Secretary Deptt. of Posts
5.Financial Adviser (Defence)
6.Ministry of Defence Joint Secretary (Pers)
7.Ministry of Finance Joint Secretary (E)
8.Deptt. of Personnel & Training.Deputy Secretary (JCA)
9.Deptt. of Personnel & Training Member-Secretary
Staff side
1. Shri. U.M.Prohit 2. Shri.M.Raghavaiah 3. Shri. Rakhal Das Gupta 4. Shri. R.P.Bhatnagar 5. Shri. Guman Singh 6. Shri. C.Srikumar 7. Shri. S.K.Vyas 8. Shri. Ch. Sankara Rao 9. Shri. K.S.Murthy 10. Shri. R.Srinivasan 11. Shri. K.K.N. Kutty 12. Shri. S.G. Mishra
Staff side
1. Shri. U.M.Prohit 2. Shri.M.Raghavaiah 3. Shri. Rakhal Das Gupta 4. Shri. R.P.Bhatnagar 5. Shri. Guman Singh 6. Shri. C.Srikumar 7. Shri. S.K.Vyas 8. Shri. Ch. Sankara Rao 9. Shri. K.S.Murthy 10. Shri. R.Srinivasan 11. Shri. K.K.N. Kutty 12. Shri. S.G. Mishra
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
General Secretary invites comments/suggestions in the matter of Re-organisation of Sub-Divns
The letter of GS is reproduced below for comments /suggestions of members
Dear friends,
I have been invited by have a discussion on Re-organisation of Sub Divisions.In this connection I request your kind attention to the CHQ News letter No.02/2009. Extract of para 4 of the news letter is reproduced below:
4. Re-organisation of Sub DivisionsThere is a proposal in the Department to place all Sub Divisions under the control of ASPs. The existing Sub Divisional Inspectors will be attached to respective Divisions. In this process around 450 Sub Divisions which are presently manned by Inspectors will be upgraded to ASP, Sub Division. ASP, Sub Division will be wholly incharge of administrative work. He/She will be allotted inspection work to certain percentage. The remaining work related to inspection and visits will be fully allotted to the IPs attached to Divisions. All the posts of ASP (HQ) will be shifted to Sub Divisions. ASP (HQ) will be manned by Inspector Posts with the redesignation – Inspector (Admin). All the post of ASP (OD) or ASP(R) will remain with Divisional office as it is. Writing CRs, sanction of GPF and power like such will be conferred on all ASP, Sub Divisions. All Sub Divisions will be provided with Lap-top. ASP, Sub Divisions will be conferred with certain amount of Administrative and financial powers. This matter was discussed with me in detail by the officers in Directorate.Suggestions and views are invited from Circle Secretary & all Members of our Association.Please guide the CHQ in this matter after discussion with members of your circle.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Information for inter-region transfer of IPs/ASPs
Option has been called for on 09.02.2009 for inter-region transfer of IPs/ASPs. Those who are interested for inter-region transfer may submit thier representation and pursue the matter with ROs concxerned to see that their cases are forwarded to CO with recommendation.
Ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B Cadre
Sri Laxmidhar Sahu, ASP I/c, Chatrapur and Sri M M Mohapatra, ASP I/c, Khurda have been given ad hoc promotion to PS Gr.B cadre and allotted to Sambalpur Region
Friday, February 6, 2009
Agenda for four-monthly meeting with Chief PMG
No suggestion from any member came for agenda for four-monthly meeting with Chief PMG. The CS has taken up the following three agenda for ensuing four-monthly meeting to be held on 14.02.2009.
1. Request for enhancement of the ceiling of the cost of Brief Cases being supplied to Inspectorial Staff and for reducing the periodicity of supply.
Brief: Each Inspectorial Staff of the Circle is supplied with a Brief Case within a cost of Rs.1000/- once in four years for use in connection with official duties. The cost of Brief Case being so supplied was last revised about 7 years ago in 2002. While the cost of living has gone up manifold due to constant increase of Consumer Price Index the ceiling fixed for Brief Case has remained static for more than 7 years now. The Association, therefore, requests revision of ceiling of the cost of the brief case to Rs.2000/- from the existing ceiling of Rs.1000/-, and for reducing the periodicity of supply to once in two years in place of once in four years.
2. Request for Provision of Personal Computers to all Inspectorial Staff in the Circle at the Department’s cost.
Brief: The Inspectorial Staff, particularly those working in Sub-Divisions have not been provided with PCs. While the Department is increasingly modernized with computerization, the IPs and ASPs having supervisory role in the management of post office are kept out the provision of supply of PCs for which they are unable to acquire basic knowledge relating to computer / computerization. This is resulting in ineffective supervision, leading to inadequate job satisfaction. As a majority of the ASPs continue to work outside computer environment they find extremely difficult to cope up with the computerization related work when they get officiating in PS Gr. B posts. Without PCs, whatever training on computerization is not helping due to lack of practice. As no PC is supplied, the Inspectorial staff depend entirely on manual mode to attend day to day work including writing of IRs/VRs, correspondences and other reports with much difficulty and time-consuming process, having insufficient time for other important work.
The Association, therefore, requests the Circle Administration to provide PCs to Inspectorial staff in the Circle.
3. Request for supply of a set of FRSR published by M/s Swamy Publications to all Inspectorial Staff.
Brief: Consequent upon implementation of 6th CPC Report, FRSRs have undergone a lot of changes. The changes have been incorporated in the compilations of M/s Swamy Publications, Chennai which are used as reference books by the Govt. Departments. Inspectorial staff are required to keep themselves updated on the changes in the FRSRs and TA, Leave, Pension Rules etc. for day to day discharge of their duties. It is therefore, requested that all Inspectorial Staff in the Circle may kindly be provided with a set of FRsSRs and Compilations on TA, Pension, Leave Rules etc and be allowed to subscribe to monthly journal-Swamy News-an authoritative publication from highly acclaimed M/s Swamy Publishers, Chennai- at the Department’s cost.
Brief: Each Inspectorial Staff of the Circle is supplied with a Brief Case within a cost of Rs.1000/- once in four years for use in connection with official duties. The cost of Brief Case being so supplied was last revised about 7 years ago in 2002. While the cost of living has gone up manifold due to constant increase of Consumer Price Index the ceiling fixed for Brief Case has remained static for more than 7 years now. The Association, therefore, requests revision of ceiling of the cost of the brief case to Rs.2000/- from the existing ceiling of Rs.1000/-, and for reducing the periodicity of supply to once in two years in place of once in four years.
2. Request for Provision of Personal Computers to all Inspectorial Staff in the Circle at the Department’s cost.
Brief: The Inspectorial Staff, particularly those working in Sub-Divisions have not been provided with PCs. While the Department is increasingly modernized with computerization, the IPs and ASPs having supervisory role in the management of post office are kept out the provision of supply of PCs for which they are unable to acquire basic knowledge relating to computer / computerization. This is resulting in ineffective supervision, leading to inadequate job satisfaction. As a majority of the ASPs continue to work outside computer environment they find extremely difficult to cope up with the computerization related work when they get officiating in PS Gr. B posts. Without PCs, whatever training on computerization is not helping due to lack of practice. As no PC is supplied, the Inspectorial staff depend entirely on manual mode to attend day to day work including writing of IRs/VRs, correspondences and other reports with much difficulty and time-consuming process, having insufficient time for other important work.
The Association, therefore, requests the Circle Administration to provide PCs to Inspectorial staff in the Circle.
3. Request for supply of a set of FRSR published by M/s Swamy Publications to all Inspectorial Staff.
Brief: Consequent upon implementation of 6th CPC Report, FRSRs have undergone a lot of changes. The changes have been incorporated in the compilations of M/s Swamy Publications, Chennai which are used as reference books by the Govt. Departments. Inspectorial staff are required to keep themselves updated on the changes in the FRSRs and TA, Leave, Pension Rules etc. for day to day discharge of their duties. It is therefore, requested that all Inspectorial Staff in the Circle may kindly be provided with a set of FRsSRs and Compilations on TA, Pension, Leave Rules etc and be allowed to subscribe to monthly journal-Swamy News-an authoritative publication from highly acclaimed M/s Swamy Publishers, Chennai- at the Department’s cost.
Posting as SPOs, Mayurbhanj
Sri Sanatan Modi, PS Gr.B Officer on return from NE Circle was allotted to Sambalpur Region. He is now reallotted to HQ Region and posted as SPOs, Mayurbhanj vice Sri P K Maikap relieved to join in WB Circle
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
News Letter from General Secretary
Dear friends,
Sub: Visit to Directorate on 21st to 23rd January 2009
Visited Directorate along with our CHQ Treasurer, Sri.S.Ravi & our former President Sri.P.R.Satyanarayanan (now Retd.). Called on the Secretary (Posts) on 21st January 2009 and expressed my gratitude for the concern shown by the respected Madam on our cadre.
1. The matter regarding delay in convening DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Group ‘B’ was brought to the notice of DG and a Memorandum was given requesting the Department to convene DPC early and release the list by June every year to suit to the academic needs of our wards. Copy of the letter is attached.
2. The problem relating to claiming of TA/DA by producing ‘food bill’ was also discussed in detail with DG, Member (P) & DDG (Estt.). We have already taken up the case during November 2008. The Department has also strongly recommended our demand and sent letter to Ministry of Finance requesting to issue orders for waiver of food bill. But the Finance Ministry refused to budge in. There was enormous pressure from other Departments and Ministries also. We presented another Memorandum on 21st January 2009 to reconsider the case. IPs & ASPs are touring extensively in rural areas. They are compelled to take food in the hotels/food courts in villages which are normally substandard and unhygienic. They do not issue cash receipt/bills. In the absence of food bills we cannot claim the TA/DA. We are the most affected lot. So we required DG to once again take up the case with Finance Ministry. Copy of our letter dated 21.1.09 is attached for your information. Our demand was accepted and the Ministry of Finance has issued orders to the effect that Daily Allowance can be claimed at old rates if food bills are not produced and DA can be claimed at new rates if food bills are produced. Copy of the Memo No.19030/3/2008-E.IV dated 22.1.09 received from Ministry of Finance is attached.
3. The following cases have also been taken up with the Department for early settlement:
(a) Up-gradation of 240 posts – implementation of Second Cadre review recommendations. (II CRC)
(b) Early finalisation of DPC for promotion to the cadre of Group ‘Á’(JTS)
(c) Permission for reimbursement of mobile phone recharge coupon to IP/ASP of all Circle, uniformly.
4. Re-organisation of Sub Divisions
There is a proposal in the Department to place all Sub Divisions under the control of ASPs. The existing Sub Divisional Inspectors will be attached to respective Divisions. In this process around 450 Sub Divisions which are presently manned by Inspectors will be upgraded to ASP, Sub Division. ASP, Sub Division will be wholly incharge of administrative work. He/She will be allotted inspection work to certain percentage. The remaining work related to inspection and visits will be fully allotted to the IPs attached to Divisions. All the posts of ASP (HQ) will be shifted to Sub Divisions. ASP (HQ) will be manned by Inspector Posts with the redesignation – Inspector (Admin). All the post of ASP (OD) or ASP(R) will remain with Divisional office as it is. Writing CRs, sanction of GPF and power like such will be conferred on all ASP, Sub Divisions. All Sub Divisions will be provided with Lap-top. ASP, Sub Divisions will be conferred with certain amount of Administrative and financial powers. This matter was discussed with me in detail by the officers in Directorate.
Suggestions and views are invited from Circle Secretary & all Members of our Association.
5. Upgradation of Pay Scales
We have already presented a Memorandum in detail regarding the pay anomaly, arisen out of implementaion of 6th Central Pay Commission. Now the Government of India has issued orders to form Anomaly Committee by the respective Department headed by an Officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary & to settle all pay related anomalies within a period of 6 months. An Anomaly Committee will be constituted by our Department very soon. We have to present our case before the Committee. A Memorandum addressed to the Chairman, Pay Anomaly Committee, Department of Posts is prepared for presentation. Copy of the same is attached for information to all members.
Your General Secretary was earlier allotted to Maharashtra Circle on promotion to PS Group ‘B’ cadre. Now the order has been modified and allotted to Postal Directorate. I am likely to join as AD (Rural Business) in the Directorate during the month of March 2009.
Wish you all the best.
Sub: Visit to Directorate on 21st to 23rd January 2009
Visited Directorate along with our CHQ Treasurer, Sri.S.Ravi & our former President Sri.P.R.Satyanarayanan (now Retd.). Called on the Secretary (Posts) on 21st January 2009 and expressed my gratitude for the concern shown by the respected Madam on our cadre.
1. The matter regarding delay in convening DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Group ‘B’ was brought to the notice of DG and a Memorandum was given requesting the Department to convene DPC early and release the list by June every year to suit to the academic needs of our wards. Copy of the letter is attached.
2. The problem relating to claiming of TA/DA by producing ‘food bill’ was also discussed in detail with DG, Member (P) & DDG (Estt.). We have already taken up the case during November 2008. The Department has also strongly recommended our demand and sent letter to Ministry of Finance requesting to issue orders for waiver of food bill. But the Finance Ministry refused to budge in. There was enormous pressure from other Departments and Ministries also. We presented another Memorandum on 21st January 2009 to reconsider the case. IPs & ASPs are touring extensively in rural areas. They are compelled to take food in the hotels/food courts in villages which are normally substandard and unhygienic. They do not issue cash receipt/bills. In the absence of food bills we cannot claim the TA/DA. We are the most affected lot. So we required DG to once again take up the case with Finance Ministry. Copy of our letter dated 21.1.09 is attached for your information. Our demand was accepted and the Ministry of Finance has issued orders to the effect that Daily Allowance can be claimed at old rates if food bills are not produced and DA can be claimed at new rates if food bills are produced. Copy of the Memo No.19030/3/2008-E.IV dated 22.1.09 received from Ministry of Finance is attached.
3. The following cases have also been taken up with the Department for early settlement:
(a) Up-gradation of 240 posts – implementation of Second Cadre review recommendations. (II CRC)
(b) Early finalisation of DPC for promotion to the cadre of Group ‘Á’(JTS)
(c) Permission for reimbursement of mobile phone recharge coupon to IP/ASP of all Circle, uniformly.
4. Re-organisation of Sub Divisions
There is a proposal in the Department to place all Sub Divisions under the control of ASPs. The existing Sub Divisional Inspectors will be attached to respective Divisions. In this process around 450 Sub Divisions which are presently manned by Inspectors will be upgraded to ASP, Sub Division. ASP, Sub Division will be wholly incharge of administrative work. He/She will be allotted inspection work to certain percentage. The remaining work related to inspection and visits will be fully allotted to the IPs attached to Divisions. All the posts of ASP (HQ) will be shifted to Sub Divisions. ASP (HQ) will be manned by Inspector Posts with the redesignation – Inspector (Admin). All the post of ASP (OD) or ASP(R) will remain with Divisional office as it is. Writing CRs, sanction of GPF and power like such will be conferred on all ASP, Sub Divisions. All Sub Divisions will be provided with Lap-top. ASP, Sub Divisions will be conferred with certain amount of Administrative and financial powers. This matter was discussed with me in detail by the officers in Directorate.
Suggestions and views are invited from Circle Secretary & all Members of our Association.
5. Upgradation of Pay Scales
We have already presented a Memorandum in detail regarding the pay anomaly, arisen out of implementaion of 6th Central Pay Commission. Now the Government of India has issued orders to form Anomaly Committee by the respective Department headed by an Officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary & to settle all pay related anomalies within a period of 6 months. An Anomaly Committee will be constituted by our Department very soon. We have to present our case before the Committee. A Memorandum addressed to the Chairman, Pay Anomaly Committee, Department of Posts is prepared for presentation. Copy of the same is attached for information to all members.
Your General Secretary was earlier allotted to Maharashtra Circle on promotion to PS Group ‘B’ cadre. Now the order has been modified and allotted to Postal Directorate. I am likely to join as AD (Rural Business) in the Directorate during the month of March 2009.
Wish you all the best.
General Secretary
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Appeal to members for clearance of subscription to the Association
The subscription has not come from a number of members of the Association. Now, the financial position of the Association is very bad. Remittance of CHQ quota is held up due to poor collection of subscription. All members are requested to ensure that their subscription is deducted by their DDO and remitted to the treasurer of the Association.
Since the monthly subscription has been raised to Rs.30/- per month, Rs.360/- is due as the annual subscription. Those who have already cleared the subscription at the old rate of Rs20/- per month may kindly remit Rs.120/- more. Others are required to remit Rs.360/-. If there is difficulty in getting the subscription deducted from salary, the amount may be remitted through MO to the treasurer of the Association directly, deducting the MO commission.
All members of the Association in the Circle are requested to take this appeal seriously.
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