No. GS/AIA IASP/Merger-ASP/2013 dated : 9/1/2015
The Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject: Minutes of the meeting held on 28.11.2014 with representatives of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents, Posts.
Ref. : Dte Letter No. 25-35/2011-PE-I dated 3rd December, 2014
Respected Madam,
At the outset, I would like to thank Directorate for convening cadre restructuring meeting of IP/ASP cadre and merger of ASP cadre to PS Gr. B cadre. The concern shown by the Administration to resolve this long pending demand is highly appreciable, and we thank for the same.
This Association would like to bring to your kind notice that fifth CPC in para 32 Appendix 1 of volume 3 acknowledged that cadre review has become part of rules and they are to be mandatorily held once in 5 years. Contrary to it, no cadre review took place for IP/ASPs since 1979. Second cadre review that envisaged upgradation of 245 posts for IP/ASP to PSS Group ‘B’ on matching saving basis has not been implemented so far though a span of 25 years have elapsed . These orders were issued vide PE memo No. 28-29/87- PE I dated 20-08-1990. Apparently the period was enough to carry out 5 cadre reviews for IP/ASPs but this has not been done, whereas this took place for other cadres to the agony of IP/ASP.
As discussed in the aforesaid meeting, a fresh proposal however is hereby re-submitted for kind consideration.
A) Present status of posts :
1) Total posts of Inspector Posts as on date : 2106
2) Total posts of Assistant Superintendents as on date : 1990
Out of 1990 ASPs, 282 ASPs are available in Circle/Regional Offices.
3) No. of Class-I (Postal) divisions as on date : 176
4) No. of Class-I (RMS) divisions as on date : 15
5) No. of GPOs having Class-I status (including JAG) : 03
6) No. of HPOs having Class-I status : 04
B) As on date GP of below mentioned three cadres are as under :
Inspector Posts (IP) : Rs. 4200/-
Assistant Supdt. Posts (ASP) : Rs. 4600/-
PS Gr. B : Rs. 4800/-
C) Following no. of posts are proposed for up-gradation from ASP cadre to PS Gr. B cadre :
One post of ASP from Class-I Postal Dn to PS Gr. B : 176
One post of ASP from Class-I RMS Dn to PS Gr. B : 15
One post of ASP from GPO whose incharge is Class-I : 3
One post of ASP from Class-I HO : 4
50% posts of ASPs from s/s of ASPs of Circle/Regional Offices: 141
Total posts proposed for upgradation from ASP to PS Gr. B: 339
D) Additional expenditure :
The difference of GP between PS Gr. B and ASP is Rs. 200/- only.
Net effect including DA, HRA etc. would be Rs. 425/- only.
If 339 ASP cadre posts are upgraded to PS Gr. B cadre then monthly additional expenditure would be as under:
339 x Rs.425/- = Rs. 1,44,075/- per month
Annual additional expenditure would be as under:
Rs. 1,44,075/- x 12 = Rs. 17,28,900/- per annum (rounded to Rs. 17.5 lacs)
E) Matching savings for up-gradation of ASP posts to PS Gr. B posts:
Average pay of one Inspector Posts is Rs. 35000/- per month (appx).
12 month’s pay would be Rs. 35000/-x 12 = Rs. 4,20,000/- (appx)
The resultant savings would be by abolition of 4 Posts of Inspector Posts.
i.e. 18,05,000/4,20,000 = 4.11
One each post of Inspector Posts (PG) from big circles (like Uttar Pradesh / Andhara Pradesh /Maharashtra / Uttar Pradesh / Tamil Nadu may be abolished.
F) Surrendering 141 posts of HSG-I (IP Line) to HSG-I (GL)
As per the revised RRs of HSG-I cadre, 141 HSG-I (IP Line) posts presently held by ASP cadre are given to General Line. Therefore Inspector Posts cadre has been deprived from promotional avenues.
G) Inspector Posts GP should upgraded from Rs. 4200/- to 4600/-.
The pay scales of the post of Income Tax Inspectors under Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and Posts of Inspector of Central Excise were revised from Rs.5500-9000 to Rs. 6500-10500 as per Office Memorandum dated 21-04-2004. The pay scale of the analogous posts of Assistants/PA's in Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS) was also upgraded from Rs.5500-9000 to the scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 w.e.f 15.09.2006 as per Office Memorandum dated 25-09-2006. However, the pay scale of the Inspector of Post/Inspector of RMS under the Department of Posts has not been upgraded to the scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 without any justifiable reasons. The revised pay scales have been brought into force with effect from 01-01-2006. Thus the analogous posts of Inspector Posts and Inspector of CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS were brought in the same Pay Band/Scale of PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with the same corresponding Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- w.e.f 01.01.2006. Subsequently, Ministry of Finance issued O.M. dated 13-11-2009 directing that the posts which were in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 6500-10500 as on 01-01-2006 and which were granted the normal replacement pay structure of Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- in the Pay Band PB-2, will be granted Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- in the Pay Band PB-2 corresponding the pre-revised scale of Rs. 7450-11500 with effect from 01-01-2006.
H) Residual ASP Posts :
Remaining 1651 (1990-339) ASPs will work at their respective posts and retained their pay, GP and Gazetted status till their elevation to PS Gr. B cadre or retirement whichever is earlier. These ASPs will be treated as dying cadre posts.
I) Merged cadre strength and nomenclature :
Existing Inspector Posts : 2106
Residual ASPs (till its elevation) : 1651
Total : 3757
Abolition of IPs posts : 4
Net Total : 3753
Abolition of IPs posts : 4
Net Total : 3753
The nomenclature of merged cadre would be “Inspector Posts” Group B with grade pay of Rs.4600/-.
We hope that this revised proposal will be considered by Directorate.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
1 comment:
Very Good Proposal, It should be accepted without any further delay. Go ahead ....
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