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Monday, January 19, 2015

Collection of Service Tax from all PLI / TPLI insurants (except J & K) w.e.f. 1.1.2015 - Provision in Point of Sale

Kindly refer CGM PLI letter No.29-09/2013-LI/Ser.Tax/Sales Tax dated 23.12.2014 on the above subject.
There is a provision in Point of Sale (Meghdoot Version 7.9.2)  for entering value of Service Tax and Education Cess.

However, the operators have to calculate the TAX components and enter the calculated value in the Point of Sale.

Efforts are being made by CEPT to modify the Point of Sale (Meghdoot Version 7.9.2) to automate calculation of Service Tax and Education Cess. 
Meghdoot software also require modification  to handle  Premiums being recovered through Pay of employees. 
CEPT require certain clarifications / additional inputs from PLI Directorate.   CEPT is making efforts to get the clarifications from PLI directorate and to modify the Meghdoot software accordingly.


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