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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

CHQ News:-GS writes on Issue of combined All India Seniority List (Gradation List) of IPs from the year 2001 onwards.....

No. CHQ/IPASP/Seniority List/2012                                      Dated :   12/1/2015.

Shri Rajkumar,
Director (Staff Section),  
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, New Delhi 110 001

Subject : Issue of combined All India Seniority List (Gradation list) of Inspector of Posts from the year 2001..reg.

Ref.        :  Dte. No. 9-09/2011-SPG dated 18/12/2014

Respected Sir,  

      I would like to invite your kind attention to this Association’s letters of even number dated 31/12/2010, 22/3/2012, 21/8/2012, 20/9/2012, 31/5/2013, 28/6/2013, 29/10/2013, 17/4/2014, 1/9/2014 and 13/10/2014 vide which it was requested to issue combined seniority lists (Gradation List) of Inspector Posts cadre from the year 1998 onwards. 

       I would like to further bring to your kind notice that Directorate vide memo No. 9-09/2011-SPG dated 21/2/2014 has released seniority list of Inspector Posts cadre for the years 1998 and 1999 and thereafter vide memo No. 9-09/2011-SPG dated 18/12/2014 has issued only seniority list of Inspector Posts cadre for the year 2000. During the course of informal meetings with Hon’ble Secretary (Posts) and Member (P) it was told that pending seniority lists of Inspector Posts cadres will be issued in phase manner, but I am sorry to point out that since last 8 to 9 years seniority lists for the years 1998, 1999 and 2000 only were issued.

      This Association shall be grateful if your kind honour could look into the matter personally and arrange for issue of Combined All India Seniority List of Inspector of Posts from the year 2001 onwards as discussed in phase manner and make it available in the website of the India Post so that our members may aware of their seniority position in the All India Seniority List and point out irregularity if any.

      An early action is requested. 
           Yours sincerely,

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary

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