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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Message for IPs/ASPs of Odisha Circle

The time-schedule for preparation / completion of APARs has been prescribed in Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM dated 23-7-2009 which is as below:-

Sl. No.
Date by which to be completed
Submission of self-appraisal to Reporting Officer by officer to be reported upon
15th April
Submission of report by Reporting Officer to Reviewing Officer
30th June
Report to be completed by Reviewing Officer and to be sent to Administration or CR Section
31st July
Disclosure to the officer reported upon
1st September
Receipt of representation, if any, on APAR
15 days from the date of receipt of communication
Forwarding of representation to the Competent Authority
21st September
Disposal of representation by the Competent Authority
Within one month from date of receipt of representation
Communication of the decision of the Competent Authority on the representation
15th November
End of entire APAR process , after which the APAR will be finally taken on record
30th November

It is experienced that in many instances the Reporting Officers and Reviewing Officers are not strictly adhering to the time line to complete the APARs and in some cases it is not being disclosed to the officer reported upon. This is resulting in delay for holding DPC for promotion and screening committee for MACP cases.

In the four monthly meeting held today the 28th October, 2014, the Circle Secretary urged for kind intervention of the Circle Administration in the matter and suggested to put a system in Staff section of Circle Office in place for monitoring on adherence of Time-schedule for preparation / completion / disclosure of APARs. The same has been agreed by the Circle Administration.

Each IP/ASP of Odisha Circle is requested to verify if the APAR for the year 2013-14 is disclosed to him. If the same has not been disclosed to any IP/ASP, he is requested to share the information with the Circle Secretary through email to / / for taking up the matter with the Circle / Regional Administration as the case may be.   

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