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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Your computer may be killing you!

In this technological era, computers are everywhere. Everyone is always glued to a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Work seems to have become impossible without a computer. Hence, working at a computer for the whole day is not a rare sight. Hunched over, fingers tapping away, digital words skimming through the screens...our computing, internet-oriented lives are always switched on. But is this good for health? Health risks involve blurred vision, back problems, neck aches and so on. Today, we give you a brief overview of how computers can damage your health.

Eye disease

Your eyes are the first to get affected by prolonged computer usage.

Our eyes get strained when we stare at computer screens for extended periods of time; especially when we refuse to take breaks in between long stints in front of the screen. Common outcomes are dry eyes and glaucoma.


When we sit for long duration without taking breaks, there is a large tendency to develop various skeletal, wrist or elbow disorders along with severe tendon inflammation.

Blood clot

Too much computer usage can prove to be dangerous to your life as well.

If you sit at your desk for long duration, without any movement, you can develop blood clots in your legs. This, when unchecked can travel to your heart and cause deadly blockages.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Due to repetitive movement at the wrist, and prolonged usage of computer keyboards, your arms and wrists can become inflamed, resulting in the carpal tunnel syndrome. This leads to severe pain.

The symptoms are numbness or a tingling feeling in the affected hand.

Dire posture

Enemy number one due to over exposure to computers is bad posture. Check yourself in the morning and later once after your work is done with the computer.

You will see that you spend most of your time hunched over in an uncomfortable position that can result in neck, back and shoulder problems.


Sitting in one position for more than 8 hours a day, will cause circulatory problems in your body especially your legs, which may later lead to DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis).


Poor sitting posture and keyboard-monitor position, can lead to discomfort of the neck and back, which can lead to chronic aches and pains in the neck and back area.

Damaged hands

Constant typing and fiddling with the mouse, can hurt your hand and wrist very badly. The damage can be numbness, stiffness etc.


Apart from the normal physical health problems, long hours of computer work can add to stress-related mental problems as well.

When your PC stops working in the middle of a seemingly urgent task, or when you don't see that much awaiting email reply, you may experience frustration, anger and despair, which ultimately leads to stress.

Later, this stress starts building up on other heart and mental problems.

Source:-The Times of India

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